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The next morning.
Cas opened his eyes, hoping Meg would still be with him. But besides him, there was no one in the bed. It had been a rough night. His shoulder kept hurting, but he assumed that was normal. Maybe he should ask Meg if she could help him out.
He got out of bed and frowned. The pain had moved to his head.
“Cas? Are you up?” Meg called, before she appeared in the doorway. “What’s…wrong?” she asked when Cas sat back down on the bed.
“I don’t…I don’t know” Cas responded.
“Are you in pain or something?” Meg asked a little irritated, while she walked to the bed. ‘I don’t know’ wasn’t going to help much.
“Isn’t that obvious?” Cas snapped hostile. “Or are you really so stupid you can’t see when someone is hurting?”
Meg frowned, confused and angry. “What the hell has gotten into you?”
Cas shook his head and frowned. “What were we just talking about?” he asked soft.
Meg took a step back. “Are you playing games with me? Or you really don’t remember?”
He didn’t answer, but stood from the bed and walked past Meg.
“Okay, that’s it. I’m taking you to a hospital” Meg decided determined.
Cas rotated his head so quickly it surprised Meg he didn’t snap his neck. “We can’t go to a hospital! Anna said we need to keep a low profile!” he snapped angry. “Don’t you ever listen, bitch?!”
Meg walked to him with fierce steps. “Don’t ever call me that again” she hissed. She raised her hand to hit him, but right before she could Cas grabbed her hand and her opposite shoulder. He lifted her from the ground and threw her in the air. She landed against the wall next to the bed.
“Why are you lying on the ground?” Cas asked, sounding as if he really didn’t know what he had just done. He walked towards her and helped her up.
“Put your clothes on” Meg commanded bitter. “We’re going for a ride”
It was early morning. The sun was nowhere to be seen and it drizzled, so most people stayed inside if they didn’t really have to leave their house.
Jessica was one of the unlucky ones who had to face the bad weather. That what’s you get when you take a dog.
“You better make it quick” she told the golden retriever walking next to her. He pulled her forward and they walked behind the first corner they encountered, into an alley. The retriever did his thing and Jessica cleaned it up. She was lucky, there was a garbage container. Jessica wanted to walk out of the alley. She didn’t feel...
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An hour later, when Daphne’s arm was in plaster, someone knocked on the door and Zoey appeared. Her nose was still red, but she didn’t look so angry anymore. She stuck out her hand and made some movements with them like she was doing mime.
“What are you doing?” Daphne asked frowning.
“Just checking the vibes, that’s all” Zoey answered. She looked at her sister. “Seriously, is it safe in here or should I get myself a helmet?”
Daphne rolled her eyes and waved her good arm. Zoey walked towards the bed.
“So, the window, huh?” Zoey said kind of impressed. “Guess he’s not a...
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Cas was standing next to the altar, waiting for Daphne to come. As the music started she appeared and walked over the aisle. She looked at Cas only, happier than ever. Mr. Allen was walking with her and though he tried, he didn’t even look half as happy as his daughter. If anything, he looked tensed. But maybe that was just a father thing. It’s never easy to let your children go.
As soon as Daphne was standing in front of Cas the priest started talking. While he was doing that, Cas looked around him and was somewhat relieved to see Meg sitting in the audience. At least one familiar face....
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“Why did you lie to me?” Cas asked Daphne, in front of all the guests. She gasped and swallowed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” she said nervous.
Andy, one of Daphne and Zoey’s younger cousins, threw his arm around Cas’ shoulder. “Emmanuel, dude, we have to discuss a few things”
He pulled Cas along with him and a few guys of Andy’s age followed them.
“I asked Daphne a question. It was very impolite to take me away before she answered” Cas said a little irritated.
“She did answer, alright? She said she doesn’t know what you’re talking about” Andy replied....
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One week later.

Cas, Daphne and Zoey were sitting in the kitchen having breakfast. Cas still hadn’t learn how to use a fork and a knife and so again he was eating with his fingers. Zoey sighed irritated and pulled Cas’ plate to her. She grabbed her own fork and knife and cut his egg into pieces. She then aggressively shoved his plate back.
“See how it’s done?” she asked disdainful. Cas looked down at his plate.
“Can’t you try and be nice?” Daphne said. Zoey looked at Daphne. “What? The guy’s a total idiot. It’s annoying”
Daphne rotated her head to Cas and smiled. “How’s...
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Daphne put the key into the lock and opened the door of her house. She entered and Cas followed her inside. Zoey had come by at the hospital with some clothes, on Daphne’s request.
Daphne entered the kitchen and wasn’t surprised to see her sister sitting there.
“Hi” Zoey said, looking up from her laptop. “I see you brought Mister I don’t have a name home”
Daphne gave her sister a ‘cut it off’ look. “Zoey’s staying here for a few days” she explained to Cas. “She and Gerard are divorced and Alexia, my adorable niece, is staying with her father for the time being. Zoey...
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Gaz had the camera ready and aiming at me right "hey... HEY BAD IT'S ON!!" I almost fall off when I was hearing great dubstep on this human iPod... Damn her "yes yes... I know.. Hello my fellow invaders and readers I'm sorry I didn't made any story's today its just because this guy or girl who makes 'The host' *roll eyes* what a stupid name well is getting in my way and keep telling me to chill out rushing all my stories yes... I MADE 35 stories and I wanted to put it in here but he or she keeps telling me 'no no no let me do mine story than you do yours cuz every one likes mine' oh plz *slams...
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It was the next morning. Bonnie slowly opened her eyes. She saw a silhouette sitting next to her bed, but her view was too blurry to see who it was.
After a minute or three the room became sharper and Bonnie could see who the visitor was. She looked Caroline afraid in the eyes.
“Hi” Caroline said soft.
“Hi” Bonnie said hoarse and shy. “How long have I been here?”
“About 24 hours” Caroline answered. Bonnie nodded. “How, eh, how’s Elena doing?...And Damon?” she asked careful.
“They’re okay, considering what happened” Caroline said. “They’re dealing with it”
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As I was looking up some things of what humans like I heard a big bang and every thing shaking "oh what in the world of humans!?" I went upstairs and saw Gaz and Gir looking at the big box outside my door and a creepy smile came to my lips "Yes it's here my Doomer!" I ran to it and push Gir and Gaz out my way and let them fall to the ground "aghh?! damn bad watch where you going!" Gaz stop and saw me kissing and hugging the
Huge box and open one eye and look at Gir on ground "HI FLOOR MAKE ME SOME THING GREAT!" Gaz roll her eyes and grab Gir and drag him inside the house "well...
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Police cars were parked in front of the hospital in such way they wouldn’t block the ambulances driving in.
“I’m going in” sheriff Forbes said. She had been informed about who the target was and knowing Damon’s a vampire she decided it best to have a chat with him herself.
“What the hell?” Elena said from inside the car. “What are all these people doing here?”
“They don’t know about Damon” Stefan said. “They must think he’s just some lunatic who’s lost it”
Elena saw how Liz put something in her inside pocket. “She has a stake” she said scared. “She’ll try...
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Once again Elena pulled Damon’s arm over her shoulder.
“I can walk myself now” Damon said, but Elena ignored him.
“You’re not strong enough yet” Elena said.
“Geez, Elena, just admit you can’t resist touching me” Damon joked. Elena’s cheeks turned red, but she recovered quickly.
“Good to know you can make jokes again” she said. They walked further.
“Can I ask you something?” Damon said. “How did you find me?”
“I had a dream” Elena began to explain. “In which your voice guided me to you…In my dream you died”
She paused to breath. Then she carried on. “Anyways,...
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“I should go check on him” Stefan said. “Make sure he’ll be okay”
Elena nodded.
“You should go home, Elena” he continued. “I’ll call you as soon as I know my brother’s safe”
“No, I want to come with. I need to know he’ll be alright” Elena protested.
“Elena, I promise you I won’t let anything happen to him” Stefan said. “But like you said, you’re not yourself. You can’t take care of yourself. I can’t protect the both of you”
Elena shut her eyes. “Alright, then” she said soft.
“Ask Caroline to give you a ride home…or stay at the party” Stefan said....
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If looks could kill Bonnie would’ve been dead right now. She, Elena and Caroline had just finished lunch and they were now walking through the shopping street. Elena had been shooting dirty glances at Bonnie all day, but Caroline was too busy talking to notice. Or so they thought.
“You have to keep your eyes on the show windows, not on Bonnie” Caroline said a little annoyed. “You’re not wearing her tonight, Elena”
Elena shrugged and jerked her eyes from Bonnie. The next moment she let out a shriek. Caroline and Bonnie jumped up and looked at Elena, who was pointing at a dress in...
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7.40 pm
Katherine watched Elena jumping into Damon’s car and Damon driving away. She knew now was her turn and an evil grin appeared on her face. She stuck her hand in her pocket and conjured a box named Sonata, which she had swiped from Jeremy.
“Elena got what?”
Stefan and Katherine turned around. Jeremy was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Jeremy, please let me explain. But not here. Let’s go to the kitchen where we can talk in private” Stefan said and he went into the kitchen, Jeremy following him. Katherine, however, stayed behind. While Stefan filled Jeremy in on what...
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She slammed the door open and went straight to the kitchen. Rachel looked up both shocked and excited. She wanted to walk to her, but Kelsey raised her hand. “Don’t come any closer” she said. “I just spent the most horrible and painful night of my life and I want to know why”
“Honey, I only know the big lines. I can’t tell you much” Rachel said. “Your father is coming home soon and he’ll be furious if he knows you’re here”
“Dad doesn’t have any right to be furious” Kelsey snapped. “He lied to me. He’s been keeping secrets from me”
“I know and I can’t make...
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Amber was lying on the bed, her hands and feet tied. Jeremy was sitting on his office chair, watching her from a safe distance.
“Let me go” Amber said. “Please, let me go”
Jeremy didn’t move. He wished Kelsey would get back soon. It had taken him all his strength to tie Amber up.
“Let. Me. Go!” Amber screamed. She moved her body up and down and pulled her hands to make them loose.
“Sssh! Shut up!” Jeremy said when he heard footsteps on the stairs.
“Jeremy?” Alaric said. “Is everything okay?”
“Eh, yeah, I’m watching a movie on my computer” Jeremy replied, with his...
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Elena felt how someone caressed her cheek. She smiled and took the hand. She opened her eyes and her smile faded away when she looked in Stefan’s brown eyes. She blinked and scribbled back until she hit the edge of her bed.
“Oh” she let out. “It’s you” she said. Stefan laughed. “Well, of course it’s me. Who else did you expect?” he asked rhetorically. He took Elena’s hand and pulled her out of bed. He took her face in his hands. “I’m sorry for being such a jerk yesterday. I was… awful. I almost got you killed” he said soft.
“Oh, well, I’m still alive” Elena...
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Bonnie put her hand on the latch and pushed it down. She opened the door and watched Jeremy tossing and turning in his bed. She stepped towards the bed and sank down at the end. She saw the tortured expression on Jeremy’s face and wondered what he was dreaming. Her glance slide from his face to his chest going up and down. There she noticed the drops of blood. Jeremy tugged his shirt as if there was something on his chest that wouldn’t get off. His eyes opened and bulged, but he was still stuck in his dream. He gasped for air, seeming to choke. His hands went up to his throat, his fingers...
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He was sleeping. He was lying on the ground and he was sleeping. Until he felt a dull pain in his waist. He slowly opened his eyes.
“Get up”
He felt how someone threw something solid to his head. He lifted up his head and looked at it. Drumsticks. Cold drumsticks. But since they hadn’t been exactly generous with food he didn’t complain. He picked up one of the drumsticks and ripped a piece off with his teeth. The person who had awakened him left the room. He sat up and looked at the walls. Small, white lines ran from halfway the walls to the floor. The window frames were ripped off and...
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Elena was sitting in the kitchen, playing solitaire. She picked up a card and squeezed her eyes at the Joker image. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?” She got tired of the game, because she was losing, and collected the cards. Then she took two card and placed them against each other, creating a triangle. She did the same with two other cards and placed them next to the first triangle. “Are you seriously building a card house now?” Jeremy asked. He was sitting in the couch, playing a computer game. Elena didn’t respond; she needed all her focus on the construction. “Let her be,...
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