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“What the hell happened to you?” Sam exclaimed.
“Someone was shooting at us” Jo explained agitated. Dean was leaning on her and he was starting to become heavy. Cas rushed to them and took over.
“Thank you” Jo said.
“Where is it that you’re injured?” Cas asked. “Then I’ll heal you”
Dean shot a long look at Jo and then looked at Cas. “No” he said slowly. “I’m not that hurt. The bullet just missed me, it’s just a scratch. Jo can take care of me”
Jo frowned, but nodded in agreement.
Dean shot a meaningful glance at Sam, knowing Cas wouldn’t understand. Sam grabbed Cas’ arm and dragged him outside, while Cas looked sheepishly at Dean, quietly asking for an explanation.
Dean lay on the bed and Jo sank down next to him. She carefully lifted his T-shirt and held her breath. Usually she didn’t have any trouble with blood, unless it was the blood of someone she cared about. And she cared about Dean a lot.
She dabbed a wet towel against his side and he clenched his teeth.
“I’m sorry” she said soft.
“No, it’s…it’s fine” Dean said. He tried to sit up, decided that it hurt too much and lay back down. “I…eh…I wanted to tell you I’m sorry”
“Sorry about what?” Jo asked, consciously avoiding Dean’s look.
“For sleeping with you, for the wrong reason” Dean said.
“And being a total jackass afterwards” Jo added helpfully.
“Yeah, that too” Dean said.
“And leaving me behind” Jo said.
“I’m sorry” Dean said.
For a few seconds Jo didn’t respond. Then she pressed Dean’s wound and he exclaimed.
“Now we’re even’ Jo smiled.
Meg opened the door of Heather’s house and walked outside. She turned around and looked Heather sharp in the eyes. “If something happens to Cas, because of what you gave him,…” She couldn’t find a threat that was frightening enough.
“Mm-hm” Heather nodded, her lips pressed. “But you’re just friends” she commented sarcastically. Meg rolled her eyes and walked away, while Heather went back inside.
“Hey, Meg!”
Meg gasped as she recognized the voice. Would he really dare attacking her in the middle of the day, in the middle of a crowded street?
“It’s not very nice to...
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Cas stroked his hair and tried to keep his breathing under control. Meg didn’t understand. He needed more. He had lied about the pain being back, but he hadn’t lied about needing another dose. He opened the upper buttons of his shirt, suddenly feeling feverish.
He hurried to the dresser and opened all drawers and cupboard doors. He searched through them, checking all boxes, finding nothing. He slammed everything shut and began to rub his fingers again.
“If I were a medicine cabinet, where would I be?” Cas mumbled trembling and out of breath. He ran to the stairs and sprinted upstairs. He went to the bathroom and opened the mirror cupboard.
“Got it” he said, sighing relieved and he grabbed all boxes that had medicines in it. He took out all the strips and swallowed the pills one by one.
He leaned against the cold, marble wall and sank down on the floor. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.
The next morning.
Cas opened the door of his bedroom and saw Meg sitting on the floor, sleeping. He bent through his knees and picked her up. He carried her through the hallway and walked into her room. There he lay her down on the bed and covered her with the sheets. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. Then he turned around and left, going back to his room. He took the sheets and rolled them in a ball, taking them downstairs to the laundry. He had no idea how to work with a washer, but there was a manual, so maybe if he’d read extra careful, he might figure it out.
It took him five...
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Cas was pacing up and down. It couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t be. Meg would never… He sank down on the bed and went with his fingers through his hair. Dean went sitting next to him. “I’m sorry”
“Oh, shut up, you’re not sorry” Cas snapped annoyed as he got of the bed and turned to Dean. “You are gloating on the inside”
“Hey, I do feel bad for you” Dean defended himself. “I know how you feel about her, but she clearly doesn’t deserve you. And now you have all the more reason to come with us”
“I can’t leave now!” Cas responded upset.
“What? Why not?”...
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Cas opened the door of the motel and heard Dean sigh a relieved sigh.
“Took you long enough” he said, but he didn’t sound annoyed. He sounded like he had been worried.
“I’m sorry” Cas responded. “I had to make sure Meg would be okay”
“And will she?” Sam asked with raised eyebrows.
“Yes” Cas nodded with a faint smile. “She’s trying to make something of her life. She even has a job”
Dean, who had just taken a sip from his beer, choked. Cas frowned and walked towards him. “Are you alright, Dean?” “Yeah” Dean said difficult and coughed. “So, Meg has a job....
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One week later.

Whatever it was that had made Cas so ill, it looked like it was gone now. Anna had been right. He didn’t need their help. Still it had been terrifying for Sam and Dean to see their friend suffering like that and not being able to help.
But Cas’ condition had made Dean set a few things in motion. He and Sam had been to the city hall at night, when the place was empty, and Sam had broken into the computer to make some legal papers for Cas.
“This is your ID” Dean said when he handed the ID card to Cas. “Your last name is Novak. Hope you don’t mind”
Cas accepted the...
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Meg was walking down some unknown street. It was dark and she squeezed her eyes to see where she was heading. What the hell was wrong with her sight? She passed a turn and arrived at a parking lot. There were no cars, but there was someone standing on the other side of the parking lot. The streetlights were on and so she recognized him.
“Kevin” Meg said slowly. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you scared? All alone, in the dark? Shouldn’t you go run back to Daddy Crowley?” she scoffed.
“Funny you mention Crowley” Kevin said with a faint smile. “He gave me a present. To thank...
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Dean and Sam rushed into the hospital, to the reception room. “Hi, my friend was brought in here” “What’s your friend’s condition?” the receptionist asked. “Eh” Dean hesitated, looking at Sam.
“Sam! Dean!”
The Winchesters turned around and saw Anna running their way. “Come with me, I know where he is” she said. She turned around again and Sam and Dean followed her. “I found him lying in the middle of a crossroad, bleeding badly. I’ve been having this bad feeling all day and I’m so furious with myself that I didn’t look for him sooner”
She stopped at a door....
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Rachel had made up her mind. Stefan was right. It was not right to turn her back on her family. Veronica wasn’t family. Kelsey and Amber were. And they were supernatural, as was she. Taking Veronica’s side would be like denying her nature and it would be an insult to her children. Gabe had made her a prisoner, had forced her to become this. She wouldn’t let anyone tell her her species had no right to live, that there was no place for them under the sun.
“I’ll do it” she said determined. Then, thinking about Veronica if she found out about her betrayal, she felt less confident. “She...
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School was over and Elena was walking outside by herself. Caroline and Matt were talking, while Tyler was watching them from afar. As soon as Elena was out of school area someone grabbed her arm and pulled her along.
“Hey!” she exclaimed when she saw Derek. “What are you doing?”
“I need to show you something” Derek said excited. Without awaiting Elena’s approval he dragged her along until they were standing in front of an old building.
“What is this?” Elena asked. “Did Damon put you up to this?”
Derek shook his head. “He doesn’t know” He opened the door carefully...
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Jeremy got out of bed, rubbing his eyes and putting on his slippers. He opened his bedroom door and walked downstairs. To his surprise Alaric was already up.
“Morning” Jeremy yawned. “Why up so early?”
“Preparing my classes” Alaric said.
“Come on, Ric, it’s Saturday” Jeremy muttered. “Saturday morning nonetheless. Just come and have breakfast and then you can do your homework”
Alaric drank of his coffee. “I’m having breakfast right now” Jeremy shook his head and sat down. He wanted to pour some coffee, but discovered the pot empty. “Seriously?” he said looking...
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Sam’s phone rang and when he saw it was Dean, he quickly picked up.
“Sammy, hi. I found Cas. He’s not doing so good” Dean said.
“Where are you?” Sam asked. Dean gave him the address. “Okay, I’ll be right there” He hung up.
Meg sat up and stood from the couch. Due to the pain she lost her balance and fell down on the couch again. Sam walked towards her and helped her up.
“You shouldn’t try getting up. Dean has Cas. Everything’s fine” he said.
“Take me to him” Meg said.
“What?” Sam asked confused.
“Take me to Cas” Meg said a little harder.
“Are you...
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Gerard got home from his work. He hung his coat on the rack and walked into the sitting room. He saw Zoey sitting in the couch, writing something.
“Eh, what are you doing here?” he asked and Zoey looked up.
“I’m writing a goodbye letter” Zoey smiled.
“For me?” Gerard asked cynical. Zoey stood up and walked to her ex-husband.
“No, not for you” she shook her head. “From you” She touched his forehead with her index and middle finger and Gerard fell unconscious.
As if he was a feather she carried him upstairs and put him on a chair. She took the rope which she had kept in the room as a preparation and winded it tightly around Gerard’s neck. The other end she tied to the chandelier. She pulled the chair away and a second later she heard a snap.
“My husband just violated me” Daphne said. Cas shot her an angry look and Daphne raised her eyebrows. “What, I didn’t just throw myself out of the window”
“My car is just around the block. I’ll go get it and then I’ll take you to the hospital” the neighbor said. He looked at Cas. “Next time I see you…”

Daphne had barely settled herself in her hospital bed, when the phone rang.
“Hello?” she said, when she picked up.
“Daphne, how are you?” Zoey asked.
“I’m fine, considering” Daphne said bitter.
“I’m so sorry. I should’ve never taken Emmanuel to that lake”...
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“Get me out of here! Guard!” Meg yelled, though she knew it was no use. The only reason Anna and Balthazar had been able to chat with her without being disturbed, was because they were able to make humans unconscious. So they were all probably fast asleep.
“Stop yelling” Zoey hissed. She was carrying a big book, which Meg recognized as Daphne’s ‘The Lake’, a diary hidden behind fictional character names.
“What are you doing here?” Meg frowned. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the Allen sisters.
“Cas’ trial started an hour ago” Zoey started. “I have to prepare...
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A tensing silence filled the motel room. Jo wanted Dean to talk to her, but Dean just wanted to get drunk and Sam was on his laptop, pretending to be busy.
“How’s your injury? You want me to check it?” Jo tried carefully.
“What?” Dean snapped. Then his face softened. “Oh…no. But, thanks for the offer”
Sam closed his laptop. “I know this might be inappropriate, but maybe we should leave this place until everything falls into place again”
“Things don’t just fall into place” Dean said angry and stressed out. “That’s why we were born. To make them fall into place. I can’t...
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Anna and Kevin were in the building Zoey had kept Cas hostage. It was sealed and trespassing would be penalized, but human laws didn’t exactly apply to the angel and the prophet.
“You have the tablets” Anna concluded.
“Not all of them” Kevin corrected her. “Just the most valuable once”
“I have to say you’re quite of an actor” Anna said, with some admiration in her voice.
“It wasn’t all acting” Kevin replied. “In the beginning I thought Crowley really meant the best for me. I believed him when he said he was looking out for my mother. But then I wanted to see her...
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Dean stared at his car, his mouth wide open, unable to speak.
“What?” he said shocked. “Baby, what have they done to you?”
“Dean” Sam said, elbowing him and pointing at the entrance of the hospital. Meg came outside and walked towards.
“I saw you two from the window” she explained.
“Why are you wearing Cas’ clothes?” Sam asked.
“Long story” Meg replied.
“And what the hell did you and Cas do with my car?” Dean demanded to know, though part of him wished she wouldn’t answer. Unfortunately she did.
“We fucked” Meg said smug. The look on Dean’s face was priceless. “And Cas bled on the front seat. Speaking of Cas, he’s fine. Thanks for asking”
Dean had the courtesy to look ashamed.
“Eh, yeah, I just wanted to ask” he mumbled.
“Follow me” Meg said. “I’ll explain everything inside”
The next room was filled with fragments of mirrors and the closest fragment had something written on it. Cas made a step forwards and squeezed his eyes to read the tiny letters. It said: ‘Use the reflections in the fragments to find the two tablets.
“Great. Piece of cake” Cas mumbled sarcastic.
The fragments were very close to each other and so Cas lifted his left arm to protects his face, while the fragments cut in his sides, his shoulders, his legs, his arms and his chest.
He stopped after a few yards and carefully put his arm down. He examined the fragments around him, trying not to...
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The next room had some kind of pool with dark blue water and Meg had to cross the water to reach the door on the other side. She looked around to find Kevin’s message. She found it on the wall, next to the door. She read it and shivered. The tablets were hidden at the bottom of the pool. Meg could swim, that wasn’t the problem. But the water would probably be ice cold and you could bet there was going to be something in the water, ready to attack her.
However, since she didn’t have any time to waste, she stretched her arms and dived into the water. She was right; the water was ice cold....
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