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Meg went back to her house to cover her tracks. It was only a matter of time before Crowley’s demons would figure out where she was hiding, but when they did she would be long gone and she didn’t want to make it too easy for them to track her down again.
So when she switched the light on in her living room she was quite surprised to see three demons standing in the room. She would’ve grabbed her knife, if the closest demon hadn’t thrown a cup of holy water in her face.
“Aaaaaaaahhh! You son of a bitch!” she cursed, but before she could act the other demons came closer and dragged her to a chair and tied her up. She looked at the floor and realized she was trapped. She looked up. “Can you make this quick? I need to be somewhere at 10”
“This can go just as quick as you want” demon 1 said. “Tell us where the Angel Castiel is and then we’ll put a good word in for you when we deliver you to Crowley. Then he’ll kill you fast”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” Meg said. “How would I know where Crowley’s puppy is?”
“We can do this the easy way or the hard way” the demon said.
Meg looked in his eyes and smirked. “Go back to hell”
“The hard way it is” he concluded and he threw another cup of holy water in her face.
Cas carried Meg to the bed and lay her down. He removed her sweater and held his breath. On the place Kevin had hit there was a big gap and Meg was losing blood on a rapid pace. Cas turned to Dean, begging for help.
Dean looked down at the badly injured ex-demon. Meg had done countless of evil things. She deserved to die like this. The wound would get infected, she’d get a fever, and then she would die.
“Dean, do something!” Cas yelled desperate.
Dean rotated his head to his best friend, who leaned forward.
“She’s not breathing” Cas panicked.
Another few crucial seconds passed by...
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added by ShadowFlame
Source: Google Image Search
added by ShadowFlame
Source: Google Image Search
Zoey was driving on Front Street. They were almost home. Daphne hadn’t said a word during the entire ride. Not because she was still angry, but her migraine had gotten worse.
“Can you give me one of those muffins? I’m hungry” Zoey said.
“How, for the love of God, can you be thinking of food right now?” Daphne mumbled and with her eyes closed she searched for the box.
“You’re going to have to take a peek, I put it on the backseat” Zoey said.
Daphne groaned and opened her eyes. She turned around on her seat and lifted the box from the backseat. She opened it and lay it on Zoey’s...
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Heather supported Meg as they walked to the ICU. As soon as they headed for the door, the guard stepped closer to them.
“I cannot let you pass” he said strict. “Not unless you’re close family”
Meg looked desperate at Heather who pulled her shoulders. Meg looked back at the guard. She couldn’t believe what she was going to say, but she did anyway.
“I’m his girlfriend”
“Five minutes” the guard said and he opened the door. Heather let go of Meg; she knew she had to stay outside. The guard closed the door behind Meg and Heather walked to wall and leaned against it.
Meg shuffled...
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Meg was lying asleep in a bed in one of the many bedrooms in the house. She had found something to sleep in; Anna really had taken care of it.
The door of the room opened slowly and Cas appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a dressing-gown and he walked slowly to the bed. He took of the dressing-gown and removed the sheets. The sudden change of temperature woke Meg up. She blinked and opened her eyes and widened them. Though it wasn’t the first time she’d seen it, it still took her by surprise.
“What are you doing here?” she asked aggressive.
“I think you know that” Cas answered...
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posted by alexischaos2004
NOTE: Before you read this, I wanted to say this is a yaoi fanfiction. The pairing featured in this is Shadilver. If you are NOT a Shadilver fan, don't read this. Simple. Also, there might be a few inappropriate word selections in this.

"A rose has its thorns, and a violet has its leaves. But, combining the two will make you weep." Said Silver, looking down at a white piece of paper with a proud tone of voice. He was in Poetry class, and this was his first poem. It needed to make his teacher impressed, or he would be expelled from Poetry class. "Impressive,Silver. Next, is Shadow." Ms.Suxcox...
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Dean was sitting on a chair, next to Cas’ hospital bed. There was only one visitor allowed and Sam and Dean had agreed to switch turns.
“Why are you so reckless?” Dean mumbled helpless.
The next moment Cas sat up and gasped for air.
“Cas?” Dean said and he stood up. He wanted to call a doctor when Cas took his hand.
“Am I alive?” he asked faint.
“Yeah” Dean nodded relieved. “You’re alive”
Cas closed his eyes and fell asleep.
A couple of hours later he woke up and saw he had company. Dean hadn’t left, and Sam, Jo, Ellen and Anna had joined him.
“You gave us all a big...
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Elijah walked through the woods. After some bickering with Rebekah they had agreed it would be safest if one of them, Rebekah, would stay behind and man the headquarters, while the other, Elijah, would go back to Esther’s grave.
He removed the stone and climbed downstairs. Two coffins were still closed. Elijah walked to the coffin that stood on the left side of his. He opened it and revealed the body of his oldest brother Finn.
Elijah slowly removed the dagger. While Finn slowly regained his life force, Elijah walked to the only closed coffin left. He opened it and gazed at the undead body...
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“What the hell happened to you?” Sam exclaimed.
“Someone was shooting at us” Jo explained agitated. Dean was leaning on her and he was starting to become heavy. Cas rushed to them and took over.
“Thank you” Jo said.
“Where is it that you’re injured?” Cas asked. “Then I’ll heal you”
Dean shot a long look at Jo and then looked at Cas. “No” he said slowly. “I’m not that hurt. The bullet just missed me, it’s just a scratch. Jo can take care of me”
Jo frowned, but nodded in agreement.
Dean shot a meaningful glance at Sam, knowing Cas wouldn’t understand. Sam grabbed...
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Damon was packing his bags when Stefan walked in.
“What are you doing?”
“Packing my bags, if you didn’t notice” Damon replied.
“Why? Where you going?” Stefan asked.
“I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet” Damon said.
“I don’t get it” Stefan said. Without turning around Damon started to explain. “I’ve always known you hate me, but I didn’t know it was that bad. If you really loathe me that much you could’ve said so and I might’ve left”
“No, I don’t want you to leave” Stefan said. “I just…”
“You just wanted someone to drive a stake through my heart....
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Elena was tied onto a pillar in the center of the parking lot. Damon could see her from where he was standing. He could also see how werewolves and vampires were lurking from the dark. With the chance of being his heart ripped out he speeded to Elena who was still unconscious. He carefully tapped her face, to wake her. She slowly opened her eyes and when she realized it was Damon who had come to her rescue a little smile appeared on her face. “I knew you’d come” she said weak.
“Ssh” Damon said. “Don’t speak. I’ll get you safe”
“These ropes are really tight. It hurts” Elena...
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Derek Janders. The name sounded familiar, but try as he might Damon could not figure out where he had heard it before.
“Let me buy you a drink” Derek said. It more sounded like an order than a friendly gesture. He conjured his wallet and paid two whiskeys, after compelling the bartender not to ask his ID.
“Who turned you?” Damon asked, not touching his drink.
“Does it matter?” Derek answered with a question. “Look, you wanted me to tell you what I wanted, so here it is. I want you to train me, educate me in the world of vampires”
Now Damon drank to wash away that information....
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Cas had finished cutting letters out of Frederik’s chest. He conjured a needle and thread and pushed it through the letters, combining them and making some sort of necklace. He walked to Frederik and hung the necklace around his neck.
He noticed how Frederik was losing conscience. His head hung down, drool came out of his mouth and he was deathly pale.
“Hey, stay up! Don’t fall asleep. We’re not done yet” Cas snarled and he punched Frederik in the face. Frederik opened his eyes, forgot for a second where he was, then remembered by seeing Cas.
“What are you still doing here? That...
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Since there was no way any of them was going to get any sleep, they packed their bags and loaded the Impala. Dean placed himself behind the wheel, Sam sat next to him and Meg on the backseat.
“First stop: Pontiac, Illinois” Dean said, as he started the engines and drove ahead. As they drove Dean turned on the radio to break the silence.
Meg stared out of the window. She felt utterly powerless. Had she still been a demon she would’ve just zapped herself to him. But then maybe she wouldn’t have felt this way and she wouldn’t even bother to go find him.
Maybe this was a sign. Maybe she was supposed to let go and go back to her old life.
No!, she reproached herself. You’re not going back to killing for fun. You didn’t get this far to throw it all away. You’re going to find Cas and get him back.
“Everything okay, there?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, I’m good” Meg replied with a mischievous smile.
Meg had returned to her spot on the floor opposite the ICU room Cas was in. She heard footsteps coming their way and she averted her head to right. A young girl with wavy, blonde hair, green eyes and thin lips walked towards them. She didn’t say a word, but turned to the guard.
“You should go and eat something” she said sharp and the guardian left.
Meg widened her eyes. “Hey, what are you up to?” she asked when the girl put the latch down and opened the door. She reached out her hand to Meg. “Get up. I want you to witness this miracle” Meg accepted her hand and let the girl pull...
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Heather walked inside the police station. She was going to talk to inspector Roberts. Maybe she could help her find that Kevin guy.
“Can I help you?” a woman asked. Heather turned around and frowned confused. She had spent a lot of days at the station, but this woman she had never seen before.
“I’m looking for inspector Roberts” Heather said.
“Inspector Roberts?” the woman repeated with raised eyebrows. “Who’s asking?”
“I’m her cousin” Heather confessed.
“I see” the woman nodded in understanding. “Why don’t you follow me?” She led Heather to her office.
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Meg looked around the police station. So that was why no one was answering her calls for help. They were all dead. There were bodies everywhere and their insides were torn out. The floor was covered in blood.
Meg looked up. Daphne had entered the building. She stared shocked at the bodies.
“You killed all those people” she said trembling. It wasn’t a question, but an observation. “You’re going to hurt more people. I can’t let you do that”
“You can’t handle me. I’m too strong for your” Meg said. She walked towards Daphne and passed her. If she was going to try something Meg could easily take her down.
However, as she passed by, Daphne jumped forward and stabbed Meg in her neck with a syringe, containing a red substance.
“Aaaahhh!” Meg gasped and she touched her neck. “What the hell are you doing?”
But Daphne had left the building and ran for her life.