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Chapter 26—Nightmare Ride

    Cruella honked her horn and screamed, “Jasper, Horace! I found them!”
    Jasper and Horace’s truck followed Cruella, and Cruella got out her gun and aimed it at the trunk just as Angel and Peg settled themselves inside in the back of the trunk. She barely missed, hitting underneath the car instead.
    “Get in quickly,” Pongo told them. “We have to shut the trunk.”
    “There’s a button here,” Lady exclaimed with surprise, indicating to a button next to her.
    “Come on Pidge, try it out,” Tramp added.
    Lady did, and then the trunk began to shut. However, Cruella got her gun out, aimed it, and a bullet crashed through the window of the car and hit the back seat.
    “You little beasts… you can’t get away from me!” Cruella shrieked. She then proceeded to throw her jar of purple powder. The jar crashed, and a horrible stench emerged from it.
    “Haha… now with the window open, you will be able to suffer from the puppy poisoner! All of you puppies will be dead if you take it in…”
    “Hurry,” Patch exclaimed to the other puppies. “Let’s go to the front of the car...it’s farther away from the poison.”
    “Right,” Penny added. The five puppies successfully made it to the front of the car, and Roger and Anita drove fast enough for the powder not to reach them.
    “Goodness,” Anita exclaimed. “What on earth…”
    Anita went to the backseat, and she looked over into the car. Cruella just loaded her gun and prepared to shoot.
    “I don’t believe it,” Anita explained, returning to the front seat. “It’s Cruella, and she has a gun.”
    “Oh, I knew she was a witch from the start!” Roger stated with venom in his voice. “But I can’t believe she’d follow us here!”
    “I don’t understand how I possibly could’ve been so mistaken,” Anita stated sadly. “Oh no, she’s doing it again,” Anita added as Cruella loaded another bullet.
    “This feels like the pound all over again,” Peg stated sadly.
    “Yes,” Lady stated worriedly.
    “Hey,” Scamp asked. “Do you feel wobbly at all?”
    “Wobbly?” Penny asked. “But… what do you mean?”
    “Shaky,” Scamp explained.
    Then, the car gave a violent jitter. “Oh no, you’re right,” Lady explained.
    “What’s happening?” Lucky asked nervously. “I’m uncomfortable enough as it is.”
    “Let me take a look,” Patch explained as he went on an empty seat to see out the window.
    “Be careful Patch,” Perdita stated with worry in her voice. “Cruella.”
    Patch put two paws on the side of the car and then looked out the window. Then he gasped, “Oh no, it’s Buster!”
    “I thought he would be gone,” Angel stated sadly, looking out too. Then she gasped, “He’s puncturing the tires!”
    The car lost speed and continued to violently jerk up and down, and Cruella was also gaining on them. Eventually, Roger noticed the wobbling too. “I can’t drive anymore,” he stated with a groan in his voice.
    The car continued to roll on and on until it reached the end of the street, near a large cliff with a beach at the bottom. Then, it stopped with a thud. Roger got out of the car, and then noticed Buster lurking at the bottom. “What are you doing!” Roger cried angrily. “Shoo! Go find your home!”
    And then, abruptly, Buster, with a devilish smirk, indicated his neck, where there was no collar.
    “Oh Roger,” Anita answered. “It looks like he doesn’t have a home. Maybe we should give him a ride home too.”
    The dogs in the back all gasped as Buster smirked. “What should we do?” Lucky asked nervously.
    “We must refuse him,” Lady explained.
Peg nodded, and then Lady explained, “We’ve got to refuse. But I suppose all of the Dalmatians should keep hiding or else Cruella will shoot you on the spot.”
    “But they don’t know you,” Perdita whispered. “Let me and Pongo come out… the puppies will be in too much trouble if…”
    “Aw Mom, let me come out too,” Patch explained.
    “But, no!” Perdita gasped.
    “I’m shorter than you two,” Patch argued. “Cruella will notice me less than you.”
    “Well, all right,” Pongo conceded. “But stand behind Tramp, Peg, or Lady so Cruella won’t see you. We’ll stay in with Lucky and Penny if you can tell Roger and Anita no.”
    Perdita nodded, with a look of worry with seeing Patch preparing to leave.
“So, we’ll get out,” Tramp explained, pressing the red button. “All of you, hide under the seats.”
    “Well, if you wish,” Perdita stated in a tone filled with worry, and she, Pongo, Penny and Lucky hurried under a seat.
    The trunk opened, and Lady, Tramp, Angel, Scamp, Peg and Patch left the car to join with Roger.
    “Hello,” Anita asked them. “Should we take him home?”
    Angel and Scamp, responding hurriedly, growled at Buster as loudly and menacingly as they could.
    “Oh dear,” Anita exclaimed. “They don’t sound too happy.”
    Patch also growled at him, and Roger noticed. “I suppose ours do not want him in… I think they know something… well, you’re not coming in,” he told Buster with a tone of definiteness in his voice.
    Buster grew very mad, and screeched, “How dare you!” Then abruptly, he swiped his paw out and attacked Tramp.
    “Remember this place?” Buster delightedly asked. “This is where you supposedly performed your wonderful feat. But now, a true feat will be performed with your dead body!”
    However, just then, as Perdita opened the trunk, Cruella noticed…
    “There they are, the little devils!” Cruella gasped. “You won’t get away from me this time!”
    Patch hurried into the car, but then Cruella honked her horn. Abruptly, Cruella then drove her red car at turbo drive straight ahead.
    “Get out,” Pongo told the other Dalmatians, and they all quickly made their way out of the car just before Cruella’s car latched onto Roger’s. Anita gasped with Cruella’s car hitching on… she and Roger exited the doors hurriedly, but Cruella still was driving, controlling Roger’s car with the weight of hers…
    Bam! The car crashed off the cliff, but luckily, everyone got out. Cruella’s car was still barely on the cliff. But then….
    Horace and Jasper, ambling from behind, were driving the truck slowly and wobbly, but very insecurely. Then, the truck crashed into Cruella’s car…
    “You… idiots!” Cruella shrieked, gesturing fiercely with her hands.
    Cruella’s car toppled off the cliff, but while it did so, Tramp and Buster growled at each other.
    “So, here’s where you’ll die,” Buster explained to Tramp as he prepared to swipe at Tramp. “And following his death, I will finish the job that I started.”
    “What do you mean?” Lady asked.
    “Well,” Buster stated delightedly. “That Scruff’s death was no car accident. It was my handiwork! I accepted him into the junkyard dogs after hearing that he escaped from the pound, but he refused to join my gang. I don’t take kindly to those who refuse me. So now, I’ll finish the job and kill his wife and daughter, too!”
    “Why, you…” Angel began. “How could you…and I can’t believe I lived with you for all those months! You are… dead, Buster!” Angel exclaimed.
    With fury, she rushed over to Buster before he could attack Tramp and bit him. Scamp, Patch, Lucky and Penny followed to join the fight, and Pongo and Perdita also jumped out to make sure that he could not attack Tramp.
    But then abruptly, Lady noticed that the cliff that held both Buster and Tramp began to crumble. She hurriedly made her way over to Tramp, and stated, “Tramp…”
    “Aww, what does little Miss Prissy want?” Buster asked mockingly. “Gonna say goodbyes to your lying husband?”
    “Oh no, the cliff!” Scamp whispered to the other puppies, and they hurried further onto the land.
    “He may lie to me,” Lady explained, “But I love him, and he has promised not to lie again. You would never understand trust and forgiveness.”
    And then, the cliff broke through. Buster and Tramp gasped, and Buster fell. Tramp was just about to fall, when…
    “Tramp,” Lady cried, holding onto his front paw with all her might. “I’ll save you…”
    Lady pulled as hard as she could, and Tramp gasped nervously.
    “We’ll be there… if you get tired,” Angel and Scamp told Lady.
    “Thanks,” Lady whispered. “But… I’ll… get him up, he’s my husband,” Lady groaned.
    “Oh no!” Penny gasped to Patch and Lucky. “Let’s alert Roger and Anita!”
    The three of them barked hurriedly to Roger and Anita, and noticed Lady tugging something over the cliff.
    And then, just as they arrived, Tramp found himself pulled onto the top of the cliff, and then he stated, “I can finish… thank you.” He did, and breathed exhaustedly. “Thanks for saving me, Pidge.”
    “Oh, you’re welcome,” Lady explained. “I’m just happy that you’re all right.”
posted by x-menobsessed26
Welcome everyone to my first Disney countdown article. I was debating on whether to do one of these, and then debating again on which site to put it on, but after much inner war, Fanpop was decided upon. The inspiration for this countdown came from a few other lists I had looked at regarding other fandoms' adorable characters (not quite babies).

Now, I have been on this site for ... a long time, and I realize that everyone is passionate about what they like. That being said, I am also aware that some nasty comments could come out of that. Obviously my #1 may not be yours and your #15 may not...
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Who's the hottest Disney Girl? Read Below.
Who's the hottest Disney Girl? Read Below.
So, I'm straight, so maybe I'm not the best one to make this sort of thing. But I read an article before that a man wrote about the top ten hottest animated disney women, and i really had to disagree. His top woman wasn't even disney, plus he didn't really have any reasoning behind the women he chose. I am not going to write pros and cons like he did. I'm only going to write about what makes the women hot! Plus, his pictures were awful. So here is the ten hottest animated disney women from a woman's point of view.
#10. I basically chose Snow White because she's better than Jane or Kida. Shes pretty and nice. A little too nice, but still. She's innocent and sweet. And she's the original disney princess.
#10. I basically chose Snow White because she's better than Jane or Kida. Shes pretty and nice. A little too nice, but still. She's innocent and sweet. And she's the original disney princess.
#9. Everyone loves Mulan because shes the rebel in every woman. She's brave, smart, but shes also clumsy and a misfit. Shes the most real and relatable. And she manages to save China, even with the pressure of being a woman.
#9. Everyone loves Mulan because shes the rebel in every woman. She's brave, smart, but shes also clumsy and a misfit. Shes the most real and relatable. And she manages to save China, even with the pressure of being a woman.
#8. Meg is an unusual disney girl with her sarcasm and wit, but thats what makes her so great. She managed to woo Hercules with her swaying hips and come-hither eyes. And she's the only disney girl who had her heart broken, something we can all relate to
#8. Meg is an unusual disney girl with her sarcasm and wit, but thats what makes her so great. She managed to woo Hercules with her swaying hips and come-hither eyes. And she's the only disney girl who had her heart broken, something we can all relate to
#7. Cinderella is a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty who had everyone rooting for her to get her man. She's the symbol for poor girl turning into princess. Everyone loves Cinderella and has a little bit of her inside of themselves.
#7. Cinderella is a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty who had everyone rooting for her to get her man. She's the symbol for poor girl turning into princess. Everyone loves Cinderella and has a little bit of her inside of themselves.
#6. Jasmine is another exotic beauty with a kickass body. She's clever and anything but shallow. She doesnt want a rich man; she wants true love.
#6. Jasmine is another exotic beauty with a kickass body. She's clever and anything but shallow. She doesnt want a rich man; she wants true love.
#5. She's got GORGEOUS hair, purple eyes, and a model's figure. And she's got a prince who will kick ass for her!
#5. She's got GORGEOUS hair, purple eyes, and a model's figure. And she's got a prince who will kick ass for her!
#4. Pocahontas is an exotic beauty. Her body is the most fit of any of the girls. Plus, shes brave, smart, wise, and she follows her heart. Too bad it didn't work out with John Smith! (and ugh..don't MENTION the sequel.)
#4. Pocahontas is an exotic beauty. Her body is the most fit of any of the girls. Plus, shes brave, smart, wise, and she follows her heart. Too bad it didn't work out with John Smith! (and ugh..don't MENTION the sequel.)
#3. Belle is smart, curious, and very humble. She views people by their inside's, not their outsides. Not to mention shes very pretty in a real way.
#3. Belle is smart, curious, and very humble. She views people by their inside's, not their outsides. Not to mention shes very pretty in a real way.
#2. Ariel will do nothing to stop to get what she wants, which is what makes her so great. Shes beautiful, smart, and keeps going after her prince even though the chances against her are stacked. And she's got a BEAUTIFUL voice.
#2. Ariel will do nothing to stop to get what she wants, which is what makes her so great. Shes beautiful, smart, and keeps going after her prince even though the chances against her are stacked. And she's got a BEAUTIFUL voice.
#1.Esmeralda has the whole package. She's got a hot body, a gorgeous face, beautiful eyes, and a sassy but kind personality. She's really the most womanly of the bunch, and she's dealing with real issues like racism while still managing to kick butt.
#1.Esmeralda has the whole package. She's got a hot body, a gorgeous face, beautiful eyes, and a sassy but kind personality. She's really the most womanly of the bunch, and she's dealing with real issues like racism while still managing to kick butt.
added by IsisRain
Source: Disney
posted by puppygirl12114
As we all know, the Disney version of the Little Mermaid is described as amazing and has a happy ending, but there is an extremely dark side to this story. So dark that Disney had to change a lot of details in the original story. Of course, if they showed what exactly happened in that book, I think they would be getting a lot of angry parent phone calls about how they scarred their child for life and they're going to sue them and all that stuff. Well, since a lot of people have not read the original book, I am going to share the story with you today. Maybe you'll want to find the book and...
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added by perrie4ever
Source: Loupe Collage
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by kathiria82
added by disneyworld007
If there's one cartoon from the 21st century I truly believe deserved more attention during its initial run, it's Dave the Barbarian. The show had a considerable amount of wit and quite a bit of creativity that had been missing from a lot of cartoons during that time. Combined with the fact that all of the characters were dumb, the jokes worked even better. Anyway, too pay tribute to this series (which I actually might consider purchasing if it was on DVD) I am going to count down my top 10 favorite episodes.

10) Web- I'm going to be honest and say that back in the day, I'm one of the few fans...
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posted by Pyjamarama
Ursula: Yeeeeeees, hurry home, princess. We wouldn't want to miss old Daddy's celebration, now, would we? Huh! Celebration indeed. Bah! In *my* day, we had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace. And now, look at me - wasted away to practically nothing - banished, and exiled, and practically starving, while he and his flimsy fish-folk celebrate. Well, I'll give 'em something to celebrate soon enough. Flotsam! Jetsam! I want you to keep an extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his. She may be the key to Triton's undoing...

Ursula: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand it!...
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Here's part two of my countdown for each little girl I'm going to tell you the voters opinion of her and my opinion of her. Though because there wasn't very many who commented for some little girls so it'll be hard to tell why the little girl was voted off.

20.Girl(The Fox and the Hound)
ew. who is this?-lepetitsouris
ew. who is this?-lepetitsouris
Voters Opinion
Okay I don't know how they feel about her looks but I'm guessing they don't think she's very pretty. Most people don't know who the heck she is so that could explain why she's so low. They didn't saw anything they liked about her looks so there's not much to say....
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posted by MeaghanDavis
This is Best Top Male Characters or Heroes:)
Here are the best top male characters or heroes:
1. Jim Hawkins
2. Hercules
3. Phillip
4. Eric
6. Milo Thatch

These are the top best male characters so far but there are more so on later. My best favorite is Jim Hawkins is because he is hot and cute:) I love his style of clothes that he wears in the movie and everything. I love his hair so much in my life.

Milo Thatch is really cool and he is funny in the movie Atlantis. He can be serious but he is funny though. I love his things and style of his clothes.

So that is all I got right now:)
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
posted by Pyjamarama
Sultan: Prince Ali Ababwa! Of course! I'm delighted to meet you.
[he shakes Aladdin's hand]
Sultan: This is my royal vizier, Jafar. He's delighted, too.
Jafar: [*very* dryly] Ecstatic.

[Iago is powering a mystic device by foot power]
Iago: With all due respect, Your Rottenness, couldn't we just wait for a *real* storm?
Jafar: Save your breath, Iago. Faster!
[he inserts the Sultan's ring into the top of the hourglass]
Iago: Yes, O Mighty Evil One!
[he pedals the device faster]

Jafar: How many times do I have to kill you, boy?

Genie: [turns into a cheerleader] Rick 'em, rack 'em, rock 'em, rake!...
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added by mjlover4lifs
Source: Disney
added by cherl12345
1. Frollo
1. Frollo
Hey everyone, I thought I'd follow up to my Disney Emoji Blitz character wish list with a similar wish list of characters I would want to see in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode.
2. Taran
2. Taran
3. Thomas O'Malley
3. Thomas O'Malley
4. Lew Zealand
4. Lew Zealand
5. Dumbo and Timothy Mouse
5. Dumbo and Timothy Mouse
6. Pain and Panic
6. Pain and Panic
7. Fozzie Bear
7. Fozzie Bear
8. Fred
8. Fred