Frankie & Mike Heck Favorite Frankie quote: extensions in comments

Pick one:
"Brick ate too much fudge. The poor kid just crawled behind the chair like a(1)
"Wow, you have a girlfriend. Bob, that's great. Oh, so is this someone you've (2)
"I made dinner. Come get your bags."
"Enjoy this time with the baby before it learns to talk."
"Sometimes moms scream things they don't mean."
"How do you fail personal hygiene?"
"As long as you heat it up at home, it's homemade."
"I have two lives in two centuries and they both suck."
"I'm scared. He's never been this quiet for this long without a game on."
"I want family in this house, Mike. Otherwise it's not Thanksgiving. It's (3)
"Now if there was only a way to transmit ideas from one person to another."
"We took our lives back a week ago and it has been like being on vacation in (4)
"When did the kids become our bosses?"
"Microwave is for pizza rolls. The oven is for bulky storage."
"We're not rich enough to get a divorce. So we're gonna have to have a fight."
"Honey, this pie is going to kill you."
"You're on your own. The next time your dad and I change a diaper it'll be (5)
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 nikki8green6 posted over a year ago
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