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Stefan’s eyes glided from Elena’s top to her naked legs. “You really had nothing else to wear?” he asked doubtful. Elena frowned her eyebrows and pouted. “What’s wrong with this?” she asked, looking at her clothes.
“Nothing” Stefan waved his hand. “It’s fine. You look great, Elena”
“Are you angry with me?” Elena asked careful.
“No, I’m not angry” Stefan said annoyed.
“Yes, you are” Elena said upset. She crossed her arms and pressed the door bell, refusing to look at Stefan.
Stefan walked next to her. “Elena, come on, don’t… be like this, okay? Look, I know you’re going through a weird time right now. You have all these different emotions and you don’t know how to deal with them. But don’t act like a little child, because that’s making me cranky” he said.
Fortunately Elena didn’t have to comment on that, because the door opened and Damon appeared.
“Elena” he said and he frowned. Elena thought he wasn’t happy to see her. “Come in” he said and he let her pass. Stefan wanted to follow her, but Damon blocked him. “Thank you for what you did last night” Stefan said. Damon nodded and came outside. “It wasn’t for you” he said. “I know” Stefan said. “But thanks anyway” Damon came closer until his face was next to his brothers. “Let’s get one thing straight” he said soft, but threatening. “If you ever put Elena in that kind of jeopardy again I will kill you without blinking. I won’t care you’re my brother and I won’t care Elena loves you. My first priority is Elena’s safety”
“Then our first priority doesn’t differ from each other” Stefan said. He looked inside. “Are you letting me in?”
Damon stepped aside and Stefan walked in, towards Elena. Damon looked around him to make sure no one uninvited was around, before getting inside and shutting the door. He walked further into the house and saw Stefan had served himself already. Elena leaned against the sink, avoiding to look at Stefan. Damon walked to the fridge, opened it and got out a bottle of lemonade. He walked to the sink and handed the bottle to Elena. “Here” he said, winking and he went standing next to her. Elena lay her head on his shoulder and embraced his waist. “I thought you weren’t happy to see me” she said a little sad. Damon looked at her and lifted her chin with his finger. “I’m always happy to see you” he said soft.
Stefan rolled his eyes and drank a gulp from his blood. He walked to Elena, grabbed her arm and pulled her away from Damon.
“Oww!” Elena yelled. Damon raced to Stefan, grabbed his throat and threw him against a wall.
“Damon, no!” Katherine screamed. She speeded to Stefan, to make sure he was okay, but he already got up and went into counterattack. He grabbed Damon’s collar and gave him a head butt. Blood spurted from his nose, but Stefan didn’t let him catch a breath. He gripped Damon’s hair and pulled his head backward. “All I have to do is pull a little harder and your head will be hanging on my fingers” he growled. “Keep your hands off my girlfriend”
“Actually” Damon said difficult. “She can’t keep her hands off of me”
Stefan opened his mouth and wanted to bite his brother. Elena, who until now had only viewed the scene with a terrified expression, understood despite her condition what was about to happen. And so did Katherine.
Both women jumped on Stefan. Damon felt Stefan’s grip loosening and he rubbed his neck. Stefan struggled with the two look-a-likes and eventually pushed both away. Katherine jumped up immediately, but Elena lay still on the ground a few yards further.
“Elena” Damon said scared. He speeded to her and bent on his knees. He turned her around and saw the blood on her neck. “You bit her” he said with a trembling voice.
“What? No, I didn’t bite anyone” Stefan said.
“I did” Katherine said. “It was me”
posted by cynder1
(Ahh there's ember) flame thought flame went over to ember and said 'ember...i have to talk to u' 'wat is it' i-i love u' 'u wat?!' 'i love u' 'ohhhhh flame i-i don't know wat to say' 'well do u love me too?' 'yes! yes! i do' 'so can we be ...mates?' 'yes' 'baby i love u' 'are u over spyro now' 'yes cause he has cynder and he will never change his mind' 'now lets get a room together' 'okay'
-hi im da narrator
-(spyro) hi narrator
-(cynder) dude whut is rong wit u?
-(me) .........o m g ur cynder and ur spyro???
-(spyro and cynder) yep!
- im glad ember dont like u again spyro
-i am glad too WOOT!!!!
-oooh next chap could change dat!
trailer for chapter 6 of my TVD story The Host :)
the vampire diaries
fan fiction
the host
chapter 6 the letter
may 24 2012
“Your résumé is extremely…blank” the man in the temp job office noticed as he looked at the paper Meg had given him. She had written it this morning. “You’ve worked as a nurse in a mental clinic for some weeks. Do you have a degree as a nurse?”
“Yeah” Meg nodded. “I should’ve brought it with me”
“Why don’t you go home and come back with your degree. Then, maybe, I can do something for you” the man said.
“All right” Meg answered and she got up. She turned around and left the office. She leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. She didn’t have a degree....
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When Edward left, Bella ran away. She ran straight into Sam and Dean Winchester. Link-­-a-goody-to-shoes Disclaimer - I don't own any part of this video.
twilight fanfiction
posted by cynder1
Spyro awoke that morning and went to see cynder , when he found her he was suprised to see cynder making a lot of breakfast and said 'cynder...did u do this?' 'yes i did' 'why' 'well since i told u last night about...stuff i felt better by confessing' 'well cynder lets eat our breakfast and go to the lake' 'that would be nice' so they ate their breakfast and went to the lake they were having a great time until somthing lurked in the bushes spying on cynder and spyro but they were more intrested in cynder all of a suden wolves and apes jumped out and grabbed cynder and put her in a cage spyro was next but he evaded them and used his electrick breath and forced them into the water they all drowned and spyro saved cynder he said ' cynder are u ok!' 'im fine spyro but there must be more evil afoot probably tryin to avenge the dark master and lookin for me as well' then we must be careful'
posted by TLH98
The look of love
There he was as bright as the sun,
Giving me the look of love and grabbing my attention.
We fell for one another’s charm as we spent time alone,
Days and weeks past and we were as happy as ever before,
He said he loved me and there was nobody else for him.

But there she was as beautiful as ever,
Staring at him from the other side of the room, giving him the look.
He fell for her charm and beauty which I didn’t own,
I saw him slowly slipping away from me and drifting apart,
He said he liked her and there was nobody else for him.

They went out every night and spent time alone,
I saw...
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trailer for the 4th chapter of my TVD story The Host :)
the vampire diaries
the host
fan fiction
chapter 4 behind the surface
may 10 2012
posted by 101trx
A black and white cat was running around the living room with a fly swatter-smashing everything in his path as he tried to hit the flying bug.
"Come here, you!" He hissed while rounding the corner.
Then, a black and white guinea pig entered the door way, watching his friend in confusion.
"What the hell are you doing wickett?" He questioned.
Wickett looked at him as his slit pupils turned massive and round. "I'm trying to kill a fly zhu-zhu!" He yelled "you're destroying the living room!" Zhu-zhu stated, spreading his paws out to the scenery in front of him.
"Why are you two fools...
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The next morning.
Daphne’s upper body and arms were taped in with bandage, so she couldn’t move very well. She opened her eyes and when she saw her wrapped body her breath went faster and irregular. She tried to pull the bandages off, but they were too tight.
The door opened and Cas and Zoey ran towards her.
“No, don’t take it off, Daphne” Zoey said, as she grabbed Daphne’s hands.
“What happened? Why am I here?” she said panicking. Zoey and Cas traded a quick glance. “You don’t remember?” Zoey asked. Daphne shook her head. “You cut yourself, all over your body” Zoey...
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added by Holz1700
Summary: The story of Katerina Petrova, a young girl of fifteen has a baby out of wedlock and is forced to leaveBulgaria. All throughout her life people take advantage of Katherine, her story of how she became a 'psychotic, manipulative bitch!'