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So, we- well mostly me know the full extent of my main char's powers. Well, the basic overview is that she can use two elements and has psychic abilities. That -HINT HINT- have gotten stronger after what she has turned into during her travels and from her general practice of them.

Let's talk about the two elements she has first! First up!

She was born with this element and discovered she could use it at a young age. Though it happened in an accident. Like, not a tragic accident or something like that but, she did it on accident. She was stressed out, arguing even, with a person and without meaning to.. accidentally set him on fire. Oops right?

Well, her parents were obviously called to the school and she did get in trouble because.. SHE LITERALLY SET A GUY ON FIRE. >_>

Ever since the whole guy-on-fire incident, she did practice a bit on how to use her new...ability. But, she also discovered her psychic abilities after her body was possessed. As usual during her lack of control and heightened emotional moment... things happened. Let's just say RIP to several glass objects including and not limited to vases, mirrors, and plates.

Now, how does she use her fire lately? Well from just normally throwing fireballs at an opponent or enemy she has a cold strike of how she uses her flames. One of her attacks consist of her forming wings made of fire on her back. Of course, she can't use it when she shows off what she really is.

But, another consists of her summoning familiars made of fire. Heck, molten rock even. Another attack involves her forming a ring in front of her and unleashing a strong blast of fire. But, she also has an ability where she can send her flames at the person she's fighting and they split into three streams of fire.

You may be wondering, how did she get her fire improved so much considering she apparently had it removed when she was 12. She tends to hide her real strength behind the guise of fear and not wanting to start a fight with others. Her own nerves even get in the way sometimes. (I'll end up having to elaborate a bit more but not in this lol)

Now, time for her OTHER element. AKA... AIR. Or wind. Whichever you want to call it. :I

Now, she has less "mastery" over air compared to fire considering she was born with her fire element and she only got her air element about a year or less ago. But, she has trained hard to control and properly use her air element.

From her just creating tornados out of well... the sky she has learned how to rotate air around her limbs as well. Using that like a melee attack almost. Expect, the enemy gets a face or side full of her wind. She's also used her wind to circle around her at fast speeds to protect her from enemy attacks. I mean, do you really want to go near such a strong wind? Especially if you're like.. using weapons and fighting short-range.

ANYWAYS! Yes, her air section on this seems shorter than her fire because I still need to make more attacks and more things. ALSO, one attack that she can do for both elements is going to be listed below this. I might.. change it for one of them if it seems a bit.. "god-moddy" sure don't want anyone saying my character is a love child of Skynet and whatever when their character is way worse. >_>

ANYWAYS..PART 2. She can make a bow and arrow out of both her fire and air (separately not together. I've been imagining her doing them together and I dunno if it's possible.) and shooting said arrows at her opponent.

Now, for the final ability. (Putting her general magic aside and all. :I )

Her...telekinesis. But, specifically, her psychic powers as a whole. We've seen her use mind control before. We know that she has a limit for how far her target can be taken before her control snaps. We know she can lose focus and her mental powers can weaken during stress, fear, and distractions. But, what about her telekinesis as a whole?

Well, she had discovered it when she was possessed. Since then, she has kept it relatively well hidden from others. But! It has grown stronger. More..easily out of control since she hasn't practiced using it much at first. She had..before going on her journey, had on an earring to control that power. Not just limit herself in a way but to also try and tame her telekinesis. Now? She removed the earring. Not wanting to let anything limit herself. She's practiced so much more on her psychic abilities. Barely arriving at that advanced level. She still struggles sometimes and other times it can fail. But, she's improved in that regard.

Now, let's talk about her general speed and strength. To do most if not some of the abilities I have mentioned here especially for her elemental ones she would have had to also improve her strength and speed. Not just physical strength but mental strength.

Her speed had greatly improved. Enhanced even more by the type of being she is. Same goes for her strength. But, the real amazing thing was her mental strength. It had grown considerably compared to almost a year ago. Such will power to improve drove her in so many ways.

Now, let's talk about her weapons. I may have mentioned she can use a bow and arrow elemental attack but she DOESN'T HAVE THOSE ACTUAL WEAPONS WITH HER. Just getting that part out there.

What she does have is a whip, a gun, an interesting looking sword and she did have a scythe. But, not wanting to seem like all those boring OC's with scythes... I removed that. In fact, I combined both her sword and gun in a way. Like the SS gun, she gave as a present. I made it almost... RWBY-like in a way. Based off a cool birb guy from the show. Haha~

I can't forget to talk about both her insanity and the strange coldness she goes into while fighting! Because both play an important part of her mental state and abilities. Her insanity can be both a hindrance and an asset depending on how she uses it. Her coldness is an asset in fights. It keeps her emotions that could distract her away and allows her to use logical reasoning more. Of course, it's dangerous for her emotionally to be in that state for too long but it's mostly a good thing for her.

Lets talk about them both in their own little "mini" paragraph.

First up is... her coldness. (I like calling it her cold form because why not.)

Like I had mentioned in the general overview of both these sides of her, this is her common good asset. During fights. Not during social interactions. (I mean, whoever is reading this knows that.) The air around her does feel cold, tense even when she resorts to using it. Like when she removed all her emotions twice before, she becomes.. almost heartless in how she deals with things. She would easily destroy someone who is trying to hurt her without feeling a shred of remorse. (Until she goes back to normal anyways.) You can tell she's in that form not only from how she speaks (which is mostly monotone and/or in a cold kind of voice) but even through her eyes. Their cold looking and almost "dull" in a sense. Her light blue eyes looking more like icicles on her face than actual eyes.

Wow! I wrote a lot for her cold form. Mostly because it's easy to describe and explain. Unlike her insanity. Which is a bit harder and resorts to darker and more.. impactful things? Also..I watch too much anime. I dunno why I mentioned that. :I

On to the insanity part!

There does come a time where she will resort/submit to her insanity. It has happened in a few instances. But, how does she regain her sanity once she starts losing it and how does this help her in fights? Well, some form of her normal sanity is still there and usually to control and pull herself back together she...laughs. If you've seen walkthroughs and/or have played YandereSimulator you can see where I am going with this. Similar almost to Yan-chan she laughs like her to calm down. Another method involves her own pain or dousing herself in ice cold water. The shock being enough to snap her out of it. But, Egypt, how does this help her in battle you ask? Well.. lack of caring for her own injuries from whoever she is fighting makes it easier for her not to give up or slow down as much. Her speed also increases by about 1-2% because she uses the reserves inside her body. So, that answers your question. (That you never asked actually.)

Please note that you should NOT try to be the one to break her out of her insanity state. It will only end with you possibly being hurt by her. Especially if she's been in that state for more than half an hour.

Oh! I wrote more for her insanity than her cold form. Ironic.

Anyways, that's about it for now. I might update this in the future as I develop her powers more and more.
added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
She has no memories of where she was born or her parents. When she woke up in a hospital in Puddinland after being out for a week. She wasn't interested in going to school so she was taught in the temporary location she lived in. Eventually she had to move on. Eventually she met other people and become friends with them too.

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posted by egyptprincess7
So I forgot to include her on the first one but this one is about Princess Marie.

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added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
Okay, so already she's been getting stronger. Obtaining the white flames and as well as getting better at using her Light magic. But she IS a Moon Goddess after all, she shouldn't be so powerful in just one instant no. But over time and that is what I am trying to do. Her uh..stronger powers like telekinesis and the white flames will be used when she loses control. Smiting and her light magic will be used when she is in control.

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added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
Source: Rinmaru
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
Currently, my char has been training in using dark magic from the help of a guy named Dark. Now, it seems odd that she'd want to learn how to use such power when she has her light magic. She feels weak, useless, like a damsel in distress. In her eyes, her power is insignificant compared to the others. That it...serves no real purpose, that she just gets in the way.

So she tries to strengthen herself, tries to find her purpose. She wants that fear she gets when she's around a strong enemy to vanish. To stop grabbing a hold of her. But most importantly...she wants her friends to feel proud of...
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added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
Source: Rinmaru games
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
Source: Rinmaru games
added by egyptprincess7
posted by egyptprincess7
She's a hybrid. Specifically a angel/demon hybrid. She was raised in a far away kingdom with her two loving parents. It was a very peaceful time for her. But sadly, all good things must come to an end. She had just turned 16. She was still so young and needed so much more parental guidance.

Cloaked men came to her house that morning while she was out taking a walk. They murdered her parents and set her house aflame. She had just arrived when the house was on fire and they noticed her. So she ended up having to run away from her home and childhood. She had seen the blood on their weapons and...
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