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posted by PrincessBelle2
“And now, if you’ll excuse me, Archdeacon, I must give these to the Belles of Notre Dame.”
“And now, if you’ll excuse me, Archdeacon, I must give these to the Belles of Notre Dame.”
Le Jour d'Amour was everyone in Paris’ favourite holiday, and it had rapidly become Clopin Trouillefou’s too. As he stood on the steps of Notre Dame, selling the yellow roses that were the symbol of this particular holiday, to those who would proclaim their love for their partners in a matter of days, Clopin smiled to himself. Eight years ago, he had met the woman of his dreams. Well, no, that wasn’t strictly true – they had met once before that, back when he was seventeen and she only seven – but eight years ago their paths had crossed again and they had been swept up in an adventure of passion, danger and deep, true love.

Flash-forward eight years and everything was perfect for them. She had once believed that her parents had drowned during a storm at sea when she was a child but, fortunately, they had survived and eventually reunited with her, joining the large family unit that lived within the Court of Miracles, a family of misfit individuals who had wound up on the streets one way or another and cared for one another as though related by blood. Plus, the great Judge Claude Frollo, who had once ruled over Paris, sending chills of terror through the hearts of all the gypsies – whom Frollo had hated with a passion and taken great delight in imprisoning or even attempting to kill – was long dead and buried, and the people of Paris were once again free from his wrath. Clopin’s wife, his darling Belle, had, much to everyone’s shock and anger, suffered at the hands of Frollo when he had taken advantage of her one evening, during her time in his care, and no one could be more relieved than she that he could no longer hurt any of them.

And then, of course, there was their daughter, Angelique. She was now six years old and with her sharp wits and love of both reading and performing she was the perfect mixture of both her parents. She looked most like her mother, although her hair wasn’t as dark; although Belle had confided in Clopin that she possibly got this from her own mother, Sarah, who had been somewhat fair at birth and slowly her hair had turned the light shade of brown it was now, in time. Everyone at the Court of Miracles loved Angelique just as much as they loved Clopin and Belle; she was a delight to them all.

“Ah, good evening, Clopin,” smiled the kindly Archdeacon, who had been a protector and friend to Belle during her time living in Notre Dame and who, unlike Frollo, felt sympathy and compassion, even friendship, towards the gypsies. He shaded the setting sun from his eyes. “I see you only have two roses left. La Jour d’Amour must clean out all the floral stalls in Paris, I imagine.”

“Yes, indeed,” Clopin smiled back. “And now, if you’ll excuse me, Archdeacon, I must give these to the Belles of Notre Dame.”

The Archdeacon chuckled at his joke. “Well, I wish you well on your way. And speaking of bells, I must make sure that La Fidele is in tip-top condition for the big day.”

Clopin nodded. “Without La Fidele, there would be no La Jour d’Amour.”

He could hear the peeling of the bells as he made his way back towards the Court of Miracles and smiled. Belle always said that it was the most beautiful sound in the world, and Clopin was certain that she was right.

Speaking of which.


Clopin had to stop as Angelique suddenly came running towards him, giggling in delight. With a grin, he picked her up. “Oh, Angie, you need to stop growing, or I won’t be able to do this anymore,” he teased.

“Angie, wait for me,” Belle laughed, running up to them. She stroked her daughter’s hair and straightened her headscarf. Then, she met Clopin’s gaze with a smile of pure love. “I hope you don’t mind; we came to listen to the evening bells.”

“The most beautiful sound in the world!” Angelique chirped.

Clopin smiled and tapped her nose with one of the roses he was holding. “Why would I mind?” he asked, returning Belle’s smile of devotion.

“Is that for me, Papa?” Angelique asked, eagerly.

“Why, yes, it is.” Clopin handed her the rose, and then held out the other to his wife. “And for you, Madame.”

“Madame?” Belle, taking the rose, laughed. She still couldn’t quite get used to people addressing her as such now that she was married. “That may be so, but it makes me sound like an old woman!”

“Well, you’re not as young as when I first met you,” Clopin teased.

Belle let out an indignant laugh and swatted at him. “Touché, Monsieur!”

“Come on.” Clopin set Angie down on her feet, taking her hand and holding his other out to Belle. “Let’s go home, my Belles of Notre Dame, before it gets dark.”

Belle smiled and took his hand, pressing as close to him as possible as they walked. Before she had met Clopin, she had never imagined that she could ever fall this much in love with someone. Clopin still filled her with that same rush she had felt that day they had met again, during the Feast of Fools. That had been the beginning of their adventure, an adventure which, for Belle, had been a quest to find a loving family and a place to call home. Now she had both, and Clopin and their daughter, although the cathedral of Notre Dame itself would always hold a special place in her heart.

“Dinner’s nearly ready,” Tiana, their resident chef, greeted them as they entered the Court of Miracles.

“And it smells delicious,” Naveen added, cheekily stealing a kiss from her before sauntering over to the dinner table.

“Grandmama helped,” Angelique added to her father, before hurrying to join her friends Lilo, Shanti, Jack and Boo at the table.

“Yes, I did,” Sarah replied, bustling into the kitchen, carrying the large stewpot with her hands wrapped in two thick oven gloves. “Now, Belle, where is your father?”

“No need to panic, darling,” replied Clayton, stepping into the room behind them, “I’m here. Hello, love,” he added to Belle, giving her a one armed hug and Clopin a pat on the shoulder.

“Well, you were almost late,” Sarah informed him, with a grin, “and just for that I might make you wash up.”

“Yes, dear,” teased Clayton, pulling out a chair from the table.

Belle smiled as she took a seat beside her daughter. Their family might be made up of an odd assortment of individuals, some related, others in relationships together, but they were still a family; a loving group of people who pulled together to build their home and cared for one another. They all fitted together well. Her parents, and Dr Facilier, their resident conjurer, served as the main heads of the family, the carers, the protectors. Tiana, with help from Sarah and Naveen, made sure they were all well fed, whilst everyone else made sure they had money to buy food and other supplies, as well as making sure their home was clean and substantial for the family, especially the children. And the best part was that everyone was free to just be themselves. Eight years ago, couples like Esmeralda and Pocahontas had been bullied and abused by Frollo’s guards, but now they were free to go out in public as they were and no one batted at them. Even the Archdeacon accepted them; he had even asked them in for a cup of tea a few days ago.

“We are all God’s creatures,” he had told Belle. “How we choose to live our lives is up to us; it is not for Him, or anyone else, to judge us.”

Had it not been a completely inappropriate thing to do to a man of the cloth, Belle would have happily kissed him for saying that.

“No voodoo stories before bed, Lilo,” Dr Facilier warned as the children, dinner long-since finished, politely excused themselves from the table and ran to Lilo’s room.

“Aw, but Papa,” sighed Lilo.

“No. You’ll give everyone else nightmares again.”

“Ok.” Lilo ran off to join her friends.

Facilier shook his head. “They grow up so fast.”

Belle smiled in silent agreement. Angelique might only be six, but she too was growing rather rapidly. Still, she didn’t feel sad about it, not just yet. Angelique was still a child, just like she and Clopin were still young. They had years to share together before age took them all.

She reflected it that night as she lay beside Clopin, waiting for sleep to overcome her. Age was the one thing that was inescapable. It was one of those things you just had to accept in life, like illnesses you couldn’t cure yet or the fact that people are all born different. Thoughts of age suddenly sent a shudder through her that she tried to repress for fear of worrying Clopin. Frollo had been...how old? She wasn’t entirely sure, although he had already been grey when he had taken her into his care, and that had been a good ten years before his death, so he must have been at least, what, seventy, when he...

Belle shook her head. Of all memories she had lost over the years, the one that she had tried so hard to forget was still fresh in her mind. She could remember the whole thing vividly, even though she didn’t want to. However, it hadn’t put her off love altogether, on the contrary, quite the opposite. It had just served to make her love Clopin all the more, and now she knew that such love making wasn’t meant to hurt like it had when Frollo had roughly taken her. With Clopin it was gentle and passionate and filled her with a pleasure she never knew existed before.

It was no good. She had been trying to suppress this thirst that was plaguing her tonight, but it was no good. She just had to get up and get a glass of water.

As she pulled back the covers and sat up, she sensed, in the way that married people often do, that her husband was awake. She looked over at him, blinking sleepily and curiously at her, and smiled, reassuringly. “I’m just getting a glass of water.”

Clopin answered with a sleepy nod. Belle left the room and padded, quietly, to the kitchen, making a mental note to make sure to put the glass back where she found it when she was done. Tiana had a thing about kitchen equipment being put back after use.

She had just replaced the glass, her thirst quenched, when she heard a soft sound of someone running across the floor. Startled, she emerged back into the main room in time to see Angelique emerging from her room, looking panicked.

“Mama!” It came out as a squeak as her daughter ran to cling to her. “Mama!”

“Angie, what’s wrong?” Belle asked, hugging her close.

“I had a bad dream.”

Belle breathed out. For a second she had been worried it had been something worse. She gave her a firmer hug. “Shh, it’s alright now,” she soothed, crouching in front of her. “It’s only a dream. Things can’t hurt you in dreams.”

“I know, Mama.” Angie grasped her hands, trying to calm down. “It’s just...it was scary.”

“I know, believe me, sweetie, I know.” Belle brushed her daughter’s fringe out of her eyes for her. “But it’s alright. Your Papa and I would never let anything big and scary get you, you know. Ok?” Angie nodded. Knowing what she needed, the same thing she had needed when she had first come to live in the Court of Miracles, Belle straightened up and took her hand. “Come on, you can sleep with us tonight.”

Angie brightened at once. “Ok.”

“Oh, hello,” Clopin murmured sleepily as he felt them both slide into bed with him. “We’ve a bedtime guest, have we?”

“Hush up and make room,” Belle smiled, giving him a soft nudge with her foot as she settled herself with Angelique between them.

“I had a bad dream, Papa,” Angelique murmured, snuggling on her mother’s pillow.

Clopin turned over to give her a hug. Belle joined them both, vowing once again, silently, that her family would never be torn apart again for as long as she lived.
“Come on, you can sleep with us tonight.”
“Come on, you can sleep with us tonight.”
added by chesire
Source: chesire
added by doodlequeen
Source: peeps on deviantart
added by doodlequeen
Source: peeps on deviantart
added by doodlequeen
Source: peeps on deviantart
Basil and Kitty walk the streets of Petropolis, and all of a sudden, upon the two detectives, falls a big piano, and the two are stunned and said:
Kitty: Ooh
Basil: What happened, where we are, where we are, and who am I, ah, it is true are Basil of Baker Street.
Kitty: I am Kitty Katswell, if I remember correctly?
Basil: Yes, and it's true, you are Miss Kitty Katswell, it's true!
Kitty: Oh, right, it's obvious, but ...
Basil: But What?
Kitty: You have a strange face.
Basil: Really?
The mouse investigator looks at her reflection in a puddle and now.
Basil: Eeeh, whahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa,...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
"Why did you leave me?”
"Why did you leave me?”
Anya, meanwhile, had finally finished getting ready. She was nervous about meeting the Empress again. The last time she had met her, well, she had been a child, not knowing any better but now she was an adult, she would be judged as one.

She thought back to that last meeting. The Empress had seemed so nice and then she had been about to talk to Belle too but then her father had swept her away and Belle had never spoken to her since. Poor Belle. “I know what she must think of me,” Anya sighed, “but I never asked for this.”

Straightening her midnight blue dress and checking that her hair...
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posted by PrincessBelle2
“Here, come inside. You don’t want to be out in a storm.”
“Here, come inside. You don’t want to be out in a storm.”
Dear Diary,

Another wet day so I’m sitting in the library to write this, not that I mind so much because I do love books, after all. They’re such an escape when this place gets dreary or the atmosphere stuffily unbearable. Anya is in a huff again; about goodness knows what. Ferdinand says she’s getting far too haughty and Derek says she’s getting too big for her boots. I’m inclined to agree with both of them. I don’t know what’s got into her lately. She’s changed from the girl I used to know. I think it’s something to do with the fact that our parents favour her over the rest...
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    Three days passed, and the kids learned the basics of being human children. I managed to clear three spare rooms for each of them to stay in. But I have to say this has really been a pain in the butt, I think they might be more trouble than their worth. I’ve been living all by myself never leaving my house for years and I’ve never really been around kids too much. I like kids but I didn’t know how much trouble they were. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was because of my magic that turned them into humans in the first place I’d probably have kicked them out...
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It's my first article here so I decided to start off by listning my 5 favorite crossover couples, it was very hard to come up with 5 couples since I'm more a fan of making friendship crossovers, but on later times I've started to fall for making crossover couples.

5. Aurora & Derek

I love this couple though I haven't done so many crossovers of these two (this is the only one of the two that I've done so far)! I actually think Aurora is better for Derek than Odette because I just think Aurora is more Derek's type, but I like Aurora better with Phillip, but still a really nice couple...
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This is a crossover story about Vanessa and Gaston's love story. So I MIGHT make a mistake. I won't really add many PICTURES, because in one of my stories, no body read it, they voted: Does it have pictures?, which waaaaaaaaas a joke. So I don't want any of that crud. :D


hI, I'm VANESSA! And I just got love struck with Gaston after he saves. my. life! Hiiii! I'm Vanesssaaaaaaaaaaa! (shrieks)

Yeah, Vanessa let's keep the SHRIEKING to an ultimate, ZIP! Okay? Ya-


Vanessa!!!!!!! I said ZIP!

Kayyyyyyyyyy! YEEEEEEEEEK!

Okayyyyyyyyy.... ON TO...
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Sinbad and Proteus on their way to see the King.
Sinbad and Proteus on their way to see the King.
Hi, this is my first fanfic, so please comment (by the way this is a story about Proteus and Kida)Sorry for my spelling.

"Proteus...PROTEUS wake up man you look like your in a coma." said Sinbad trying to wake up Proteus. Proteus finally opens his eyes. "welcome back bro" said Sinbad. "Sinbad...I just had a strange dream." explained Proteus. "HAHA I'll bet it took me SO long to wake you up! Soo, what was it about?" asked Sinbad "Well it was...well it was just all a light blue." said Proteus. Sinbad get a weird look on his face. "Anyway, your father needs to see you." said Sinbad changing the...
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(A short fanfic I wrote as a part of the Disney Crossover What If game)

Full Question: What if Chel was a servant for Kuzco and he kept denying marriage purposals because of his love for her? What would happen? Would they marry, or would he be forced into a marriage?

Some things you should know before reading:
-This is after the first movie so Kuzco has learned his lesson and isn't as self-absorbed.
-I am ignoring the Emperor's New School series because Kuzco seems the same as he was in the beginning of the first movie.

All was quiet in the great hall. No servants bustling about, no 20 diplomats...
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(A short fanfic I wrote as a part of the Disney Crossover What If game)

Part 1

Making his way toward a small town, Phoebus rode his horse in silence. It had been nearly a year since the events of Frollo and the burning of Paris. Phoebus looked down at a woven band he had in his grip. His mind far from the task at hand.
Esmeralda had not made it through the events as easily as he. The man just barely kept himself from tears as he remembered how relieved he had been to see Quasimodo swing down and rescue the Gypsy woman's limp body from the flames, only to find out that it already too late. His...
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(A short fanfic I wrote as a part of the Disney Crossover What If game)

The sun was bright and the sky was blue with only a few swirly white clouds dotting the heavens. On the back of Pegasus, Hercules and Phil were out on another mission. Another day, another call. Quite frankly Hercules was beginning to get a little bored with it, not that he would mention it to his coach. He sighed and leaned back on Pegasus, staring at the sky.

"So what is the mission this time?" he asked, not really caring.

"Hmmm, just your standard D.i.D. Damsel in Distress," said Phil as he scanned the scroll report. "Seems...
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-Adella (The Little Mermaid)
-Alana (The Little Mermaid)
-Anastasia (Cinderella)
-Andrina (The Little Mermaid)
-Anita (101 Dalmatians)
-Aquata (The Little Mermaid)
-Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
-Arista (The Little Mermaid)
-Attina (The Little Mermaid)
-Audrey Ramirez (Atlantis)
-Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
-Babette (Beauty and the Beast)
-Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
-Bimbette (Beauty and the Beast)
-Charlotte La Bouff (Princess and the Frog)
-Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
-Fa Mulan (Mulan)
-Fawn (Tinker Bell)
-Giselle (Enchanted)
-Iridessa (Tinker Bell)
-Jane Porter (Tarzan)
-Jasmine (Aladdin)...
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Hi! I made this video. :) Do you like it? ^^ Leave a comment! :D <3
disney crossover
chel and kuzco
non disney crossover
the road to el dorado
the emperor's new groove
added by RoxStar09
Source: RoxStar09/LilMissPeppy
posted by bugbyte98
Aladdin’s Point of View:
    We all woke that morning, calmly, except for Ranjan and Mowgli, who continued sleeping. I looked to the spot where Jasmine had decided to rest, and my eyes widened when I realized it was empty. As quickly as I could, searched the hideout, but came up empty-handed. My breathe caught in my through as the fear of capture began to play with my mind. I shook my head, and looked out the window, trying to think of where she could’ve gone.

Kida’s Point of View:
    I woke up only to see Aladdin tearing the place apart looking for...
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added by PrincessBelle2
added by dixiedixiedixie