Gaspard Ulliel Club
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posted by ilovegaspard
"And, you know, I would love to be able to express myself through my own film, and my own cinema, and even my own script. I would love to write the script. This was something I was really into, obviously, when I was 19 or 20,"

"I love music. My secret dream has always been to be a jazz musician. I tried the saxophone for a year or two when I was younger, but unfortunately I had to face the fact that I was not really talented !"

"I really like New York; there is a great mix of people and stories. One moment you are at a party with models and bankers and who knows what, and then you step outside and here is a hot dog stand and the lights and sounds of the street greet you. In Paris, your daily life is formed by your class and oriented by your social status. In New York, there is this sense of total freedom. I think if I lived in New York for too long I'd get tired though, everything goes so fast, there are all these temptations, the city never sleeps. Paris has a calmer pace."

"I think I can be charmed by many different types of women, actually. It’s all about a connection and chemistry. What I don’t like: when she becomes a bit vulgar. I like classy ladies, I’d say, overall."

"I think I would never be ready to do a regular job. I couldn’t go to the office every day at the same hour. I love my life. This freedom."

"I was not a very good student in school (Laughs). I was not really interested about history."

"I think one really memorable experience for me was on a film called Strayed by André Téchiné, a great filmmaker in France. That was an experience where I learned the most because he wouldn’t leave me alone, even for a second, between takes. [Laughs] He was really focused on his actors and that was really wonderful. I was really young at the time and that was a really important film for me."

"I am not a big horror movie fan but sometimes I like to be scared in the cinema."

"I can be very patient. I don’t like to do things in a hurry."

"Half of my family comes from the French Alps. As a child, I almost skied before I walked!"

"I love good food. I’m an epicurean, that’s for sure. … But I am not really a good cook."
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