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Okay so this chapter is my favourite and I think you are going to enjoy (crossed fingers) it! Okay so just remeber to leave your feedback-it's always great to see it.

Alice wouldn’t let me go until she and Rosalie had given me a complete makeover; I didn’t complain though, it was nice to have girl time. Jacob gave me a dazzling smile as I walked back into the living room a full hour later, he and Emmet and jasper had probably been chatting about some new turbo engine.
“Wow you look... amazing,” Jacob breathed as I walked into his open arms while Emmet wolf whistled, trying to annoy me. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him whilst I pulled Jacob out of the open back door.
As soon as we were alone in the green forest I broke into a run, Jacob following behind me laughing. I came to a stop in a small clearing not much larger than my bedroom. I turned around and he was standing there. The beauty of him knocked the breath out of me, his bare tanned chest so smooth and sleek, his eyes sparkling with excitement and his smile so wide and happy. He was the thing that made me whole. I was about to speak but Jake beat me,
“Nessie, I need to ask you something,” he said his brown eyes searching mine,
“Yes Jake, what do you want to ask me?” I smiled, confused.
“Nessie, I love you and I want to stay with you forever, do you feel the same way?”
“Yes, of course I do Jake, I love you more than anything; you complete my soul!” I cried, wondering what could have brought this on, I was clueless.
“Then I have one more question,” Jake said as he bent down on one knee. I gasped as he took my hand in his, “Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I love you more than anything I promise to never fail you and be there for you always. Will you marry me?” he said his voice full of emotion.
My mind was racing but I could only think of one word, “Yes,” I whispered as a fat tear rolled down my cheek, “Yes Jake, I will marry you,” I laughed as more tears spilled over. Jake leaped up and whirled me around laughing between passionate kisses. This was the best day of my life. Jake and I were going to be eternally joined, together forever. I laughed as well as we floated up in our big bubble, never to be disturbed.
When he set me down he dug into the pocket of his baggy shorts that I loved. He pulled out a silver box and slid the lid off. The ring was beautiful, it was silver with a row of small diamonds set into it but that was not what made it beautiful; on the inside there was an engraving. Le Vrai Amour Tient La clef was the engraving, I had studied French.
“True love holds the key,” I whispered as the tears welled up again as he slipped the ring on my finger.
“You hold the key Nessie,” Jacob said as he pulled something else out of his pocket. He dropped it into my palm for me to see that it was a long old key.
“What is this Jake?” I asked confused again, but he was already pulling me back into the forest laughing. I wasn’t worried; I was so high with the proposal that nothing could burst my bubble.
After about five minutes of running Jake stopped and put his hands over my eyes.
“Jake what are you...” but my sentence was broken off by my gasp as he uncovered my eyes. There nestled into the woods was a cottage, not unlike mum and dad’s one. It was beautiful; there was ivory creeping up one wall and a triangular porch.

“Jake did you build this?”I whispered shocked.
“I helped, but it was Esme’s idea and she drew the plans, she’s amazing. I suppose everyone helped really, even Sam and Emily!” he chuckled. Emily was not one for DIY.
“Esme, does she know anyone about the proposal?” I asked, uncertain if I wanted anyone to know yet.
“No, the only people who know are Alice and your dad. I wanted to do it the right way and ask for your dads blessing, and I supposes Alice ‘saw’ what was going to happen.” He chuckled looking at my expression.
“Did he give you our blessing?” I asked curious, I knew dad was getting used to the idea of Jacob and me but I was not sure about how he would take this news.
“Of course he loves you more than you know, he wants you to be as happy as possible- we all do. He knew that this is what you want so naturally he said yes.” He sighed. Jacobs’s dad Billy had passed away the previous year. I had liked Billy, he was so kind and full of knowledge; I had cried more than Jake when he cried but I knew he missed his dad so much. Grandpa Charlie had been upset too and had relocated to Hawaii a few months later with Sue.
I pushed the unpleasant memories out of my head as I walked slowly up the front path. I opened my palm and pushed the long key into the lock and twisted it around, the door swung open slowly. As i was about to step over the threshold Jake swung me up into his huge brown arms.
“Aren’t you meant to do that after the wedding?” I giggled into his chest.
“Yup,” he mumbled between kissed. The living room was so cosy, there were two soft armchairs by the fire, a smaller more feminine one and a larger darker one; I smiled as I looked at them they reminded me of something.
“What’s funny?” Jake asked obviously curious,
“It’s not really funny, but the chairs they kind of represent us, although they don’t look the same they belong together.” I whispered emotion making my voice sound strange.
“Yes, we belong together.” He mumbled his lips brushing my throat.
“Do I get to see the rest of the house?” I asked.
“Jake smiled his breathtaking smile, “Well I suppose but I want to show you something first, come on.” He took hold of my hand and pulled my up a narrow corridor.
He stopped in a large pale blue room. I knew instantly what it was. This was our bedroom. My eyes hastily scanned the room, there were two doors on the wall to my left-I knew that one was probably to a huge closet and the other an equally large bathroom- and various other pieces of my furniture including my rocking chair and bedside table- they had probably been brought here whilst me and Jake were in the woods. My eyes stopped on the large bed. It was huge and white with sheets the exact colour of the wall; but that was not what my eyes were focused on, above the bed there was a huge hand painted mural of my family. It had everyone on it, the Cullen’s at the front next to all of Jacobs pack and their wives along with Charlie and Sue, Renee and Phil, Billy (Kind of floating above everyone else) and Jacobs sisters it even had the Denali coven mingled in. As I searched the painting I kept seeing more unfamiliar faces in between the ones I saw on a daily basis; Zafrina-my beloved fried who lived in the roaming jungles of the Amazon- Maggie and all the others who had helped defeat the Volturi sixteen short years ago. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen with only one exception, Jacob himself.
“Do you like it, Esme helped me with some of it but I did most of it myself.” Jacob asked, uncertain.
“Jake I love it! You’re like a total artist.”
“Hey I don’t just build cars,” he chuckled, satisfied.
I leaned in to kiss his soft lips and he responded instantly. I gently slid my hands down his chest as he carefully undid the buttons of my shirt. I let it fall to the floor as I leaned in again. I knew neither of us were going to get much sleep tonight.
Elijah walked through the woods. After some bickering with Rebekah they had agreed it would be safest if one of them, Rebekah, would stay behind and man the headquarters, while the other, Elijah, would go back to Esther’s grave.
He removed the stone and climbed downstairs. Two coffins were still closed. Elijah walked to the coffin that stood on the left side of his. He opened it and revealed the body of his oldest brother Finn.
Elijah slowly removed the dagger. While Finn slowly regained his life force, Elijah walked to the only closed coffin left. He opened it and gazed at the undead body...
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“What the hell happened to you?” Sam exclaimed.
“Someone was shooting at us” Jo explained agitated. Dean was leaning on her and he was starting to become heavy. Cas rushed to them and took over.
“Thank you” Jo said.
“Where is it that you’re injured?” Cas asked. “Then I’ll heal you”
Dean shot a long look at Jo and then looked at Cas. “No” he said slowly. “I’m not that hurt. The bullet just missed me, it’s just a scratch. Jo can take care of me”
Jo frowned, but nodded in agreement.
Dean shot a meaningful glance at Sam, knowing Cas wouldn’t understand. Sam grabbed...
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Damon was packing his bags when Stefan walked in.
“What are you doing?”
“Packing my bags, if you didn’t notice” Damon replied.
“Why? Where you going?” Stefan asked.
“I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet” Damon said.
“I don’t get it” Stefan said. Without turning around Damon started to explain. “I’ve always known you hate me, but I didn’t know it was that bad. If you really loathe me that much you could’ve said so and I might’ve left”
“No, I don’t want you to leave” Stefan said. “I just…”
“You just wanted someone to drive a stake through my heart....
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Elena was tied onto a pillar in the center of the parking lot. Damon could see her from where he was standing. He could also see how werewolves and vampires were lurking from the dark. With the chance of being his heart ripped out he speeded to Elena who was still unconscious. He carefully tapped her face, to wake her. She slowly opened her eyes and when she realized it was Damon who had come to her rescue a little smile appeared on her face. “I knew you’d come” she said weak.
“Ssh” Damon said. “Don’t speak. I’ll get you safe”
“These ropes are really tight. It hurts” Elena...
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Derek Janders. The name sounded familiar, but try as he might Damon could not figure out where he had heard it before.
“Let me buy you a drink” Derek said. It more sounded like an order than a friendly gesture. He conjured his wallet and paid two whiskeys, after compelling the bartender not to ask his ID.
“Who turned you?” Damon asked, not touching his drink.
“Does it matter?” Derek answered with a question. “Look, you wanted me to tell you what I wanted, so here it is. I want you to train me, educate me in the world of vampires”
Now Damon drank to wash away that information....
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Cas had finished cutting letters out of Frederik’s chest. He conjured a needle and thread and pushed it through the letters, combining them and making some sort of necklace. He walked to Frederik and hung the necklace around his neck.
He noticed how Frederik was losing conscience. His head hung down, drool came out of his mouth and he was deathly pale.
“Hey, stay up! Don’t fall asleep. We’re not done yet” Cas snarled and he punched Frederik in the face. Frederik opened his eyes, forgot for a second where he was, then remembered by seeing Cas.
“What are you still doing here? That...
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Since there was no way any of them was going to get any sleep, they packed their bags and loaded the Impala. Dean placed himself behind the wheel, Sam sat next to him and Meg on the backseat.
“First stop: Pontiac, Illinois” Dean said, as he started the engines and drove ahead. As they drove Dean turned on the radio to break the silence.
Meg stared out of the window. She felt utterly powerless. Had she still been a demon she would’ve just zapped herself to him. But then maybe she wouldn’t have felt this way and she wouldn’t even bother to go find him.
Maybe this was a sign. Maybe she was supposed to let go and go back to her old life.
No!, she reproached herself. You’re not going back to killing for fun. You didn’t get this far to throw it all away. You’re going to find Cas and get him back.
“Everything okay, there?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, I’m good” Meg replied with a mischievous smile.
Meg had returned to her spot on the floor opposite the ICU room Cas was in. She heard footsteps coming their way and she averted her head to right. A young girl with wavy, blonde hair, green eyes and thin lips walked towards them. She didn’t say a word, but turned to the guard.
“You should go and eat something” she said sharp and the guardian left.
Meg widened her eyes. “Hey, what are you up to?” she asked when the girl put the latch down and opened the door. She reached out her hand to Meg. “Get up. I want you to witness this miracle” Meg accepted her hand and let the girl pull...
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Heather walked inside the police station. She was going to talk to inspector Roberts. Maybe she could help her find that Kevin guy.
“Can I help you?” a woman asked. Heather turned around and frowned confused. She had spent a lot of days at the station, but this woman she had never seen before.
“I’m looking for inspector Roberts” Heather said.
“Inspector Roberts?” the woman repeated with raised eyebrows. “Who’s asking?”
“I’m her cousin” Heather confessed.
“I see” the woman nodded in understanding. “Why don’t you follow me?” She led Heather to her office.
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Meg looked around the police station. So that was why no one was answering her calls for help. They were all dead. There were bodies everywhere and their insides were torn out. The floor was covered in blood.
Meg looked up. Daphne had entered the building. She stared shocked at the bodies.
“You killed all those people” she said trembling. It wasn’t a question, but an observation. “You’re going to hurt more people. I can’t let you do that”
“You can’t handle me. I’m too strong for your” Meg said. She walked towards Daphne and passed her. If she was going to try something Meg could easily take her down.
However, as she passed by, Daphne jumped forward and stabbed Meg in her neck with a syringe, containing a red substance.
“Aaaahhh!” Meg gasped and she touched her neck. “What the hell are you doing?”
But Daphne had left the building and ran for her life.
It was evening in Colorado, but Alexia was still wide awake. Her grandparents were gone to bed and her mother was making coco for the two of them. Normally Alexia should be in bed by now and the way her mother had been acting so nice, too nice, alarmed the four year old.
Zoey turned around and put the two hot cups of coco on the table.
Zoey sipped from her coco. Then she looked up.
“You know that uncle Emmanuel was on the news this morning” she said.
“Yeah, but they called him Castiel” Alexia recalled the morning news.
“That’s because his real name is Castiel” Zoey explained. “Anyways,...
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A guard brought Cas to a hearing room and pushed him down on a chair.
“Next time you do that I’ll have to report it to your superiors” a man said in the doorway. He was wearing a suit and carried a small suitcase in his left hand. “But today I’ll just blame it to your lack of experience”
The guard growled something.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that last one, but please don’t bother repeating yourself. We won’t need you in our conversation, so you can go” the man said. “Through that door”
The guard walked outside and slammed the door.
“He’s got a temper” the man said,...
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Jo and Anna where walking at the mall. Jo needed some distraction and Anna needed companion. Jo walked into a clothing shop and dragged Anna inside. Her eyes fell on a long, purple dress and she walked towards it.
“You should try it on” Anna encouraged her. Jo took the dress and walked to the fitting rooms. “Thanks for taking me with you”
“You’re welcome” Jo said, when she came out of the room. “What do you think?”
“I like it, but it’s not really your color” Anna said honest. “Plus it’s two inches short”
Jo got back in the room and while she took off the dress and...
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Before Cas would go to the woman he wanted to see Meg, to make sure she was okay and to tell her he had decided to stay true to his commitment to Daphne. He pushed the latch down and pushed the door open.
Everything seemed normal.
He walked upstairs to check her bedroom. Maybe she was still asleep. He knocked on the door; he had learned it was rude to barge in rooms you weren’t invited in.
No answer.
Cas pushed the latch down and entered the room. The bed was made. The wardrobe and drawers were open and empty.
The same unexplainable kind of pain he had felt the night before came over him...
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Daphne was in her bedroom putting on her dress, while Mrs. Allen was helping her.
“Can you try to keep still?” Mrs. Allen said reproaching. She was trying to zip the dress.
“I look fat in this dress” Daphne said. Mrs. Allen rolled her eyes.
“You look beautiful, dear” she said. “Every woman will be jealous and all men will want to marry you”
“Thank you, mom” Daphne smiled nervous. “But I’m only going to marry one”
“I hope so” Mrs. Allen laughed. She took some hairpins and used them to put Daphne’s hair up. “Let me see that” she ordered and Daphne turned around....
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Daphne parked her car at 309 Jerry Street Suite 202. She and Zoey, who was carrying the box, stepped out of the car and walked towards a building with the name ‘Hope’s Promise’ on it. As they were walking an older woman came their way.
“Daphne, how lovely it is to see you again. The children have missed you” she said and she lay her hand on Daphne’s cheek.
“Not as much as I missed them” Daphne smiled.
“Zoey, how are you, my dear?” the woman asked, taking Zoey’s hands in hers.
“Oh, well you know, trying to save my soul from eternal doom” Zoey replied sarcastic.
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The next morning.
Meg lay with her head on Cas chest, when the car started vibrated. “Cas” she whispered. “Cas, wake up. There’s someone in the car”
Cas opened his eyes and saw a silhouette. He quietly gave Meg his shirt and he put on his trousers. “Dean?” he asked, though he knew it wasn’t Dean.
“No” the driver replied.
“Kevin!” Meg panted. “What are you doing? Are you going to try and kill us again?”
“No” Kevin answered. “Listen, I’m sorry for trying to kill you, but I promise I had good reason. Crowley had to think I was on his side. Ever wondered why I didn’t...
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added by HaleyDewit
Source: homeofthenutty+picnik
posted by LuvTesh

I woke up with the same clothes I had on last night. I felt disoriented for the first couple of minutes when I awoke, with my head feeling like it was going to explode at any minute. I looked around me to see everybody that attended the party either knocked out, asleep or dead on the bedroom floor. "Bedroom?" I thought, "What am I doing in the bedroom?" I turned my head to see someones' head facing the opposite direction so I couldn't see the face but I knew it was boy due to the body shape. I noticed that I was on the bed but thankfully my...
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“I think we should go” Damon said, looking at the clock. It was eleven p.m. “Okay, I’ll just go refresh myself and then we can leave” Elena said. She got up and walked to a red door next to the desk. To get there she had to pass the table were tattoo-guy and companions were still sitting. She felt her heart beating faster and she got sweaty palms. But they didn’t look up and she reached the bathroom without a problem. When she closed the door behind her she dared to breathe again. There were two doors opposite of each other. One said men, the other women. She opened the women’s...
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