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Okay so this time I really dont have much to say...lol! De only thing I can think of is de usual: I hope you enjoy here goes nothing...

The rejection was hurting her. Eating away at her insides. She was still crying, she never knew she liked Chuck that much. She wanted to get a way to show him and everyone else how she was NOT Little J anymore. She wasnt a Blair minion she wasnt someone with no mind of her own. She slapped herself for even thinking he would love her back. Everyone knows he loves Blair. Maybe it was a hidden jealousy? It must have been, she cant possibly like Chuck Bass. Jenny + Chuck? Whoa. She sat on her bed in her trashy old Brooklyn apartment and texted Eric. She needed someone to talk to. She was just hoping Chuck didnt think of her as some little weird girl with a crush. But what he really thought was way way worse.
How could he tell her this? He didnt want to lose her. It hurt him to even think about not having Blair in his life. They hadnt even been dating dating that long. Of course all the pityful cat and mouse games awhile ago but that was over and done with. They were exclusive. It was Chuck and Blair as one. Not as two. Blair loved him, he loved her (to his surprise the words "I love you" slid out easier and easier lately). But he knows her crazy mood swings when it comes to things like this. He was bracing himself, waiting for it. He hoped Jenny wasnt trying anything stupid and telling people. What if she already knew? Should he have told her on the phone? He was desperatly asking questions in his mind. Searching for the right answers. The streets, parkways, and drives past and past and finally the one that mattered appeared. The car came to a complete stop as the driver got out the car and opened Chuck's door. He sat there frozen. Paralyzed.
-Be a man! You are Chuck Bass. Chuck Bass is you. he thought to himself as he walked towards the double doors to the lobby. In the elevator he recalled all the moments he had come up the same elevator. The day he had come over Blair's after the practice for the Debutante was over (when Nate asked her to be his date.)the day Blair told him they were officially done, the day he caught Blair and Carter together, and alot of recent memories of them passionatly kissing and stopping as they heard the ding of the doors open. His heart was pounding. Would she take it out on him? Or Jenny? Hopefully Jenny, because he couldnt afford to have it be him.

"Hey." he heard her beautiful voice say. She was sitting on the lounge chair, looking like she had stolen the scene from a painting. It was perfect, she was perfect.

"So what did you have to tell me?" she asked. Putting her glass of wine down. She was drinking wine now. It was one of her new sophisticated things before college.

"Uh, I dont know how to say this." he started coming closer to her. She got out of the seat and met him in the middle of the room.

"What is it, Chuck? Come on it's me. You can tell me anything." she said certaintly. She smiled. His heart skipped about ten beats.

"Look, at the party, I was standing around and all of a sudden I see Jenny, Jenny Humphrey," his start was okay. Atleast so far it seems pretty innocent.

"And?" she said lightly touching his face. He shivered.

"And she called me over so I just went thinking it was nothing. And the second I got in there," he said with unease.

"What? What happened, Chuck?" Blair asked. Her voice with a bit of an edge.

"She kissed me." Chuck blurted out. Blair winced.

"She what?" Blair turned around, her back to him. She looked like she was fighting back tears.

"I pushed her off and told her she was crazy for ever thinking I liked her. I told her I had a girlfriend and everything. She was kind of broken up about it, but I left. I'm sorry." he said quickly.

"What are you sorry for?" she asked.

"Well, I-I," he stuttered. She let out a laugh.

"You didnt kiss her am I correct?" she said.

"No, Blair are you kidding? She's like what twelve?" he said. Blair laughed.

"You expect me to get some sort of, revenge, correct?" she quizzed. He didnt know how to answer. It sounded like a trick question.

"Only if you want to." was all he could think of.

"I am an adult now, I will handle this the adult way." she said sounding sophisticated.

He smiled. "Oh I am so proud." he kissed her softly. Then she said the three words, eight letters that always sound so damn sweet.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"She kissed him Serena! That ten year old slut thinks she can mess with me? She's crossed me how many times now? And after I tried to help her! I practically handed that crown to her, as a matter-of-fact, I did give her her queendom. And I can take it away, just as fast." Blair spat.

"Blair, calm down! Maybe you could just think this through before you do anything drastic!" Serena said.

They were at a cute little Boutique/Deli they had officially made their new lunch spot.

"No, Serena! I am not being to drastic. I am being realistic. Actually, if you would excuse me, I have a phone call to make." Blair said and then quickly got up from her seat.

"B, think this through! Like you told Chuck, you are an adult now. No need to act like a child." Serena said. Blair snapped her phone shut at that.

"You're right. I have to be more ladylike. I know," she said.

"Oh no. What is it now?" Serena said nervously.

"No it's nothing bad. I'm just going to confront her. That's the best approach right?" she said. Serena nodded.

Jenny had cooked up the perfect plan. She would tell everyone she was traumatized. That Chuck had came onto her. She would act glum and miserable and only when someone asked would she say what he did. She had been thinking so much about it it seemed like he really did do it to her instead of the other way around.

She was home alone trying to finish a dress she was making when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." She said innoncently.

"Oh, dont act so innocent." she heard Blair's voice ring through the whole apartment.

"Oh hey B." she was hoping Blair didnt know what happened between her and Chuck. She really didnt need that drama again.

"Only my friends can call me B." she said walking towards where Jenny was sitting.

"You kissed my boyfriend, Jenny Humphrey." Blair said seriously.

"What? You mean Chuck?" she said.

"Who else?"

"You guys are finally making it work? Congrats." she said, it hurt her bad to say it but she really didnt need a cat fight in her living room right now.

"Dont do that." Blair said.

"Do what?" Jenny said back.

"Act like it didnt happen. Act like you didnt almost screw him. Before he stopped you I mean." she said. This was the perfect time to scheme. She would tell Blair that Chuck came onto her and she pushed him off. It was more sensible really. The womanizer. And he's already done it once. Just she didnt like it then. Then Blair would leave Chuck and Chuck would ask Jenny why she said that and she would apologize and then he would touch her hair-

"Hello?" Blair said.

"Oh right. Yeah you have the wrong info, B." Jenny said.

"Once again, dont call me B. And what the hell are you talking about? Dont lie. Chuck told me everything." she said sounding almost vulnerable.

"I was in the bathroom and the wind blew the door open he came in and started telling me all this stuff about how his girlfriend isnt pleasing him." Jenny said. Still trying to focus on the dress, avoiding Blair's lightning bolt stare. And the whole girlfriend isnt pleasing him. Oh that was just for Jenny's entertainment.

"You're lieing. He said you called him over." she was starting to get nervous. Blair Waldorf. Nervous. Wow. Theres something you dont see everyday.

"Yeah Chuck doesnt interest me. But I chose to put it all behind me. You can have him if you want." Jenny said.


"Blair, calm down. Look, that's not what I meant. I mean he's just not my type." she was lieing straight through her teeth. Blair walked to the door.

"Dont act like I cant see what you're doing. I am the Queen of Caniving, Manipulation, and Scheming! Dont try and play me. I believe Chuck. And nothing is going to change that." Blair said walking out the door and slamming it so hard the hinges almost broke.

"Bye, B." was all Jenny said as she knitted the last seam.
Okay I must admit Jenny is getting a little whacko so that will tame down in the next part. But I really hope you liked it. I was trying to bring out the nerves in this part. So Please, Please comment. I never fail to return the favor! Next part coming soon! Thank you all so much!
added by Kirsty
Source: SpoilerTV
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com
added by Shandiii
Source: blairandchuck.com