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Chapter one: The outside
2031, San Francisco.
Decades ago the San Francisco Bay had been overlapped by the gigantic Golden Gate Bridge. Night and day were perfectly separated and there was a balance between buildings and nature. However, ever since Wyatt Halliwell had taken over community, the city was covered in darkness 24/7. The bridge had been blown up when he’d lost his temper once again, which happened lots of times.
Everyone was scared to death for the Charmed Ones son and there were only a handful of people who stood up to him. The rest of the community was murdered on his command or tried to please him by spying on the enemy or kill them. The Halliwell manor had become a place to fear and those who tried to escape from the Tiran tried to avoid the house as much as possible. It was also the place where Wyatt had his meetings. Tonight was one of them.
He was sitting at the living table and had a superiority expression on his face. He impatiently tapped on the table with his fingers. Than he glanced at the kitchen. “Chris Perry, what’s taking you so long?” In the kitchen there was a twenty-two year old guy walking up and down with plates with cookies and tea. He walked in in the living room and put the plate on the table.
Wyatt raised his eyebrows as if he wanted to say: “That’s it? Aren’t you supposed to say something right now?” Chris didn’t need any words to get what Wyatt’s expression meant. “I’m really sorry, mister Halliwell. I hope you can still enjoy the cookies and tea” Wyatt waved with his hand as to make Chris leave.
Chris went back to the kitchen and sank down on the floor. It had been like this ever since he had arrived in the Halliwell manor. His parents had taken off when he turned fourteen and Wyatt, who was fifteen by the time, had let him live in his house. His parents, Leo and Piper, died the same time Chris’ parents disappeared and Wyatt had said that they should stick together and protect each other.
But doing chores, serve Wyatt and his friends like they were kings and never get outside, was not what Chris had in mind when Wyatt spoke about sticking together. Wyatt had saved his life and he was paying duty now.
When the meeting was over and all of his minions were gone, Wyatt came into the kitchen. He found Chris, who was still sitting on the floor, and he curled his nose. “You know, Chris, that dishes really aren’t going to clean itself, if you get my point”
Chris crawled up and walked to the sink, where he turned the tap open. Wyatt kept looking at him and it made him really nervous. He swallowed and rotated his head slowly to Wyatt. “Can I help you with something, mister Halliwell?” Wyatt shook his head and Chris continued his work. “I was wondering if you know where your loyalty lies”, he said coldly.
Chris blinked to make the words sink in. “See, I’ve heard out of a good source, that you’re planning to break the rules and go outside. You have permission to go-” Chris looked up, surprised. “-but if you do, you cannot come back here” Chris got a disappointed expression on his face.
“But that’s not fair! You can’t keep me in here forever! I need to go outside! Please, Wyatt, just let me go outside for one day, that’s all I’m asking for”, he desperately begged. Wyatt squeezed his lips together and a stubborn glance appeared in his eyes.
“You remember the first day we met? You were walking down the street and it was raining like hell. You were covered in mud and you smelled like hell. You hadn’t been eating for days and you had no place to live. Your parents took off ‘cause they didn’t wanna take care of you. I saved your life, and all I want from you is to stay inside. It’s way too dangerous for a mortal like you, an innocent. It’s full of demons out there and you’d be killed in no time”
“I’m not a little kid anymore. I can protect myself” Wyatt violently and stubbornly shook his head . “I said no. I will succeed where your folks failed and that’s protecting you” “But-”, Chris started, but Wyatt cut into it: “I said no” Chris let his head hang, defeated.
Chris went to his bedroom and sank down on his bed. He lay down and stared at the ceiling. He wondered how the world outside would be like. Sure he had a clear view from behind his window, but it wasn’t the same as really be outside. He heard a familiar noise and a few seconds later Bianca materialized in the center of his room. He looked up at her, with an angry look in his eyes.
“Thanks for betraying me, Bi” Bianca sighed and shrugged. “I was only trying to help you. Wyatt shouldn’t be treating you this way and you know it” “What can I do about it? He saved my life. He raised me when my parents disappeared. They never wanted me, unlike Wyatt who actually did. If I go out of the house, it’ll break his heart. He’s trying to protect me”
Bianca could not believe he just said that. “Who are you and what did you do to my best friend? Come on, Chris, you can’t just give up like that” She paused to catch a breath and than continued. “You have to get outside. We can go to the movies or eat a hamburger and fries or go to a club. I don’t know, as long as you don’t stay in here”
She saw the look in Chris’s eyes and it encouraged her to keep going. “Just for one day. Wyatt never has to find out” For a moment Chris still hesitated, but than he agreed. Bianca pulled him up and they went downstairs.
They were just about to leave when a cold voice stopped them. They turned around and saw Wyatt, who seemed to be furious. “You weren’t planning on leaving, were you, Chris Perry?”, he authority asked. “It was my idea, Wyatt”, Bianca bravely said. “If you wanna punish someone, pick me. I can handle it”
Wyatt ignored her. He held Chris’ look and said: “Excalibur!” The magic sword appeared in his hands and he walked towards Chris. Chris, who was still standing at the front door, couldn’t move a single muscle. His face went pale when Wyatt stopped right in front of him. For a moment nothing happened. Than Chris felt an indescribable pain coming from his stomach.
Wyatt pulled the sword back and Chris fell down on his knees and than on the ground. He couldn’t breathe and he was choking. Wyatt orbed out and Bianca fell down on her knees to look at Chris. She held his head in her arms and she looked at him, an unkempt glean in her eyes. “You’re not going to die. I won’t let you. D’you hear me? Don’t even think about dying”
Cas had finished cutting letters out of Frederik’s chest. He conjured a needle and thread and pushed it through the letters, combining them and making some sort of necklace. He walked to Frederik and hung the necklace around his neck.
He noticed how Frederik was losing conscience. His head hung down, drool came out of his mouth and he was deathly pale.
“Hey, stay up! Don’t fall asleep. We’re not done yet” Cas snarled and he punched Frederik in the face. Frederik opened his eyes, forgot for a second where he was, then remembered by seeing Cas.
“What are you still doing here? That...
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Since there was no way any of them was going to get any sleep, they packed their bags and loaded the Impala. Dean placed himself behind the wheel, Sam sat next to him and Meg on the backseat.
“First stop: Pontiac, Illinois” Dean said, as he started the engines and drove ahead. As they drove Dean turned on the radio to break the silence.
Meg stared out of the window. She felt utterly powerless. Had she still been a demon she would’ve just zapped herself to him. But then maybe she wouldn’t have felt this way and she wouldn’t even bother to go find him.
Maybe this was a sign. Maybe she was supposed to let go and go back to her old life.
No!, she reproached herself. You’re not going back to killing for fun. You didn’t get this far to throw it all away. You’re going to find Cas and get him back.
“Everything okay, there?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, I’m good” Meg replied with a mischievous smile.
Meg had returned to her spot on the floor opposite the ICU room Cas was in. She heard footsteps coming their way and she averted her head to right. A young girl with wavy, blonde hair, green eyes and thin lips walked towards them. She didn’t say a word, but turned to the guard.
“You should go and eat something” she said sharp and the guardian left.
Meg widened her eyes. “Hey, what are you up to?” she asked when the girl put the latch down and opened the door. She reached out her hand to Meg. “Get up. I want you to witness this miracle” Meg accepted her hand and let the girl pull...
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Heather walked inside the police station. She was going to talk to inspector Roberts. Maybe she could help her find that Kevin guy.
“Can I help you?” a woman asked. Heather turned around and frowned confused. She had spent a lot of days at the station, but this woman she had never seen before.
“I’m looking for inspector Roberts” Heather said.
“Inspector Roberts?” the woman repeated with raised eyebrows. “Who’s asking?”
“I’m her cousin” Heather confessed.
“I see” the woman nodded in understanding. “Why don’t you follow me?” She led Heather to her office.
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Meg looked around the police station. So that was why no one was answering her calls for help. They were all dead. There were bodies everywhere and their insides were torn out. The floor was covered in blood.
Meg looked up. Daphne had entered the building. She stared shocked at the bodies.
“You killed all those people” she said trembling. It wasn’t a question, but an observation. “You’re going to hurt more people. I can’t let you do that”
“You can’t handle me. I’m too strong for your” Meg said. She walked towards Daphne and passed her. If she was going to try something Meg could easily take her down.
However, as she passed by, Daphne jumped forward and stabbed Meg in her neck with a syringe, containing a red substance.
“Aaaahhh!” Meg gasped and she touched her neck. “What the hell are you doing?”
But Daphne had left the building and ran for her life.
It was evening in Colorado, but Alexia was still wide awake. Her grandparents were gone to bed and her mother was making coco for the two of them. Normally Alexia should be in bed by now and the way her mother had been acting so nice, too nice, alarmed the four year old.
Zoey turned around and put the two hot cups of coco on the table.
Zoey sipped from her coco. Then she looked up.
“You know that uncle Emmanuel was on the news this morning” she said.
“Yeah, but they called him Castiel” Alexia recalled the morning news.
“That’s because his real name is Castiel” Zoey explained. “Anyways,...
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A guard brought Cas to a hearing room and pushed him down on a chair.
“Next time you do that I’ll have to report it to your superiors” a man said in the doorway. He was wearing a suit and carried a small suitcase in his left hand. “But today I’ll just blame it to your lack of experience”
The guard growled something.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that last one, but please don’t bother repeating yourself. We won’t need you in our conversation, so you can go” the man said. “Through that door”
The guard walked outside and slammed the door.
“He’s got a temper” the man said,...
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Jo and Anna where walking at the mall. Jo needed some distraction and Anna needed companion. Jo walked into a clothing shop and dragged Anna inside. Her eyes fell on a long, purple dress and she walked towards it.
“You should try it on” Anna encouraged her. Jo took the dress and walked to the fitting rooms. “Thanks for taking me with you”
“You’re welcome” Jo said, when she came out of the room. “What do you think?”
“I like it, but it’s not really your color” Anna said honest. “Plus it’s two inches short”
Jo got back in the room and while she took off the dress and...
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Before Cas would go to the woman he wanted to see Meg, to make sure she was okay and to tell her he had decided to stay true to his commitment to Daphne. He pushed the latch down and pushed the door open.
Everything seemed normal.
He walked upstairs to check her bedroom. Maybe she was still asleep. He knocked on the door; he had learned it was rude to barge in rooms you weren’t invited in.
No answer.
Cas pushed the latch down and entered the room. The bed was made. The wardrobe and drawers were open and empty.
The same unexplainable kind of pain he had felt the night before came over him...
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Daphne was in her bedroom putting on her dress, while Mrs. Allen was helping her.
“Can you try to keep still?” Mrs. Allen said reproaching. She was trying to zip the dress.
“I look fat in this dress” Daphne said. Mrs. Allen rolled her eyes.
“You look beautiful, dear” she said. “Every woman will be jealous and all men will want to marry you”
“Thank you, mom” Daphne smiled nervous. “But I’m only going to marry one”
“I hope so” Mrs. Allen laughed. She took some hairpins and used them to put Daphne’s hair up. “Let me see that” she ordered and Daphne turned around....
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Daphne parked her car at 309 Jerry Street Suite 202. She and Zoey, who was carrying the box, stepped out of the car and walked towards a building with the name ‘Hope’s Promise’ on it. As they were walking an older woman came their way.
“Daphne, how lovely it is to see you again. The children have missed you” she said and she lay her hand on Daphne’s cheek.
“Not as much as I missed them” Daphne smiled.
“Zoey, how are you, my dear?” the woman asked, taking Zoey’s hands in hers.
“Oh, well you know, trying to save my soul from eternal doom” Zoey replied sarcastic.
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The next morning.
Meg lay with her head on Cas chest, when the car started vibrated. “Cas” she whispered. “Cas, wake up. There’s someone in the car”
Cas opened his eyes and saw a silhouette. He quietly gave Meg his shirt and he put on his trousers. “Dean?” he asked, though he knew it wasn’t Dean.
“No” the driver replied.
“Kevin!” Meg panted. “What are you doing? Are you going to try and kill us again?”
“No” Kevin answered. “Listen, I’m sorry for trying to kill you, but I promise I had good reason. Crowley had to think I was on his side. Ever wondered why I didn’t...
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added by HaleyDewit
Source: homeofthenutty+picnik
posted by LuvTesh

I woke up with the same clothes I had on last night. I felt disoriented for the first couple of minutes when I awoke, with my head feeling like it was going to explode at any minute. I looked around me to see everybody that attended the party either knocked out, asleep or dead on the bedroom floor. "Bedroom?" I thought, "What am I doing in the bedroom?" I turned my head to see someones' head facing the opposite direction so I couldn't see the face but I knew it was boy due to the body shape. I noticed that I was on the bed but thankfully my...
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“I think we should go” Damon said, looking at the clock. It was eleven p.m. “Okay, I’ll just go refresh myself and then we can leave” Elena said. She got up and walked to a red door next to the desk. To get there she had to pass the table were tattoo-guy and companions were still sitting. She felt her heart beating faster and she got sweaty palms. But they didn’t look up and she reached the bathroom without a problem. When she closed the door behind her she dared to breathe again. There were two doors opposite of each other. One said men, the other women. She opened the women’s...
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“I will come back. I need to ask Castiel a few questions too, but as long as he’s on intensive care…” Isabel didn’t finish her sentence. She stood, walked to the door and left.
“What is she talking about?” Meg asked urgent at Heather. “What is Cas doing on intensive care?”
Heather took a deep breath. This was going to be really hard, ‘cause even though Meg would never admit it, it was obvious she cared deeply for her…friend, as she called him.
“Meg, I need you to listen very carefully” Heather started softly. “Something happened to Cas. When you were brought to the...
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Sam held the door of the hospital open, while Cas carried the unconscious Dean inside. Before they could call for help an emergency doctor rushed to them and called for a stretcher. A male nurse rode a stretcher to them and Cas lay Dean down on it. As the doctor drove to the emergency room, she asked what happened.
“He’s been shot” Cas quickly answered.
“What’s his blood type?” the doctor needed to know. Sam answered and the doctor drove the stretcher into the emergency room. “Sorry, you have to wait outside” she said as she closed the doors, leaving Sam and Cas outside.
Sam ran...
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Meg had locked the door of her bedroom and sat down, leaning against it. Cas was sitting on the other side of the door.
“Meg, I’m really sorry for what just happened” Cas said remorseful. “I don’t know why I’m saying those things or doing those things. You know I’d never hurt you deliberately”
Meg let her head rest on her knees. She was going to kill Dean Winchester. This was his fault. He should’ve taken Cas with him. Then Cas could’ve taken his anger out on all the evil sons of a bitches out there.
“It’s the pain” Cas tried to explain himself. “You don’t know what...
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Jo parked the car in front of a cheap looking motel. The lights flickered, the windows were no longer see through and above the entrance there was a damaged board that once spelled the word ‘WELCOME’, but due to age and neglect only the first three letters were still readable.
“This is the best I could find” Jo said. She had find it a better idea if she had been the one taking Meg away. Dean and Meg in the same space was never a good idea, even if he did save her life.
“It’s good enough for me” Meg commented. She loosened her seatbelt and wanted to step out.
“Hang on” Jo said...
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