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While Damon was getting ready to go to bed he heard a knock on his door. He looked up and saw Elena standing in the doorway. “Hey” he said. “What’s wrong?” Elena shrugged and shuffled with her feet. “Come in” Damon said and he waved with his head. Elena accepted his offer and entered his room. She walked slowly to his bed. “I know it’s totally inappropriate, but I’m feeling uncomfortable in my bed, all alone… Can I sleep with you? Just sleep?” she kind of begged. Damon blinked and swallowed. “I don’t know, Elena” “Just sleeping, I promise” she said. Damon sighed. “Well, okay then” he said and he slid as far away as possible so their bodies wouldn’t contact each other. Elena climbed into bed, but unlike Damon’s expectations she came real close to him and lay her head on his naked chest. Her fingers draw circles around his thorax. Damon gently took her fingers and pushed them away. “What are you doing, Elena?” he asked, simply knowing it wasn’t Katherine. Elena didn’t answer, but put herself on top of him. She leaned forward and kissed him passionate on the lips. Damon tried to push her away; he didn’t want this, but then again he did. Elena pushed his hands away and took off her top. She took Damon’s hands and lay them on her breasts. Damon felt how his heart beat raced faster and faster. His whole body shuddered, in a good way and he couldn’t fight it anymore. He rolled over so he was now lying on top of Elena and he kissed her. But Elena wanted more and she moved underneath him. Damon looked down at her body and saw it had changed. It was darker. He looked up and stared in Bonnie’s smug face.
Damon woke up. He gasped for breath and looked around him to make sure Bonnie wasn’t in the same room. It had seemed so real. He could swear he could still feel her fingers on his chest, her breasts in his hands. He was disgusted. Shower, he needed to shower, even though he believed he would never be able to wash this dirt off of him.
Though visiting hour was long over, it didn’t stop Stefan from sneaking into Elena’s bedroom. Elena had fallen asleep shortly after Bonnie had left. Stefan had expected Damon to be in the room, but Elena happened to be alone.
Stefan walked to the bed and sank down on it. Elena, sensing his stare, opened her eyes and frowned.
“Stefan?” she asked sleepy.
“It’s okay. Go back to sleep” Stefan hushed, regretting he woke her.
“No” Elena moaned and she sat up difficult. “I’m up” She cast him a faint, tired smile. “I’m glad you came”
“I had to come and see you, but I didn’t...
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Elena had pulled up the sheets. She was getting cold. After Damon had left she’d started crying again and her face was wet from tears. Was this one of the many side effects chemo had? Or was this part of the cancer?
“Hi, there” a small voice said from the end of the bed.
“Go away” Elena said with heavy voice. “I don’t want anyone to see me like this” She added as she tried to dry her eyes.
“I know, which is why I brought this” Caroline said secretive and she lifted a bag. She walked towards the bed. “I’m going to make you all pretty again. Now, make some room”
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Three days later.

Elena was lying on her hospital bed. She felt terrible. She had heard people say the treatment for cancer was a bitch, but she didn’t how much that was true…until now. She felt her stomach turn and climbed out of bed. If it hadn’t been for her sore limps she would’ve run to the bathroom, but now she had to settle for shuffling as fast as her body allowed her to. Once arrived she dropped on her knees and aimed for the toilet.
It seemed an eternity had passed when she withdrew herself from the toilet and jerked off some toilet paper to clean her face. Last time she had...
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“We should go” Caroline said a little nervous, staring at Bonnie.
“Yeah, you’re right” Bonnie nodded. “It’s plain obvious that the spirits are not going to help me” She stood and walked towards Caroline, who backed away. “What’s your problem?” Caroline moved her phone from her right hand to her left hand as she figured out how to express herself.
“That was Damon” she eventually started. “Apparently Elena is not feeling very well and he thinks it might have something to do with that tea recipe I gave them”
“People don’t get sick from drinking tea, Caroline”...
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Rebekah and Elena were both sitting on the couch, as far away from the other as possible. “So, you and Stefan are getting married? When did that happen?” Elena asked slightly surprised.
“Stefan and I know go way back. We knew each other long before you were even conceived” Rebekah answered smug. “But Nik compelled him to forget, until I convinced him to break the compulsion. He was a little off, Nik, I mean. I think he’s having trouble making Caroline and Tyler break up. He told Tyler to stay away from Caroline, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference”
Elena nodded, then frowned....
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Damon walked towards the old building. Jeremy had told Damon Veronica was alone now and though Jeremy didn’t want Damon to hurt her, he still thought that if Damon threatened her she’d listen and leave. Damon, on the other hand, very well knew Veronica wouldn’t let him scare her off and so there was only one thing left to do. Kill the bitch.
He opened the door, which was unlocked. That should’ve occurred strange to him, but Damon didn’t pay much attention to it. He walked through the hallway until he found the largest room.
“Hello, Damon” Veronica said. “So, Jeremy signs up...
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Katherine was standing in front of Ric’s loft. She was practicing her speech and gathering her courage.
“Come on, Katherine” she told herself. “Just go in there and tell him you love him” She pushed the latch down and entered.
“Stefan?” she called.
“I’m in here” Stefan replied from out of the living room. Katherine walked further into the room. Stefan was standing against the closet. He was alone. “I didn’t expect you, but I’m glad you’re here”
“Really?” Katherine asked hopeful. She couched to restore herself. “There’s something I have to tell you”
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Jeremy entered the Grill. He still had some time before school and this just couldn’t wait. He looked at the bar and to his relief Veronica was on duty. He walked to the bar and sank down on a stool.
“What can I get you, kid?” Veronica asked with a demeaning look.
“Do you have a beer mat? And a pen?” Jeremy asked secretive. Veronica gave him a beer mat and a pen and Jeremy scribbled something down. He shove the mat to Veronica.
“I want in” it said.
“You can’t just sign up, you know” Veronica said. “I need to know I can trust you. Isn’t your sister involved with vampires,...
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“Damon, what are we doing here?”
Damon had parked his car in front of Ric’s loft and now a mischievous smile was playing around his lips. “You want your necklace back, don’t you?”
Elena shook her head. “No, I don’t miss it” she said.
Damon averted his head to her. “But you need it. There’s vervain in it”
“I’ll drink vervain tea” Elena suggested.
“You can forget” Damon warned. “And it could mix with your other tea”
“And you think my necklace is in there?” Elena asked doubtful.
“I know it is” Damon replied. “Katherine told me Rebekah has it”
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Caroline opened the door of her bedroom and almost stumbled over a big, flat box. She bent her knees and picked it up. She walked to her bed, put the box down and opened it. There was a red strapless dress in it and matching gloves and tiara. Caroline took it in her hand and held it up. She walked to the mirror and looked at it. It looked more like a wedding dress. She wanted to check the size and noticed a note.
‘I hope you’ll wear this dress tonight. I’ll meet you at Homecoming’
Caroline put the dress back in the box and carried it downstairs. She walked to the kitchen and threw the...
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“Where’s Barbie?” Katherine asked when Stefan was standing on the front porch of the Boarding House. She had gotten used to the sight of him with Rebekah.
“She’s out, doing something” Stefan explained vague. “Can I come in?”
Katherine shrugged and let him pass. Stefan turned around. “I’m looking for Elena. Is she here?”
“No, she’s at school. You should know that” Katherine said uninterested.
“Not anymore she isn’t” Stefan said. “School’s over”
“Then she’s probably at the Grill” Katherine said, a little annoyed. “What do you need her for anyway?”
“I want to apologize for what happened last time she came over” Stefan said. “And I want to make sure she’s okay. I mean, I know Rebekah’s blood already left her system by now, but still, it must have freaked her out”
He looked at Katherine who stared at some point behind Stefan. Stefan quickly turned around and saw Damon standing in the doorway.
Caroline walked out of the grocery shop and closed the door. She turned around and bumped into Tyler.
“Sorry” she mumbled and wanted to walk away, but Tyler called her.
“Caroline, wait up” he said.
Caroline held her steps, but didn’t turn around. Tyler walked to her.
“Hey, I’m…I’m sorry for last time” he started uneasy. “I was a little uptight”
Caroline raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t act uptight, Tyler. You acted like a jerk”
“I know, but I’m trying to explain myself here” Tyler continued.
Caroline shuffled with her left foot over the paving. She then looked...
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Jeremy ran through the hallway of the hospital. Stefan had given him a call to fill him in and he had also mentioned in which room Elena was ‘staying’. Ignoring the reproaching of several doctors and nurses and other medical staff he opened the door and stopped to breathe.
“Jeremy, why aren’t you at school?” Elena asked a little harsh.
“I was there” Jeremy said. “But then Stefan called me, saying you were sick”
Elena looked away. “He shouldn’t have said that” she said grumpy. Jeremy walked to the bed and sank down. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine” Elena said...
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Katherine threw her arm in the air and called for a taxi. As one stopped she dialed a number.
“My dear Katerina, please tell me you have fixed the problem” Klaus said slowly.
“I haven’t” Katherine started while she got in the cab.
“Well, how unfortunate” Klaus said.
“But I know what’s wrong with Elena” Katherine quickly continued. “Tell me where you are, then I can show you”
Klaus gave her directions and Katherine passed them to the driver.
Fifteen minutes later the driver parked the car in front of an abandoned hotel. Katherine got out and the cab drove away.
As soon...
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“I have to go to him” Elena said agitated. She got out of bed and wanted to walk to the door when Katherine grabbed her by her upper arms.
“You can’t leave now” she said.
“Why not?” Elena asked angry. “He might die if I stay here. I should’ve listened to Derek”
“Elena, they won’t let you go” Katherine said. She looked at Elena. “Give me your clothes” she ordered.
“What?” Elena asked confused.
“Give me your clothes, then I will give you mine” Katherine insisted.
“You’re willing to stay the night here so I can go see Damon?” Elena asked with raised eyebrows....
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Caroline was making homework, yes homework, when someone rang the doorbell. Her mother wasn’t home, so she’d have to get up.
As soon as she opened, she wanted to close the door again, but Ronnie stuck out her foot.
“Five minutes” she said. Caroline sighed and opened the door. “What?” she asked.
“I, eh,…I want to apologize” Ronnie started. “The way I harassed you. I was going too far. I know you’re close with Tyler and I jumped into conclusions. I assumed you knew where he was”
“And I told you I didn’t” Caroline replied cold.
“Yeah, I know” Ronnie said. “That’s...
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Rebekah and Stefan were walking hand in hand in the shopping street when Rebekah squeezed Stefan’s hand and nodded in front of her.
“Isn’t that your friend?” she asked. She nodded at Elena who was walking their way, though she didn’t seem to notice them. They accelerated their steps until they reached her.
“Hi, Elena” Stefan said.
Elena startled and put out her earphones. “Stefan, geez, you’re going to get me a heart attack someday”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” Stefan apologized with raised hands. “Rebekah saw you walking”
Elena looked at the girl who smiled at...
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The sun rose and shone through the curtains. Damon opened his eyes and looked at Elena’s crown. He looked up and saw the planks still lying on the ground. He recalled the last night. At a certain moment Elena’s bed had collapsed and Damon didn’t have the heart to send her to another room and so he let her sleep with him.
“I think you’re starting to recover” Elena had softly said. She had crawled up against him and fallen asleep.
Damon stroke her hair and she woke up. She looked up and gave him a soft kiss. “Hi” she smiled. “Good morning”
“Good morning to you too” Damon...
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Tyler opened his eyes and gasped for air. The night was slowly giving in to the day and Tyler was still tied onto that chair.
“Good morning, sunshine” Klaus said, who was sitting in front of him in Indian style. He had a small flask in his left hand. “I hope you’re hungry”
“Can’t you just let me go already?” Tyler said, who was having trouble breathing. Blood came streaming from his eyes. What was wrong?
“I can’t let you go” Klaus said. “Not before you had breakfast” He continued, waving the flask. He scribbled up and opened the flask.
Tyler pressed his lips together, but Klaus easily separated them and poured the blood that was in the flask into his mouth.
“Now you won’t be so eager to run off, now will you?” Klaus said as he untied Tyler.
“So this is where people go these days to be social” Rebekah said looking around in the Grill.
“Well, it’s definitely the most popular establishment in town” Stefan replied.
“Don’t you mean the only establishment?” Rebekah said disdainful. Stefan emptied his glass. “You want another shot?” he asked.
“Sure, keep them coming” Rebekah smiled. She emptied her glass, as well as the second and the third. “How long does it take for you to get drunk?”
“Why?” Stefan asked. “You have plans for me?”
A smirk appeared on Rebekah’s face. “Well, if you come with me, I...
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