George & Izzie Club
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A light flashes, now the elevator show’s George on the operating table with Shepherd and Sloan working on him like mad men. “oh my god… George this what happened to you? Your……your face.” Izzie says looking at him with wide eyes “I’m not gonna make it Iz, I’m going to die. With my face looking like…like that and I don’t even get to say goodbye to anyone” a tear rolls down his face “not Callie, not Lexie, know one” Izzie tears up “if I make it, I’ll tell them. I’ll tell everybody that you say goodbye” “Izzie” says a voice behind her, she turns around to see Denny “we’ll miss you. Wanna hear something crazy? O’Malley and me, we’re friends now.” George nods “we talk about you all the time, we always say how lucky Alex is to have you as his wife.”

Shepherd calls TOD (time of death) for George at 9pm June 14th 2009. a tear rolls down Callie’s cheek George look into her eyes he sighs “Callie Torres, why did we ever get divorced?” Lexie is bawling her eyes out in Sloan’s arms, Meredith is leaning against Derek wiping away tears, Hunt is saluting George’s body like he had died in war. Izzie looks at George, he’s crying looking at all the people who cared about him. She blinks away tears “goodbye George” she walls back into the elevator.

To be continued…… the Izzie Stevens spot