Eternal night Club
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posted by _madz_
part 9
After who knows how long, I pulled away from him, breathing harder than usual. His eyes were alight with desire, his breathing accelerated just like mine. “I love you, Bella.”
I smiled with joy. “I love you too, Edward.” I said happily.
The rain was falling harder outside now, the light thrumming reminding me there was a world beyond our own little bubble.
Edward’s eyes were still smouldering as I ran my middle finger down his face, a low growl coming from his chest.
My smile grew bigger as I gave him a chaste kiss and then proceeded to quickly to detangle myself from his embrace, open the door, and slide out.

part 10
I unnecessarily breathed in the frigid air. It still wasn’t as cold as I was, but the temperature change was evident. I watched with detached curiosity as each raindrop fell past my dace, listening as Edward let out a low chuckle and followed me from the car. Thunder sounded distantly, still too far away from here from any human to hear, but the storm was well and truly building.
Edward’s arms snaked around my waist from behind and he rested his head on my shoulder.
“Well, are we going to go in, or are we just going to stand here admiring it in the rain?” he murmured in my ear, making me shiver.
“By all means, lead the way.” I answered, unable to fully contain my smile.
He led me quickly towards my little run down house and I couldn’t help but compare it to the Cullen’s beautiful home. Mine was simply a house. It would never become my home.
I grabbed the spare key from under the lone pot plant and opened the door, very aware that my clothes were socked through.
“Welcome to my humble abode.” I announced, dramatically waving my arms across the near empty space.
Edward just laughed.
“Downstairs is pretty much empty. I spend most of my time in my bedroom.” I explained before grabbing Edward’s arm and dragging him up the stairs at vampire pace to my bedroom. I opened the door with a flourish before walking over to my bed and sitting down.
“What do you think?” I asked as his eyes quickly scanned the room. It was pretty simple really, a single bed to keep up appearances with a purple cover, a bookshelf filled with classics, a walk-in-wardrobe in the corner and a desk complete with laptop. I did need a few modern touches.
“I like it.” He declared, dazzling me with his crooked grin and topaz eyes before coming to sit next to me. “It’s very you.” He added, grinning stupidly.
I couldn’t help but match his expression.
“We’re getting your bed wet, you know.” He said suddenly and I realised I was still dripping wet. So was Edward for that matter. His was so handsome when he was wet, the rain having dyed his hair a couple of shades darker and little drops of water clung to his skin.
“Such a same.” I said, shaking my head as if it were a tragedy. “I guess I’ll have to spend the night at your house.” I said, sighing loudly.
He grinned as he reached over to cup my cheek. “Your adorable.” He whispered, and if my heart was still beating it would have stopped.
“And you are the most handsome man I have ever met, and such a gentleman.” I said, dropping into the English used in the 1900’s.
He leaned in to kiss me, but I held a finger to his lips. “After I get changed.” I said seriously.
Edward grin just grew larger. “And deprive Alice of her Bella Barbie time? Never.” Then he swooped in and kissed me, pushing me back so I was lying down. He started to kiss up and down my neck, leaving tingles where he went. I had just managed to pull his lips back to mine when Edward’s phone went off, very loudly I might add.
“Damn Pixie.” Edward grumbled, pulling away and reaching for his phone at the same time.
“Yes Alice? We were kind of in the middle of something.” Edward answered.
“Oh, I know, but I needed to talk to you before you got too carried away.” Came her answer from the other end of the phone.
I giggled and Edward smiled turned devilish in response.
“I’m going to some and pick you up because it’s raining so much, and Esme won’t be happy if you get the carpet wet. I’ll go home first to pick up my Porsche because we won’t all fit in the Volvo and we are leaving school now anyway so I know you guys won’t be ready by the time we get there, and then-”
Edward thankfully chose then to intervene. “So what time will you get here Alice?”
“Ummm....21 minutes and 52 seconds to be exact, well less now, but anyway I can see your about to hang up so bye!!” Alice managed to just finish the sentence before Edward’s finger came down of the end call button.
Edward’s expression of exasperation was priceless and I couldn’t help but giggle.
“You think that’s funny Miss Swan?” he said turning round to face me with a teasing smile on his face.
If I opened my mouth I knew I would start laughing so I simply nodded.
“Do you want to rethink your answer?” he asked moving closer and cornering me against the back of my bed.
I was still giggling as I shook my head.
“Well, as long as your sure.” He growled out sounding, oh so sexy.
The next thing I knew, his lips were pressed to mine and my back was hard against the head board of my bed. Everywhere our bodies touched was electrified. I was almost overwhelmed with what I was feeling and I decided I liked this new Edward, one that was not afraid to take control.
15 minutes passed in a flash, and for the millionth time I was ecstatic to not have a need to breathe.
Edward was the one to pull away and I found myself wanting more. So much more. The wedding couldn’t come fast enough.
Edward laughed softly at my expression. “Alice will be here soon, Love, or I wouldn’t have stopped.” His smile made my heart melt.
“I thought you couldn’t read my mind?” I said slightly breathlessly, my flickering away from his eyes for a split second in embarrassment. It was utterly ridiculous that I be breathless, but he just did that to me.
Incurable curiosity filled his golden eyes and he leaned closer. “Why? What were you thinking that would make you embarrassed?”
I looked down away from his eyes. “I was thinking the wedding was too far away and I can’t wait that long.” I bit my lip in mortification.
But my Edward didn’t laugh. He was a gentleman after all. All he did was smile, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Well...” he said trailing off.
“What?” I asked quickly, not liking the suspense.
“We could run away together. Go to Vegas...”
I looked back at him quickly. “Can we do that?”
He looked as if were about to answer when a certain pixie vampire’s voice reached our ears.
“Don’t you dare, Edward Cullen!” she threatened, standing at the bedroom door. “I know a particular car that won’t come out in one piece!”
Edward turned to look at her. Well, more glare than anything else.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Don’t think I wouldn’t! Rose can’t save it either.” She said smugly, sure of herself.
He turned back to me, a defeated smile on his face. “Sorry, Love.”
I sighed, faking disappointment. “And here I was, hoping to get married by Elvis.” I shook my head in mock sadness.
My favourite crooked smile appeared on his face.
“Very funny, Bella.” Alice said sarcastically. “I did not plan the wedding of the century only to have it overseen by a fake Elvis. Now if you’re quite done, I’d appreciate it if you would get changed. My baby will not appreciate you soaking clothes.” Alice’s baby was a bright yellow Porsche. Leather seats and water didn’t mix.
“Okay, okay.” I said holding my hands up in defeat. Ali flashed me a quick smile before throwing two bags at us, one for Edward and one for me. “Get changed quickly. I was going to do your hair Bella, but it’s all wet now, so I’ll have to wait for another time.”
I silently thanked the rain as I moved off the bed and away from Edward. I flashed down to the bathroom and got dressed quickly in Alice’s choice of clothes. Dark, tight fitting jeans, a cream blouse and a faux leather jacket. Hardly subtle, but Alice would be Alice.
I vacated the bathroom and as I shut the door, Ali’s voice floated up the stairs. “Down here Bella.”
I jumped the whole flight of stairs and landed silently, right in front of my gorgeous Fiancé. His smile was contagious and I soon found myself smiling as well.
“Come on lovebirds, there’s a thunder storm coming and I don’t want by baby out in it!” Alice said running out to her car without a backward glance. I grabbed Edward’s hand before pulling him after her.
~    ~    ~
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
added by _madz_
Source: everyone on the twilight spot
posted by _madz_
here is the long awaited chapter 17!!!
im so sorry it took so long, i have had sooo much work, but i didn't want to rush it. i really hope you enjoy it, please comment!

“Maybe,” she said after a second of thought. “If you tell me.”
I tried to decide the best way to describe what I was doing. I didn’t really want to give her too many details.
“I was...” I weighed the word before I spoke it. “Hunting.” The word seemed appropriate.
I hoped she would leave it at that, but at the same time I knew she wouldn’t.
“Is that the best you can do?” she demanded critically. “That...
continue reading...
posted by _madz_
here is the next one! im so sorry its so short but i thought id put it up now because i dont know when i will be able to write more.
enjoy anyway!!

The corner of her lips rose fractionally as her blush deepened.
“Did all of that really happen then?” she asked quietly, embarrassment unmistakable in her voice.
My smile was still stiff, my mouth a hard line.
“That depends.” I answered. “If you’re referring to us nearly being massacred in Italy, then, yes.” I really tried to make my voice a little kinder, but the circumstances surrounding our recent overseas trip still made me livid....
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posted by _madz_
im sorry these are so few and far between but my homework load is getting ridiculous.
my teachers seem to have decided to give me loads of homework just because i have better things to do and it doesn't look like it's going to let up, so the fanfics might be getting shorter.
this one is unfourtunatly, quite short as i said.
hopefully the next will be longer but i'll just have to wait and see :)

She was exactly where I left her, except for one hand that had managed to escape the covers. As I watched, Bella mumbled indistinctly, and her hand clenched and unclenched three times before ending in...
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posted by _madz_
i had some time off school so i decided to write some more for you guys!
i don't think i'll stop yet because i really like writing this. i'll see where it goes :)

I didn’t really want to. She still looked more asleep than awake, but respected her wishes. What choice did I have?
I set her on her feet and Charlie move out of the way so she could walk past him. Almost immediately when I let go, a deep feeling of aching went through me. It hurt to let her go, even for a second. After I released her, I could see that she was very unstable, and being sleep deprived hardly helped her balance problems....
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posted by _madz_
this is a really short one but what i really wanted to do was to get you guys to really decide on a name for my fanfic.
right now its tied between
endless night and
eternal night
if you could pls just choose one.
here is the bit ive done...

I led Bella off the plane, still supporting her entirely. I had some idea of the reception awaiting us at Sea-Tac airport. Even though the majority of my concentration was focused on Bella’s weary face, I could still hear the thoughts and feelings of my family.
Relief was the predominant thought of Esme and Carlisle, and I expected nothing less. Jasper...
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posted by _madz_
hey guys, im back! my holiday was more full on than i thought it would be, but i still managed to get this done. hope you like it!

Still carrying most of her weight, I led Bella out following the directions Gianna had given us. When we reached the rough cobble stones, Bella breathed a sigh of relief. She was the only one who looked back at the ancient castle, almost tripping on the uneven surface. I lifted her slightly, so her feet were off the ground for a second, remembering moments like this from almost eight months ago. She was still as clumsy as ever.
The Saint Marcus celebrations were...
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posted by _madz_
I'm sorry this took so long but i have soooo much homework. the next one might not be out till next week because thats when my holidays start. i will keep going though even if its not updated for a while (my internet connection is a little bit dodgy).

Demetri left us in the reception area with Gianna, who was sitting behind her highly polished desk. She really was very good at her job. She still retained her detached look even with her curiosity as strong as it was.
Demetri was anxious to get back to the feast. “Do not leave until dark.”
I nodded, and Demetri quickly hurried away.
I focused...
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posted by _madz_
this is the next part of the story. it's much longer than i thought it would be but i think it makes it better.
(P.S this is not my story all credit goes to steph meyer)

Caius, who was getting very frustrated, smiled hugely when Aro tacked on his little condition.
I knew this was coming, but I couldn’t mean it. I stared down at Bella, her soft, beautiful face staring up at me. “Mean it,” she whispered, agony written all over her heart-shaped face. “Please.”
I felt my expression twist at the tone of her voice. She still wanted it so badly, but I couldn’t give it to her. This good,...
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posted by _madz_
here is the next bit, have fun reading it :)
(P.S this is not my story, all credit goes to steph meyer)

“I am gratified by his success.” Aro mused. “Your memories of him are quite a gift for me, though they astonish me exceedingly. I am surprised by how it...pleases me, his success in this unorthodox path he’s chosen. I expected that he would waste, weaken with time. I’d scoffed at his plan to find others who would share his peculiar vision. Yet, somehow, I’m happy to be wrong.”
I didn’t see a need to reply so I kept silent.
“But your restraint!” Aro sighed. “I did not...
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posted by _madz_
here is the next one!!

just before i start, if you read this and find a spelling mistake or anything else that's wrong, could you let me know? i know i sound like a perfectionist but it irritates me. thanks, hope you enjoy this bit!
p.s this story isnt mine all credit goes to steph meyer

Demetri and Felix relaxed instantly, and I dropped my arms in defeat.
“Jane.” I sighed in recognition and resignation.
Alice’s thoughts came from beside me. Just stick to the script, no deviations.
Alice crossed her arms and remained impassive. She had seen what would happen if a fight broke out now....
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posted by _madz_
okay, i said that this bit is long but i've decided to split it up. I'll put this one on and some more tomorrow.
this bit doesnt have a break so im just going to randomly stop. hope you enjoy it.
p.s this story isnt mine all credit goes to steph meyer

The crowds built very quickly but no one ventured down the alleyway I had chosen. It was right next to the clock tower and very dark.
The sun rose slowly and I just sat completely still watching it creep down the clock tower.
I spent my remaining time with Bella. The reason of my existence, cruelly taken before her time.
I chose the least painful...
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