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“Get me another one of this golden stuff” Alaric said lifting his glass. The bartender, who was cleaning some glasses, shook his head. “I think you’ve had quite enough” “Oh, come on” Alaric groaned. “I’m the customer here. I’m paying” He got out some money. “What does it cost, I’m paying you double” He threw the money on the bar.
“If you have too much of it, you can always give it to me” a familiar voice said. Alaric looked aside and saw Damon. “You’re drinking Bourbon? Without me? Shame on you” He signed with his hand, pointing at Alaric’s glass and then at himself. The bartender got the message and filled two new glasses of bourbon and put them on the bar. “He’s your responsibility now” he said. “Yeah, whatever” Damon said. He drank of his glass and saw how Alaric poured the whole content in his mouth at once. “Are you having a private party? Or is this about Jenna?” Damon asked. Alaric put his glass down and went with his finger around the edge. “I’m trying to find a difference between Isobel and Jenna. Somehow I always fall for the same type of woman. Both beautiful, both turned into vampires, both related to Elena… help me out here, will you?” “Well, I’m not sure if it helps, but I didn’t have sex with Jenna and I didn’t turn Jenna” Damon tried to be funny. “Wow, somehow you managed to make this whole thing evolve around you “ Alaric said. “Works for me. Why are you here?” Damon looked in front of him and drank the rest of his bourbon before he answered. “Other than to have some quality time with my best pal? I’m meeting Bonnie here” “Bonnie? Why?” Alaric asked.
“I’ve been wondering the same since he called”
Damon and Alaric looked up and saw Bonnie. She sank down on the stool next to Damon and looked at him with a piercing glance.”Well, I’m waiting”
Damon sighed. “I need you to do some hocus pocus on me” “Ssh!” Bonnie hissed. “Will you keep it down? We don’t want anyone to know what I am” Damon rolled his eyes. “Why do you need my help? I said I wasn’t helping you anymore. The last time was an exception, for Elena. I see no reason to help you” Bonnie continued. “Hmm… I need you to help me… so I can help Elena. So, you’re really helping Elena” Damon said manipulative. Bonnie pursed her lips and squeezed her eyes. “Wow, even when she’s not around you still find a way to use her as a persuasion” “Is it working?” Damon asked with a smirk. Bonnie lifted up her chin a bit. “Come on, Bonnie, it’s nothing dangerous. Worst thing that could happen is that I die and that’s something you would only rejoice, right?” Bonnie took a deep breath. “What do you want me to do?” “Thank you!” and he sounded like he meant it. “You have to take my headache away” “Okay” Bonnie said. “This involves some touching, I hope you don’t mind” She lay her hands on his temples and started mumbling. It was a good thing the bartender was in the storage, getting new crates of beer. Damon felt his blood getting warmer and his heart pounding. He saw a flash of Bonnie kissing him and wanted to pull away when Bonnie let go of him. “Feeling better now?” she asked. Damon concentrated and looked around. He didn’t feel any pain. “It’s gone” he said. He looked at Bonnie. “Thank you”
They heard a enormous thud and looked aside. Alaric had fallen off his stool. “We got this” Damon said to the bartender, who came out of the storage.
Caroline was showing the new moves to the cheerleaders, when she saw Tyler heading her way from the corner of her eye. “Okay, practice is over. Nelly, you’re going to have to practice that spin” she said, before quickly walking away.
“Caroline!” Tyler shouted. He knew she was walking away because of him. “Caroline!” he shouted a bit harder, but Caroline just continued ignoring him. “I didn’t see you last night at Homecoming”
Caroline stopped, but didn’t bother turning around. “That’s because your eyes were glued onto Virginia” she said snarky.
“Veronica” Tyler...
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Elena gazed upon Damon’s face. She gave him a soft kiss on his lips and stood up then. She walked to the doorway and leaned against the open door.
Damon opened his eyes and sat up when he saw Elena lurking at him. “What are you looking at?” he smirked.
“I’m looking at my boyfriend” Elena smiled mischievous. “The one I had great makeup sex with last night. Though I did most of it”
Damon raised his eyebrows. “Are you kidding?” Elena shook her head. “No. I mean you were just lying there” She opened her satin dressing gown and revealed a blue bra and matching panties. “Want...
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Elena and Derek were both in the Boarding House. Elena was wearing matching trousers and shirt and her hair was in a ponytail. There was a determined expression on her face and she aimed a stake at Derek. He grabbed her arm and turned it around.
“Oww, oww, oww” Elena moaned and Derek let go of her.
“You’re going to have to be a lot faster” Derek reproached.
Elena drove the stake in his stomach and he gasped. “Is that fast enough?” Derek nodded and he pulled the stake out. He gave it back to Elena. “Do you need blood?” Elena asked.
“I’m good” Derek said. He lifted his...
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“Bonnie?” Damon shouted. “Bonnie, where are you? Get back here!” But when nothing happened he understood he had to do this himself. He looked up at the chains and started pulling with all his strength. It hurt immensely, but he couldn’t stop. If this pain was necessary to be with Elena, he would go through it.
After a few minutes, that felt like hours, his right hand was liberated. Without hesitating he pulled his left arm and this time it took less time to free himself.
Then everything went black.
Damon opened his eyes and found himself outside on the spot where Bonnies house used to be. He looked at his arms. They had healed. He scribbled up and looked around. He felt different, like he’d been born again. Elena. He had to see Elena. And so he started walking in the direction of the Boarding House. He could sense she was there.
The next morning.
A buzzing sound, coming from Caroline’s pedestal cupboard woke her up and she opened her eyes. She took her phone and opened it. She had received a message from an unknown person.
“I know what you are and we will destroy you” she read aloud. She swung her legs off the bed and searched for her ring. When she had found it she put it on and walked to the window. She shoved the curtain and stared outside.
The sky was grey. It seemed like it was going to rain.
Caroline opened the window and climbed over the edge.
“Game on, bitch” she mumbled, before she jumped and landed gracefully on the pavers.
Someone banged the door and Rachel jumped up. She ran to the door and opened it. Ronnie was standing in front of her, covered in blood and crying.
“Can I please come in?” she asked careful.
“Yeah, of course” Rachel said and she stepped aside. She closed the door. “What happened? Who did this to you?”
Ronnie wiped her eyes. “Stefan Salvatore and a vampire named Rebekah. They held me in their basement and tortured me. They couldn’t eat me, because there’s vervain in my blood, but they sliced and cut in me”
“I’ll take you to the hospital” Rachel said and she grabbed her...
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Bonnie was sitting with Keith in the cafeteria, having lunch, when a nurse came her way. “You have a visitor”
“I’m eating” Bonnie replied.
“He said it was urgent” the nurse said.
“Fine then” Bonnie said and she stood up and followed the nurse. When she got back at her room she had to pinch herself to make sure she was not hallucinating.
“What are you doing here?” Bonnie asked very surprised.
“You thought I wouldn’t figure it out?” Damon asked arrogant.
“You didn’t” Bonnie shook her head. “Katherine did”
Damon made a step forward. “How do you know that?...
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“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked shaking.
“I’m just paying Elena a visit” Katherine said casual. “That’s all”
“How dare you come around here?” Damon said. “After what you did? You attacked Elena, you almost got me killed”
“I tried to convince you to drink blood, but Rebekah compelled you” Katherine tried to explain. “Which is why I told you you have to drink vervain again”
“I want you gone” Damon said threatening. “I want you out of our lives, for good”
Katherine shook her head. “You need me, Damon”
“No, I don’t” Damon disagreed. “I...
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The next morning.
It was still very early and the sun hadn’t gone up completely yet. Nevertheless, there seemed to be quite some activity down in the woods. The night before sheriff Liz Forbes had received an anonymous phone call, giving her the exact location of where to find the body of Gabe Lindy. Liz had heard the voice before. It had been the same person who told her where the bodies of the Lindy sisters were. So it was pretty obvious that whoever the caller was, they were the murderer or at least they knew who did it.
“What do you got here?”
Liz would never get used to her daughter...
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Damon got back fast enough to see Caroline close the door behind her. He entered and almost hit the door against Caroline’s head.
“Hey, watch it” she said a little jumpy.
“Sorry” Damon growled. “I’m a little tensed” He walked to the bed, where Matt was sitting on a chair.
“Where’s Jeremy?” Elena asked sharp-looking at Damon.
“I left him with that female doctor. She knows him” Damon answered.
Elena smirked. “Well, are you the caring type” she said sarcastic.
“Right now I care more for you than for your little bro, that’s true” Damon commented, getting mad,...
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Matt parked the car on the parking lot of the clinic and looked at Caroline. “What are we doing here?”
“Visiting a friend who can help Elena” Caroline said avoiding.
“What friend are you talking about?” Matt asked careful, though he had a suspicion. And since Caroline consciously looked away, he knew his suspicion was true. “Wow. She’s been here all this time? No wonder we haven’t seen her anywhere”
Caroline turned to Matt. “You can’t tell anyone” she said sharp. “If Elena finds out, she won’t be happy”
Matt raised his hands. “She won’t hear it from me”
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When Caroline walked behind the corner, where she had parked her car, she collided to someone. She sighed deeply. “Can’t you watch were you’re going?” she said annoyed, not noticing who she had bumped into.
“I’m sorry” Matt mumbled a little offended. Caroline looked up. “Oh, it’s you” she said in some kind of apologizing way.
“Are you going somewhere?” Matt asked, nodding at Caroline’s car. Caroline frowned her eyebrows; that was so none of his business. “Because I was actually heading to the hospital to see Elena” Matt explained himself. “I was wondering if...
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Bonnie stared upset at Caroline, when a shadow came over them.
“Can I join you, girls?” Keith asked. Caroline looked up and recognized him. “This is kind of private” she said sharp.
Keith raised his hands. “Hey, if this is about bloodsuckers and moonwalkers and wicked witches, I know all about it” he said with a wink.
Caroline quickly turned to Bonnie. “You told him?”
“He already knew” Bonnie sighed.
Caroline looked back at Keith. “Well, it’s not about that, but it’s still private”
“No, Caroline, it’s okay. Keith’s the only friend I have in here” Bonnie said....
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Katherine was lying on top of the sheets. She was sweating all over her body and was having flashbacks from when she first met Stefan. She got out of bed and raised her hand. Smiling at an imaginary Stefan she slowly spun around.
A hard knock on the door and she came back to reality. The door opened and the doctor came in, holding a piece of paper in his hand.
“Miss Gilbert, why are you out of bed?” he asked frowning.
Katherine stared at him, which kind of creeped him out. He looked at the paper and inhaled deeply. “I’m afraid I have bad news” he started. Then he looked up again. “Eh,...
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“I’m lying if I say I never wanted to hurt him, because I did. That was all I could think of” Bonnie started. “I wanted to punish him for all the things he’d done. I wanted to make him suffer like he made others suffer”
“What did he do? And why couldn’t you hand him over to the police?” Keith asked curious.
Bonnie pulled the sheets. These were the questions she wasn’t sure how to answer. If she answered the first one, she’d put Damon in a bad daylight and that wasn’t the way to forgiveness. If she answered the second, she’d expose him.
“He did some bad things” she...
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These doors need to be oiled, Keith thought as he opened the door of Bonnies room. He walked to the bed and sank down.
Bonnie turned on her back in her bed and opened her eyes a bit. When she saw Keith her eyes widened and she sat straight.
“What the hell are you doing here? Go away! I’m going to call security! Get out!” she hissed.
“Ssshh” Keith said. “I’m just here to watch you sleep. Isn’t that romantic?”
“No!” Bonnie whispered loud. “Not if you’re the one watching”
“So, you’re not going to sleep, because I am here?” Keith asked. “Well, in that case, we might...
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Elena was lying on a hospital, surrounded by her friends. She was awake and a little annoyed.
“I’m fine, I want to go home” she said.
“You fainted, Elena. You need to slow down a bit” Caroline said bossy.
“I just have a low blood pressure, which is no surprise” Elena said pointing at her neck.
“Well, the doctor wants you to stay here for the night” Stefan said. “And I agree with him”
“This is a conspiracy” Elena said grumpy.
“We can stay if you want” Jeremy suggested.
“And stop me from leaving, right” Elena said, figuring her brother out. “No, you can all leave,...
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Elena, Jeremy and Ric were sitting at the kitchen table having dinner. Well, Jeremy was eating. Elena was stirring in her food and Alaric was looking at her.
“If you wanted mashed potatoes you could’ve asked” he said. Elena looked up distracted. “What? No, it’s good. It’s really nice” she said.
“How would you know?” Alaric asked. “You didn’t eat yet”
“It looks really nice” Elena said shrugging.
“If you’re not hungry, that’s fine” Alaric said. “You don’t have to eat. But if there’s something else, I want you to tell me”
Elena looked down at her plate,...
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Katherine looked at Klaus trying not to look too guilty. If Klaus knew she was trying to boycott him, she’d be dead.
“You’re here, finally” Klaus said.
“You summoned me” Katherine said. “Why?”
“I wanted you to see it with your own eyes” Klaus said. He conjured a flask filled with blood. “This is Jason” Klaus said, throwing his arm over an unfamiliar man. “Jason is a werewolf”
“And you’re about to change that?” Katherine guessed.
“Yeah, but there’s a little problem” Klaus said sinister. He bit his arm and forced the blood on Jason. Then he snapped his neck....
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Damon was still lying on the couch when a shadow came over him and he opened his eyes difficult. “Elena?” he said weak. Katherine shook her head. “It’s me” she said. She took his shoulder and helped him sit up. She took the glass of bourbon from the table. “You should drink something”
“Shouldn’t you tell me to drink blood?” Damon asked sarcastic.
“If you don’t want to it’s your business” Katherine said and she held the glass in front of Damon. He wanted to take it out her hands, but she refused to gave it to him. “I’ll do it” she said. “Katherine? I’m not...
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