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A/N: Ok, I don’t know how it happened…but I found time on my hands, and so am continuing on with my lovely little list of stories to write (that I’ve enacted, obviously ;p). First of all, I just saw the 2x25 promo—HOLY CRAP. Oh and I bet he won’t even say it when they show in the promo *rolls eyes* ridiculous. We’re going to have to go through ANOTHER heartbreaking CB angst scene before we get all the love and fluff. *huffs* No wonder Blair’s reluctant to just take him on his word, before the ‘I love you’. I would be too! I mean, talk about pain and rejection—it hurts!!!! *dies* *clears throat* Anyways…
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. If I did…we wouldn’t have had to wait ALL season for those three little words. *sighs* honestly….
*BTW, I’m sorry it took so long to update this little ‘story’ or whatever you want to call it…but since it is just previews for my future stories, I’m sure you’ll live.
Idea 8 (Summer of Silence)—This preview focuses on Chuck’s Blairless summer taking place just before Season 2. I may decide to make it AU and make it more CB focused when I actually write the whole story, or I may follow along with the actual timeline. It all depends. Enjoy! ;p
    “So, Serena told me you reconsidered on Tuscany with Blair.”
    Chuck turned away from his inquiring blonde friend, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. He was hoping that topic wouldn’t come up and they could all just enjoy summer as they had always done before, only this time Blair would be in France with her father. He could forget about her during these months, and if necessary, drown himself in an excess of women and booze to force the erasing of that beautiful brunette.
    He smirked. “Was there screaming and a gesture of arm-waving in the process?” Chuck asked.
    Nate laughed, but only briefly and in a very soft tone. “Perhaps,” he said.
    Awkward silence.
    “What happened, man?” the blonde boy seemed to be begging for some sort of genuine sensitivity out of the aforementioned womanizer. “At your father’s wedding, you told me you were in love with her.”
    He had stopped, and there was no point in Chuck moving on forwards. They were at their house in the Hamptons anyhow, and he would’ve had to turn at the end of the yard at some point and confront those pleading blue eyes.
    He sighed. “I said I fell in love with her,” he began, forcing himself to meet the baby blues head on. “Past tense.” The bad boy started walking again, refocusing his gaze to the high-grown bushes ahead of him.
    Nate scoffed. “So, that’s it? You’re just…done?” He was in disbelief. Even when he himself seemed to have fallen out of love with the feisty vixen, he never would have broken away in such a hurry, without even trying to fix things.
    Chuck realized his best friend had not started walking again, and with a deflated sigh he halted his steps again and turned towards the confusion that kept talking. “That’s it,” he said.
    Nate’s eyebrows furrowed and Chuck desperately wished his best friend could just read between the lines sometimes. It would make being vulnerable a hell of a lot easier.
    “Nathaniel,” he said, walking back towards him, “I am not a boyfriend. I’m a…” he gestured with his hands, sparing a few glances.
    “Womanizer,” Serena barked from the porch, nearly twenty feet away.
    Chuck could sense the blonde boy tensing at the shrill in her voice. He cast him a sidelong glance and mouthed ‘run’, but the boy did not seem to catch on and by the time the blonde wench reached them she had slapped the very sanity out of him, so as to force his disappearance from the backyard.
    “Don’t say I didn’t warn you…” Chuck muttered under his breath.
    “And you!” she began, throwing yells in his direction, all of which he ignored. He had ignored them when she cast them at Nate as well, only really noticing when a slap of her hand echoed across the confused boy’s face. It was true—Nate really had nothing to do with the complication that was Chuck and Blair, but it was summer. It was hot. She was cramping up badly, cursing her time of the month. Both Nate and Chuck had dumped Blair within the last couple weeks, regardless if one was done in a more gentlemanly manner, and because of Georgina, and her own untrustworthiness, she too had been dumped by her own first love.
    She was still yelling. He knew this, because when he removed his hands from his pockets five minutes after the crazy blonde ran up to him, her mouth was still moving.
    “Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?!” she screeched. He glanced to her eyes for a moment, and then past her to the pool.
    “Excuse me,” he said, walking around her in the direction of the house. She turned a moment or so later and stood gaping at him. A moment or so later, though, she just huffed in frustration and stalked off.
    He smirked.
    “Is it safe?” he heard Nate whisper from behind one of the couches, once he had reached the indoors.
    He chuckled. “Yes, of course it’s safe,” he said, throwing a pillow at him at random.
    “Hey!” he said, slightly in shock when his blonde bangs flew to the opposite side of his face and the cushioned mass bounced off of him onto the floor.
    Chuck exited the living room and found himself by the bar, pouring a glass of scotch and emptying the container into his dry mouth. Nate had straightened out his bangs and readjusted the pillow on the couch. He followed the sound of annoyed sighs post drinking scotch from the adjoining room, and walked to see his best friend planted on a stool.
    The boy gestured to the empty glass and scotch beside it, but Nate declined, putting away the liquor before Bass boy became too fond of it. Chuck shrugged in a way that said in so many ways ‘your loss’. Nate sighed and shook his head, pulling a stool up beside him.
    Chuck’s glass was empty now and pursed his lips in the limitations his friend seemed to be giving him.
    “So, about Blair…” Nate began again.
    The brunette’s eyes seemed to reach the Heavens as he lay his glass down somewhat too softly. “I’m not going to live this one down, am I Archibald?” he asked, turning to him.
    Nate said nothing.
    He sighed.
    “My dad…reminded me…of what I’d be losing if I…”
    “…started dating Blair?” he finished.
    Chuck only nodded. “More or less,” he said, tipping the glass to his mouth for the hope of a few final droplets.
    Nate folded his arms across his chest and turned his back, leaning against the bar. “You would be losing a lot, Chuck.”
    Chuck turned to him, interest piqued.
    “You’d be losing all the women, possibly all the alcohol,” he gestured to the empty glass in Chuck’s hand. “You might actually have some limitations,” he half-mocked to his best friend, punching him lightly in the shoulder.
    “Hey!” he retorted, “Don’t make it sound stupid! That stuff is all I am!” his eyes became intense.
    Nate held back a snicker. He grew silent when Chuck’s watery eyes numbed him. He truly believed this. And there was so much within the golden boy at that moment that he wanted to shout at Chuck. He wanted to show him how much more he’d be losing if he didn’t go after Blair. That there was so much more, and maybe it wasn’t a side he cared to uncover for fear of hurting his pride, but that she would help him through it. There was a connection between the two of them, and try as his best friend or step-sister might…they would never really understand him in the way Blair could. If Chuck didn’t go after her soon enough though…it would all become manipulation and games and he would have to claw at the edge of the cliff to climb back up.
    “…Chuck?” he asked in confusion.
    The brown-haired mass slipped off his stool and abruptly left the room, leaving Nate sitting on his own stool in silence. He had mumbled ‘forget I said anything’ or ‘that’s not what I meant’ or something of that nature as he left the room. He didn’t know what exactly had been said, but he knew no more of this ChuckBlair issue would be solved today.
    He moved into the room by the back door leading in from the backyard. He figured Chuck had gone upstairs to his designated guest room, and Nate followed suit not more than a second later.
    Serena had returned.
A/N: Please R & R!!! Let me know what you think! ;p
added by Kirsty
Source: spoilertv
added by waldorf
Source: the cw
added by Marta1717
added by laley_lover
added by gossipchic13
A/N: i hope you enjoy this one. if you're liking these you can always go on the CB fan site and read my other chuck and blair articals. the first one called chuck and blair episode 1 - unexpected. as usual please review. leave any comment you like. i love to know how i can improve.

chuck's limo arrived outside blair apartment and nate and chuck made their way inside. up the lift to the waldorfs apartment they stepped out after the doors dinged and opened. they walked in and chuck looked around...
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posted by melikhan
Season 2

According to Gossip Girl, over the summer Dan went from "Lonely Boy to Playboy". Dan occupied himself by having continuous dates throughout the summer, with Serena still on his mind. Due to Dan's emotional complications, he is unable to complete an essay he was to submit. This ultimately results in his being fired due to his lack of commitment. Upon being fired from his summer job, he heads to the Hamptons upon realizing that he has been missing Serena. He hopes that by seeing Serena he will realize that they made the right decision, and he can move on.

He arrives in the Hamptons, at...
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What color hair do you have?

Bergdorf Brunette

Dear Bergdorf Brunette,
I think this is a trick question. By revealing my hair color I would be revealing one of my features. I plead the fifth on this one.

xo xo,
Gossip Girl.

Dear Gossip Girl,
I am so embarrassed. Like I want to hide under my sheets for the rest of my life and never come out until graduation in four years. I did this dumb thing at a party and now I’m afraid the entire world knows about it. How can I make everyone forget about it as well as show my face again?

Mortified Mary

Dear Mortified Mary,
People will forgive but they will never forget. Trust me. If you want to be part of this world people will talk. You just need to learn to accept it. If you can’t play with the sharks then get out of the water. You need to stand tall with your head high and face the UES. For better or worse.
001. Because forbidden love gives us drama and we love that.

002. Because she’s back and he wants her.

003. Because you’ll never forget your first.

004. Because she is the girl of his dreams.

005. Because he left his half-naked girlfriend in the room when he heard her name.

006. Because Blake/Chace have “great on-screen chemistry”.

007. Because their love is bitter sweet.

008. Because they look perfect together.

009. Because, “the best friend and the boyfriend” belong together.

010. Because, simply: they heat up our screens.

011. Because he just couldn’t stay away.

012. Because he accepts...
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We can see all our heroes from Gossip Girl in three seasons.
Blake Lively and Penn Badgley have problems with their relationsheep beacuse paparazzi saw Blake with Chace Crawford in tender poses; alse Blake recognize that she still talk with her ex, the actor Kelly Blatz. We hope that their relationsheep will be fine:).
Taylor Momsen is upset by Leighton Meester because two of Leighton's songs will apear on the show's soundtrak. During breaks Tay and Leigh are not taliking to each other.
Leighton Meester has also problems with tabloids beacuse she and her boyfriend, Sebastian Stan(romanian guy),...
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Secrets eat those who consume it themselves.
'The Lost Boy' was all about secrets being revealed despite the consequences.

Sometimes only when you get closer to the boiling pot you realize how hot it is and that's exactly what Scott found out when he got too close to the fire with a failed attempt in revealing his true identity to his biological father. It was actually a huge let down watching Scott get cold feet after all the lies he spun to reach there. It was even worse when he dropped that huge bomb on Vanessa, asking her to keep his secret safe. We all know what happens then, seeing as Georgina...
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Brittany Snow as 'Lily Rhodes'
Brittany Snow as 'Lily Rhodes'
"So did you like this Valley Girls prequel?"

I am sure interested in what Lily's life was, it somewhat mirrors Serena's life now. How was Brittany Snow as Lily Rhodes? Did you think she looked like Lily. The transitions between Lily Rhodes and Lily van der Woodsen were well done, as I found myself comparing both individuals and they were somewhat the same. I know they are the same person, but think about it, has Lily van der Woodsen ever really grown up? There is still a hint of Lily Rhodes in there, mixed with a bit of her mother's (Cece) cliche moments.


Telling Serena 'Mother Knows Best'...
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Summary: Blair Waldorf is a young, beautiful, 18 year old, dark haired girl who was raised in California by her New Yorker parents. As a little girl she used to visit her grandparents in the Upper East Side, and she remembered having friends there. Now she graduated from high school and went to college, Yale, only to find there people who she no longer remembered existed. What will happen?

Chapter 1: Yale Material

It was a long night for Blair Waldorf; she unpacked, tried to put it all into her smallish new wardrobe and then decided she had to go shopping because the 37 designer dresses she had...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey guys. So here's chapter seven and the return of Serena. =D So I hope you're all happy about that. This chapter is mainly a Blair and Serena chapter but I'm gonna throw Chuck and Nate in there too so hopefully you'll all be happy with that. I'm so proud of myself for this I wrote it all in only two hours. I decided to take some time off from my revising for a few hours after all it was only science and who needs that right! =D Not really I would like to pass it but it's not one of my main priorities! =D Anyway I hope you all like this chapter. Thank you for...
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Avoiding each other...
Avoiding each other...
Chair Tales S02E03 - Dawn of the Dad

Its been a week since Chuck and Blair's recent fall out and things have been a bit cold between them. Blair is going on a weekend trip with the D.A.Y to New York as this is where the original West Side Story was set. Meanwhile and coincidently, Bart is visiting Chuck in New Haven whilst Blair will be away.
Blair has told Chuck about the trip but he seemed uninterested, his response was minimal and in her opinion he wasn't very bothered.
Blair is just glad that she can have a weekend break and can go back to New York, maybe even visit her mother, which she hasn't...
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Grown up...?
Grown up...?
This is Season 2 of Chair Tales.
Catch up: Blair, Serena and Dan are at Yale University and it is set in their final year at Yale. Nate is not around as he is travelling the world. Blair's mother is still living in their house in Manhattan. Lily still lives in Manhattan. Eric and Jenny both attend other Universities. Rufus has moved out of Brooklyn to Jersey City.
Due to the fact that they have all moved away from the Upper East Side, unfortunately there will be no Gossip Girl Blasts anymore, in fact Gossip Girl isn't around any more so this season is based on their futures after High school...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Okay, This is my new fan fiction. I hope you all like it, I know it's a bit crap... Okay a lot crap, but I've had a crappy week. Ugh! God do I hate school!! And I've been ill, so don't let first impressions put you off, please! So to sum up Everything that's happened in the show has happened in this fan fiction, nothing is different. It begins eight years after everyone left for their collages. The main characters are Blair, Chuck, Nate, Serena and Dan. Vanessa and Jenny might pop up for time to time but they wont be that important. And a few new characters will...
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-So i have read alot of fanfics about what if blair was really pregnant (season one, ep.13), and i loved all of them, but it's always chuck's baby... so here's a different look at it...blair doesn't really know who the father is! Hope you enjoy it!!!
-I own nothing!

* Blair is at home, she's getting really annoyed because she hates morning sickness...

B: Oh God... not again (runs to her bathroom)! I thought babies made you eat more, not throw up!

-she comes down for breakfast and is surprised her mother is back..

E: Is everything alright blair?
B: Mom, your back!! Yes, everything is...
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What is your game Miss G?
What is your game Miss G?

Episode 22: Made in Manhattan

GG: Yawn. That's what we hear is coming from the mouth of Chuck Bass, up all night...but not in a good way, stuck with N, wallowing in his latest break up from V, Oh well she wasn't the first and unless there's a holocaust of all females she certainly wont be the last.

(At the Palace.)

In Chuck's suite.
Nate is walking around holding a whiskey, he has been drinking all night.
Chuck is sitting on the couch looking very bored and isn't really listening.

N: You know It was just one mistake (drinks) And it's not like it matters anyway...
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Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
PART TWO- The Taming of the Shrewd

Gossip Girl: # Gossip Girl has photographic evidence of someone climbing down from Queen B's window last night...! Unfortunately our tip off came from an inexperienced photo taker! All we see is a black blur but im sure it is a male figure! Free blog space on Gossip Girl for anyone who finds out who it was! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Serena and Blair are in school sitting at the steps.

S: Let me guess...Chuck?
B: S! Ssshhh....people can hear you!
S: (whispers) Ok...so it was him?
B: ...Maybe.
S: Come on B...you can tell me.....what did he want?
B: What do you think!
S: Twice...
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