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A/N: Okay, so here is the first chapter for my fluff fic for Elli’s (on fanpop) b-day!!! =DDDD Yay! This was a really hard decision for me to make, honestly. I mean, I really just wanted to stick to my schedule which would’ve just been awesome! And this way I am, but…it’s still a little off-kilter. Lol. I figure though, I can continue on with my other stories if this one is just written quickly after the remaining chapters of ‘So What If I’m Jealous’, which btw only has about 5 chapters left and an epilogue, but I’m counting this last chapter I wrote…because that was essentially the beginning in my mind.

This story is based on the icon, which was shown to me that I just about died laughing at. I’ll put a link for it on my preview, if you’re dying to see it. ;p I realize that the picture used for the icon was a set picture that most likely had Serena in some of them…but in this VERY AU story, Serena is still in Spain. It is a fluff fic that takes place probably a week or so after 2x20 ‘The Remains of J’. The wedding and all the things which were addressed in the 2x21 promos simply do not exist in this story. I am all for being realistic, especially about timelines (in fact I’m very into that type of thing right now), but…it is a crazy fluff fic and I had to fit it into 7 chapters only—except it is actually SIX chapters and then an epilogue. Heh. So it’s definitely not as in detail as I would like it to be, and yeah…since I’m the writer I could extend it, but I think it’ll be pretty awesome as is. =) Basically, any PRE-info that you might need to know, is that CV is DEFINITELY over…and I’ll touch on what all happened there, but basically Vanessa INSANELY regretted sleeping with Chuck, because if she ever returns to her normal self (which she will unless the writers get even stupider overnigiht), she WILL regret it. She’s just heartbroken over Nate. NB are still together and this first chapter is Chuck’s POV. I’m doing something I have never done before and having each chapter be a different POV between Chuck, Blair & Nate and then repeating that once more. The epilogue is a mystery POV. It will not be discovered yet! *gasp* Only one person knows which character reigns the epilogue POV and I hope she will not slip the secret out just yet. XD I started with Chuck’s because I am simply IN LOVE with his POV and it is very hard restraining myself from doing his POV with EVERYTHING I WRITE now…..lol. XD The point of this ridiculous story is essentially about crossing paths with Georgina Sparks again. She’s back and reformed and I probably will write her horribly….but I’m guessing we won’t meet her till 2x22 or so….and I honestly don’t know how she acts reformed. Lol. Plus, I totally hated her for what she did to Serena last season. So, that might be another reason why she doesn’t come across awesome. XD I could probably say so much more to prepare you…but I’ve already almost taken up an entire page just on the author’s note. Lol. XD Not that it’s not important for you to read, because the majority probably is….but, let’s just get on with the story.


Ch.1—Surprise Visitor (Chuck’s POV)

I don’t know how I got here or what inspired me to investigate the Northeastern Christian Camping Grounds…but here I was. Two weeks after screwing Vanessa and losing Blair to Nate…again. I brushed a hand through my overly combed perfectly chocolate locks and realized for the first time that I always do this when I’m stressed out. Oh, every time except for those moments when I’m watching Blair with Nate. Then, I just look on painfully or turn away. Of course this last time Vanessa was there to distract me, and of course I regretted it. I never used to regret sleeping with a woman, but I seem to be doing it more and more lately—the regretting, not the sleeping around. Although I must admit, I have been keeping tabs on that too.

It wasn’t like I lost Blair just then, at blonde Humphrey’s unsweet 16. I lost her the minute I decided to give that asshole Jack Bass (one whom I will never consider truly family again) any second of my time. I should’ve been with Blair that night. I should’ve left right then to have dinner with that beautiful bitch that by right is mine and mine alone. And I’m guessing…if I had, we would be just fine now. I suppose I can’t blame it all on my uncle, though…because….well…

What was I doing here?

It was a beautiful landscape…I had to admit. The rolling hills and crystal clear water left one to imagine a paradise here in the summer time. Nothing like the Hamptons, obviously. But still a nice piece of land to step across. Turning behind me, I saw a small little shack of a building. A cross pressed deeply into the higher levels of the rusty wood. Must be a Chapel of some sort. Woodchips surrounded everywhere and were neatly encased in faded red bricks. A cemented pavement came from the darkened doorway and led to three other buildings, probably for some religious nonsense. I never considered religion, and after all of the no doubt sins I’ve committed, I don’t stand a chance….





Get a hold of yourself, Chuck. You’ll get her back. Just because you’ve been screwing Nate’s recent ex for the second time in a row since last year…and Blair is back in his arms again…means nothing. All it means is that—

“Ow!” I fell to the ground.


Ok, so I was just subtly…moved. But that’s besides the point.

Something…or someone….moved me.

I straightened myself, dusted off my properly fitted suit and—

“Chuck Bass?!” the shrieking began.

I sighed deeply, knowing that shriek all too well, and just hoping I was wrong. I had been wrong so often lately, it was entirely possible.

“Is that really you??” she asked, her voice growing more high-pitched by the moment. I finally turned around to stare annoyingly at the female being. Wide eyes. Little girl hairdo. And definitely not the latest fashions.

Was this seriously Georgina Sparks?

“Sparks,” I said nonchalantly, wiping further now non-existant dust from the front of my jacket.

“I….I….I can’t believe it’s really you!” she said, somehow further excited than before. And it might’ve been my imagination, but I do deem it entirely possible…that she jumped.

My eyebrows fused together, and my arms crossed. “What are you doing here?” I asked, trying to restrain from being cross. She gestured behind her where I saw about ten other girls dressed similarly to her, all with crosses dangling from their necks swaying back and forth as they clutched their study books in their arms.

I raised my eyebrows to take notice of them, and then focused on the ever current giggly bomb before me. She seemed entirely too amused, and then it hit me. She hadn’t seen me since…

My eyes widened.

Since she took my virginity….in SIXTH GRADE!

I gulped just then. I, Chuck Bass, gulped. As far as I knew that was only common to happen in the presence of a particular Waldorf and my late father.

Quickly, I recovered and smoothed my hand down my jacket once again. For once, I did not know what to say. It occurred to me that Blair and I, Blair really, had come up with the scheme to send this manipulating monster to reform school for what she had done to our beloved Serena. But did that really mean she was going to end up in some…I cringed…Christian camp?

I looked away momentarily, and then back at her, giving her a once over and shaking my head as she gave me that constant smile that either meant…I’m a good girl, or I’m gonna kick your ass if you don’t do everything I say. Christianity did not look good on Georgina Sparks.

“What?” she finally asked, and that was the only reminder I needed that she was actually a tad bit human, and not just the Devil’s puppet, so to speak. “You’re looking at me weird.”

I chuckled shortly, before bringing a hand up towards my face and rubbed my chin almost nervously, in a movement that spoke to the world…Chuck Bass was about to use a lot of gestures.

“Well, Georgie,” the sarcasm spewed out of me like it had been overfilled for half a century and could no longer contain itself, “forgive me if I don’t wrap you up in hugs and kisses, but wasn’t it just a little under a year that you decided to give my lovely sister, Serena, a run for her money?”

Her face went pale white, and I knew I’d struck a chord. But only a moment later, she blinked and the color sufficiently restored itself into her face.

“That was last year,” she said neutrally. I could smell the venom dripping in her voice. Nobody officially detoxifies Georgina Sparks. It just doesn’t happen.

Finally, I allowed for the smirk to find itself across my face. This was familiar territory. “I won’t deal with it this year, either, Sparks,” I spat, narrowing my eyes and leaning in to her.

She placed a cold, gripping hand along the side of my face. “I wouldn’t expect any less, Chuckie,” her eyes twinkled and it sent shivers down my spine. I reeled myself backwards a bit and she let go her grip. I was truly confused by this mess of devilry, and I knew she could sense it. She rolled her eyes and stepped a bit closer to me. “Look, I don’t plan on manipulating anybody or forcing someone out of their own natural habitat. I’ve learned my lesson.”

So sue me, if I wasn’t completely convinced.

“If you don’t believe me, take me to meet the NJBC,” she smirked now, and I gaped at her. There was no way she had somehow found out about the cheesy nickname Blair had pinned to us four, Backstabbing Bitch not included. “What? You didn’t think I knew? Snow white’s not as secretive as she comes across to be,” she said, crossing her arms across her chest.

And then she winked at me.

The woman WINKED.

If I said I was uncomfortable by that sentiment…it would be an understatement. And there was no doubt she was saying half of this BS to get a reaction.

“Look…” and I paused, because I honestly didn’t know what to call her anymore. Georgina seemed too humane, and she clearly wasn’t worthy of last name calling at this point. And nicknames? Don’t make me puke.

“…beautiful princess…secretive angel??” she offered.

The strange expression grew.

I shook my head, brushing off the small ordeal. “No,” I said. Simple enough. “I am not taking you to see Serena, Nate or Blair.”

Her face sported mock sadness, and if I hadn’t wanted to leave before…it was the essence of all my desires now.

Her expression shifted suddenly, expectedly. In its place? Typical evil scrutiny.

“And before you ask why,” I closed my eyes in frustration, placing a hand up to silence the wretch, “Serena is out of town, and Nate and Blair are…” I sighed. I wasn’t going to lie, not even to Georgina, but there was no way I was giving specifics. “busy,” I concluded.

She rolled her eyes. Completely buying it…and I have never been so grateful for my half-truth before in my life.

“Ugh,” she grumbled, walking over to a wooden bench and sitting herself down upon it. She crossed her arms and huffed at my apparent limitations. I followed her, stupidly. Something inside me just kept driving me to do so, like I had to keep an eye on her now. “You’d think after all these years that annoyingly perfect couple would have broken up at least once! But no….and of course Serena has to be out of town. She can’t accept my apology, the genuine sense of how I’ve changed, because I have…” she rambled on and I hardly paid attention past ‘perfect couple’ and the way her voice spoke absolute disgust towards that stereotype of what Nate and Blair had been for so long. My reaffirming smirk widened into a smile. This just might be too perfect to be true.

She had no idea about Blair and I. It almost made me laugh.

I had to make sure it stayed that way, of course. Because she would manipulate and backstab the ice queen for total revenge on the most recent pathetic year of her life…and when she did, if she used me as bait (which…I mean, who wouldn’t?), it had to appear that it was all her doing. And maybe…(okay, teeth were officially showing in that wicked hot smile of mine)…just maybe, it would work to my advantage…and I would get Blair back.


I don’t know where my sudden confidence came from. I mean, sure…I’m Chuck Bass, but she’s Georgina Sparks and she nearly destroyed Serena last time she was in town. Regardless, I needed to call Blair. I know…I know, the woman was not going to give me the time of day, but I had to talk to her. She was with Nate and I had been screwing Vanessa all week up until yesterday, which no doubt was going to send me to Hell and back again. I was hoping that this time Nate wouldn’t slam me against my own limo and break off our friendship over it though. I mean, he’d only been dating Vanessa a little less than a year tops so…

I decided not to think about it.

I snuck off behind that worn out shack, while Whoregina (yes. That’s the nickname) was still listing off how ridiculous it was that I wouldn’t let her see all of us at once. She hadn’t noticed so far where I had run off to. Either that or she had accepted my lame excuse about needing to urinate behind that pathetic looking chapel. Not entirely Unlikely.

I dialed Blair’s number. It rang about four times before it was picked up by a brief, ‘what?!’, and I hardly breathed before she huffed angrily and hung up on me. I rolled my eyes, if to no one else than to the broken down shack, and I swear I heard a brief crackle of thunder erupt in the sky. I made a quick apology, looking upwards, and it seemed to amend my mistake. That or I just hallucinated the whole thing, because I couldn’t hear a single soul react to the previous noises of nature.


I tried her number again, but she didn’t pick up this time. It went straight to voicemail, and I wasn’t willing to waste my precious time on the current situation when she was just going to delete it anyways. Though, who knows? She may just love when I leave messages so she can listen to my sexy voice on repeat without feeling at fault for the reddening in her cheeks.

It didn’t occur to me right then that she had probably seen my name when I called the first time, and chosen to answer anyways…but I would think of it later, and then she would have some serious explaining to do.

I sighed. Georgina wasn’t going to buy me being away this long. Although, of course there is the possibility…I peeked at her from behind the shack.


Still talking…to herself.

I shook my head, and rapidly executed PLAN B: TEXTING BLAIR. Perhaps this whole reformed business had accidentally stolen a few of Sparks’ brain cells in the process of maintaining her evil qualities.

Oh, and would you manage my shock and surprise when the message I received only moments later was not from Blair but from my cell phone company, informing me that I had been blocked from Miss Waldorf’s cell phone services. I was appalled, and I felt…dejected.

It passed though, as most things do. Although, I was disappointed overall, because of course this meant that obviously she was not listening to my voice messages in secret.

Mid-Sigh, I halted my breathing process. This was not the end. No. It was only the beginning. The smirk reapplied itself to my face. If I was right…then all the time I was spending with Vanessa was sending Blair for a loop, regardless of how ‘happy’ she was to be with Nate again. She would be trying to spend every possible second with Nathaniel.

That only meant one thing.

“Nathaniel!” I began, repressing the urge to chuckle when Blair’s aggravated huff nearly blocked out Nate’s greeting. She had been beside him the whole time, and it was entirely too classic having her wishes ripped out from under her.

“…I know you better than I know myself…”

And I do. I just decided to ignore that fact for awhile, and well…

“What’s up, man?” he asked, bringing back to the problem at hand.

“Uh…I ran into Georgina,” I said, not hesitating to hide my disgust.

“What? Georgina?” he almost whispered, and if I hadn’t already been attuned to Blair’s shrieks and squeals, I wouldn’t have been able to make out a word he said. It was astonishing how calm he was with me calling him. Clearly he was not aware of all the…activities I had engaged in with his dear Vanessa. But of course his head wasn’t in the right place, and I was sure that as soon as it was—

“Yeah, and I think we need to meet. Together. With her.” I spoke quickly. I couldn’t let myself think too much. I kept ending up right at the same place with my thoughts…and if given enough ammunition, I would end up right back on Victrola’s rooftop. I couldn’t do that to Blair.

I could, however, tell the exact moment Nate’s eyes bulged out of their sockets, because Blair’s frantic panicking questions had gotten louder on the other end. I knew she was shaking him sufficiently. His almost angry, ‘Get off of me!’ was hard to ignore.

“Nate?” I asked, after I thought they had had enough of their little moment.

“Uh….wait….hold on! Ugh…Blair!” he cleared his throat, trying to laugh his way through the situation, “Chuck, I’m sorry. Where’d you want to meet?” he asked casually, as if nothing particularly frustrating was going on.

I smirked wide and full, especially when a huge sigh and no doubt plopping on the farther end of the Archibald couch was heard by Blair Waldorf on the other end. So much for playing the perfect princess.

“I’ll text you the address.”



I cringed.

“Coming,” I drawled, coming out from behind the shack and slipping the phone into my pocket. Whoregina’s lips thinned into a deadly smile. She was rocking back and forth on her heels.

“Well?” she asked, slightly aggravated by the whole situation. I’m guessing she figured I was no longer really there about five minutes previous. At least her brain wasn’t entirely gone. “What’s really going on?” she quirked an eyebrow.

“I believe I have some good news for you, Georgina.”


She was a vision.

If angels truly did exist on earth, if they existed at all…they surely had nothing on Blair Waldorf.

It was true I hadn’t the faintest what she was wearing underneath, though the idea that she was wearing hardly anything certainly was pleasing to my mind…and…other parts of my anatomy to be sure, but her ice blue tights slid neatly into those cream heels of hers. The grayish tint of her button-up jacket flattered the baby blue scarf and purse she properly carried as she walked nearly a foot or two ahead of Nate on their way to greet me.


Already taking the reins, I thought, shaking my head at the way she had already even begun to walk like she owned that indecisive Archibald.

But God, she’s beautiful.

I knew if miracles were true along with angels, and I was in Nate’s place and he in mine…like things are supposed to be, I wouldn’t be much less whipped than he is. At least I’d have the decency to favor Blair among the other five women I’d supposedly given my heart to…Nathaniel’s an interesting character and he has a good heart, but he doesn’t really know what he wants. Not in regards to women anyways.



Vanessa is beautiful, caring, witty and a ton of fun. But I’m not with her in that way. I’m not with her really at all. I sleep with her, and I can tell she’s upset when I leave too quickly. It’s the same when she goes before I have a chance to catch my breath. Nobody likes when reality hits them clean in the face. There’s no real attachment between us. We can only keep having sex with each other for so long before we realize it’s not Nate or Blair beneath those covers.

There has to be some other way to fix this. I don’t even think an ‘I love you’ could bring Blair back to me now.

“Chuck?” It was Blair’s sweet, sing-song voice that drew me out of my thoughts. “I’m guessing you brought me here for a reason.” And it was that frustrating clarification that erased the silly smirk off my face. I cleared my throat and gestured to the skipping and far too eccentric Georgina not far behind me.

“What’s up, guys??” she nearly shrieked, the mini braids swinging around her face.

I could see Blair and Nate’s eyebrows narrowing from the corner of my eye and probably would’ve been laughing from the hilarity of it, if I wasn’t currently sporting the same expression.

“Georgina,” Nate greeted, a moment or so later. I couldn’t tell if he was pissed at the reunion of the girl who nearly destroyed Serena the previous year or if he had officially decided to give the bitch another chance. Regardless, I moved my sights back to the riveting Waldorf. God, it’s like I’m seeing her for the first time every time these days…dark hair with that slight tint of golden highlights, dark seductive eyes, and the hottest figure I ever laid my eyes on. Plus, she understands me like no one else. There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not inwardly ripping my head off for how I treated her.

Suddenly…arms around me.

A face in the crook of my neck.

And fingers gripping tightly to the back of my broad shoulders.

My eyes closed, and then opened…It didn’t take me more than half a second for me to realize it wasn’t Blair Waldorf I found my arms enveloped in. Blair and Nate were still standing about opposite me and their looks of disgust had turned into bouts of laughter. Nate’s lips pursed in an effort to control himself, while I sufficiently pushed away Sparks and dusted off my supremely dust-free suit coat. Then, I caught her eye. As Nate came to stand next to me, Blair stood frozen in her place. She knew exactly what had been going through my mind before I realized who had grabbed hold of me in that ridiculous position.

I thought it was her.

“Chuck? Chuck? Hello?” the blonde continued asking for in my particular direction, but for the first time in weeks, possibly months, I had Waldorf’s genuine attention. She was looking at me. And it didn’t look particularly vicious either. So forgive me, if I didn’t want to give Nate the time of day. I probably said something of worth to that freak show, Whoregina, but I honestly don’t remember the specifics…and I don’t really care to either.

Several minutes later, however, an exasperated sigh made its way from Nathaniel’s mouth and I thought he was going to nearly explode. But she was still looking at me. Like I was the brand new toy and she was the five year old, and like Nate was the baby brother that wasn’t getting all the attention. I smirked, and my eyes nearly lit up as she followed suit. She had been thinking the same thing. Of course.

He resumed him calmer qualities almost instantaneously though, it seemed. Drat. Now it would be impossible to prove him guilty on accounts of insanity.

“Are you…all right?” I heard her ask him, and it was almost painful when she turned her gaze from my own to his baby blues.

Match your color! Match your color!

I keep trying to tell her this, but apparently we haven’t achieved twin-status yet. I turned away to look across the street, hoping to find some way to sustain myself. No luck. And Georgina? Apparently she lives on absolute boredom. I was really starting to hope she didn’t hold onto some lame crush from our 6th grade virginity explorations.


This was going to prove to be very difficult.

“Blair, I suddenly feel you need to move in with me.”

And that was it.

“What?!” I turned my head back to the once and now seemingly golden couple. It wasn’t possible I had heard them correctly.

“Wow…awkward,” Georgina sang quietly.

I tried to tune her out of my head, but I simply couldn’t. She was like this annoying little bug, which says nothing but is constantly rocking back and forth just hoping you’ll call on her.

Blair’s head whipped back towards mine. Her eyes were ablaze, like she was feeling threatened somehow but didn’t know how to properly control her actions. A part of me wanted to rub her arm comfortingly so as to tell her everything was going to be all right, but the other part of me was furious and scared to death at the possibility of N & B living together and that part won out.

Her head turned back to Nate’s. I could tell she thought he was serious. Who knows? Maybe he was! But there was no way she could possibly let herself think about this option.

“I don’t think is the best time, Nate…” she began.

He scoffed. “Well, what time would you like? Should I take out my calendar?” he felt around in his pants’ pockets, “Oh, it appears I don’t have it on me.”

I crossed my arms across my chest as Nate continued on with his rant and Georgina looked on as if it was opening night at the theatre. She made a few attempts to hug me again, but trust me, none were successful.

Finally, I heard, “We’ll be right back,” Blair’s forced perfect face made out, as she spun Nate around by his opposite arm and thrust him into the nearby building.

“Uh-oh…looks like trouble in paradise,” Georgina sang out again.

I looked at her, annoyed, but she seemed to have no problem with my expressions, so I just focused my attention on where the two had gone, instead…just beyond the revolving doors.

I couldn’t make out any of the specifics, really, but…as usual, by the time they returned a grand total of ten minutes later, she looked like nothing significant could have possibly occurred and he looked like he wanted to go drown himself.

Ah yes, progress.

“Okay, so where is Georgie going to stay?” Blair asked, with a hint of disgust on Georgina’s little nickname. She clearly was not going to discuss the previous argument with her lover, even if we were all friends here. Well, most of us at least.

“Blair,” I said with confusion, and she turned her ever fake control expression towards my genuinely concerned one, but there was a sufficient amount in my subconscious that warned me not to press the issue. She wouldn’t take me seriously anyways.


I waved my hand off, and she took the hint.

Thought forgotten.

“Well, I wanted to stay with Serena…”

And trust me when I say all of us either rolled our eyes, gasped, or shot a death glare at the same time. A few of us made combinations of these actions.

“But somebody told me she was out of town, is this true?”

Blair scoffed, and I knew it was going to come eventually. “Even if she weren’t, there’s no way any of us would let you near her regarding your prior activities.”

And yes, she looked offended by this informative announcement, and even about to speak to defend herself, but I held up a hand before she could even attempt it.

“What Blair is saying is that you need to prove yourself worthy of our company, especially of Serena’s because you hurt her so bad. If you don’t, I guarantee this will be the last visit you share with any of us.” I think I summed it up pretty well, but I was expecting Blair to get in my face about how she didn’t need a translator.

But she didn’t.

And Nate just stood there. He wouldn’t have been more interested if a butterfly landed on the sidewalk. And spoke.

Georgie rolled her eyes. “Well, Chuck’s then!”

I shuddered. I could only imagine all the attempted hugs and rapes I would have to go through…depending on how long she was planning to stay, and how long I would put up with it.

“No,” I said, and her face fell. “Serena and I live in the same place. If she were to come home unexpectedly…”

She pursed her lips, probably thinking she shouldn’t have come to begin with. Which she shouldn’t have.

“Wow, so clearly Nate and Blair are just jealous,” she folded her hands across her waist, and ignored how offended this seemed to have made them. “I mean, Chuck is living with Serena, so obviously Nate wants to live with Blair. It only makes sense,” she finished cheerily.

Nate was about to speak, probably to encourage Blair to live with him again, but Waldorf’s hand went up and he was silenced.

“Is that what you think?” the brunette asked her. “That Chuck and Serena are romantically involved?”

She laughed. “Oh my god, no. Chuck couldn’t get romantically involved with anyone, I should know.”

Blair’s eyebrows narrowed on her.

“Well, I suppose, rather I should know first,” she laughed again.

Blair resolved herself and caught my eye again. I was really hoping we could get a hold of this twin’s power sometime soon…because if Blair let something slip, she could be possibly ruined as bad as Serena had been. Or, as much as she could be…without all that partying past.

“Blair…I really think you should consider moving in with me….” Nate drawled, and it surprised me that he had gotten away with it this time, but Blair only blinked to what he had said and turned around to him.

She huffed. “I don’t think so, Nate…come on, Georgie,” she gestured to the braided reformed girl, who surprised by the sudden exclamation, jumped into skipping mode and followed the young Waldorf.

Something must have happened after that. Blair was walking away with Georgina, I was sure of that. Nate even followed after that, and I swear he must have said something about calling me later…but I didn’t hear it.

I didn’t hear anything.

Just mumbles…and I saw blurs. Lots of blurs.

Georgina staying with Blair.

Nate requesting Waldorf to move in with him. And not giving up.

I’d seen this play before.

“I don’t know, man…I think I might miss her.”

No Nate, you can’t miss her. You can’t want her to move in, especially not now. Not when Georgina is so obviously not playing the innocent.

She turned back, and winked.



A/N: So…what’d ya guys think??? It’ll become clearer hopefully over the next few chapters. Remember, Serena is still in Spain. This is JUST post 2x20…about 1-2 weeks after it, but none of the spoilers from then on. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know! ;p R & R! =D
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Source: http://andreas-ri.livejournal.com/9270.html
added by lilie2
Chair Tales S02E12- Citizen Zane

.... Continued from last episode...

B: Chuck? (she looks at him, worried, waiting for a response)
C: (is in shock) Are.....are you being serious?
B: Yes Chuck...we're having a baby!
C: But...how...when? I've been away for the past few weeks.....we only just started sleeping together two days ago.
B: Well....after the engagement party of course....
C: But i saw you take the pill the next morning...you were on the pill Blair...you cant be pregnant.
B: Chuck...i wasn't on the pill....i came off when we apart…and that pill was a pain killer, i had stomach pains...trust...
continue reading...
A/N: Wow, it’s been killing me to not write anything this week….and this is literally going to be like the last weekend for me to really write a ton, since I’m going back to school on Monday. *sigh* So…I hope you enjoy the fics I’ve been writing over the last month or so. I will try to update all my stories as often as possible, but it’s going to be a bit more difficult since I’ll have to concern myself with school most importantly. I REFUSE to slack off like I did last semester. Unfortunately this means you won’t get too many updates…at least not until the weekends…and...
continue reading...
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posted by luvrgirl101
Blair- I want to believe you,Chuck,but I can't. You've hurt me too many times.

Chuck- You can believe me this time.

Blair- Why?

He looks at her; human, real, vulnerable.

Chuck- Beacuse I'm not Chuck Bass without you.

Blair- Uh.. That's it?

There is a moment then..

~He kisses her~

It was the perfect kiss, the kind they used to fear when they were in the game

They break and,
Chuck- I love you, Blair.

Blair smiles and jumps into his arms.

Blair- Can you say it again?

They both laugh and smile

I found this at this link:

I'm so excited!!LoL!!I really hope it's Chuck!Not Nate!!CB TRUE LOVE 4EVER & ALWAYS!! :)
posted by Yankeesam32935
Road to Happiness Part 14

“You’re pregnant?” Chuck asked. He was being thrown for a loop here.
Blair blew out a deep breath. “Yeah, I just found out a couple of days ago. I wanted to wait, and find the perfect time to tell you, Chuck. I figured there’s no better time than now.”
Chuck gulped, but didn’t say anything.
“You’re mad, aren’t you?”
He shook his head. “No I’m not, Blair. It’s just a lot to take in.”
Blair completely understood, because she knew how Chuck’s brain worked.
“I get that, Chuck. It is a lot, but I promise you that everything will work itself out.”...
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