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Ok, So these are similar to Chair Tales, but maybe shorter....
You'll have to rewind your mind right to the beginning....so this is set around season 1, but some things you will find are different, one example, Blair and Nate have never dated. So at the moment the "GG Gang" are all good friends. Chuck and Nate are best friends, Blair and Serena are best friends, Serena is good friends with Chuck and Nate. Chuck and Blair have their typical early Season 1 "Poison Ivy" kind of relationship. Nate and Blair are also friends.

PART ONE - A Mid Summers Night Visit

Gossip Girl: # Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Welcome to the Upper East Side....it's a brand new day and im looking for a brand new scandal...any gossip boys and girls? Keep your phones in hand and your eyes on alert, im sure the new year will bring a new saga. You know You Love Me xoxo Gossip Girl

Blair is at home, it's midnight, someone is knocking on her window, so she gets out of bed to check it out...
Its Chuck! She Opens the window.

B: What the hell are you doing here!
C: I was passing by...
B: Really?
C: Yes, really....wanna come out to play? ...or i could come inside...?
B: In your dreams!
C: Fine i'll go elsewhere...if thats what you want...?

Blair stays silent.

Chuck climbs down and leaves Blair to wonder what would have happened if she'd let him in...

The next day at school.
Serena sits with Blair
Blair tells Serena about chucks night visit.

S: OMG! what was he playing at!?
B: I have no idea! ...anyway i'm only interested in one person right now....!
S: Yeh i know! hows it going with that anyway....?
B: No where! Nate has no idea that i like him!
S: Well maybe you should just tell him straight up you know?
B: No way! i've dropped so many hints....im just waiting for him to make a move!
S: Well maybe you should get Chuck to put in a good word, they are best friends after all.
B: Are you kidding? Chuck already knows i'm into Nate, and he would love the opportunity to mess things up!
S: Well maybe he's just jealous....?
B: Whatever...

Chuck and Nate approach the girls.

N: Hey ladies....hows it going?
S: Great....
N: Whats the latest?
S: Nothing...we were just talking girl stuff...Blair was...just...showing me her earrings (she touches Blair's earrings) doesn't she look amazing in them Nate?
N: Ye sure...
C: Tantalising....(he lifts up a strand of Blair's hair and sniffs it)
B: Ughhh...your repulsive Chuck.
C: I love it when you say my name...
B: Ugghh (she gives him a dirty look) Dont you have anyone else you can hoodwink?
C: Well no one would quite enjoy it as much as you do darling.
B: S! Get him away from me!
Nate and Serena laugh.
N: Comon Chuck leave her alone. (Blair smiles and gets happy at Nate defending her)
They walk off.
C: Catch you later hot stuff....and you Serena loving the legs...
Serena gives him a dirty look. He turns away as they walk off.

S: Hey! Dont you think your flirting with the wrong guy...i thought you were into Nate...not that charlatan, he's illicit!
B: Obnoxious would be a better word! And no way i was not flirting! he was the one being vile...but did you see how Nate defended me!
S: No when!?
B: What do you mean when...you didnt notice?!!!.......he told Chuck to leave me alone!!! How kind of him!
S: Oh...

They continue to talk.

A few days later.

Blair's bedroom. She is sleeping when she hears a knock at her window.
She gets angry because she has a feeling she knows who it is!
She goes to the window and opens it...it's Chuck!

B: Bloody hell Chuck what do you want!!!
C: What do you think?
B: Uggghhh (she attempts to close her window but he stops her)
C: Wait....i...i need to talk to you.
B: Im not interested....you have all day at school tomorrow to do my head in...let me sleep!
C: But it's....kinda important.
B: And it cant wait until tomorrow?
C: You're never alone...and its personal.
B: (is shocked that Chuck Bass wants to discuss something personal with her) Omg...you've got an STD?
C: No! And if i did why would i tell you that...!
Blair shrugs her shoulders.
C: So are you going to let me in or what.
She concedes and lets him in.
B: Damn...now im going to have to disinfect my room....and no one is to know about this ok!
C: (angrily says) Dont worry i wouldn't want to harm your perfect reputation.
B: So shoot....what do you want to tell me...and hurry i want you out asap!
C: (becomes agitated) Well....ummm...this isn't easy for me to do ok...it's actually a favour that i need...
B: A favour? From me?
C: Trust me, this is a last resort.
B: What is it?
C: ok...so this is definitely out of the ordinary and i wouldn't ask anyone to do this unless it was absolutely necessary.
B: Just spit it out Bass....i dont have all night.
C: I have a family wedding coming up in New Haven. Everyone in the country who has any relation to my father will be in attendance. So, obviously it is of utmost importance for me to attend...and to be on my best behaviour.
B: You want me to teach you manners?
C: (Gives a sarcastic grin) My family have certain....expectations.....they look down on...
B: Failures?
C: Thus, i will have to make a good impression...i dont usually care about what people think......but this is different. And for my father...well if i dont meet these certain expectations I would fall further down the pecking order.
B: And where do I come into this?
C: You are one of the very few girls....in fact the only girl, whom a father would enjoy the company of.
B: Elaborate...(she looks intrigued)
C: I need to go to this wedding with someone....with a girl.....a girl who can string a sentence together.
B: (laughs) Oh...wait...you want me accompany you to this wedding!!!
C: Calm down ok...believe me...if i had a choice i wouldn't be here!
B: (still lightly laughing) Chuck Bass....you know a million girls.....surely one of them could do your dirty work for you....me? I have a reputation to uphold!
C: And it is precisely that reputation which has brought me here. The wedding is a weekend stay in New Haven. We will go there with my father and stay at a hotel with all the other people at the wedding...my family and my fathers closest friends. We will be socialising with them...they will expect me to have a date who is decent, modest and more importantly intelligent.
B: Well take Nelly Yuki....there is no way im going with you!
C: Oh, she has to be beautiful too.
B: (slightly flattered with that compliment) Don't think you can coax me.
C: A free weekend break...posh hotel, beautiful beaches, the finest cuisine in the country...come on....surely something must stand out as a good offer. Ill even take you on a tour of Yale.
B: (short pause as she thinks) Yale........stands out..........but i want something in return....
C: Anything...we'll be sharing a hotel room so it wont be difficult for me to return the favour...(grins)
B: Uggghh! You're vile!
C: So you'll come?
B: I'll come.....but like i said you have to do something for me in return...
C: Name it.
B: Nate.
C: What about him?
B: If i come to this wedding with you...as soon as we get back....you will arrange for Nate to ask me out. Without making it look engineered.
C: Fine. But I warn you, that may be difficult.
B: Why!?
C: Well I already know what he thinks of you.
B: Omg! What! He's said stuff about me.
C: I just know his opinion of you.
B: And what is it?
C: What you dont know cant hurt you.
B: And since when do you care about not hurting me! Tell me what he thinks of me!
C: (ponders) He prefers blondes.
B: Thats a lie...your just making it up to cover up what he really thinks of me. Please tell me! You owe me that much!
C: Fine...but you wont like it.... (short pause) he thinks you have issues. That you're too high maintenance....insecure....immature....bitchy....obsessive....self centred.....tedious....dim......do you want me to carry on...?
B: (clearly insulted, looks away) I dont believe you....he would never think that.....he doesn't even know me....and im not any of those things!
C: I know....if you were i wouldn't be here asking you for this favour, although you can be a tad bit bitchy...but that's something we share in common. (he grins)
B: I like him.....and i know that if he gets to know me he'l like me too. So you will do as i said.
C: Fine...it's a deal. (He walks around her room, touching some of her things, he finds a thong lying on her chair and picks it up whilst giving her a "Chuck Bass" look) Interesting....
B: (she runs to him and snatches her underwear, whacking him on the arm) Grose! Get your hands off my things!
C: Take a chill pill...has a guy never touched your lingerie before...
B: (looks to the floor) You need to go.
C: Woah....wait....you...haven't? im stunned! You're best friends with Serena Van Der Woodsen...did she not teach you how to get a man!!?
B: You're leaving (pushes him towards the window)
C: I always suspected Blair Waldorf was untouched...im impressed...although i assumed you were a bit of a bad girl.....so in that sense quite disappointed....i was looking forward to some hanky panky...(grins) looks like i have to settle for some innocent foreplay...? What do you say? (he strokes her face)
B: Ugghh! Get away from me Bass! I wouldn't touch you to save my life!
C: I hope your not saving yourself for Archibald....he'll be disappointed at....your lack of experience...
B: Thats none of your business. Now get out (she opens the window and pushes him towards it)
C: Let me ask you something....how do you withstand the temptation...? Surely you must get that feeling sometimes....the bursts of pleasure....(whispers) dont you ever get horny (he puts his arm around her waist, seductively looks at her)
B: (pushes him off as he laughs) Dont blow your chances Bass....do you still want me to come to this wedding!
C: Dont threaten me Blair....i was just playing with you.
B: I dont like games...so just leave ok.
C: I'll be in touch with the details (of the wedding). (climbs out of the window)
Blair watches him climb down from her balcony, once he reaches the ground he looks up at her, sees she is watching so blows her a kiss. She gives him a disgusted look and closes her window as he grins and walks away.

Gossip Girl: # Queen B, Looks like you've just made a deal with the devil.....careful B you may end up regretting this. You're lucky no one saw Romeo climbing down from you're window...Oooops wait Gossip Girl see's everything! Well, almost everything...xoxo Gossip Girl #
Looking for a favour Bass?
Looking for a favour Bass?
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