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Ivelina is our Glee FOTM for August!
Ivelina is our Glee FOTM for August!
So our Fan of the Month for August goes to the lovely Ivelina, who I think really deserves the title! And I'm so happy to be interviewing her!

1. First off, Iveline, congrats on winning the Glee FOTM for August! :) How did you feel when you won?
Honestly, I was shocked ! I feel like a freshman here :D because I’ve been on the Glee spot for 5 months [yes, I count them :D ] so, I was really nervous because of the voting and I decided not to open the pick till it’s over. And I woke up this morning, loaded fanpop while still feeling sleepy :D and saw the Congrats from Rachel :D, still can’t believe it!

2. For the Glee fans who aren't that familar with you, tell us a little about yourself.
That will be probably Rachel’s favourite part because she’s really interested in my name but that’s another story :D So, my name is Ivelina I live in Bulgaria, that’s in East Europe if don’t know , in a city called Plovdiv, I’m 17, Taurus , if that’s important at all :D I’m a single child and I have a pet :d It’s a female guinea pig, named Mady after Madonna :D Besides music and TV that I suppose are the hobbies of every teenager , I draw and I scrapbook. I have a huge scrapbook with articles about my fav celebraties [I have a lot of Glee’s] And I think that’s all =)

3. So how did you first get into Glee?
Well, that’s not the typical story because I didn’t start watching it from the beginning, but that’s not because I’m a bad fan! :D Here, in Bulgaria, Glee is not airing. It’s really a shame but you can’t watch Glee on TV. So, one day I was browsing on Youtube and I was watching the original video of No Air [I really like this song!]and in the related videos I found the scene with that song on Glee. Honestly, first of all, Lea’s voice impressed me. Then I googled Glee because I had no idea what was that :D And I downloaded all the aired epies .That all happened during the break before the Back 9 so I had enough time to watch the first 13. But again, thank you , Youtube, you’re really annoying with all that “rights” crap but if it wasn’t you, I
wouldn’t have discovered Glee :D

4. Where does Glee rank on your list of your favourite TV shows?
That’s really hard one :D Let’s just say that House MD [ I love Huddy :D ]and Glee are competing always for my number 1 but it’s really a tie :D

5. So now that Season 1 is over, on a scale of one to ten, how happy were you with it? Is there anything you could change if you could?
I loved it, 10 :D And I don’t really know why people don’t like the B9, because I love them, maybe because they were the epies that waited for each week and I watched the first 13 in a week :D Maybe I would change the whole Shelby/Will drama, I didn’t see the point in this at all, I was so shocked when the making out scene started that I thought that Will is dreaming this :D
On Season 1: "I loved it!"
On Season 1: "I loved it!"

6. What are you most looking forward to for Season 2?
Finn & Rachel :D I so want to see them as a couple. We didn’t get even 5 minutes of that in S1.Also, Kurt and boyfriend, that was high time, I so want to see him happy, although Kurt and Finn was amusing, Kurt was miserable and he should get someone who loves him and doesn’t try to change him. I wasn’t excited about Tina and Mike but after that promo, I changed my mind :D And it’ll be a good way to make Artie jealous and he’ll finally realize what girl he had lost. Also, completely excited about the Empire State of Mind :D Love that song, love it also because it’s a soundtrack of a movie I really love so I really hope they won’t screw this up!

7. If you could meet any member of the cast and ask them one question, who would it be and what would you ask them?
Really made me think about this one :D Probably, whoever I meet I would only say WOW :D
However, I really want to ask Chris how it feels for a man to wear those tight pants :D
"I really want to ask Chris how it feels for a man to wear those tight pants!"
"I really want to ask Chris how it feels for a man to wear those tight pants!"

8. You're given the opportunity to write your own Glee Episode! What would happen?
I really want to see them outside the school. I want Jesse back,not that much Jesse but Jon Groff :D I want more of Will &Emma and the things that I want actually are happening in S2 so I want S2 :D
"I want Jesse back!"
"I want Jesse back!"

9. What's your favourite thing about the Glee spot here on fanpop?
Honestly, the people and I’m not saying this because I want to seem nice or something. It’s true.I have been on a lot of spots of shows that I like and I ‘ve decided not to be a fan anymore because of the people there. But here, you’re so great that you make me love Glee even more :D

10. Your Favourite: {And why}
-Female Character: Rachel, mostly because I ‘m like her in many ways and that helps me to understand her, I’m really ambitious, energetic, I like to talk as you see :D I even have the long brown hair, without the new bangs, of Lea :D
On Rachel: "I'm like her in many ways!"
On Rachel: "I'm like her in many ways!"
-Male Character: Kurt because he’s sweet, creative, talented , has awesome quotes :D
-Actor: If I can say someone as a guest star – NPH ,just love him :D but Chris Colfer because I think he’s really strong as a person because many people have admitted their sexuality when they are let’s say 40 but to be honest about yourself when you are 19 for me it is a big deal, he’s hilarious, so talented and I think we’ll see him even more in other shows ,too.
-Actress: that’s hard one it’s a tie between Lea and Jane. I’ve loved Jane even before glee and having her with this amazing role in glee is a blessing for me ,but on the other hand glee made me love Lea so I can’t choose :D
-Episode: Since I’m a Madonna fan you’ll expect me to say 1x15 :D But no , my favourite one was Hell-o and not because it’s the best episode but because that was the first one that I actually waited for with all the promos and it made me feel like one of you :D
-Quote: How am I supposed to chose ?Really? :D I’ll go with Sue : “Somewhere on the English countryside, in a stately manor, Madonna is weeping.”
-Couple: Finn & Rachel, I don’t really know why :D and the irony is that I have a medal for St.Berry :D But I love Finchel since the pilot. They ‘re so different that I think that they’re like a puzzle pieces, you know like the one is longer in a certain place where the other has a whole and that makes them matching =)
Finchel: "They're like puzzle pieces"
Finchel: "They're like puzzle pieces"
-AU Couple: Artie & Brittany but I’ve read some spoilers and they might not be AU :D
-Storyline: The Finn & Rachel & Jesse triangle with the culmination Run,Joey,Run :D

11. Your Least favourite: {And why}
-Female Character: Shelby, I really don’t understand her. First, as I said I don’t get that making out with Will but let’s say that I blame Will for that :D But then she says she wants a family but not a family with Rachel so don’t like her
-Male Character: Rod Remignton, do I need to say why ? :D
-Actor: I really don’t know who to chose, love them all
-Actress: Here again, I’ll keep silence :D
-Episode: I guess it is Home, it had too much April
-Quote: every quote is remarkable :D
-Couple: I’m sorry but it’s Puckleberry, although I kinda love their name :D But seriously, we didn’t see dating or something just making out
-AU Couple: Honestly, don’t have one =)
-Storyline: Ken and Emma, don’t have any words about them :D

12. The most...
Emotional moment: Journey, when the winners were announced
Saddest moment: To Sir, With Love, I so cried during that :D
Happiest moment: We’ve got another year!
Funniest moment: Three words :D : Run,Joey,Run
Sexiest moment: Like a Virgin
Cutest moment: Over the Rainbow : Finn & Rachel, Mercedes & Kurt, Kurt & Quinn,Brittana, that was so cute
Unexpected moment: I won’t surprise you :D The making out scene of Shelby & Will
"I so cried during that!"
"I so cried during that!"

13. Aside from the Glee spot, what is your other favourite Glee related spot on fanpop?
I have three :D Rachel Berry, Lea Michele and Finn & Rachel

14. Do you consider yourself a total Gleek or just a fan of the show?
Total Gleek, I have a countdown on my desktop that counts the days till 21st September, I have a keychain “gleek” with the hand as L and my notebooks for the new school year all have a sticker “gleek” :D Besides that, I’m listening to the soundtracks all day ,you can check me on LastFM to see how crazy I am :D and last but not least , I totally love glee =) {OMG I totally want that keychain!!}

15. Finsh the sentance:
-I would love to see more NPH on Glee :D Every other thing that I hoped for [Kurt & boyfriend ,Finchel, Brittany and Mike as regulars ] is going to happen so now I’m hoping for NPH =)
-Emma said that no one has asked her if she’s ok with the slushie promos and she’s not ok :D
-Quinn and Artie wondered since the S2 is starting have they any chance of solos or maybe, just maybe a duet?
-Puck and Tina looked at the promo photos and Puck realized that he hasn’t slept with Tina but Tina turned him down because Mike is way hotter :D
"Mike is way hotter!"
"Mike is way hotter!"
-Sue and the cheerios are trying new recipes for diet drinks with which they’ll hit the market and make enough money to tickle Figgins’s palm since the blackmailing process doesn’t work anymore :D

16. If you could play any character on the show, who would you be and why?
Probably, it’ll be easier for me to be Rachel but I can’t sing at all so I’ll ruin her character but I really want to try Sue, it’ll be fun :)

17. Which of the Season 1 guest stars would you love to see back on the show?
NPH :D I love him on HMIYM and he’s so hilarious that if they just make him sit in silence he’ll make me laugh again :D

18. Who would be your dream guest star on the show?
Wouldn’t it be funny to see Betty White as the school nurse :D?
Iveline's Dream Guest Star: Betty White as McKinley's School Nurse!
Iveline's Dream Guest Star: Betty White as McKinley's School Nurse!

19. What show would you love to see do a cross-over with Glee?
I love glee because it’s unique and if they make a cross-over it’ll lose that quality

20. Who do you think deserves to win the next FOTM?
Well, I thought about that and honestly the people I wanted have already won and the new season is starting so I expect a lot of gleeks which are “freshmen” to be active and I want to give them a chance so I’m not saying anything :D

21. How would you describe Glee in one word?
sunshine :D it’s like sunshine :D it’s unique, warm, bright, make you feel in a good mood and you’re always waiting for :D

22. And finally, do you have any last words?
I’m still in Emmy-mood :D So, I’d like to thank you all, not just the people who voted for me because I’m sure you all voted for the person you believe deserves this award and I hope if I’m not that person and I haven’t convinced you with that interview that I deserve it, I hope your person wins next time I love you, gLeeks and I wish you happy celebration of the new season, although there is like a month and it’s a little early :D And I ‘m so excited about spending another year of Glee-fulness with you :)
Glee: It's like sunshine!
Glee: It's like sunshine!
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