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Yuri's Perspective

Very few friendships are as satisfying as the one you share with Aquarius. This sign is sociable, adventurous and philosophical. Both of you adore meeting new people, exploring unfamiliar territory and discussing the meaning of life. Jealousy doesn't enter into this relationship, either. You admire the Water-bearer's mastery of quantum physics, while your pal is impressed by your flawless French. Granted, this pal's stubborn behavior can make you crazy -- you can't understand their insistence on wearing their lucky mittens in the middle of summer, no matter how hard you try. Similarly, Aquarius has a hard time with your fickle tastes. Still, it's easy to ignore each other's shortcomings when you have so many common interests. Badminton, basketball and charity work can bring you both pleasure.

Sooyoung's Perspective

Sagittarius is one of your favorite people in the whole world. You love their free spirit, open mind and adventurous heart. The Archer loves your unpredictable behavior and humanitarian instincts. You're both quite social and may be the last ones to leave a party. Sports that require quick wits and quicker reflexes appeal to you both. The two of you could be great ping-pong or foosball players. Alternately, bird watching or botany could become a mutual passion. Sloppy artistic pursuits like painting and sculpting could also provide hours of fun. The two of you love getting your hands dirty! At times, you'll have to remember that the Archer's blunt honesty is always well-meant, while Sagittarius will need to be reminded that your failure to notice big changes like new clothes or different hairstyles is just a charming quirk.
added by 130_Sparrow

Tiffany (Girls Generation/SNSD)
Because It's You Love Rain OST


Don't say that you're sorry
Love isn't over for me yet
If we break up like this
What do I do, what do I do?

* I just have love alone but I can't even love
I can't even say the words that I really want to say
The love that is getting farther away
The words that I can't keep - they are making me cry

Don't say thank you
I want to give you all my love but
If we were to truly be strangers like this
What do I do, what do I do?

* Repeat

I love you - what do I do because I love you?

It's okay even if it's a painful love
Even if I erase the last love in my life
You are someone that cannot be erased
Even if it's a sad destiny, I can't let you go
I love you because it's you

Because to me, it's you
added by GDragon612
added by pyang163
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added by SNSDFanGG
added by demmah