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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters-Chapter Two

Okay. I really need to calm down, Chuck reminded himself. He was unbelievably freaked out by his feelings for Blair. They had been friends for so long, and it was nice to have a female friend that you didn’t want to sleep with. But that had all changed tonight; Chuck now felt an attraction to Blair.
He knew it was wrong; she was his best friend after all. He tried to put her out of his mind, but her face and the way she had looked in that dress kept coming back to him. He could still feel the spot where their bodies had touched and he remembered the lust that had ignited him.
Chuck ran his fingers through his hair furiously. This wasn’t working. He needed something to distract him. What he needed was to fuck somebody so that he could get Blair out of his mind. It was a plan. He got up and went to find the next available woman to screw.

Nate held out her chair and Blair sat down, looking at the restaurant he had picked. It was a nice, romantic little place. She smiled at him as she took in what being with Nate Archibald meant. It was fantastic. Nate was so devastatingly handsome in his tan slacks and polo shirt.
They pursued their menus and when the waiter came they ordered. A steak dinner for him and Blair got a chef’s salad. She was on a date; she couldn’t just order whatever she felt like. He would think she was a pig if she ordered what he had.
Blair leaned closer to him. “So tell me some of your favorite movies.”
Nate took a sip of wine. “I’m a big action movie fan, like most guys. Anything with Bruce Willis or Harrison Ford is great. I basically like all types of movies except for one. I absolutely detest cheesy, romantic, happy ending movies.”
She swallowed hard. Those movies that he had just called cheesy were her favorite type of films to watch. So strike one against him.
“What about you?” Nate asked.
Blair prattled off a list of films. But she did not tell him that her favorite movies were of course anything with Audrey Hepburn. Her favorites really were, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Roman Holiday, and Charade.
She didn’t like that she had to lie about some of her favorite things, but Blair wanted to agree with Nate so it looked like they had some things in common. She would never of had to lie if she was with Chuck.
Whoa. Where did that thought come from? Why was she thinking about Chuck when she was on a date? Blair shook her head vigorously while turning her attention back to Nate.
She listened to him as he talked about his father, the pressure he was under, and what a problem it was being Nate Archibald. Blair couldn’t help but think one thing. Boring.
But she decided that she wasn’t being entirely fair, their date had only just begun.
Two hours passed and she still felt bored. Who knew that Nathaniel Archibald would be so trying? What was the matter with her? She was out with the most popular boy in school and she should have been enjoying herself. Blair was lost in her own thoughts, when he asked her a question.
“Are you ready to go?”
She found that she couldn’t wait to get out of the restaurant. “Yes.”

Nate walked her up to her doorstep. She was about to place her key in the lock and go inside when he turned her around to face him.
“I had a really good time tonight, Blair.” Nate said as he placed a hand on her face.
“Me too, Nate.” Blair lied. She knew he was about to kiss her and she anxiously awaited it.
Nate placed his lips gently across hers and kissed her. Soft and slow at first, before tracing his tongue across her bottom lip, willing her to open her mouth for him. She parted her lips and Nate’s tongue whispered inside of her mouth. He kissed her for a few more minutes, before breaking it off.
“Do you want to me to come inside?” He asked hopefully, flustered by their kiss.
“I don’t think so.” Blair said harshly, but then felt bad when she noticed his expression. “At least not yet. I’m not that kind of girl.”
He kissed her again. “I’m glad you’re not that kind of girl, Blair. It makes it all so much more rewarding.” Nate rubbed his thumb across her lip. “I’ll see you in school tomorrow and I will call you.” He said as he bid Blair goodnight.
She waved to him and went inside. Blair was very surprised. She didn’t feel anything from that kiss except comfort and a pleasurable feeling. She wanted fire and passion with somebody and she knew that she wasn’t going to get that with Nate. Bair wanted to be consumed by the need.
Chuck. His name popped into her mind again and she started to freak out a little bit. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him? He was her friend, that was all. She had known Chuck since she was ten years old and Blair thought back to the first time she had met him.

She was sitting on a bench watching all of her other schoolmates play at recess. Blair’s perfect little gingham dress was all torn and ratty now and she had a huge scrap on her knee. Tears were pouring down her face and she heard deep breathing next to her. She turned her head to the side; to see who was intruding on her tantrum. She noticed a boy the same age as her. That was the first time she met Chuck Bass.
He was wearing a perfect three piece suit, and not a hair was out of place. Blair remembered thinking that he didn’t look like a kid at all, he seemed so grown up. He sat down on the bench next to her.
“What’s the matter with you?” He had asked.
Blair didn’t answer him, so he tried again. “I’m Chuck Bass.” He said proudly.
She looked at him this time. “Is that supposed to mean something?”
Chuck grinned at her. “It will one day. That I’m sure of.”
She shook her head at the conceit of this stupid little boy and tried to move away from him. But before she did, he asked her a question. “Really, what’s wrong?”
She bit her lip as she looked at him, tears overflowing her eyes again. “Just some really mean girls made fun of my dress and then they pushed me on the ground and tore at my dress.”
A frown appeared on Chuck’s face. “That’s why you’re crying? That’s it?”
She gave him her best don’t mess with Blair Waldorf look. “I’ll have you know that it was a very traumatic experience for me, not that you would understand that.”
He shook his head slightly. “I don’t understand why that would upset you. The only reason those girls did that was because their jealous of you.”
His voice sounded so sincere, that it made Blair question how rude she was being to him. “You really think so?”
He nodded. “Sure. You can’t let them get to you. Their jealous of you because you’re pretty, popular, and you have something that none of them will ever have. Class. Next time they do that to you, tell me and I will do something about it.”
She liked that this boy was so protective of her and she knew then that she wanted to be his friend then. “I’m Blair Waldorf.”
She smiled at him and Chuck smirked lopsidedly at her.

Ever since that day her and Chuck had been best friends. He was always there for her and her for him. It was a great friendship and they had been inseparable ever since that day eight years ago.
Blair went into her bedroom and drifted off to sleep still thinking about Chuck and their friendship.

Hazel came up to her the next day while she was stowing books away in her locker. Blair groaned inwardly. She didn’t even like Hazel, but she wasn’t Queen B for nothing, so she pasted a fake smile on her face.
Hazel was basically jumping out of her shoes. She wanted so bad to ask Blair about last night, but she wanted her to tell her first. But she couldn’t wait any longer, so she asked herself. “Blair. Aren’t you going to tell me what happened last night with Nate?”
Blair rolled her eyes up toward the ceiling. Why did she have to deal with this pathetic girl? “It was fantastic, H. We went out to dinner and had a fabulous time. And since I know you’re going to ask, no we did not sleep together.”
Hazel let out a shrieking laugh. “So Nate was everything you expected and more?”
Blair fought the urge to cover her ears. “Yes. It really was everything I wanted.” She lied.
“That’s great, Blair.”
“Yeah it is.” But if it was so good, why didn’t Blair feel happier about going out with Nate?

Blair was walking home from school when her cell phone beeped signaling that she had a new text message. She opened her phone and saw that she had two new messages. She opened the first one.

I had a fantastic time with you last night. It was better than I ever imagined.
I can’t wait to do again. I’ll call you later to set up a time and date for us to spend some more time together.
Maybe she had judged Nate too quickly. That was such a cute and heartfelt message. She opened the second message.

It’s me. Sorry I didn’t find you today, but I was a little busy. I really want to spend some time with you after school. I’ll head over to your place after school. I want to hear all about your date. See you soon.
If she had thought Nate’s message was cute, she just got a cold dose of reality. Chuck just had a way with words that nobody else would ever have compared with him.

Blair was sitting at her vanity, pulling a brush through her long locks of ringlets when there was a knock on her door.
“Come in.”
Chuck sauntered in and he looked better than she remembered. He still had his school uniform on like she did, but he had it paired with his trademark scarf. The one that she always teased him about and told him what an eyesore it was, but she secretly loved it.
He walked over to her and she had to tell her stupid heart to slow down. It was unnatural to get flustered at seeing your friend. Was it really only yesterday that she had seen Chuck last? It felt much longer than that.
“Hey, B.” He used the term of endearment that she loved, even though she insisted that she hated it.
“Chuck. So what were you busy with today?”
“Umm, nothing really. I was just trying to find a lady who would want me to use my charms on her.”
“That must have been hard.” Blair told him sarcastically.
He smiled at her. “Did anybody ever tell you that you really have wit? Actually I found several women willing to be with me, but I didn’t take any of them up on their offers. I kind of feel a little off my game.”
Blair pulled her face into a pretty little put. If she knew how delectable she looked, she surely would have stopped. “I’m sorry, Chuck. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
He nodded. “So what happened with you and Prince Nathaniel?”
“We had a nice time.”
His face broke into a bewildered look. “Nice? That’s something you would use to describe something that was basically awful. What happened? Did he hurt you?” Chuck said the last sentence furiously, he felt protective of her like he always did.
“Chuck, calm down. He didn’t hurt me. I meant what I said. We had a very nice time.” Blair said, hoping that he didn’t catch on to her.
He leaned down next to her chair. “Don’t bullshit me, Waldorf. You forget who you’re talking too. I know you better than I know myself. And I know that you’re lying, so tell me the truth.”
She sighed. “Alright. I’m sorry that I lied to you. When the truth really is that I was disappointed with Nate. He didn’t live up to my expectations.”
“I’m sorry, Blair. So I guess you told him that it wasn’t going to work out?”
Blair wrung her hands together tightly. “No, that’s not what I did. It was only one date; I’ve got to give him a bit of a chance.”
He glared at her. “It’s not going to get any better. You know that, Blair.”
She got up from her chair and began to pace around the room. Finally she turned around to look back at Chuck. “If it doesn’t get any better, then I’ll just stick it out. Nate is what I always wanted in a boyfriend. He’s got status, he’s handsome, and he’s nice and he cares about me. What more could I ask for?”
Chuck walked over to her and cupped her face in his hands. “You’re forgetting the most important thing, Blair.”
“What’s that?”
“Passion. Don’t you want to be with someone who makes you feel alive?”
“Yes.” Blair breathed.
“You know you’re not going to get that with Nate. Don’t you want your stomach to clench when you’re around somebody and to feel butterflies for them?” He asked.
She didn’t answer him, but she nodded. She felt those intended butterflies right now fluttering around in her stomach, but unfortunately they weren’t for her boyfriend, they were for the man standing in front of her. His warm hands caressed her cheeks and she felt like she couldn’t breathe anymore. She needed to put space between them.
Blair moved away from his touch. Chuck sighed in defeat. “I just hope you know what you’re doing, Blair. I want you to be happy.”
“I will be. I mean, I am.” She whispered.
He moved closer to her again. “I’ve got to go. My father wants to go over some things with me. I’ll see you later.” Chuck gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and left.
Blair sank down on to her bed. This was impossible. When Chuck had just touched her, she felt sensations she had never felt before. A surge of heat had gone through her when he had kissed her goodbye. But he was her friend, that was all. She wasn’t actually starting to become attracted to Chuck Bass, was she?

To Be Continued…

A/N: I just want to thank everyone who reviewed this story. That’s what makes it all worthwhile, to hear feedback. So if you like this chapter, please review it. Thanks.
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