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Cas opened his eyes and rolled them to left. Meg was sitting next to his bed. He looked down and noticed he was holding something in his hand. He rolled his eyes to the right and saw the machines and the perfusion leading some kind of fluid medication into his veins. He frowned and tried to pull all threads out of his body.
“No, Cas, don’t do that” Meg tried to stop him. “You have to get better”
Meg didn’t understand. Medication or drugs was what triggered it. He wasn’t himself when he took them.
Cas opened his mouth to explain, but something entirely different was said.
“Get out”
Wait, why did he say that? That’s not what he meant to tell.
“What?” Meg asked, to make she’d heard Cas correctly.
“Get out” Cas repeated unwillingly. “I don’t want to see you anymore. You are the reason I am here. You brought Heather to me. You’re the reason I almost died”
No! No, don’t listen to what I’m saying!, Cas thought desperately. If only Meg could read his mind.
“I should’ve gone with Dean and Sam and Jo” Cas continued heartless, but as he saw Meg’s eyes go wet, he felt tears coming up in his own.
Meg swallowed and forced the tears back. She was not going to cry. Not now, not when Cas was being so horrible to her.
“Fine, then I’ll go” she finally reacted. “The Winchesters are on their way back. You won’t see me again, but before I leave you, you should remember this. When those men attacked you, it was me who took care of you. When the pain was driving you insane, it was me who looked for a way to redeem you. And I’m the one who stayed here until you woke up. I don’t expect you to be thankful, but I won’t allow you to forget it either”
She stood and turned around. Cas took her hand, accidentally dropping the necklace. Meg was right, about everything. And he was grateful, more than grateful. He wanted to tell her that. Come on, Cas, just three little words, that’s all. You can do it.
“I…hate you” he mumbled resentful.
Meg jerked her hand and walked out of the room.