Dr. Blowhole Club
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posted by MrsBlowhole
Atlantic Ocean September 24th 2003
Blowhole is still 4 years old and his mom is taking him somewhere. "Where are we going mom?" Asked Blowhole. "We are going to meet a new family who came from the South Seas, a mother and daughter. They are really nice and I bet you will get along with her daughter, she is about the same age as you." Said Kate (Blowholes mom). " Ok! I can't wait! I never had a girl friend! Not the love type, but I mean a girl as a friend!" Blowhole said full of excitement. They saw the two dolphins, they were both Bottle Nosed Dolphins, and the daughter had a pinkish color." Hi, I'm Kate and this is blowhole, my boy. Welcome to the Pod!" Said Kate. "Thank you! I am Mary and this is Doris, and my husband well.... didn't want to leave our southern Pod and .... A lot was going on for us! "Said Mary. Kate said Blowhole, "Why don't you take Doris and show her around, you guys can get to know each other! But don't go too far, you know about the nets and the dangerous humans." Said Kate. Blowhole whispered to Kate "     What if she doesn't like me and think I'm weird because I can sing?" Kate smiled and said, " Those dolphins don't think your weird! They are just jealous because you have such an amazing voice. Believe me, Doris looks like a pretty nice dolphin!" Blowhole and Doris swam together, and Blowhole showed her around." So you’re Blowhole? I think you know I'm Doris! It's nice to meet you! Also I kind of heard your mother say you are a good singer, can you sing for me?" Doris questioned. " We'll I'm not that good... NO!! STOP RIGHT THERE!" Blowhole shouted to Doris. Doris stopped immediately in front of a rock." Sorry I didn't mean to shout, it's just ... I.... Was just protecting you from humans. Us dolphins aren't aloud to pass this rock, pass this rock is the human world." Blowhole said nervously. Doris smiled. " No one has ever protected me besides my mom and dad, you are the kindest dolphin I have ever met." Doris said. "Ummm uhhhh...ok!" Blowhole's face turned slightly red. Doris took Blowholes flipper and said, "Let's go some where else. And you can teach me every thing about this place!" Doris and Blowhole's face turned red and they both swam together.

5 hours later…
Doris and Blowhole lay on the sand and looked up at the surface of the sea. "My old Pod was horrible, and we were the only Bottle Nosed Dolphins, there the rest were all Dusky Dolphins. Who made fun of us, and treated us unfairly, especially in school! That is why we left. But when I met you, every thing changed, you are my first best friend! Well there was this penguin that I met one day. But I didn't really get along with him, besides I only met him once, he was obsessed with me and I couldn't get him away!" Blowhole and Doris laughed and Blowhole was about to say something when his mom came." Boo!" Blowhole jumped, and they both got up." Now how was your tour Doris?" asked Mary. " I had the best day of my life! Can I meet Blowhole again tomorrow?" Doris said with excitement. "We'll sure you can!" Mary said, then Blowhole winked at Doris and said good-bye! Just before they left, Mary told Kate "Thank you for every thing, and thank you for making Doris so happy! I've never seen her like this!" "Your welcome! And I thank you to, Blowhole has never actually had a friend until Doris came! Well I will see you tomorrow!” Kate said to Mary as they all when home.

A few years later....

January 13th 2006
Dear diary
Today was my birthday! And surprisingly, I found Blowhole on the beach of a deserted island we found three days ago, and he said he was just getting my birthday present. We found a really small island that you can probably swim around it in an hour, I was wondering what was shining at the top of that mountain on the island, so I said to Blowhole "I wonder what is on the top of that mountain... and whatever it is it must be pretty." Then today he told me that after I left, he went to go get that shining thing from the mountain! I never said I wanted it but how did he know? Despite the fact he had no legs or feet, he dragged him self up to the mountain and back, he said that took him two day's! I found him this morning, and his skin was all dried up and he looked very sick. I told him to go in the water before it gets worse, and just before he started to head home to get some rest, he gave me a beautiful necklace and said "Happy birthday!” After that I started crying in tears for hours, he could of died but he did this for me. I have to go see if he's ok, so I have to end this diary, bye!

December 24th 2006

Blowhole arrived at were he was supposed to meet Doris and he saw her jumping in and out of the water. "Hi Doris! What are you doing?" Asked Blowhole. Doris was trying to get something." I'm trying to get that flower on this tree, (which was on the island they found) but its too high. Also it's getting to cold for me, I might just give up, brrrrr..." Then Blowhole swam away from the tree and with his full speed jumped as high as he could and managed to get the flower with his mouth. He gave it to Doris and said "Merry Christmas Doris!" Then because of Blowhole pulling the tree so hard, something fell on his head and it was mistletoe. And I hope you know what happens after that! It started to snow and Doris and Blowhole went off on their third date, they were both all happy.

But this didn't last that long..........

13th February 2007 P.S It was Friday...

Blowhole was very excited for some reason, and strait after he finished moisturizing his skin, he swam as fast as he could to look for Doris.
Doris on the other hand was excited to, it seemed like they were going on their fifth date, she put on the flower that Blowhole gave to her for Christmas and whizzed off!
"Hi Blowhole! Ready for our fifth date?" "Of course! Well this date will be the best date ever! And today I'm going to take you somewhere special!" Blowhole took her flipper and they both went. Blowhole and Doris went in a really dark cave. They made it to the very end of the cave and then Doris said "it's quite dark in here. Are you sure it's safe?" Blowhole said, "as long as I'm here! And besides we still have echolocation by our side, now I need you to stay here and close your eyes." "Ok, but don't leave me." Doris said. "Now why would I leave you, you are my girl friend for crying out loud!" Then blowhole swam to the top of the cave and moved a rock, then the sunlight shined in the cave, and the cave became so colorful, the cave was filled with different kinds of crystals that made the place look amazing. "Doris, you can open your eyes now!" Then Doris opened her eyes and she was amazed at what she was seeing. "This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen! Thank you so much for planning this for me." Doris swam over to Blowhole and hugged him tight and Blowhole said " Doris... Will... You.. Um.... M" then something caught Blowholes eye, something in the cave that was big with sharp teeth that was eager to eat. Suddenly a big shark came out of the dark and chased them out of the cave," it's probly mad because you made it all bright in there, what are we going to do?! We can't swim back to the Pod, or else it will eat every one!" Doris said. " Just swim Doris GO GO GO!" They swam as fast as they could until Doris's tale got caught in seaweed. The shark was catching up, just then Blowhole swam up to the shark and bit him on the back, then the shark took his sharp teeth and bit down really hard on Blowholes right eye. He yelped as the shark threw him, he smashed in to a big rock and fell on the sand. Doris has finally untangled the seaweed and she looked at Blowhole and swam to him, but then Blowhole said in a weak voice " Just go Doris, as far as you can! I don't want you to end up like me...." Doris said" But I can't leave you..." She cried in tears. " I will find you, now get as far away from here as possible." Doris swam away, and Blowholes eyes started to close, and just as a blur, he saw the shark swimming fast to the way Doris swam. And he fainted.