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Just to show you not everybody is a demented satanic pervert, :D
Just to show you not everybody is a demented satanic pervert, :D
(Some viewers may find this a little raunchy, viewer discretion kind of advised.)
And count how many times I mention Jello. :D

Hello Zello Yellow Mellow I Love Jello Everybody! (WOW FIRST SENTENCE!) Today I am reviewing a GOOD Fanfiction, and will teach you how to make one CORRECTLY. (You listening to this TrueBlueTeam? Dry Bones? Good.)

Seriously though guys, I really do love this Fanfiction, and I really do love Jello.

The Fanfiction makes clever funny references to the show, has plenty of logic, sanity, and fantasy in it, the Fanfiction is funny, and does many things right.

But you probably don't know anything about The MegaMan NT Warrior Show, so here is the series in a nutshell.
(Actually read this, by the way, or nothing in this Fanfiction will make sense.)

"The series is set in the year 200X (20XX in the sixth game), in an alternate version of the original Mega Man universe in which networks, rather than robots, were the subject of the most research.
Like the original, there were two main projects and only one was funded, but unlike the original, the work of Dr. Tadashi Hikari (the series' version of Dr. Light) in the field of networking and AI programs had been funded over Dr. Wily's research in robotics.
The result of Dr. Hikari's research was the PET (PErsonal Terminal), a small computer which is used similarly to a cellular phone or PDA and which contains a customizable artificial intelligence complete with emotions, known as a NetNavi (short for Network Navigator).
A NetNavi is responsible for helping the operator search, use, and surf the internet as well as protect the PET and itself from viruses.
Within years the internet evolves to the point where it becomes possible to send an AI into it and physically move around as if it were another world. There is some danger, however; viruses evolve alongside Navis and the internet to become intelligent on some level.
Because the internet has evolved to the point of taking on a manifestation, so, too, can virtual weapons be used. If a Navi or a Virus takes too much damage, its programming will lose integrity, disperse, and be deleted shortly afterwards.
Each Navi has antiviral weapons that are built directly into its programming that provide basic defense, and can, in addition to this, be sent weapon programs from the PET via the use of BattleChips.
The series focuses on Tadashi's grandson, Lan Hikari, and his NetNavi, MegaMan.EXE. The pair get involved in foiling the schemes of a net-crime organization called WWW ("World Three"), headed by Wily.
In another tribute to the original series, most) of the Navis in the series are named after characters from the original series.
As the games progressed, however, certain characters from the X series, such as Zero, Iris, and Colonel have also appeared as NetNavis.
Completely original NetNavis have also been made for the series, with some exclusive to the anime series. In every game since the second (with the exception of Battle Network 3), NetNavis used by Mr. Famous were created by fans of the series, being winners of design contests from Capcom of Japan."

COPY AND PASTE I BOW DOWN TO YOUR FEET! So yeah, series in a nutshell.

Now you can finally get out your delicious Jello as we finally start this review!

The Introduction:
"Host: Hello Everyone. You are watching the new show the Megaman NT warrior talk show."

And I like Bananas because bananas taste good.
DAMN IT STOP IT WITH THE SAME WORD IN THE SAME SENTENCE! Least this fan fiction is actually GOOD. But I wish people would stop doing this! >:(

"The Rules Are Simple. You all know the game truth or dare"

Make longer sentences dude, seriously. WHY is it that even most GOOD fan fictions have so many errors?

I wish there was a Jello button. :) I love Jello.

"Well here you can give truth's or dares to anyone on the show"

TrueBlueTeam: THIS WILL BE FUN >:)

"Then they will come on the show and say or do the dares/truths"

"Author" of COADB: No way, I am IN! :D:D:D:D:D:D

"So please review and give us questions or dares. I will not make a new chapter until I have at least 10 truths/dares."

Simple rules, nothing else to really say. 10 Sick twisted funny perverted dares, because WHY NOT? :D And why not Jello? :D:D:D

"So submit them now, the best will go on the show"

TrueBlueTeam: AW DARN IT! :(

(This is where it starts, chapter 2, since the first was an intro. You can read it here.)


"Host: Hello everyone first off I would like to thank everyone for reviewing."

And if you didn't I don't care about your pathetic soul, but thanks for reading anyways! :)

"Here's how it will work, I will bring in one new guest each new chapter."


"The first 2 people to go show will be maylu and lan"

Well not EVERY sentence will be perfect. :P
My 1st grade teacher taught me to always capitalize names, and he doesn't bother to.


"Everyone's Truth/Dare will be used eventually,"


"But only the dares that affect the characters or they're netnavis will be used."

Me: ^___^ Take that perverts!

"So today we have Roll, Megaman, Maylu, and Lan"

Yeah, this is one of the few reasons I told you to read the series description....
And if you didn't......


Except that Jello is awesome. :D:D:D

"The 2 hosts of this show will be me and my Netnavi Dragonman"

Dragonman. BECAUSE WHY NOT? :D
People really do love dragons don't they? Can't blame them. Just look at the Dragonlord from DW1, Charizard, any Mythological one, THEY BREATHE FIRE AND STUFF MAN!

"So get ready and sit down to watch the show"

Like what he said there, but that was a huge missed opportunity to say, "Sit down, grab some popcorn and soda if you have any, and silence your cellphones now. We hope you enjoy the show! :)"

I love doing that. Why? BECAUSE WHY NOT?
And why not eat some Jello too? :D:D:D

"Oh yeah and in this fic Maylu and Lan are 13 and are both dating and so are megaman and roll"


*Static* Jared is experiencing some technical difficulties and emotional problems, please wait for a little while. :)

Relax though, because in case you didn't read the title, this show is called admirable fanfictions, so there won't be any *** ******* **** ********** ***** ****** Ok?

And thank god for that! :D
But there will be hardcore making out quite frequently, so some readers might want to read this a bit carefully. With Jello. :D:D:D

AAAAND Stay tuned! :D Have to go now, but I promise I won't procrastinate as much as last time!
Expect an update in 1-3 days. Thanks! :D

And seriously though, ENOUGH WITH THE JELLO.
And this picture is here because WHY NOT? :D
And this picture is here because WHY NOT? :D
The sun warmed Kelsey’s body and as she opened her eyes she noticed she was covered with a jacket.
“It’s all I have”
Kelsey looked up and saw the bartender sitting next to her.
“I think introduction is in order. Keith” he said sticking out his hand, but Kelsey only stared at him confused. “My imagination is too restricted to fully understand what happened last night, but I have quite some theories” he added.
Kelsey rubbed her forehead.
“Stay here, I’ll get you some clothes” Keith said and he returned to his bar. A few minutes later he came back with some clothes. “I left...
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Klaus had a firm grip on Ambers sister.
“You let go of her!” Amber screamed.
Kelsey’s body pulled together and her eyes bulged. She clenched her teeth and screamed.
“What did you do to her?” Amber cried.
Klaus smiled. “I gave her something to slow down the changing process”
“What changing process?” Amber asked confused and frustrated.
Klaus dramatically gasped. “Oh my dear, she didn’t tell you, did she?”
“Tell me what?” Amber asked with a tiny voice. She looked at her sister. “Kelsey, what’s there to tell me? This is why you were so scared for me, isn’t it?”
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Bonnie put out the lights and headed to the stairs, when the door smashed open and Damon grabbed her throat. In a reflex she lifted her knee and Damon immediately let go of her. He gasped and grabbed the wall to restore his balance.
“I am so sick of you vampires grabbing my throat” she hissed. “It’s hard enough having you in my life, I don’t need you to touch me”
Damon quickly recovered and attacked Bonnie again. “And I’m sick of this aching” he hissed back. “My head feels like it’s about to explode, my back is on fire and it’s like I’m walking on needles all the time”...
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Stefan and Elena were sitting at the bar in Mystic Grill, Stefan with a beer, Elena with a coke. Elena put the straw in her mouth and blew, creating bubbles in her glass, causing the coke to spill on the bar.
“Elena!” Stefan groaned and frowned his eyebrows. He waved at the bartender. “Can we get something to clean this up?” The bartender took a cloth and cleaned the coke up himself. “Thanks” Stefan said. “I’m really sorry” He rotated to Elena. “Please try to behave yourself” Elena pulled a face. “I’m bored. I thought we’re going to have fun, but we’re just sitting...
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“So, how you planning on celebrating?” Stefan asked. “Eighteen, that’s a milepost, we should definitely do something unforgettable”
“I know something” Elena said.
“You do?” Stefan asked curious. “Please, share”
“I could dump you and start dating Damon. Sure that would be unforgettable” Elena chuckled, but she was the only one who thought it was funny. And she soon noticed. “I’m joking” she said quickly. Stefan’s face went back normal and he inhaled deeply. “Can we agree on something? We don’t pronounce my brother’s name today, alright? Today is our day...
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“You do want Elena back, right?” Jeremy asked. He was sitting at the living table with Stefan. They were in the boarding house. Katherine was upstairs, refusing to be part of any of this.
“Jeremy, she is still my girlfriend” Stefan said. “I haven’t lost her”
Jeremy nodded. “Yeah, I guess that’s why she’s with Damon now” he said.
Stefan closes his eyes, trying not to lose his temper. “She’s a free girl, Jeremy, she’s not my possession” he said with a trembling voice that made it sound like he thought otherwise. “Damon is her friend and I promised I wouldn’t keep...
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When Elena finally arrived at the kitchen, all showered and dressed, Stefan was sitting on the sink having a blood bag in his hand, which appeared to be his breakfast. Blood streamed from the corners of his mouth, but he didn’t bother to wipe them away, not even when Elena shot him a yuck glance. She went to sit with her back to him. If she was still going to have breakfast she could not stand the view of a blood drinking boyfriend. She shoved the cereals to her and filled her bowl. Then she poured milk in it. She recalled the morning before when Damon had been baking those delicious pancakes....
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Katherine was lying lazy on the bed, looking bored at the ceiling. She would kill Klaus for taking her bracelet. Correction, she would let Damon kill him. She was really strong, but yet no match for the Originals. Not that Damon was, but if she had to choose, she believed her afterlife to be more worthy than Damon’s. “Geez, hurry up” she mumbled frustrated. Being locked up in this room was getting on her nerves. There was nothing interesting in here and you could only examine Damon’s rubbish so many times. After a while it was not fun anymore. The door went open and Katherine got up....
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