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A sharp siring pain struck my stomach; I froze tight as stone grasping at my stomach. The pain was unbelievably unbearable. I wasn’t able to breathe it just made the pain ten times worse. My eyes were pinched tight, tighter then when I jumped off the bleachers in the high school gym a few years back.
The thought about that whole night made me cringe making the pain worst. That night was one of the worst nights of my life; something I hope will never have to be brought up ever again.
Patch and I were sitting on the couch watching TV after our one o’clock lunch. My legs had been flung on top of his as I stretched out on the couch. Patch was ruby my feet when the pain struck. He didn’t say anything he just waited till it passed. My hands were balled into fist so tight I could swear blood had started appearing.
The pain settled down letting me breathe. My head felt heavy for a few seconds as I let out a long thick breath. I opened my eyes, my vision was a bit foggy but blinking a few times took care of that.
I looked up at Patch who looked laid back and calm but in his dark endless eyes you could see the panic accelerating with every silent passing second.
“I’ll be okay.” He raised his eyebrows not convinced. “It’s my job to take care of you as your guardian and fiancé.” I gave a soft smile at the word fiancé.

I still couldn’t believe that he had asked me to marry him. He was so romantic purposing too, something he doesn’t do to often.
He had rented out a nice small yacht strung with lights covering every inch of the boat. We had dinner and talked. He looked extremely nervous; I had never seen him like that and it scared me.
When the yacht stopped he had walked me to the top floor showing the twinkling stars and the huge bright white moon. I was amazed with the scenery that I hadn’t realized that he had dropped to one knee.
“I love you.” he said catching my attention, I turned around to see him on one knee. He pulled out a small velvet box out of his jacket pocket and opened it. In side was a beautiful small white gold diamond ring. “I love you too, but,” I paused. “Patch I’m too young.”
He stood up laying his hands around my waist. “Nora, just because you say yes it doesn’t mean that we have to get married right away.” He looked down, deep into my eyes as if to hypnotize me. And that’s exactly what his eyes did to me.
He bent back down on one knee and opened the little box again. “Nora Grey will you marry me?” I wasn’t sure what to say. Yes I love him, yes I will always love him, and he was right we didn’t have to get married right away. I smiled “Yes.”
I could only imagine what my mother would think, or Vee. She didn’t like Patch before, but after Rixon she hated him.
She was immensely pissed with Patch for setting them up. She said that it was stupid to think that a friend of Patch’s wouldn’t be just like him. Especially since he listened and did every single thing Patch asked of him. She thinks that he had skipped town after a bad gamble instead of being sent to hell by Patch.
Patch stood up smiling, showing his perfect white teeth. He looked at me as he took the ring out of the little box and placed it on my finger. I leaned in and kissed him hard still smiling.

“Come on Nora were going to the hospital.” Patch got up off the couch picking my legs up gently and placing them down on the ground. I shook my head. “Sit back down.” I patted the couch where he was just sitting. “I’ll be fine the contractions aren’t that far apart and it was just a little pain.”
He kneeled down placing his hands on my knees. “Nora that wasn’t just a little pain, breathing hurt. Don’t you want pain medication?” I shook my head again. “Why not?” His voice was soft and comforting as he stroked my cheek.
I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes I blinked and one fell. I looked down at Patch’s hands on my knees. “Angel?” I sniffled looking up at him. “I’m scared.”
He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my head in his warm chest. I could still smell the summer sun lingering in his clothes. “There’s no need to be, as long as I’m around nothing will ever happen to you.”
I was softly crying in his chest when another searing pain hit. I dug my self harder into his chest waiting for the pain to past. I wasn’t breathing again. That was it for Patch. “I’m not fighting with you; you are going to the hospital.” I nodded my head slowly as the pain started to fade.
I lifted my head from Patch as he stood up. I held his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.
It took us a few minutes to get to his jeep. Once I was in he ran back to the house for the bag. Patch threw it in the back seat and started the engine.
We hit the first read light and another contraction hit. I grabbed Patch’s arm clasping it immensely tight. I would have felt bad that I was hurting him but he didn’t feel it.
I hated the fact that he couldn’t feel my touch but at curtain times it came in handy. The mood swings can get pretty nasty. I remember when I told him I was pregnant.
He was so happy he was laughing and smiling. I didn’t want it I knew I was too young. I got pissed and started hitting him telling him that we weren’t keeping it. I told him that I had plains for my life. I threw a major fit.
He won of course, he convinced me. “Don’t you want to have a baby with me, have a family, a beautiful house?” he asked and that’s all it took. I hated my self for the way I acted, he said it didn’t matter he understood why I had the reaction I had; of course that didn’t really make me feel any better.

The pain subsided and I let got of Patch and leaned my head against the back of the seat. “I need to call my mother.” Patch dug his cell phone out of his pant pocket and handed it to me. “Don’t forget Vee.” He said raising his eyebrows.
If I didn’t call Vee she would never forgive me. We hadn’t asked her yet but Patch and I wanted Vee to be the baby’s godmother.
I dialed my mother’s number. She didn’t pick up, “she must be with him.” I thought. It was tough to think of her with him, but I knew she loved him.
I left a voice main “Mom, Patch and I are on the way to the hospital. Come as soon as you get this.” I said and hung up.
Next I dialed Vee’s number, knowing it by heart. Ever since I got pregnant she called twenty four/seven either that or I was calling her. This pregnancy came with a lot of cravings, she always helped graciously. “Hello babe.” I was breathing heavy and fast I could feel another contraction coming. “Oh my gosh, are you in labor?” I nodded my head as if she could see.
I felt a little pain hit my stomach. I wasn’t too bad I was able to breathe but it hurt. Patch took the phone from my shaking hand. “Vee meet us at the hospital.” I heard her scream at the other end. Patch pulled it away from his ear. Once Vee stopped screaming he put it back to his ear then hung the phone up and stuffed it back in his pocket. “She’s not excited.” I gave him a tough smile.
“Hey Patch?” he turned onto the empty highway. “Yah?” I grabbed his arm again. “When we get to the hospital make sure I get the drugs right away. There’s know way…” I paused with another pain in my stomach. I let out a hard breath, “in hell that I’m sitting in the waiting room to wait for anybody.” He smiled. “Don’t worry, you’ll get the drugs.” I let out a breath as the pain eased away.
Night fell and Meg was playing with her phone. She had gotten so used to the sound of wings, she didn’t bother to look up when Balthazar and Anna appeared.
“We just heard Castiel’s trial’s tomorrow, which is very unusual” Balthazar said. “Whatever Crowley’s up to, it’ll happen tomorrow”
Meg shrugged. Why did everyone expect her to care?
“That means you’ll have to be prepared” Anna said sharp.
Meg stopped playing games with her phone.
“We’re getting you out tonight” Anna said.
Meg looked up, happy as a child. “Finally” she said.
Balthazar conjured his sword, but then a bright light shone from somewhere ahead of them.
“Oh no” Meg said. “Oh no no no no no no!”
That didn’t exactly help, because an instant later both Balthazar and Anna were gone.
Meg sunk to the bottom of her cell.
“Great” she said grumpy. “Juuuust great”
Evening fell and the gang was having dinner. They had agreed to stay in the motel. While Jo and Dean had had their private conversation, Sam and Cas had been looking for takeaway Chinese. It wasn’t what Dean would’ve chosen.
“This tastes weird” he complained.
“That’s because you’re only used to cheeseburgers” Cas said dead serious. “You need to eat more different kinds of food or you’ll burnout”
They all stared at him.
“I read that in a magazine” Cas said, while his cheeks turned red.
“Well, thanks, doc” Dean said sarcastic. “I’ll try keep it in mind”
He swallowed...
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Everything was a blur. The police was searching her house looking for things comparable to what Daphne had shown them on the DVD.
Daphne was sitting on the couch, staring at the black screen. She failed to erase the images in her head.
“Do you own a computer, Miss Allen?” Isabel asked. She had insisted to do this case. There was something about this man and she was going to find out what it was.
Daphne nodded numb.
“You mind if I take a look?” Isabel asked.
Daphne shook her head and stood up. She walked to the kitchen and conjured her laptop. She put it on and typed in the password. She...
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Sam and Cas were at a motel in Colombia Falls, while Dean and Jo were outside. They were in front of the car and Dean had opened the hood. He was maintaining the Impala while Jo watched him.
“Can I help?” Jo offered.
“No” Dean said sharp. Jo gave him a strange look. “Not because you’re a girl. I’m sure you know how to fix a car. It’s personal, really”
“I get it” Jo said. “This is your baby. It’s hard to let go”
“Exactly” Dean said, glad Jo got the picture so quickly. He wiped his hands off a cloth and shut the hood. “I think we’re done here” He turned around. “Let’s get those two monkeys on their feet. We’re leaving town”
It happened in a flash. One moment Dean was standing on his two feet, the next he crashed against the car and fell on the ground.
“Dean!” Jo exclaimed. She bent on her knees and noticed blood coming out of his side.
Daphne was baking pancakes for Alexia. She shot constant looks at the clock, causing the pancake to burn.
“Damn it” she cursed. She threw the pancake in the garbage can and poured in new dough.
“Aunty Daphne? Where’s mommy?” Alexia asked.
“I don’t know” Daphne said nervous. Zoey had been gone all night and wouldn’t pick up her phone. Daphne wasn’t used to babysitting Alexia for that long and fact was that she wasn’t good at it. It was a good thing Alexia was very independent for her age.
The door opened and Daphne looked up. Zoey appeared in the doorway and she looked...
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Isabel was in hearing room two asking questions to a suspect in a murder case, when the door opened and inspector Anderson appeared in the doorway.
“Chief needs to see you” Anderson said deadly serious.
“I’m busy” Isabel said distracted.
“It’s important” Anderson said accenting his words.
Isabel sighed and stood up. She followed Anderson outside and locked the door. “What is this is about?” she asked, but Anderson walked her to the head bureau. He knocked and opened the door. “You didn’t have to escort me” Isabel said a little demeaning before she walked into the office....
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Meg opened her eyes and gazed at Cas, who was still asleep. She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. Cas opened his eyes as Meg pulled back.
“Morning” she said smirking.
“Did you have a good night?” Cas asked.
“I slept like a baby” Meg answered.
“I didn’t hurt you last night, did I?” Cas asked concerned.
“I’m a demon, I can handle some rough sex” Meg replied. “But I think we should try to lower the volume next time. I think we’ve woken the neighbors”
“There’s not going to be a next time” Cas said serious. “Last night I had a fight with Dean and...
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Daphne was folding laundry when Cas entered the kitchen. Cas recognized the clothes Daphne had commanded him to wear.
“I should give these away” Daphne said, knowing what Cas was thinking. “I just feel like when I do I’ll have lost him forever”
“You won’t lose him, even if you give the clothes away” Cas said. “But you can also keep them”
“Well, anyways, we need to get you some new clothes” Daphne said. “But to be honest I really don’t like shopping” She put the last piece of clothing in the laundry basket. “Maybe you can ask Meg to go with you”
“Meg’s gone”...
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A couple of hours later.
Cas was sitting on the floor with the fragments of the vase in his lap. He had a tube of glue in his hand and tried to paste two fragments together.
Daphne had left again. Whither she hadn’t told.
He had tried to fix the tables in which he’d somewhat succeeded. He didn’t understand why Daphne didn’t just buy new furniture. But maybe she thought he needed to be taught a lesson.
A truck stopped in front of the house and the driver walked to the front door. Cas opened before the man had the chance to ring.
“Hello” Cas greeted the man.
“Good day, sir” the...
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The next morning.
Cas slowly opened his eyes and tried to remember where he was. A door slammed and he startled. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Two hands grabbed his shoulders and he looked up.
“Meg?” he mumbled. “Where’s Daphne?”
“She left” Meg said nervous. “I don’t know when she’ll be back, so we have to hurry”
“I’m not sure what you mean” Cas said tired.
At that moment Meg really wanted to tell him the truth. About who he was, what he was, but she couldn’t. He would freak out and that was the last thing they wanted. Well, the second last thing right after Crowley...
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Mitch stared shocked at Cas’ body. “What the hell did you just do?” he said, averting his head to Daphne.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine” Daphne said neutral. She ducked and grabbed Cas’ shoulders. “Help me carry him to the couch” she commanded.
Mitch ducked and grabbed Cas’ legs. Together they carried him to the couch and laid him down.
“He’ll wake up tomorrow” Daphne said. She looked at Mitch who was still really upset. “Really, it’s no big deal. He’ll be fine”
“What did you give him?” Mitch wanted to know.
“Just some valium” Daphne said. “To calm...
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Zoey parked her car on the Butterfield Park parking and got out of her car. She walked around her car and opened Alexia’s door.
“Why don’t you go play on the field while I talk to aunty Daphne?” Zoey suggested.
“No, I want to come” Alexia pouted. “I want to ask her myself”
“Okay” Zoey said, raising her hands. “As you wish”
She took Alexia’s hand and walked to the restroom. She knocked. “Daphne, you here?”
“Go away” Daphne said.
Zoey opened the door and walked in.
“I know you got an invitation, but I would think you’d understand I don’t want you here today”...
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When Cas entered the living room, Daphne was sitting on the couch, her parents sitting at both sides. She was just blowing her nose when Cas came their way.
“Daphne, I feel regret for the misery I have caused. I don’t want you to fight with your sister. You need her and she needs you. Perhaps you should get in contact with her and try make things right” he said.
Daphne wiped her eyes, but it was no use; the tears just kept rolling.
“I can clearly see the recent events have influenced your mood” Cas said sad. “Maybe we should leave these people and go to a more entertaining companion”...
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Daphne rushed into the living room and looked for her sister. Once she found her she headed to her and before Zoey could even blink Daphne had lifted her hand and slapped her. Someone gasped, but it wasn’t Zoey.
“Daphne, what is going on?” Mrs. Allen demanded to know. Daphne rotated her head to her mother. “Why don’t you ask this slut?” she said. Another gasp. “Daphne, this is no way to talk in front of guests” Mrs. Allen reproached.
“What’s the matter, mom?” Daphne asked scornful. “Afraid I will spike your little balloon and everyone will see who sweet Zoey really is?...
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Daphne searched the room for an escape, realized there was none and then laughed nervously at Cas. “Sweetie, why don’t we…why don’t we go upstairs and talk about this?” she suggested.
“Why can’t you tell me right here? Is the truth so upsetting you think I might do something to embarrass you and myself?” Cas asked.
“If you mean causing a scene, you’ve already done a great job of that” Daphne said and she took his arm. “Come on, let’s go”
She dragged Cas upstairs to her room and locked the door. She turned around. “This better be good, Emmanuel. Now tell me, what...
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Jack walked the steps to his front door and opened it. As he hung his coat on the coat rack he shouted: “Darling, I’m home!”
His wife didn’t respond, but there were noises in the kitchen, so he assumed she was cooking dinner for him. That was one of the things that made her so amazing. No matter what time he came home from work, she would always prepare him a fresh meal. And in return he would flirt with every woman he came across. She really deserved better.
“You know that guy I had to interrogate, the one in the hospital?” he said. “There’s something really off about him. I’m...
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added by HaleyDewit
Source: homeofthenutty+picmonkey
added by HaleyDewit
Source: homeofthenutty+picmonkey
added by HaleyDewit
Source: homeofthenutty+picmonkey
added by HaleyDewit
Source: homeofthenutty+picmonkey