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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
A/N:Okay, I said I wasn’t going to….but y’all know how wonderful I am with that. And yes, I am TOTALLY keeping to my schedule, because this is definitely a oneshot. I’m starting to wonder if I may need GG oneshots in between all my chapter updates. Haha. XD Anyways, this is just a oneshot probably around the season finale…CB are back together (and goodness knows how that happens…) but NV are still apart. Chuck goes to see Nate, inform him that he slept with Vanessa and that Nate should get back together with her, because she’s falling apart. Some CB references. ;p
-And I am going to finally update ‘So What If I’m Jealous’ tonight! (gasp) BE EXCITED. Haha. XD
The room was dark, and I could feel his anger from across the room. It was the atmosphere, the moods between the two of us. There was no way I was going to get out of this one.
I imagined the darkness, and I knew this. It could not be seen. Not only because the shades were drawn and the clock on the left hand wall shown half past twelve. The sun was high and the moods were low and dark and threatening.
The tension was thick.
I hardly knew what to do with myself, but it was so obvious to me that sleeping with Vanessa had been awful, if not the worst decision I ever could have made regarding the lower characters of my anatomy.
It was supposed to be a secret.
It was a secret.
But I had to tell him.
Because Blair Waldorf does not belong with Nate Archibald.
And whether Brooklyn girl belongs with blondie or not…she loves him. And I had grown tired of her desperation when she came to me night after night requesting certain intimacies to stop herself from crying. She did not say it in that way of course and neither in that tone, but I knew that was why she came. We did not have much in common, besides our fondness of Nathaniel. I co-erced her into sleeping with me that first night when she was so vulnerable, but I would not create a by-product of myself.
There should be only one mourning Chuck Bass in existence.
Creating the parallel in female, Brooklyn form was unacceptable. With or without a conscience.
So, I told him. And I could only imagine the words that spew out of his mouth. It seemed as if we were in there hours and the darkness would really begin to set then on our worn, tired features. But the time did pass, even if I was too scared to raise my view to the clock again. I had screwed over Nate so many times in the last year and it all began with Blair, but it wasn’t like I had seen it coming…
“Who’s that girl?”
“I have no idea…” Eyes glued to the stage, to the figure of a girl I hardly knew now. At least in that moment. Gorgeous curls cascading down her back. A slow turn of the head and rise and fall of her delicate finger. Scandalous. Seductive. Stunning.
Who knew?
He had been silent for so long and I didn’t know how much longer I could take it. I had never seen Archibald pace so much in my life. I was tempted to sit down in the chair just inches behind me, but I wouldn’t dare disturb him.
He sighed, and I felt that maybe he would speak.
Ten more minutes passed and…nothing. Sometimes I wish I was more oblivious, so I could predict what would be his next course of action.
“Both my ex’s…”
My eyes closed at the statement. Should I be happy? Frustrated? Depressed? He had finally spoken, and I could have guessed it was going to start with that.
“…and on the same day we broke up too! For both of them!” he forced a chuckle.
I gulped. I really seemed to have a thing for Nate’s ex-girlfriends, didn’t I? But things were different now. I was back with Blair, and everything was right between us. She knew about Vanessa and I, expected we had slept together apparently. When I told her it had been more than once, she only grimaced and asked for no more details, saying that she had actually requested the action earlier in the year, so it was her own fault or charma rather that it happened in the end.
“As long as there were no feelings…” she said. And of course there hadn’t been. Vanessa and I had become friends, and I was grateful for it. But we would never, could never work like that…the idea had never even really been contemplated and I was grateful for it.
Plus, I could sense how close tears were to falling out of Waldorf’s eyes…and although I’d seen her cry on my behalf before, I knew the possibility of me and Brooklyn would probably kill her…any feelings, I mean.
I had never been so grateful telling the truth than when I reassured her there wasn’t. And she bounced right back to that bitch I love, clawing her nails into my smooth (now ruffled) hair and moaning into my mouth.
“Nate,” I spoke now, afraid to but afraid not to as well.
He looked up at me, stopped pacing and I swear he was shooting fire from his eyes. I had only seen that kind of intensity from Blair Waldorf. Perhaps he had picked up on that on their….third? fourth time together?
“She needs you,” I said, and he knew who I meant and how deeply I meant it. It was etched across my face and the pure pain was almost worse than when Serena or Blair had ever been broken.
“She deserves it,” he said, avoiding eye contact.
And I crumbled even more. “She loves you!” I said, evoking as much passion as I could when referring to the curly sprite.
His head snapped up. “Oh you mean like Blair loved you?”
The sarcasm was little more than I could take, but I sucked it in, knowing full well I deserved every piece of it.
“Maybe I should respond like you and sleep with half a dozen women….try to run off with one in particular??”
My eyes closed again, but not before they shuddered in anger. “You’re not like me, Nate. You wouldn’t do that.”
“Hmm….” He pondered, started to pace again, “are you sure?”
The phrase caught me off guard, but I knew he was trying to do.
“I got lucky,” I said, and he scoffed at that phrase, so I shook my head. “I mean with Blair…and no, not just that first time or any time recently.”
He scrunched his nose, and the thought occurred to me that he perhaps hadn’t gone the perverted route in his thinking. I swallowed hard. “I don’t deserve Blair,” I said, and the statement looked to have surprised him, but I continued. “Sometimes when we find who we’re meant for…” I sighed. I was no good at amazingly written speeches. And my inspiration was nowhere near at the time. Running a hand through my well-kept hair, I collapsed into the chair behind me and I felt him watching me through the entire endeavor.
Almost with sympathy.
“I know you didn’t come here to explain you and Blair to me,” he paused, “I’m pretty sure no one but the two of you actually understands each other…and even you guys can’t explain the oddities of your very screwed up but workable relationship. I guess it actually was stupid of me to think she wasn’t still in love with you.”
I looked up at him in awe with a slight smile, wondering how he had suddenly gotten so intelligent. I did not even attempt to butt in, in case I ruined whatever inspiring lecture he had suddenly taken claim of.
“What I want to know…is why you’re coming here on Vanessa’s behalf, when you helped her get to where she is with me anyways.”
I cleared my throat, regretting it instantly. There really was nothing any more that could be said, so I went back to basics.
“She loves you, Nate.”
He stared.
“You bring out the best in each other.”
“Are you a woman?” he asked, desperately trying to find it funny but not even becoming close to a smile.
A slow, steady smirk appeared on my face, I’m sure. And then as quickly as it had come, it fell and my eyebrows creased together. “She’s falling apart.”
And so help me if that statement alone didn’t cause the pacing to start up again.
“I know you still care about her,” I said, standing up. “You’ve lasted longer with her than with any other girl since Blair. And don’t even try to tell me that the majority of your reasons for getting with Waldorf wasn’t to try and makeup for screwing her life over in the past and suddenly being able to save it.”
He gaped at me, and though I’m quite outspoken, I hardly believed I had thrown that in his face.
I walked towards the door and paused at its opening, turning to him, I said, “I’m sorry I slept with Vanessa. It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done to jeopardize us, but don’t break her like this.”
And I was almost out, when his voice stopped me again. “Vanessa was the stupidest thing? What about—”
But I stopped him with a wave of my hand. “No, that was the best.”
And then I was gone, leaving him with a confused expression on his face no doubt. But that was common in my best friend. And when a squealing Vanessa appeared at my door later that afternoon, I knew it had been worth it.
But of course I didn’t hesitate in having her write out the apology she spoke to me, following the squeals. Just so I could prove to Blair there was nothing going on anymore. There was going to be no more broken Blair Waldorf…not on my account at least.
And now I think they might belong together…if Nate doesn’t go all indecisive again and screw it up, that is. And no, I’m not placing V in my mind as a second sister. I’m not into incest, remember?
Summary: Blair Waldorf is a young, beautiful, 18 year old, dark haired girl who was raised in California by her New Yorker parents. As a little girl she used to visit her grandparents in the Upper East Side, and she remembered having friends there. Now she graduated from high school and went to college, Yale, only to find there people who she no longer remembered existed. What will happen?

Previously: Blair made friends with Serena on the plain, and now they’re already treating each other as BFF’s. Chuck instantly felt attracted to Blair and made his point by hitting on her several times,...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
His head snapped up at her words and he looked at her with disbelief. “Are you really going to tell me Blair or is this another one of your games. Because if it’s a game, you might as well not even bother.”
Blair looked into his face and she felt her heart beat with trepidation and excitement. A lock of hair fell over his face and she brushed it back with her fingers, her hand stayed on the side of his face. “I really want to tell you, Chuck. I’ve always wanted to, I’ve just been scared.”
He sat down on a chair in her bedroom and brought her down to sit next to him. “Tell me,...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Nine

“What’s phase two?”
He smirked. “Phase two is to see how much we are attracted to each other.”
She returned his smirk. “Don’t we already know that?”
Chuck placed his hand on her thigh. “We know that we want each other with a passion that is insane, that how crazy it is. But I want to find out how far we can go without stopping. Because if I stop you when we’re about to have sex, you know that means that I’m totally falling for you, Blair.”
His words melted her heart. “So, if we go back to your place and you don’t stop me that means that...
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Happy Engagement!
Happy Engagement!
Chair Tales S02E10- Beauty and the Bass

The engagement party commences.

Serena and Dan are sharing a dance and Nate and Blair are dancing too. Nate has been pestering her all night to speak to Chuck who has been catching up with Jenny and Lily. (F.Y.I: Jenny is at University and, unlike the real Gossip Girl, Lily has never had a history with Bart Bass, she is single and has been mingling with Rufus during her trip to New Haven, Rufus is also single)

C: So...you and Rufus...i saw you two at the back of the house earlier..(he grins)
L: Charles! Dont be silly..you saw nothing.
E: (Erick and Jenny...
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Pour Your Heart Out!
Pour Your Heart Out!
Chair Tales S02E05 - Would I Lie To You?

Blair is at home, she wakes up to an empty bed wondering where her boyfriend is. She had a bad feeling that he had left her and she immediately gets on to the phone to speak to Serena.

Serena's phone is answered by Dan as Serena is busy.

D: Hello, Serena's phone.
B: Dan?
D: Umm...you have the wrong number...
B: Dont be stupid! It's Blair!
D: I know...
B: Where is Serena i need to speak to her now!
D: She's kind of busy what do you want?
B: Its really important Dan i need to ask her something!
D: Maybe i can help? Unless of course it's girl stuff....thats not...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 3

It had happened. Seeing Blair again brought back all the memories. He felt elated that she had come to see him, when no one else had. Chuck knew that he had been harsh to her last night, but it was necessary in order to push Blair away. Blair deserved a better man, and that wasn’t him.
Chuck knew she would be back today, and he planned to keep pushing her further away from him until she went back to New York. Alone. It was better if Blair Waldorf had nothing to do with Chuck Bass.

Blair woke up to a very disturbing nightmare. There was sweat pooled...
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posted by GGLover_1
It was just a fight!
It was just a fight!
-So i'm a first timer... hope you like it. I started to write it bcuz, i'm a huge fan, of all your fanfics and bcuz i <3 chair!!!

Chuck and Blairs 'Love Story', it takes place in the 1st season, right after nate breaks up with blair, after she slept with chuck...

GG: Good morning upper east siders, or must i say good night to Blair waldorf who still hasn't slept. Heard she hasn't left N's side the whole weekend, and C doesn't seem to happy about it!xoxo Gossip girl

*At the hospital...

B: Hey Natie! It's blair... why won't you wake up?! We miss you so much, you need to get back to us...(gets...
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Careful Humphrey! The B bites!
Careful Humphrey! The B bites!

Gossip Girl: # Gossip Girl has a message from the Queen B herself:
"Seeing as Jenny Humphrey is so fond of using Gossip Girl I thought i might leave a special message for her on here...meet me at lunch...at the steps...i have a proposal for you...."
I wonder what that's all about....i need someone on the inside to give me a scoop! xoxo Gossip Girl #

At Lunch at the steps. Blair is sitting on the steps talking to Penelope Nelly and Isabel.

B: It's the perfect plan...i know what her father is like...i've done my research...if he saw her kissing an older man...
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A/N: Okay I totally LOVE Lily Allen's new song 'The Fear' so I thought I'd take lyrics from the song and use as a fanfic base for this one shot. I've taken a break from writing cos I've finished the Chuck and Blair Chronicles so I'm just waiting to post, But boredness+Me= Writing! :( Don't know if this style of writing suits me or not, So give me your opinion. Thank you. Hope you like it.
A/U: Okay so I read Lauren's (ChuckBlairLuvA) one shot fanfic the other day and I totally loved it and the idea of a future setting so this scene is set some time in the future, When Blair is leaving for Yale,...
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She heard the elevator ding as he came in. What time was it? She looked at her sterling silver Tiffany alarm clock and saw it was just past four in the morning. Every night this week he had been coming home later and later.

She missed the days when his workday would end at five o’clock sharp and he would arrive home -not reeking of another ladies perfume- to eat the four course dinner with their perfect little family. Those days only occurring less than two months ago, would often be filled with passionate nights.

She heard his footsteps on the parakeet floors, as he went and gave their daughter...
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Taken from Episode 13, After Blair tells Chuck she loves him, he gets into the limo and drives away.
This scene is inside the limo after he tells Blair "That's to bad".

Chuck quickly and rapidly got into the limo and left a tear eyed Blair Waldorf standing on the side walk. Inside the limo seemed diffrent, The comfy leather seats seemed hard and edgy, But then he realised it was his figitting and moving about which was causing it. It seemed cold and somehow heartless.
Soon after, all Chuck could visualize was Blair's face and those three words, all he could hear were those three words, Over...
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posted by bl0ndy
Penn Dayton Badgley (born November 1, 1986) is an American actor best known for his role as Dan Humphrey on the CW television series Gossip Girl.

Badgley was born in Baltimore, Maryland and split his childhood years between Richmond, Virginia and Seattle, Washington. In Seattle, he attended Charles Wright Academy (in Tacoma, WA), and was involved with the Seattle Children's Theatre. He soon began doing voice-overs for a children's radio stations.

At age 11, Badgley relocated with his mother to Hollywood and began pursuing an acting career. According to Badgley's former homeschool classmate Blake...
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Leighton Marissa Claire Meester (born April 9, 1986) is an American actress and aspiring Singer-Songwriter, best known for her role as Blair Waldorf in the TV show Gossip Girl. Her first acting role on a television program was on NBC's legal drama Law & Order in 1999. Other series in which Meester has appeared include Surface, Entourage, CSI: Miami, 8 Simple Rules, 24, 7th Heaven, and House.

Meester's parents, Connie and Doug, were involved in a drug ring that smuggled marijuana from Jamaica to the United States. Both were convicted for their involvement in the ring, and Connie was released...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
Chuck stood in the corner, on the side of the building. It was pitch black out. He had been there so many times before. The most obvious one to his mind was when he had been watching Nate and Blair make out. Blair had looked at him and gone back to kissing his best friend. He wasn't even angry in that moment. He was just so hurt. He finally couldn't watch anymore. He had turned and walked away.

There was another time when Chuck had been smoking and Blair passed him by. He shook his head. The end of that scene was filled with even more pain. Blair had caused him so much pain, yet for all he put...
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added by ksbass
added by yaknowyaloveme
Source: spoilertv
added by yaknowyaloveme
Source: spoilertv
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared