Harry Potter movies Club
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posted by liissaaxx
Professor Lupin: What would you say is the thing that frightens you most in the world?

Professor Lupin: Didn’t catch that, Neville, sorry.

Neville: Professor Snape

Harry: I knew I could do it this time, because I'd already done it. Does that make sense?

Harry: Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs offer their compliments to professor Snape...

Snape: Go on.

Harry: And request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.

Ron: Let me get this straight, Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you?

Harry: Yeah.

Hermione: But they'll catch Black, won't they? I...
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posted by chickensrule55
I watched the harry potter HBP movie at the midnight showing yesterday because I love the books and I'm a huge nerd. I think that this movie was the funniest one yet and the one with the most romantic turmoil which gave a nice subplot to the story (just like in the 6th book)

I don't understand WHY they burned the Weasley house...that was totally random. I also don't get why they didn't include the battle of hogwarts, it's not going to be anti climatic with the seventh movie's ending...it wasn't in the books so get over yourself. I'm also a little confused as to Fluer and Bill. Are they going...
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posted by liissaaxx
Hagrid: You're the boy who lived.

Hagrid: Who told you 'bout Fluffy?

Ron: Fluffy?

Hermione: That thing has a name?

Dumbledore: It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.

Ron: It's spooky! She knows more about you than you do!

Harry: Who doesn't?

Mr. Ollivander: We do not speak his name! The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible! Yes. But great.

Hermione: Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you can come...
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The cast of the Harry Potter films – including Daniel Radcliffe – were always generous in helping our organization grant wishes to young fans and in celebration of today’s new release, we would like to tell you about them.

In 2004 Kids Wish Network granted the wish of Alexandra, a Harry Potter fan suffering from spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when a portion of the spinal column fails to develop and close properly, and hydrocephalus is a condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid builds up in the skull. She has endured many surgeries and relies...
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posted by liissaaxx
Tom Riddle:
Voldemort.. is my past, present and future...

Tom Riddle: Haven't I already told you that killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me any more? For many months now, my new target has been -- you."

Hermione: Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.

Harry: Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom.

Moaning Myrtle: Oh, Harry? If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet.

Tom Marvolo Riddle:Funny, the damage a silly little book can do, especially in the hands of a silly little girl.

Arthur Weasley: Now, Harry you...
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I've seen the HP films more times than I can count but there are still some things that are hard to notice until you're like, "bajillianth" time watching the movies. I had an HP movie marathon recently, and I was so surprised by all the things I'd missed. Here are some that I noticed. (By the way, I didn't notice all of these--I don't think anyone could notice all this just by themselves--I only noticed some of them, and afterwards my friends told me some things they noticed, to help with this article)

Philospher's/Sorcerer's Stone:
1) Harry is wearing the sweater Mrs. Weasley made for him in...
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