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Back in Manhattan....Five Years On.
Back in Manhattan....Five Years On.
Chair Tales S02E17- The Mummys Return

Ok, So Chair Tales Season 2 is being fast forwarded.....from here on it has been forwarded by 5 years.

Serena and Dan are happily married. They had moved back to New York a few months after their wedding. Blair had also moved with them. Blair lived at her old house with her mother until after her baby was born. Blair had a baby girl, she struggled to find the perfect name, especially since Eleanor wanted to have an input. In the end, Eleanor provided the baby's first name, Isabella and Blair had given the Middle names and The surname. The baby's full name was Isabella Hope Madison Bass. Yes, Bass....the first thing Blair had done after the baby was born was locate Zane and carry out a paternity test. Well it was Dan's idea and Serena had helped find Zane. The baby was definitely not Zane's so that meant only one thing. Chuck was the father. Of course this had upset Blair because she wished that he had been there, but he wasn't and he never would be, she was over it.

Serena had also gotten pregnant after the wedding and her son was born 6 months after Isabella, or Bella as everyone calls her, Dan and Serena had named him, Zachary Milo Humphrey, but they often called him Zach for short.

Serena was pregnant again, at the moment she was 7 and a half months on, so she was near the end!

Being back in Manhattan had been a good thing ofr everyone, it had helped Blair a lot to be around her family, even if it was just her mother and occasionally her father, it was nice to be back home. Bella was an intelligent girl too, she was so much like Blair and Chuck, not just in looks, but sometimes she would do things that would remind Serena of Chuck and Blair....no one could really decide who she was like more.

She would sometimes ask where her daddy was, but Blair would have to tell her that she was special so she didnt need one. But once she had told her that he was far away and she didnt know where he was because she had lost him and no one knew how to find him. This of course made Bella even more determined to find him...she said it would be a dream for her to just spend one second with him...even if he came to her when she was asleep...knowing that she had been in the same room as her would be enough. This would upset Blair because she would never know how to respond, but she would just have to make her believe that it could never happen. Bella wouldn't give up on him though, she would say "my middle name is Hope, so i always hope that i find my daddy even for just one day!"

So Where was her daddy? Where was Chuck Bass?

* * * * * * * *

He looked at his watch...6am.

The vans would be here any time now. He had a headache. last night was busy....so was the night before, with the leaving party....but last night he was alone. As usual. But that's they was he liked it.

Ever since he'd moved to New Jersey, he'd changed...of course there were the first 2 years where he was living like a party animal, but after that he had settled down again...he had gone to rehab and gotten over the drug habit, something made him realise that life wasn't going to wait for him...he didnt need to be the kind of person everyone expected him to be. He had realised that he wanted to be content with his life...the only way he could do that was to sort himself out. He needed to be grounded. He knew his father wouldn't help, so he only had one other real option. Starting over from the bottom and moving on up. Uncle Jack. He had visited his Uncle, who was more than happy to have him on board...Jack hated Bart, so having the opportunity to take Bart’s son under his wing was like a slap on the face for Bart. So that was that. Chuck would work with Uncle Jack and it worked out well for both of them. It had been 3 long years since the move and finally he had got something out of it. Bart had given him that call he had been waiting his whole life for. The call to ask him to come over to New York and take over one of the businesses in Manhattan. Back home. It was an offer he couldn't resist.

So that was that...he was moving home....where his life had began. The Upper East Side.

The horning from the moving vans interrupted his thoughts. He jumped up....this was the moment his new life would begin. He was going to own one of Bart’s businesses, he'd be the lead, hopefully this time it would be a success, not like the disaster in New Haven...this time he was more experienced...he wasn't going to let himself down.

* * * * * * * *

It was so awkward being back. It had been almost a month but Chuck hadn't really had the chance to observe his surroundings yet. He was too busy with unpacking and with the new business. He'd only had the weekends off, and he would use those to rest and do stuff in the new house. It was more of a mansion really, the knid of house he always imagined ending up in. His life was almost perfect. Well he had everything he could handle. There was only true happiness that was missing. Sometimes he would wake up in the morning and look out of the window. He could see families going for walks, friends hanging out having fun. He didn't have any of that. He couldn't just go and hang out with his father. They just didnt have that relationship. His only friends were his colleagues and they probably hated him deep down. But Chuck wouldn't let that get him down. He didnt need people. He had had friends before...all they had done was let him down, hurt him, ruin his life. He didnt want that anymore. At least on his own he wouldn't be hurt like that again.

Today was another weekend. But this weekend would be different. He would go out...explore the area...see if it was the same Manhattan he had left nearly 8 years ago. Maybe he would bump into people he used to know. Old friends maybe.

* * * * * * * *

At Serena/Dan's house.

Blair is leaving Bella with Serena for a few hours, just while she goes out shopping, she had been busy during the school holiday with Bella and just needed a break.

I (Isabella): Mummy...how long till you come back?

B: (kisses Bella) not long baby...mummy's just going shopping....but Aunty Serena will take care of you...

S: yeah honey we're going to have lot's of fun...i'll take you to the park...we'll eat lot's of junk food and have loads of ice-cream! (she tickles Bella)

B: Hey...easy on the ice cream, i dont want her head ache getting worse!

S: Awee you have a headache?

Z (Zachary) : There’s always something wrong with her!

D: Sshh son, that's not a nice thing to say...

B: It's ok...their just kids...so you're going to the park?

S: Yeah..Zach was saying he wanted to feed the duck's so we were going to go anyway.

B: Ok well i'll see you all later (she hugs and kisses Bella and Serena goodbye)

Later on.

Serena and Dan have taken the kids to Central Park. The kids are playing around while Serena and Dan stand around watching them and talking.

* * * * * * * *

The streets were the same. In fact he had hardly walked these streets before. he'd just passed them in his limo...no wonder they seemed much longer than he'd remembered. This was definitely home. Being here just reminded him of how much he'd missed it...the hustle and the bustle...the accents of passer's by. It was all familiar to him. Even the little things like the road signs, the shops, the traffic signals...he began feeling young again...as if he had never left...as if he were that 17 year old Chuck Bass with no care in the world. That's when he saw it...St. Jude’s.... Constance Billard...the school he once ruled. The school where he had spent his time with his friends...Nate Archibald...Serena Van Der Woodsen and of course....Blair Waldorf...he had tried to forget about her...but the scar she left on his heart wouldn't let him. She was a part of him now...he had accepted that long ago...he remembered how four years ago...no matter how much he drank, no matter how much he smoked or sniffed...her face would still cloud his eyes.... she would still be there...she had damaged him. But coming back here to high school, where their story began...it just brought back all the memories....

C: Dont forget to be ready by 7. My limo will be waiting.
B: Uggh...i told you...dont expect me to come.
C: Oh Blair...i have no expectations of you...i prefer it when your unpredictable...(he whispers whilst playing with her hair) when you surprise me (he grins)
B: (pushes him away) Get off me Bass! Your filth...i am not coming to the opening of you bloody club! Get over yourself...
C: Oh you'll be there...an it'll be a night we'll never forget!
B: (she forces her knee into his crotch, he jerks and cry's out in pain) Try forgetting that! (she smiles at watching him in pain)
C: What the hell Blair...you could cause some real damage doing that...one day you'll need it!
B: Dont make me sick! Now get out of my way (she turns and walks away)
C: (shouts after her) Be ready at 7!
B: In your dreams!
C: Why dream Blair when we have the beauty of reality....see you tonight!

Thinking back to that night was something he did often. It was a night he could never forget...it was when it all began. It was the night he lost himself to her.

He had to stop this...leave the past where it was...he began walking again, he was walking faster...trying to get away from something...as if walking faster would make him forget.

When he finally stopped for a break, he'd managed to find somewhere that was always peaceful, even when there was lots of noise, it still had a sense of solace. He paced himself. Observing his surrounding carefully. That’s when he saw her. The same hair, the same face, that same smile...the full of life laugh she had...her glowing complexion...she was still beautiful...this was something he was dreading...bumping into one of them...but deep down he couldn't hide the relief and delight he felt at finally reuniting with his past. He couldn't just walk away without her noticing him...he wanted her to see him, so he waited.... moving closer to her without staring directly at her, hoping she'd see him and approach him first.

* * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, at Central Park Serena is talking on the phone whilst Dan is entertaining the kids, running around with them and playing hide and seek.

S: Yes mom..i know.......dont worry, we'll visit soon, but you have to promise you'll call Eric over to, i haven’t seen him in so long and Zach misses him!....................Ok....well if you th....(she stops mid-sentence)....omg....Mom...im going to have to call you back....no im sorry ill call you back...bye (she hangs up, before running towards a bench)

S: Chuck?

C: (looks up at Serena) Serena! (he stands up from the bench)

S: Omg Chuck! (she hugs him) Wow! Your...here...omg! (she hugs him again)

C: (he smiles, he didn’t expect such a positive greeting) Yeah...in New York....funny how life can sometimes bring you full circle...(he looks down at her) Your having a baby?

S: Umm yeah...(just then Dan races over with the kids following him closely behind)

D: Chuck?!

C: Daniel Humphrey...glad to see you two are still...going strong (offers a handshake, Dan shakes)

D: I cant believe it....what brings you here?

S: Yeah...what are you doing back here?

C: Umm...i live here now...i just moved back about a month ago....i took over one of fathers businesses.

S: Wow....that’s amazing Chuck...it's so good to hear that your doing ok. (she touches his arm) It's so nice to see you again, after so long.

C: Yeah....it's nice to you guys again...(he looks at Zach and Bella who are running about close by) I see you already have two kids...you've been pretty busy.

S: (looks at Dan, then back at Chuck) Ummm yeah...(she smiles)

D: Umm..yeah...they kind of grow up pretty fast too.

C: So you guys are still...the same as i remember...only Dan's a little hairier! (they all laugh)

D: So are you!

S: Chuck....we should get together sometime...just like old times...i'd love to hear what you've been up to.

D: Yeah, it'll be great....here (takes out his phone) what's your number?

C: Ummm...sure...(tells Dan his number)

D: You should come over sometime...it's great to have you back....it's actually kind of funny how we all end up back here...in New York.

S: Yeah...no place like home! (Bella runs over to Serena)

I: Zach keeps making fun of me!

D: Zach! How many times have i told you! (Zach runs over to Dan and apologises)

C: (smiles, bends down and touches Bella's hair) She's cute...(looks up at Serena) it's funny how she has Dan's dark hair but he has your blonde...she doesn't have either of your eyes though! (looks over at Zach) They're both adorable.

I: I dont have his hair! (pulls on Serena's dress) my head is hurting more than before...

S: Not again...(she bends down and touches Bella's head) I had a feeling the running around would make it worse.

I: When is mummy coming back....(looks back at Chuck and touches his hand) By the way Sir, i have my mummy's hair!

S: (looks at Chuck who looked puzzled) Ummm...(looks to Bella) I'll give mummy a ring and see how long she'll be.

It was then that Chuck realised who that little girl was...of course they couldn't both be Serena's kids, they were practically the same age, and they weren't exactly twins....this girl....how could he not see it straight away...she was he spitting image...just like her....and she was right, she did have mummy's hair. He began having flashback's of Blair, when she was pregnant...this was her baby...Blair's baby.

S: Chuck?...is everything ok?

C: (snaps out of his trance) Ummm...i have to go...

D: But you only just got here.

C: I have things to do..(he begins to walk away, Serena goes after him whilst Dan stays with the kids)

S: Chuck wait...(he looks at her) it really is nice to have you back....i didnt think i'd ever see you again....you have no idea how much it means to me to see that your well.

C: thanks....and im happy for you too, i should go.

S: Hey no hard feelings?

C: (smiles) Sure....no hard feelings.

S: And i'll call you...we need to catch up.

C: Yeah...i'd like that. (turns and walks away)

S: Chuck...(he looks back) By the way....she has your eyes. (he looks at her, in shock, but just turns back away and leaves)

He was angry....why did she have to exist...she just made it all real...everything that happened in the past...seeing the child in the flesh...it just made it so real....the mistake that Blair had made, it was a little child now...a 5 year old beautiful child. She had touched him, spoken to him, she even smiled at him and he saw a twinkle in her eye...he had touched her soft hair and smiled at her....he had called her cute...he had liked her...if only he had known who she was, he would never have even looked at her. He never thought he'd have to face the thing that broke him and Blair apart...but he couldn't exactly blame the child....it wasn't really her fault...it was Blair's fault...this kid was just collateral damage.

* * * * * * * *

That night was the longest night he'd had in a long time. He could barely sleep. He just kept having flashbacks of the past he'd hoped he'd forgotten. Sometimes you think you've laid memories to rest but they creep up on you when you least expect, when you least need them...or maybe it was exactly what he needed. The one thing about being back in New York was his favourite past times...being in your safe haven...the moment he'd seen Serena in the park...he knew he had to have her. He couldn't just walk away from her...she was one of his oldest friends and he'd missed her so much. They didn’t exactly have a happy ending the last time he saw her, on her wedding day...he had told her he'd never wanted to see her again...something he had regretted ever since. She meant a lot to him and he regretted not being there for her on the most important day of her life. Even though he'd made a promise back then never to get too close to anyone again, he couldn't help the relief he felt today when he saw her...even Dan. He had been close to them before...and he'd missed them...as much as he told himself not to go back to them, he couldn't help but feel that he needed to, he wanted to. Dan had taken his number and Serena would definitely be in touch, so he'd wait for her phone call, she would ring him and they could get together again, just like old times...and anyway, they were all in Manhattan now, they'd be bumping into each other all the time. The thought of having at least two of his old friends back put a smile on his face and he drifted off to sleep.

N.B. Btw, i know the description of chucks feelings towards Serena might seem a little confusing, but they share a special friendship and chuck has deep feelings for her, she's like a sister to him, do not confuse his feelings towards her as anything sexual, because it isn't sexual at all, he loves her as a sister and as a close friend, other than Blair, Serena is the only other person in his life that he truly loved as family and he has missed her a lot over the years, especially since after the way he rejected her on her wedding day, the guilt from that makes him feel a duty to be friends with her again and make it up to her.
Friends reunited.
Friends reunited.
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A/N: So, I wrote down all my ideas for my ‘book of beginnings’ but this one MUST get down today, since it’s based on a possibility that I think could happen for 2x15…and so I can’t really write it AFTER I’ve seen the actual episode. I mean, I have to have at least started it….or there will be no point in writing it at all. Heh. So, that’s what this one is about. Read and enjoy. Remember it is ONLY the beginning. =) And is in NO WAY connected to the prior chapter. Heh. It’s just based on ideas, spoilers and the promo for 2x15 “Gone with the will” ;)
And yes! I have officially...
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