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(So what you are about to read was mainly inspired to me by a very weird yet interesting dream. I know that virtually every single time I make one of these, something goes wrong, but I have good faith that I can continue this one to the best of my ability. So, without further ado, let's get started.)

Tick, Tock...Tick, Tock...


#1: AUGH! *Falls out of bed*

#1: Jesus, I thought I got rid of this stupid alarm clock...Always frightens the living hell outta me!

#2: YOU should be complaining, Miles. I sleep right next to it!

#1/Miles: True, James. But still, whose idea was this anyway? Ah, never mind. I'll bet the sorry son of a gun has already left for breakfast.

#3: Come get your food guys, or the boys will hog it all!

#2/James: Speak of the devil, let's go give him a piece of our mind. Ugh.

My name is Miles, also known as #1. I have black hair, am 17, and REALLY hate that damned alarm clock. I live inside of an abandoned facility with my 30 comrades (18 male, 12 female) which we've simply dubbed "The Household of Hope."

I'd tell you my last name, but remember it I cannot. And trust me, it's the same for all of us.

#3: James, tell Miles to stop talking to himself so he can get his breakfast!

#2/James: Come on, mate. We ain't gonna live forever. *Drags Miles to table*

And that couldn't be any more true...

#4: *Digs into Turkey* Man, I'll never get tired of eating turkey for breakfast! This has been and will always be one HELL of a facility!

#3: If you think cooking that stuff is cheap, then think again, Adam. After all, I'm the one who pays for all this!

#2/James: And I'm the one who has to sit next to arguably the messiest eater of all damn 30 of us. Cheers...?

#5: Oh please, James. Don't even get me STARTED on the people I have to sit with.

#2/James: Fair enough, Audrey. But let's not introduce too many characters at once!

#1/Miles: *Picks at food*

#3: Eh? Is something wrong with my cooking, Miles?

#1/Miles: Oh, nothing. To be honest, I'm just very bored, Katie. Nothing has been going on lately, it's like my life is just as boring as the weather reports now.

#4/Adam: Are you subliminally trying to hit on Audrey? Haha, this year's gonna be great! *Digs into more Turkey*

#6: *Sighs* I will never understand why the first idea for breakfast that Adam had was turkey. But hey, what can ya do?

#4/Adam: Hey, do you have any idea how hard I had to convince Katie to make this for us today? You should be grateful, not pessimistic!

#6: I wasn't complaining, I just thought it was strange, not necessarily in a bad way.

#4/Adam: Oh please, May. I mean, does it really matter what time of day you eat something? Personally, I've always found that mindset lame. *Digs into yet more Turkey*

#2/James: *Wipes off eaten turkey fragments from Adam* I hope my insurance covers this sort of thing...Eww!

#5/Audrey: Ditto on that, James. They really don't pay me enough for this.

#3/Katie: We don't pay you at all, hun! I do most of the work around here!

*Table Laughs, Doorbell Rings*

#3/Katie: Ooh, I wonder who that could be!

#6/May: If it's another one of those missionaries trying to force their opinion down our throats, then I'm 100% outta here.

#1/Miles: I'll answer the door, since I already know that nobody else will.

#4/Adam: Hah, look at this emo kid, complaining about his life!

#5/Audrey: You know, he's absolutely right, when you get down to it.

#2/James: Shots fired Audrey, haha!

#5/Audrey: That includes you too, James.

#2/James: Oh, right... *Hides head under table in shame*

#1/Miles: *Opens Door* Hello-

???: GREETINGS FROM FLORIDA, MATES! :D HOW YOU DOIN', HOW YOU DOIN'? *Shakes everyone's hand in rapid succession*

#3/Katie: Oh no, I'm already feeling uncomfortable...

#6/May: It's even worse than I thought....A BUSINESS SALESMAN! QUICK, EVERYONE, FLEE FOR THE HILLS!


#7: *Muffles ???'s face, slowly pushes him out door* You can tell us about your sponsor when we actually care. Spoiler alert: That's never.

#8: ♫Plays X Gon' Give It To Ya♫ YEAH, THAT'S MY BRO!

#3/Katie: Now let's all thank Michael and Gerald for saving the day for us all!

*Table Claps Passionately*

#5/Audrey: Thank merciful Neptune, I was about to give that guy a piece of my mind...and my kitchen knife.

#2/James: *Hides under table again* Just when I thought I was safe....This family is BONKERS!

#1/Miles: Hey Gerald, can you shut off the music now? After all, you don't want to get COPYRIGHTED, now do you? >:)

#8/Gerald: *Shuts off radio* SIR, YES SIR!

#1/Miles: Also, James, you can stop hiding now.

#2/James: But...but.......Audrey's got a PLASTIC KNIFE!

#9: ZOINKS! *Divebombs into the living room*

#3/Katie: That one of the problems with living in a house this filled....Paranoia spreads like the plague!

#1/Miles: You couldn't be more correct, Katie. HEY WILLIAM, THE COAST IS CLEAR!

#9/William: ...You sure?

#4/Adam: Fantastic job Audrey, now you've gotten everyone all scared over plastic knives.

#2/James: FEAR THE PLASTIC! *Nervously shakes under table*

#7/Michael: So uh, anyone else afraid of plastic knives in here? I mean, I knew this family was pathetic, but JEEZ...

#6/May: We're no less pathetic than the fact that you still haven't done your chores, Michael.

#7/Michael: Hey, just lemme finish eating, I'll get right to it!

#5/Audrey: Aaaand cut to three hours later where he's goofing off in his room.

#3/Katie: So, is everyone done eating? And James, get up off of the floor, there's nothing to be afraid of!

#2/James and #9/William: *Desperately hurry up the stairs*

#3/Katie: Maybe just using your hands would've been a better idea...

#8/Gerald: Personally, I think that all they had to ♫do is put their mind to it!♫

#3/Katie: ...Gerald, do you wanna get COPYRIGHTED? >:)

#8/Gerald: *Desperately hurries along stairs with James and William* HEY, WAIT FOR ME!

*Meanwhile, in Miles's room...*

#1/Miles: *Plants face under pillow* Today's gonna be a long day, isn't it?

#2/James: Hey, look at the plus side, all of the knives are gone and we can some time to chat before it's time to do our chores!

#1/Miles: I mean, I suppose so, but still James...I've been feeling kinda down lately.

#2/James: What do you mean by that? You live with a great bunch of people with all the food and caring in the world, how could anyone be down like this?

#1/Miles: It's just the same thing every single day. I get jump-scared by the alarm clock, get outta bed, eat with the others, answer the door to some numb-nut who wants to shove their product and/or opinion down our throat, wait for chore time, and it just cycles over and over....I want something new to happen. Something fun, interesting, and worth my time.

#2/James: Maybe Adam was right, you could be just subliminally hitting on Audrey, heh.

#1/Miles: HEY, I AM NOT!

#2/James: Heh, I'm just playing around. But in all seriousness, I understand what you mean. But have you ever thought that it really wasn't bad at all either?

#1/Miles: I mean, I guess so-


#1/Miles and #2/James: AUGH!

*Whoo-ee-oooo!! Whoo-ee-oooo.....POW!*

Everyone: AAHHH!

#1/Miles: James, let's go! What in the bloody hell just happened!?

#2/James: I'm right behind you!

*Miles opens door, smoke erupts everywhere*

#1/Miles: *Coughs* going on!?

#2/James: I can't see a thing, my eyes hurt... *Coughs*

#3/Katie: Everyone, please evacuate outside RIGHT NOW!

*Whoo-ee-oooo! Whoo-ee-oooo!

Outside, a little bit later...

#7/Michael: That's my rotten luck, alright. I was JUST about to do my chores. Wonderful.

#8/Gerald: I'm not even gonna make a song reference, what in the world was that!?

#5/Audrey: The entire house is smoking like a factory from London, what do we do!?

*Panic Spreads Rapidly*

#3/Katie: Calm down everyone, I'm going inside right now! Luckily, I was prepared for a situation like this. *Puts on Gas Mask*

#6/May: Well great, now what're we gonna do?

#4/Adam: Alright....Whatever idiot started a fire, you've got nothing to lose now. Who did it!?

#2/James: You ever think that it wasn't a fire, Adam?

#1/Miles: But that's the thing, James. I don't know anything that could kick-start that much smoke, not EVEN a massive fire. Plus, there's no flames in sight.

#9/William: I hope Katie's alright...Let alone the facility.

#3/Katie: *Shouting from inside the house* Guys, it's coming from Nadie's and Harold's room! Don't move one bit, I'm going to investigate!

#5/Audrey: Katie's a warrior, jeez. I actually feel bad just standing here.

#7/Michael: Never mind that, why is so much smoke coming from THEIR room of all people? I mean, Nadia and Harold are the most tame people in the facility, I don't understand.

#2/James: Well, any of us want to confess anything that might've started this?

*Dead Silence*

#6/May: I don't think anyone here would've been evil enough to sabotage our entire home, James.

#1/Miles: So many questions, it hurts my mind just thinking about it. I hope Katie's doing alright.

*Smoke Completely Disappears*

#4/Adam: Alright. If this is a prank by ANY of you, then it's not funny anymore. It never was, alright!?

#10: Contradictory to my admittingly very silly demeanor, I wouldn't do anything like this. Plus, I was sleeping all morning since I stayed up late watching TV and eating anyways.

#5/Audrey: It's nice to see that everyone's taking this seriously. Maybe you people aren't as bad as I thought.

#2/James: YOU JINXED IT! *Runs around in circles*

#1/Miles: James, I think you just jinxed it on yourself, heh.

#3/Katie: *Jogs out of house* Guys, guys! Nadia and Harold are gone! If I find out this is a prank by any of you, then you're gong to be grounded for a VERY long time!

#11: I know a majority of us have some SERIOUSLY messed up senses of humor, but come on, I know us well enough by now. Adam, Michael, George, none of us would ever go this far.

#10/George: Thanks, Chris. I owe ya one.

#3/Katie: Well, I think it's safe to assume that nobody could've started the smoke now, so that begs the question...Where did it come from?

#1/Miles: We can answer that later, we need to find Nadia and Harold!

#2/James: I'm right behind ya pal!

#3/Katie: Let's hurry guys!

#4/Adam: Don't forget about me!

#5/Audrey: And me!

#6/May: I normally hate joining in on lines like this, but what else needs to be said? I'll check the basement!

#7/Michael: I'll tag along as well, leave the attic to me.

#8/Gerald: I got dibs on upstairs!

#9/William: I'll check the bravest place of them all, the living room! With the lights on!

#10/George: I should've known, William. Even in times of crisis, you are WEAK, heh.

*Everyone glares at George*

#10/George: Uhhh, I got the hallways.

#11/Chris: I got the rooms!

#12: I got-HEY! You guys took everything, no fair!

#11/Chris: Umm, you can do the kitchen, Candace. Now, let's move soldiers!

*A little while later...*

#1/Miles: Hey Chris, James, let's get to Nadia and Harold's room. If there's anywhere in this place where something would've gone wrong, it's obviously the room where the smoke started.

#2/James: I'm NOT opening that door, Miles...Hey Chris, help us out here!

#11/Chris: Sure thing, I hope you're all ready. *Opens Door*


*Awkward Silence*

#2/James: Uhh, do my eyes deceive me, or is that some sort of portal?

#1/Miles: What in the world....I've never seen anything like it, not even in those CGI movies.

#11/Chris: Well, I can already say for sure that we should definitely NOT touch that thing under any circumstance. Any ideas, guys?

#2/James: Not really. And I can't see Nadia or Harold anywhere.



#1/Miles: ....Guys?


#11/Chris: Never mind them for now, we need to tell everyone about this. Let's get to the living room!

*A Tad Later....*

#3/Katie: I'm sorry everyone! Me, Audrey, and Gerald tried so hard to find Harold and Nadie, no luck.

#9/William: Nothing to report, Katie. I looked under every table, couch, nothing.

#6/May: Nothing in the basement, sadly.

#7/Michael: Nothing in the attic either.

#4/Adam and #10/George: *Shrugs* Not a single sight of them.

#3/Katie: Well, how about you guys? Miles, James, Chris, surely you found some clues in their room!

#1/Miles: We did, and you wouldn't believe us if we told you.

#2/James: It....needs to be SEEN to be believed.

#11/Chris: Some sort of portal, as strange as that sounds. Come on, we'll show you now.

*The group goes into the room*


#11/Chris: Be careful guys. I don't know what that thing leads to, but I don't think we should find out.

#5/Audrey: So then what? We just leave Harold and Nadia gone forever, and let this anomaly stay in our house without even considering a viable second option?

#9/William: I'm far from the best at plans, but how about this? If we don't hear from them within 30 hours, then a team of us will go inside the....thing and investigate.

#1/Miles: Sounds good to me, who wants to volunteer?

*Everyone looks at floor*

#2/James: I'll go if you do too, Miles. And William, you suggested the idea, so you should join us.

#9/William: WHAT!? Me!? But there's, there's, it's a, you have to-doh, d'wah!

#4/Adam: Uhh, what did he say?

#6/May: "There's, there's, it's a, you have to-doh, d'wah!"

#3/Katie: Sounds fine by me! I'll tag along as well to assure that nothing bad happens. So guys, take good care of each other when we leave tomorrow, because this could take a while. To let you guys know that we're doing fine, we'll use some expensive Walkie-Talkies I've been saving over the years. One for Chris, and one for us. Sound good?

#8/Gerald: This is happening way too fast....I guess we'll be fine. We'll take care of the house, George and I will do the shopping, and we'll all keep an eye out for Nadia and Harold. It's not like them to run away or anything, so there's not much of a choice. Stay strong when you go in there!

#1/Miles: Hopefully they return by tomorrow....because I'm not sure that this is what I wanted when I asked for change.

???: Trial One, Commence. Nice to see they're falling right into my trap...
Evan waved with the DVD.
“This is where it’s all about. Without this DVD Mr. Castiel wouldn’t be sitting here and no one would make him take responsibility for his actions. Your honor, if you allow me I would like to show this DVD to you and the jury”
Daphne’s laptop was standing on a table.
“Objection!” Craig shouted for the second time. ‘Daphne Allen is a woman suffering from a mental illness. Inspector Roberts took advantage of Daphne’s ignorance and though she didn’t have a search warrant she still searched the house, which means the DVD doesn’t count”
The request to...
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“Mr. Allen! Open the door now before I bust it!”
Cas recognized Isabel’ voice and frowned. What was she doing here? He poked Meg, to wake her up. “Meg. I think inspector Roberts is here” he said quiet.
Meg sat up. “What have you done now? I thought we left all that Colorado crap, well, in Colorado” she said. She put on her dressing gown and walked to the door.
“Who the hell are you?” she said disdaining.
Isabel showed her badge and looked how Cas got dressed.
“I will be right there, inspector Roberts” Cas said.
Isabel wrote something on a paper and gave it to inspector...
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Cas beached on the street, far away from Rufus’ cabin. He wasn’t sure how to feel. He was angry, because Dean wouldn’t listen to him. Dean always thought he knew everything better. He was disappointed, because Dean had no faith in him at all.
He was so up in thought that he didn’t hear his name. But maybe that was because she didn’t use his real name.
Someone grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around. He looked at the woman. She looked familiar.
“Didn’t you hear me?” the woman asked. Cas stared at her. “Don’t you recognize me? It’s me, Daphne, your wife?”
Cas widened his eyes as he remembered her.
“Daphne” he said breathless. “How did you find me? What are you doing here?”
“Well, I hired a detective, I needed to find you” Daphne said. She searched in her pockets and conjured a big brown envelope. “I need you to sign these”
“What is it?” Cas frowned.
“A petition for annulment” Daphne answered.
Time jump to after the season 7 finale.

Right after Cas leaves Dean in Purgatory.
Meg was hanging on a rack, cuts running over her entire body. A demon, assigned by Crowley, was curving and cutting in her naked skin. Her screams echoed in the entire Hell, while Crowley was watching.
“Mr. Crowley!”
Crowley groaned and rolled his eyes. “What?” he said short while turning around.
“I found an intruder” a demon said. He was holding Cas’ collar and dragging him along. Cas looked up and saw Meg hanging, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.
“Well, what do we have here?” Crowley...
continue reading...
Meg was sneaking around in a closed food store. She didn’t have to eat, but she remembered the flavor of vanilla from when she was a human and so she ate all vanilla puddings she found on the shelves. Being a demon did have his perks. For instance, she could eat whatever she wanted without gaining a pound.
The door opened and closed again. Damn it, she thought, more demons. One of them whistled. “Meggie! Hey, Meggie! Crowley wants to give you a kiss. Why don’t you be a nice demon and come out”
Meg crawled away and hid in the next aisle.     
“Guess what, Meggie”...
continue reading...
Isabel was sitting in her office, doing some paperwork, when the door opened and a cop appeared in the doorway. “Chief wants a word with you”
Isabel nodded and the cop went away. She sighed and stood up. She walked out of her office and walked to the head bureau. She knocked and waited for her employer to say yes before she entered.
“You wanted to see me, chief?” Isabel said.
Chief Barnes signed at the chair opposite his desk.
“I was wondering how your search for Jack is going?” he asked.
Isabel bit her lip. “Not so good, to be honest” she started careful. “You know Jack. If...
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“Zoey asked me to keep an eye on Alexia, while she visited Daphne in the hospital. Shannen, her babysit, said she would come later and then I could go to the hospital too. When Shannen arrived here it was raining and she was soaked. She asked me if she could take a shower first and I let her. Twenty minutes later she came downstairs in the kitchen and her leg was bleeding. I healed her and she wanted to give me some money, but I refused. Then she kissed me and tried to seduce me” Cas said.
Isabel’s colleague was writing everything down.
“And did she succeed?” Isabel asked with raised...
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Cas woke up at ten. He came out of bed listless and opened the curtains. It was cloudy and rainy. The weather matched his mood.
He walked downstairs to the fridge and took out some eggs. He had seen Daphne bake eggs and it didn’t seem all that difficult. He put the pan on the cooker and turned it on. But instead of waiting the pan was hot he opened the eggs and threw them in the pan right away.
He pricked in the still fluid egg which appeared to take longer to coagulate. He decided to make some coffee, while he waited.
Just pour some of that brown stuff in that thing, how hard can it be?,...
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Zoey was driving and Cas was sitting next to her. Daphne was lying in the back, sleeping. “I hope she doesn’t wake up before we’re there”
“Do you think she’ll be mad?” Cas asked, looking at Daphne.
“I know she will” Zoey said. “But we have no choice. This time she hurt herself and that’s bad enough, but I can’t risk her hurting anyone else. Next time she could hurt my daughter and if I have to choose I will always choose my baby first”
Cas frowned, while he thought of the previous day, of what Gerard had told him. “There’s something I need to ask you about your...
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Twenty minutes later Shannen limped into the kitchen. She was now wearing a baby doll that belonged to Daphne.
“You’re bleeding” Cas said. Alexia was in the living room, watching television.
“Yeah” Shannen said and she limped to the table. “Zoey told me you can heal people”
Cas nodded. “Yes, that is true”
“Could you do it now?” Shannen said.
“Right” Cas said. He carefully touched her leg and healed the cut. He didn’t remove his hand and stared at her smooth skin.
“Emmanuel?” Shannen said careful.
Cas pulled his hand away abruptly. “I’m sorry” he apologized....
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An hour later.
Cas was back home, washing Daphne’s bloody sheets in the sink when the door opened and Zoey and Alexia came in.
“The hospital called” Zoey said, before Cas could greet her.
“Is there something wrong with Daphne?” Cas asked concerned.
“No, they said she calmed down a little” Zoey reassured Cas. She paused for a minute. “I want to try and talk some sense into Daphne. She has to realize she needs help and that we can’t give it to her. The only problem is that I need someone to watch Alex while I’m there. Gerard’s gone working, but I called Shannen and she said...
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Zoey parked her car in front of Daphne’s house. She tapped the wheel, waiting for Cas and Daphne to get out as quick as possible, so she could drive away as fast as she was legally allowed to. Her nose really hurt and Daphne wouldn’t let Cas heal her.
“Before I get out, there’s something I need to say” Daphne started and Zoey had the feeling that whatever her sister was about to say it wasn’t an apology.
“I’m going to change the locks” Daphne said. “I know you still have a key of the house and I can’t have you sneaking in each time you feel like it”
Zoey shook her head...
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Cas opened the front door and carried Daphne over the doorstep. “You can put me down now” Daphne said.
“Shouldn’t I carry you into our bedroom?” Cas asked.
“I’m thirsty. I want to have a drink first” Daphne explained.
“Okay” Cas said and he put her down. She walked to the kitchen and Cas followed her. As she took a glass from the cupboard Cas came standing behind her. He lay her hair over her shoulder and kissed her neck.
Daphne groaned and turned around. Cas continued kissing her as his hands searched their way underneath the dress.
“Bring me to our bedroom” Daphne said...
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Feeling uncomfortable and strange Cas decided to take a walk around the park. It was as if a hundred butterflies were fluttering in his stomach.
“You don’t look so good, man”
Cas turned around and looked serious at Andy. “I don’t feel so good, either”
“You need to use the bathroom?” Andy asked slightly concerned.
“That won’t be necessary” Cas said. “I just have a bad feeling”
Andy nodded in understanding. This wasn’t the first wedding he attended. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for the bride or the groom to be nervous.
“Look, man, I’m sorry about last night” he...
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Cas and Daphne were sitting on the couch, when Zoey came in. Cas quickly looked up, but Daphne kept her eyes on the photo album, lying on her lap.
“I see you two are talking again” Zoey said and she sounded a little disappointed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” Daphne mumbled. She lifted her head and gave Cas a kiss on the cheek.
“I saw Shannen in the bakery today” Zoey said. “She’s my daughter’s babysitter, FYI” she said to Cas.
“Okay” Cas said. He always felt uncomfortable in Zoey’s presence.
“You’ll get to see her soon” Daphne smiled. “You’re...
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posted by WaterLestrange
Is this ridiculous or what? And will you help?

( This is mostly for people who go on and have heard of the site called My friend asked me to do this )

*This is not spam nor a joke

IMPORTANT: Fan-fiction is deleting
stories than contain yaoi, yuri, lemons, violence, stories based on songs, and any story on the site. My friend is organizing a Black Out Day. On June 23rd(according to GTM timing, so that we know we're doing it together), do NOT go onto fan-fiction. Don't read, don't review don't message your friends, don't update. If
enough people participate, then the site will...
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posted by EppofangirlXD
(Taken from forum.)

To the administration of,

I am one of many members of that is deeply concerned with your current actions on this site. The deletion of countless stories and numerous accounts has already called in massive protest, both in the form of authors publishing letters of worry and in two petitions against this sweep, one of which at the present moment has over 11,500 signatures, found on change(dot)org. However we feel that a more direct approach may also be needed to make our voices heard.

Many of us feel confused about this sudden sweep, as up to the...
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Katherine climbed out of the church and came face to face with someone she had rather not seen ever again.
“Hello, Katerina” Klaus said. “Have you missed me?”
Katherine stared at him, her eyes wet from fear. She didn’t notice the blond woman next to Klaus.
“Please let me introduce you to my sister, Rebekah” he continued.
“Why are you here? Why have you come back?” Katherine asked shaking.
“Oh, haven’t you heard? Elena’s blood is the key to making hybrids” Klaus explained. He pulled Katherine against him. “And now that you’ve become such good friends with her you would...
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The Cemetery
Alaric, Elena and Jeremy were standing before Jenna’s grave.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here, Jenna” Alaric said soft.
“Yeah, now you’re here”
Jeremy, who was the only one who heard it, startled and looked up. Jenna was sitting on her grave and winked at him.
“Are you alright, Jer?” Elena asked frowning and looking at her younger brother.
“Yeah, yeah” Jeremy said quickly. He stared at the stone, but Jenna was gone. Then he heard someone whistle and he looked around. Jenna was standing a few yards away from them.
“Jeremy, what are you looking at?”...
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“You sure you’re okay with this?”
Alaric had offered to live with Elena and Jeremy and they had accepted. “It’s not too weird or anything?”
“No, Ric, you’re more than welcome” Jeremy said.
“What about you, Elena? Are you okay with it?” Alaric asked.
Elena was busy with her phone, so she didn’t hear Ric. “Eh, what? Yeah, sure, no problem”
“Who’re you taxing?” Jeremy asked.
“Damon” Elena said. “He won’t answer any of my calls, so I hope he’ll reply to my messages”
“He’s avoiding you?” Ric asked surprised.
“Seems like it” Elena said. “I don’t...
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