Dork Diaries Club
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Tuesday April 24, today is a happy day! My mom and dad are finally letting me transfer schools. No more Mckenzie (hooray!), I won't be able to see Chole and Zoey (soo sad :( ), and I won't see Brandon any more. What he did to me was so terrible here's what happened: about 1 or 2 months ago Brandon asked me if I wanted to go to the bright night dance and I said yes. So the night came and I had the prettiest and most expensive dress than Mckenzie so me and Brandon had our first dance and our first kiss:) and it started heating up right there. "Umm Nikki I kinda' like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me because I want to be your boyfriend" he said. "Of course I do I really want to" I said. And then things started going downhill... he was cheating on me with Mckenzie:(. So I dumped him. My dad got a better job as a italian chef at olive garden. My school is Alejandro Marcos middle school. I've seen the school and it is BIG and PRETTY :). To be continued... if you become my fan I will write an article on your club and you'll love it :) =D.