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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters-Chapter 1

Blair’s alarm clock rang and she reached with her hand to turn it off. But instead of getting up, she snuggled further down into her covers. Her alarm rang again, and she decided that it was time to get up if she didn’t want to be late for school.
She had a smile pasted on her face; everything was finally turning out right in her life. After a few rocky years of feeling misguided, she was feeling perfect. For starters, she was going out with the perfect guy. Nate Archibald. He had finally asked her out about three weeks ago, although she had been trying to land him for about six months.
Nate was the most popular boy in school and Blair felt like a princess when she was around him. They were going out on their first official date tonight, and she was stumped on what she should wear. She would have to ask her best friend to come over later and help her decide.
That was the other thing. Her best friend was none other than Chuck Bass. Chuck freaking Bass! They had been friends for years, and she could tell Chuck anything that her heart desired. He was also different with her.
Chuck was a notorious womanizer; he basically screwed every woman who had a pair of breasts. Then after he was done with that he discarded them. Chuck Bass didn’t form an attachment to any women. Blair was actually his only friend that was female. That made her feel special too, that he had chosen her friendship over everyone else.
She had to find him at school today, so he could help her choose what that perfect date outfit was to wear for Nate. He was after all male, and he would never lie to her even if he knew he was going to hurt her feelings.
Blair got up out of bed and went to go take a shower. Her thoughts turning to her boyfriend. Nate was her boyfriend. She got so excited thinking about Nate and the word boyfriend in the same sentence. She actually couldn’t wait for when it was time for them to be intimate. She would relish losing her virginity to Nate Archibald.
Blair toweled herself off when she came out of the shower and went to go dress. She put on her uniform and headed out the front door.


It was lunch time. Blair was surrounded by her usual posse of girls, including Iz, Hazel, Penelope, and today even that desperate loser Serena. Serena was actually one of the most unpopular girls in school and Blair knew she would have to tell her to get lost. Yet again. They were eating their lunch in the courtyard, when Hazel asked her a question.
“So is tonight going to be the night?”
Blair looked over at her. “The night for what? Our first date?”
Hazel rolled her eyes, but it was Penelope who answered her. “No, Blair. The night for you and Nate to have sex.”
Blair whipped her head around so fast that she got a crick in her neck. “Sex? We haven’t even had our first official date yet. I don’t want to rush things. When it’s time, I’ll know.”
It was Iz who butted in with her opinion this time. “You should just get it over with, Blair. You’re eighteen. You must be the only virgin left in school.”
Blair let out a harsh laugh. “What about her?” She said waving her hand at Serena. “She’s got to be a virgin still, so I doubt that I’m the only one left. I just want it to be special, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
At her words, Serena put her head down. Blair looked at her in shock. “You’re not a virgin?”
She shook her head. “No. I lost mine about two years ago.” Blair couldn’t believe this, who in their right mind would have sex with Serena Van Der Woodsen?
Penelope let out a laugh. “See, Blair. You should take a hint from that creature you call a best friend. He must have fucked the whole Upper East Side.”
Blair turned her angry eyes on Penelope. “Leave Chuck out of this.” She said forcefully. “You don’t even know him. He’s a great person. And a better friend than you’ll ever be.”
Blair spotted Chuck across the courtyard, and quickly said goodbye to her so called friends. He was alone for once, which was a miracle. He usually always had a girl hanging all over him.
“Chuck. I am so glad to see you.” Blair said, as she gave him a quick hug.
He returned her hug and gave her a quick smile. The smiled he reserved only for her. “Hey, B. Would it be too cheesy to say I’m glad to see you too?”
She laughed. “I need your help with something.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Okay. Is everything alright?”
Blair smiled to herself, Chuck was always so concerned about her. It made her feel good. “Everything’s fine, great in fact. I need you to come over to my place after school to help me decide what to wear for my date with Nate.”
“What do I look like, Blair? A guy, that’s right. You don’t ask your guy friends this. Maybe I have plans for this afternoon.”
She pursued her lips. “Please? I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
Chuck really wanted to say no to her, but he knew he couldn’t. That was his problem, he could never say no to Blair. “Fine, but you owe me big time.”
“Thank you, Chuck.” Blair kissed him on the cheek.
He rolled his eyes at her, and then returned his attention to the brunette across the courtyard that had been trying to catch his eye. “She looks tasty. Right, B?” He wanted her approval.
Blair saw that he was leering at another woman. “Ugh, can’t you at least wait before you go leering at woman?”
Chuck just smirked at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back at him. “One of these days Chuck, you going to meet somebody that you really fall for and then you’ll be in trouble. You’re not always going to want to be such a pig.”
He touched her cheek tenderly. “That will never happen, Blair. You know I only have room for one girl in my life and that’s you. You’re my best friend and everyone comes in second too you.”
“Thanks, Bass. I only have room in my life for you too and of course Nate.”
Chuck frowned at this. “So you really like this Archibald?”
“You know I do, Chuck. I finally feel like everything is going right in my life.”
“Just be careful, Blair. If he ever hurts you, I’ll kill him.”
She grabbed his hand. “Thanks for being so protective, but there’s really no need to be. Nate’s a great guy, you should try and get to know him.”
“Sure.” Chuck told her, but only to humor her. Blair trotted off to her next class and waved goodbye to him.

She was sitting in her chemistry class, bored out of her mind. I mean really, did anybody really care about elements, atoms, or stupid stuff like that? Her cell phone beeped. Blair discreetly took it out from under her skirt and saw that she had one new text message. It was from Chuck.

What time do you want me to come over, B?
Blair smiled to herself and texted Chuck back for him to come over around 5. That would give her plenty of time to get ready for her date with Nate. She was super excited and couldn’t wait for the day to come to a close.

She was sitting down on her bed, when she saw Chuck waltz through the door. He sat down next to her. “Let’s get going here, Blair. Show me the choices so I can get out of here. I think that girl from school is just dying to sink her claws into me, and I want to go find her.”
Blair gazed at him sternly and he burst out laughing. She stuck her tongue out at him playfully, and got up to go try on her first outfit for him. “I’m down to two choices Chuck; I just need your opinion on which one looks better.” She said as she got up and went behind the screen that served as the barrier for Chuck not to see her naked.
“Okay, Blair. Let’s see what you got in store for Archibald tonight.”
She changed into the first outfit which consisted of a short plaid skirt and a very prim top with a cardigan. She stepped out from behind the screen and waited for Chuck’s approval.
“What do you think?”
He scanned his eyes back and forth over her body. “Umm, it’s okay. You look half sexy and then half like your grandmother with the cardigan. The skirt is very nice though, but I’m not crazy about the top. You can do better than that.”
Blair bit her lip, while she looked down at the ensemble she was wearing. “That bad, huh?”
He just shrugged his shoulders, but she knew he wasn’t crazy about what she was wearing.
“I know you’re going to like the next one, Chuck.” She said as she moved back behind the screen.
He leaned back against the bed with his trademark smirk in place. “Let’s see it then.”
She started to shed her clothes, and Chuck could see the outline of her body through the thin shield of the screen. He swallowed hard; he didn’t want to see Blair like this. But he had to admit that she had a perfect little body.
“Are you ready?” Her voice called out to him.
“Yeah.” He replied, his voice suddenly hoarse.
She stepped out from behind the screen, and he felt his mouth gape open. She looked fucking stunning. Blair saw his reaction and laughed, and then she twirled around for him.
She was wearing a skin tight red dress that hit right above her knee. A hint of cleavage showed and there was a black bow tied right underneath her breasts. Chuck felt his mouth water and he didn’t know why.
Blair went to stand next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “So I gather by your reaction that you like it?”
His eyes skimmed her body once again. “It’s perfect. You look amazing.”
She smiled, but then pulled her face into a frown. “You don’t think it’s too much, do you?”
Chuck placed his hands on her hips. “It’s just right, Blair. I know that if I were your boyfriend, we wouldn’t even make it through dinner. The dress would be off as soon as I saw you.”
She laughed. “That’s exactly the reason we’re only friends, Chuck.”
He moved away from her. “Why? You don’t think I would be a good boyfriend?”
She had a surprised look on her face at his words. “You’re not boyfriend material for anyone, Chuck. I just don’t think that anyone would put up with your womanizing. But that’s not what you want anyways, so it’s all good.”
He didn’t say anything; he just stared down moodily at the floor. Chuck didn’t like how he was feeling at the moment, but Blair’s words had hurt him. He could by boyfriend material if he wanted to be.
“Thank you for helping me, Chuck. I appreciate it. Good luck with finding that brunette.”
“What?” He asked, confused about what she was talking about.
“What’s wrong with you? The girl in school today that you wanted to put the moves on. You said that you were going to go find her. Remember?” Blair looked worriedly at him.
Chuck shook his head, trying to get rid of his befuddled thoughts. “Right.”
She walked back towards him. “I’m going to get ready now, but thank you for your help again.”
Blair leaned down to kiss his cheek and her body brushed against his. Chuck felt electricity course through his body as her lips met his cheek and he felt her body. He had never felt such lust in his life, and it scared him. After all Blair was his friend.
Blair threw her arms around his neck and he felt the wave of electricity again. She waved goodbye to him and Chuck left her room. That was the first time he had felt desire for Blair Waldorf, but it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

To Be Continued.

A/N: Well, here is the first chapter of my new story. What do you think of it? I kind of like that story of Chuck and Blair being best friends, but then realizing that they have feelings for each other. It will get interesting. If you like this new story, then please review so I know if I should continue it. Reviews are what writers live for! Happy readings.
Brittany Snow as 'Lily Rhodes'
Brittany Snow as 'Lily Rhodes'
"So did you like this Valley Girls prequel?"

I am sure interested in what Lily's life was, it somewhat mirrors Serena's life now. How was Brittany Snow as Lily Rhodes? Did you think she looked like Lily. The transitions between Lily Rhodes and Lily van der Woodsen were well done, as I found myself comparing both individuals and they were somewhat the same. I know they are the same person, but think about it, has Lily van der Woodsen ever really grown up? There is still a hint of Lily Rhodes in there, mixed with a bit of her mother's (Cece) cliche moments.


Telling Serena 'Mother Knows Best'...
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Summary: Blair Waldorf is a young, beautiful, 18 year old, dark haired girl who was raised in California by her New Yorker parents. As a little girl she used to visit her grandparents in the Upper East Side, and she remembered having friends there. Now she graduated from high school and went to college, Yale, only to find there people who she no longer remembered existed. What will happen?

Chapter 1: Yale Material

It was a long night for Blair Waldorf; she unpacked, tried to put it all into her smallish new wardrobe and then decided she had to go shopping because the 37 designer dresses she had...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey guys. So here's chapter seven and the return of Serena. =D So I hope you're all happy about that. This chapter is mainly a Blair and Serena chapter but I'm gonna throw Chuck and Nate in there too so hopefully you'll all be happy with that. I'm so proud of myself for this I wrote it all in only two hours. I decided to take some time off from my revising for a few hours after all it was only science and who needs that right! =D Not really I would like to pass it but it's not one of my main priorities! =D Anyway I hope you all like this chapter. Thank you for...
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Avoiding each other...
Avoiding each other...
Chair Tales S02E03 - Dawn of the Dad

Its been a week since Chuck and Blair's recent fall out and things have been a bit cold between them. Blair is going on a weekend trip with the D.A.Y to New York as this is where the original West Side Story was set. Meanwhile and coincidently, Bart is visiting Chuck in New Haven whilst Blair will be away.
Blair has told Chuck about the trip but he seemed uninterested, his response was minimal and in her opinion he wasn't very bothered.
Blair is just glad that she can have a weekend break and can go back to New York, maybe even visit her mother, which she hasn't...
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Grown up...?
Grown up...?
This is Season 2 of Chair Tales.
Catch up: Blair, Serena and Dan are at Yale University and it is set in their final year at Yale. Nate is not around as he is travelling the world. Blair's mother is still living in their house in Manhattan. Lily still lives in Manhattan. Eric and Jenny both attend other Universities. Rufus has moved out of Brooklyn to Jersey City.
Due to the fact that they have all moved away from the Upper East Side, unfortunately there will be no Gossip Girl Blasts anymore, in fact Gossip Girl isn't around any more so this season is based on their futures after High school...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Okay, This is my new fan fiction. I hope you all like it, I know it's a bit crap... Okay a lot crap, but I've had a crappy week. Ugh! God do I hate school!! And I've been ill, so don't let first impressions put you off, please! So to sum up Everything that's happened in the show has happened in this fan fiction, nothing is different. It begins eight years after everyone left for their collages. The main characters are Blair, Chuck, Nate, Serena and Dan. Vanessa and Jenny might pop up for time to time but they wont be that important. And a few new characters will...
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-So i have read alot of fanfics about what if blair was really pregnant (season one, ep.13), and i loved all of them, but it's always chuck's baby... so here's a different look at it...blair doesn't really know who the father is! Hope you enjoy it!!!
-I own nothing!

* Blair is at home, she's getting really annoyed because she hates morning sickness...

B: Oh God... not again (runs to her bathroom)! I thought babies made you eat more, not throw up!

-she comes down for breakfast and is surprised her mother is back..

E: Is everything alright blair?
B: Mom, your back!! Yes, everything is...
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What is your game Miss G?
What is your game Miss G?

Episode 22: Made in Manhattan

GG: Yawn. That's what we hear is coming from the mouth of Chuck Bass, up all night...but not in a good way, stuck with N, wallowing in his latest break up from V, Oh well she wasn't the first and unless there's a holocaust of all females she certainly wont be the last.

(At the Palace.)

In Chuck's suite.
Nate is walking around holding a whiskey, he has been drinking all night.
Chuck is sitting on the couch looking very bored and isn't really listening.

N: You know It was just one mistake (drinks) And it's not like it matters anyway...
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Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
PART TWO- The Taming of the Shrewd

Gossip Girl: # Gossip Girl has photographic evidence of someone climbing down from Queen B's window last night...! Unfortunately our tip off came from an inexperienced photo taker! All we see is a black blur but im sure it is a male figure! Free blog space on Gossip Girl for anyone who finds out who it was! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Serena and Blair are in school sitting at the steps.

S: Let me guess...Chuck?
B: S! Ssshhh....people can hear you!
S: (whispers) Ok...so it was him?
B: ...Maybe.
S: Come on B...you can tell me.....what did he want?
B: What do you think!
S: Twice...
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A/N: Hello everyone, this is a fanfic I and Waldorf wrote.It's like a Gossip Girl spinoff and takes place after 2x13, but the ending is rewritten. Chuck never showed up in Blair's bedroom and left after she said ILY. After he left, Gossip Girl also left and was replaced by someone who calls himself Gossip Lord.It's mostly humor, but also pretty serious. There are also some weird pairings in the story, so don't freak out.

"Gossip Lord - Episode 1"

"Miss Blair!"
Blair opened her eyes and slowly sat up in her bed. She heard a knock on the door and Dorota entered the room, slightly annoyed.
"Time for...
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A/N: Yes, I know….shame on me. I should be writing another chapter of ‘so what if I’m jealous’…….*sighs* I apologize. It’s just…….*huffs*…….it will take soooo long and it MUST be perfect and I have another brilliant idea! Now, I know I don’t usually write up all my brilliant ideas, because let’s face it….then I’d have like 20 multi-chaptered CB fics and they’d NEVER get finished! Lol. XD
But! This is different.
I swear.
This story is simply the retelling of my Gossip Girl dreams, from my perspective. And I had TWO of them last night, so 2 chapters to start! *giggles*...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
...after both of their worlds have come crashing down, blair goes to chuck as expected...but awkward situations breathe life into what may be the greatest comeback ever known...

Ch.1-Last Resort

“You know what, Chuck, I’m done! You’ve taken everything away from me yet again and somehow I’ve come crawling back to you, just as you predicted!” she paced back and forth in front of him.
He pursed his lips, trying hard not to smile at how ridiculously cute she was when upset.
“So here!” she said, stretching her arms out to him and closing her eyes, so she wouldn’t have to see that predictable...
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Gossip Girl-Main Cast
Gossip Girl-Main Cast
Gossip Girl Cast

Blake Lively: Serena van der Woodsen
Leighton Meester: Blair Waldorf
Penn Badgley: Dan Humphrey
Chace Crawford: Nate Archibald
Taylor Momsen: Jenny Humphrey
Ed Westwick: Chuck Bass
Kelly Rutherford: Lily van der Woodsen
Matthew Settle: Rufus Humphrey

Gossip Girl Directors

Bob Levy: Executive Producer
J. Miller Tobin: Director
Jamie Babbit: Director
Jessica Queller: Producer
Jonathan C. Brody: Co-Producer
Josh Schwartz: Executive Producer
Lee Shallat Chemel: Director
Leslie Morgenstein: Executive Producer
Mark Piznarski: Director
Michael Fields: Director
Norman Buckley: Director
Patrick Norris:...
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added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared