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Jo parked the car in front of a cheap looking motel. The lights flickered, the windows were no longer see through and above the entrance there was a damaged board that once spelled the word ‘WELCOME’, but due to age and neglect only the first three letters were still readable.
“This is the best I could find” Jo said. She had find it a better idea if she had been the one taking Meg away. Dean and Meg in the same space was never a good idea, even if he did save her life.
“It’s good enough for me” Meg commented. She loosened her seatbelt and wanted to step out.
“Hang on” Jo said and she searched her purse. She pulled out some money and gave it to Meg. “Just for starters”
“Thanks” Meg said not very enthused.
“You have to get a job” Jo continued. “You have to get your own money”
“How? I can’t do anything. It’s not like I went to school” Meg said sarcastic.
“I’m sure there’s something you’re good at. Something you don’t need to be a demon for” Jo replied. Meg raised her eyebrows. “I highly doubt it” she mumbled. “Could you do me one little favor? Don’t tell Cas where I am. I don’t want him to come looking for me”
“Is it really such a bad thing for you to be human? Don’t you think they might look at you differently now?” Jo propounded.
“No” Meg shook her head. “Dean and Sam will always see me as the demon that killed you and your mom. And the demon that got Bobby Singer in a wheelchair. They will never see me as a human being…Thanks for the ride and the clothes”
She took the bag of clothes Jo had bought her and opened the door. She stepped out and walked to the motel. She didn’t bother turning around to wave Jo goodbye.
Dean drove full speed ahead, crossing a few red lights. Cas was lying on the backseat, unconscious.
“Dean, slow down, you’re getting us all killed” Sam said accenting his words. Dean chose to ignore him and parked the Impala in front of the hospital. He pulled the key out and stepped out. He opened the door to the backseat and dragged Cas out. With Sam’s help he carried him inside the hospital. Since Dean was too much in shock, Sam explained to the doctor what happened.
About an hour later, the doctor came to them and they could tell from his expression that he didn’t have good news....
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Meg was sitting on her bed. She had sneaked inside as soon as Dean had left. Jo had promised her to get him out of the house. She didn’t want to deal with his snarky commentary.
Sam was sitting on the bed as well. He felt weird around Meg, but since Cas was sick and there was no one else, they might as well keep each other company.
“How is it like? Being human?” Sam asked, trying to break the ice. “I mean, after being a demon for so long”
“Honestly? It sucks. Big time” Meg replied bitter. “I’ve always been able to recall every single murder I’ve committed, but I’ve never...
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Dean drove full speed ahead.
“Dean, slow down” Sam said urgent. “Do you really think this is a good idea?”
“Kidding me?” Dean snarled at the younger Winchester. “I should’ve never left him alone with that demon”
“Ex-demon” Sam corrected him.
“Doesn’t matter” Dean snapped. “Once a murderer, always a murderer”
“Don’t you think that’s a little hypocrite?” Sam commented. “We’ve killed, too”
“Monsters, Sammy. We kill monsters. We safe people” Dean fired back. “We leave town for a little more than a week and Cas ends up in the ICU. You think that’s...
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Anna was standing outside, waiting for Kevin to show up. She had called him and she knew he could hear her. So it was just a matter of time and good will until he answered her.
“I was wondering when you’d be reaching out” Kevin said from behind the angel. Anna quickly turned around.
“Do you know why I’m here?” she asked.
“I have a suspicion” Kevin replied. “Does it involve a tablet?”
“You can keep the tablet, but you can’t stay with Crowley. It’s dangerous. Whatever he promised you, he’s lying about it. He’s a demon, the moment you cease to be of use, you’re...
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posted by myannyancat
Nyan cat is a cat born on earth, his race species come from the ancient Nyan Nyan plent that was destroyed by the devil arms. When the creation that was sealed away for more than 50 years is finally set free, he agrees to work with DisNyan to destroy the
Nyan cat is a cat born on earth, his race species come from the ancient Nyan Nyan plent that was destroyed by the devil arms. When the creation that was sealed away for more than 50 years is finally set free, he agrees to work with DisNyan to destroy the
Far up in the sky, a space colony floats above the earth. A scientist with a 300 IQ works on his own projects up there. He was studying DNA from the ancient Devil Arms species; Black, alienistic cats from the past. The scientist never said his name. He had a companion alongside him named Sophia. "In that stasis, what is that black cat inside it?!" Sophia exclaimed "That is an artificial replica of the Nyan cat species containing the DNA of the ancient Devil arms species of cat." The scientist replied "Although the devil arms are extinct, I have their DNA." "But If you release this cat to the world, what horrifying things will it do?" "If things get bad with him, then I will seal him back." The scientist walked into the other room. On the stasis there was a label; it read: PROJECT: TAC NAYN "Tac Nayn...... That's the word Nyan Cat, but... Backmasked!" Sophia exclaimed

Isabel was sitting at the bar of the local pub, trying to get some information.
“Can I get the usual, Neil?” she asked casual. Neil prepared a coke zero and gave it to her. “Hey, I heard a few nasty things went down here. Could you tell me a little more about it?”
“Not here” Neil corrected her. “Outside”
“I heard some of you regulars were murdered. Does the police have any suspects?” Isabel asked, pretending to be just curious.
“Yeah” Neil said obvious. “A lot of my customers saw him provoking them here. They went after him and didn’t return. Need I say more?”
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“Can you believe this?” Dean exclaimed furious. “That’s what? The third time he stole my baby? What is wrong with him?”
He and Sam were walking down the street and while Dean kept ranting on about how Cas was abusing his car, Sam remained rather quiet.
“What’s up with you?” Dean asked when he paused his venting for a moment.
“You didn’t go into that basement” Sam said dark.
“Why? What was there?” Dean demanded to know.
“Two men. Dead. One of them tortured and eaten by rats” Sam answered. “The other one stabbed to death”
Dean sighed and looked around to make...
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Cas was standing in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. He looked very pale and his body felt like it was on fire. His hands had started itching again and this time Cas couldn’t take it anymore. He opened the mirror cupboard and took the scissors. He tried to open it, but the bandage was too tick and inconvenient to even hold it for five seconds.
He brought his right hand to his mouth and his teeth chewed the bandage. He unwounded the bandage with his teeth and when his hand was free, he used it to take the bandage off his left hand. He threw the bandage on the floor and looked at his scarred...
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Phil Coulson's collecting cards
Phil Coulson's collecting cards
If you can tell by the title, this is going to be YAOI. Well, that is only if you have seen the Avengers. Captain on cards? Captain America. The man Who has them? Phil Coulson. Captain America is in other words, Steve Rogers. I adore this pairing, so... Suck it up. #Capoulson!!! X3

Card 1: A huge problem.

His blue eyes. Blonde hair. Sincerity. Kindness. How the hell did I fall in love with this guy? My dad would've killed me if he found out I was gay. But, so far as I know, it's one-sided. Especially since he was there when I woke up, muscles traced along his pale gray t-shirt, and that smile...
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Meg was sitting in front of the mirror in the bathroom of Dorothy’s apartment. She was putting up makeup when the door opened and a woman came in.
“Hi” she said as she walked towards her. “My name’s Heather” she introduced herself and she pulled a chair and sat down. “I hear it’s your first night. How are you feeling? Are you nervous?”
“No” Meg said. “Maybe, I don’t know”
“You’ve had sex before, right?” Heather checked.
“Yeah, of course” Meg responded.
“Okay” Heather said relieved. “This is not a way to lose your virginity”
“Are you trying to give me some kind of pep talk?” Meg asked.
“Yes” Heather admitted. “And to give you this” She put something in Meg’s hands. Meg opened her hand and looked at the white pill. “To get you through your first night”
“I take it it’s not an aspirin” Meg commented sarcastically. She put the pill in her mouth and swallowed.
Sam opened the door to the men’s room and saw Cas sitting on the cold stony floor. Sam rolled his eyes, thinking Cas was being dramatic again, and he walked towards him. But when he’d reached him he noticed Cas’ eyes were closed.
Sam bent through his knees and touched Cas’ shoulder. “Cas? Wake up, dude” he said.
Cas slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sam. “I passed out, I think”
“Yeah” Sam replied. He threw Cas’ arm over his shoulder and helped him stand up. But the moment Sam let go of Cas, Cas grabbed his stomach and gasped for air. He bent through his knees and collapsed....
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Dean parked the Impala in front of the motel Meg was staying. “Are you sure about this?” he asked, turning to Cas.
Cas nodded. “Thank you” he said hoarse. “For not telling Sam” Dean didn’t comment, but loosened his seat belt and got out of the car. He walked around it, when Cas stepped out too.
“No, wait here” Dean said. “Let me go first”
“She’s not very happy with you, right now. I might have to use a little persuasion” Dean explained.
“What kind of persuasion?” Cas asked suspicious.
“Just trust me, alright?” Dean replied. “I promise I won’t...
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Cas was sitting at a table in the corner of a café. He had sneaked out of the hospital shortly after Meg had left. Apparently Meg had given Dean his number, because his phone wouldn’t stop buzzing. But Cas didn’t want Dean’s company right now. He just wanted to be left alone.
Three men were lurking at him from the bar. Cas could feel their eyes on him and he looked up. They were mumbling to each other and if Cas had still been an angel he would know what they were talking about. But now their whispered conversation remained a mystery to him.
He stood up and headed for the exit. He didn’t...
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School was out and Jerrick walked to the gate. He didn’t see his mother anywhere, but a strange woman came his way.
“Hi, Jerrick” Meg said charming when she reached the eight year old. Jerrick took a few steps back. “Don’t be afraid. I know you don’t know me, but do you remember being sick and a man made you feel better?”
Jerrick nodded heavily.
“I’m a very good friend of that man. He’s visiting your mom and I was so kind to come and pick you up” Meg explained.
Jerrick’s teacher walked towards them.
“Is there a problem?” she asked suspicious.
“No, I’m just picking...
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Meg opened the door of her room and saw Dean sitting where she had expected Claire to sit. “What are you doing here?” she asked, acting calm. “And where’s Claire?”
“Oh, she’s with Sam” Dean replied. “She’s fine, by the way, no thanks to you” He got up and walked to Meg. “Seriously, Meg, what were you thinking?”
“Hey, for the record, this was her idea” Meg defended herself. “She said I should tell her mother I’m keeping her hostage in exchange for Jimmy and I just figured it would be a lot more convincing if I’d do it for real”
Dean shook his head, furious....
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5 am
Dean entered the kitchen and saw Meg sitting at the table, with a cup of coffee.
“You’re up early” he mumbled. Meg looked up. “I get it” Dean added. “You never went to sleep”
Meg shook her head.
“Yeah, me neither” Dean replied soft. “So, eh, what are you going to do now?”
Meg shrugged and stirred her coffee.
“You know what I said when Cas told me he loved me? I told him to shut up. I never said it back” she said sober.
“I’m sure he knew that” Dean said careful.
“It doesn’t matter” Meg replied sharp. “He’s gone. There’s no need for me to be human...
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Dean opened the door and followed Jimmy outside.
“Hey, wait a minute!” he yelled.
Jimmy stopped and waited patiently for Dean to catch up with him.
“Where’s Cas? What did you do to him?” Dean asked trembling and furious.
“Don’t worry, he’s alive. He’s in here, somewhere. We switched places” Jimmy explained dark.
“I thought you were dead” Dean snapped hostile.
“Clearly you didn’t pay much attention. Castiel said I wouldn’t age or die. I’ve been stuck in my own body for ages and it’s time Castiel knows what that feels like” Jimmy replied bitter.
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Ten minutes later the door opened and Meg appeared in the doorway. Cas’ heart jumped up, but Dean walked to the door and pushed Meg outside.
“What are you doing here?” he hissed.
“Sam called me. He said Cas wanted to see me before he died. Are you really going to deny him his last wish?” Meg asked disbelief.
“It’s for his own good” Dean said heartless and he grabbed Meg’s arm, dragging her to the stairs, leading to the ground floor.
“For his own good? He’s dying!” Meg exclaimed.
“And who’s fault is that? You’re the one that introduced him to Heather. You left that...
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It was close to midnight and Zoey had buried Daphne’s body in the garden. She hadn’t meant to shoot Dean Winchester, but if he was dead, all the better for her. The less people that were in her and Cas’ way, the better.
Of course it would take Cas some time to forgive her, but their love would survive it. She hadn’t want to kill her sister, either, but there simply was no other way. Zoey was certain that wherever Daphne was now, she would understand. Daphne was at piece. She was with Martin, the most important person in her life.
And Zoey would be with Cas and then they would raise...
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Meg staggered to the wall and stuck out her hand to find support. She let herself fall against the wall and sank down.
“He’s just lying there. He’s not responding to anything I say” she mumbled breathless. “When I find out who did this to him- and I will find out- I’m going to torture that bastard to death” She looked aside at Heather. “I want to help inspector Roberts”
“Okay, I think I know how to find her” Heather replied.
“And…someone has to call the Winchesters” Meg continued. “They’re his…family…If he…” Meg couldn’t get herself to finish. “They...
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