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posted by egyptprincess7
Today it is with a great and cheery heart that I announce the backstory character. (*clap clap*)

Anyways! I'll only be focusing on her childhood and not her teenage years or the beginning o- ......I'll focus on the childhood and adult beginnings. I'm kinda forgetting the teenage years tbh so I will try to summarize them. (Bad memory much? xD ) But, yeah. Without further ado, here are the childhood years. (Including the biiiiirth o3o but it's just one sentence)

(Childhood years: Birth - 12):
Egypt was born seemingly fairly normal. She was the average- who cares? Anyways, Egypt was a normal kid but she was equally shy around new people. Her parents ever since their own parents were special, peculiar even. A heritage of elements! Her father being born with fire and earth while her mother had telekinetic powers. But, that's not the main point.

The point has she unknowingly had a chance to inherit these powers. Her parents kept their powers a secret from her. Not wanting to tell her about these powers for their fear of her being isolated from her peers or even to prevent her from being scared of them they kept it a secret and for 7 years it worked until an incident at school happened.

She hadn't meant to burn the guy but, without meaning to she had. The guy and she were arguing over something personal and slowly but surely she was getting angrier and angrier with each passing second. Until suddenly bright red flames appeared around the area they were in. The other guy who was frightened ended up getting the bottom of his legs licked by the flames while she sank down to the ground in shock.

Her parents were called to the school and were shocked to hear that their daughter had set a portion of the school on fire and almost burned a kid till he was a crispy chicken. Regardless, she was suspended for a week and once she was at home her parents sat her down and told her about her abilities. Specifically, just her fire since she had awoken it from its dormant sleep.

Five years have passed since she discovered her fire element. Currently, at the age of 12, she had ran away from home during this time. Not because of her parents but she felt like it was something she should do. She wanted to explore her element more and see new places as she had grown up in a small kingdom. So she ran off with a small bag of clothes and money. Till she arrived at Puddinland that is.

She had been fortunate enough to have enough money for a motel and that's where she stayed until a few days later when she got attacked then possessed by a demon. Ever since then her other dormant powers were awakened and that was her own telekinesis. She didn't discover her mind control abilities till she was about 15 though.

(Teenage years: 13-17):
Egypt was almost a rebellious and strange teenager. She'd constantly change herself from it being her hair to her own powers. She was power hungry at this time and still is even at the age of 19. She'd also constantly get into fights with her friends and had even attacked Gwam castle several times. She also was tortured during this time frame and this was also the time frame where she created Adrisal along with her bestie. She has been ruling this kingdom alone for about a year.

(Adult years: 19 - 59):
So far, Egypt has been on a journey to strength her element and her body. She has committed mass murders though especially of royalty. Because of this she has a bounty on her head which she keeps private for..reasons. She also recently acquired a book in her little quest for power. A book that should have never been found and should not be used. But, she'll use it.
posted by egyptprincess7
She has no memories of where she was born or her parents. When she woke up in a hospital in Puddinland after being out for a week. She wasn't interested in going to school so she was taught in the temporary location she lived in. Eventually she had to move on. Eventually she met other people and become friends with them too.

While she was walking through the market she ran into an old woman. She was naive and followed the old woman to an alley way. She was confused when she noticed the black smoke but soon it was too late. For a demon had possessed her. Lucky for her though, her friends managed...
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posted by egyptprincess7
So I forgot to include her on the first one but this one is about Princess Marie.

She was born in [Insert the correct spelling of her kingdom here] which is a magical kingdom. Her father and mother were the king and queen of the kingdom. When she was 16 she was already prepared to take the throne and was expected to marry a prince from a neighbouring kingdom. Her parents ended up having an emergency meeting in a far away kingdom and they haven't returned yet. She currently is the ruler of her kingdom.

She grew up with a man named Waru. He saved her when she went out once and got...
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added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
Okay, so already she's been getting stronger. Obtaining the white flames and as well as getting better at using her Light magic. But she IS a Moon Goddess after all, she shouldn't be so powerful in just one instant no. But over time and that is what I am trying to do. Her uh..stronger powers like telekinesis and the white flames will be used when she loses control. Smiting and her light magic will be used when she is in control.

Her personality... gonna change that. Maybe she'll end up being darker and colder towards others. Or she'll just be more...distant I guess. She'll keep her feelings...
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added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
Source: Rinmaru
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
Currently, my char has been training in using dark magic from the help of a guy named Dark. Now, it seems odd that she'd want to learn how to use such power when she has her light magic. She feels weak, useless, like a damsel in distress. In her eyes, her power is insignificant compared to the others. That it...serves no real purpose, that she just gets in the way.

So she tries to strengthen herself, tries to find her purpose. She wants that fear she gets when she's around a strong enemy to vanish. To stop grabbing a hold of her. But most importantly...she wants her friends to feel proud of...
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added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
Source: Rinmaru games
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
Source: Rinmaru games
added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
She's a hybrid. Specifically a angel/demon hybrid. She was raised in a far away kingdom with her two loving parents. It was a very peaceful time for her. But sadly, all good things must come to an end. She had just turned 16. She was still so young and needed so much more parental guidance.

Cloaked men came to her house that morning while she was out taking a walk. They murdered her parents and set her house aflame. She had just arrived when the house was on fire and they noticed her. So she ended up having to run away from her home and childhood. She had seen the blood on their weapons and...
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added by egyptprincess7