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We have a lot of problems in our world. Some issues are things that would be prevalent no matter what. But I firmly believe that the main cause of the majority of problems in our world is human closed mindedness. Think of how many issues we could avoid if we could just open our minds to other ideas, and think how much more advanced we could be. Here are a few examples of issues that could be avoided if we could open our minds to other ideas.

There are many people who hate a group of people just because their skin is a different colour than their own. But really, if you think about it, everyone has brown skin. Some people have light brown skin, some people have dark brown skin, some people are in the middle somewhere. But it's all brown. What if I had blue skin? Would that make me any different than I am now? What if people were to start hating each other because they had different coloured eyes? That sounds pretty ridiculous, right? But if you think about it, it's the exact same thing. And a person's personality is more important than how they look.

I'm also putting religion in this category. People hate each other just because they believe in some things slightly differently? Most people believe in the same basic morals: no murder, be kind to others, respect others, no stealing, try to be the best person you can be. So why is it such a huge issue? Because one person believes in many gods while another believes in only one, and then you've got a third person who doesn't believe in any god? The truth is, nobody knows for a fact how the world started. People believe different things, so what? But when people start killing each other and hating each other just because they think differently... that's just despicable and closed minded. Open your mind to others, maybe they can give you a new idea. Maybe not. But either way, it shouldn't make you hate a person. (If they have bad morals, that's one thing. But just because they think differently? That's not cool.)

This is a biggie here in the United States. People who are gay, bisexual or transsexual are hated just because they are different. It's not as if they are harming anybody. They are hated for loving. So they love differently, who cares? By making it illegal for gay people to get married, what is really happening is that the people of the USA are making it legal to hate and illegal to love, unless you are like everybody else. In other words, individuality is hated, even if it's a good thing. Love is bad? And hate is good? Homophobia is just as bad as racism. It all comes down to people being hopelessly closed minded.

I don't know about other countries, but in America, the political warring that has been going on is just plain ridiculous. I, for one, am a solid Democrat. But guess what? One of my close friends is a solid Republican. So what? I still love her. When people say ridiculous things such as "Democrats are socialists that hate everybody" or "All Republicans are haters," I get pissed off. Have you even bothered to just try to understand the other party? Understand does not necessarily mean agreeing with everything they say. It means sitting and listening and trying to see where they come from in a rational way. You'd be surprised how this can help your view of the world grow. When Democrats hate everything Republicans do, and when Republicans hate everything Democrats do, it's all mindless closed mindedness. Try just sitting and listening to each other - I mean REALLY listening. What we need is open minded leaders. Also, we need to teach our children open mindedness; something in which we have failed to do for far too long.
"Go ahead. Throw your vote away!" Clip from a 1996 episode of The Simpsons, Treehouse Of Horror Episode VII.
two-party system
the simpsons
treehouse of horror
added by SJF_Penguin2
The Republicans as well as a personified hairball some cat coughed up debate tonight. Though there are only five of them still in the race whittled down from an impressive seventeen before the primaries, it's hard to know what they're really for and against beyond all the rhetoric.

The Democrats have a completely different pickle. Their party is divided between two candidates who can't stop agreeing on everything, and yet insist they are different from each other.

So what does this really mean? Your very own political pundit is here to break it down for you in as unbiased a way as I can possibly...
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Should I Go To Film School? by Prof. Ross Brown of Chapman University via link More video interviews at link
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chapman university
ross brown
The Controversy Surrounding ALYSSA: PORTRAIT OF A TEEN KILLER by Shane Ryan via link More video interviews at link
news coverage
news media
controversial subject
added by hermionicole
Do Women Have More Courage Than Men? by Sebastian Junger via linkMore video interviews at link
tim hetherington
sebastian junger
added by Solastcentury
Gordon Brown blows a party whistle.
gordon brown
labour party
united kingdom
prime minister
William Mac - 'This Week in Time' from Oct 2007
george w bush
william mac
this week in time
added by pandawinx
added by pandawinx
A clever lil' cookie gives her oppinion on "slut-shaming". I thought I'll add this after i saw it on the debate topic "Is rape sex?"
Welcome to a new conversation about immigration in our country.
dream act
human rights
jose antonio vargas
pulitzer prize winner
The Perfect answer for the pick I posted before. "Do you tolerate intolerance?"
posted by chloeregister
I was wondering something. What do you people think? Is war really neccesary? In my own opinion, I think it is not.
My religion is Christian, so, duh, I believe in God! Well, if you don't then maybe... ah never mind! I think God put everyone on Earth for him. He wants people to live for God and get along with each other to score Heaven. Hell is only worthy if you do not fufill God's commands.
In the harsh struggle to live in WAR, people are killing others.
I am NOT a hippie, but I believe war is murder and thanks if you are in the service for risking your life for America, but you are also...
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posted by MajorDork74
How does God speak to you?
How does God speak to you?
Behind the minute laws and rules of a book like Leviticus, are principles which hint at what God is like. He is a Holy God who must be taken seriously. People of that time (and a lot of today's people) had the habit of inventing and discarding gods as they felt like it. God declares that He alone is the true God, worthy of all worship. In one sense what God ultimately demands -- OBEDIENCE -- has not changed since Old Testament days. But God teaches the Israelites much as a parent must teach a young child -- with dozens of clearly spelled-out rules.
Time alone to speak with God is essential.
Time alone to speak with God is essential.
posted by MajorDork74
Do you have the patience?
Do you have the patience?
In the Old Testament God begins with a single couple, Adam and Eve. He puts them in a perfect world with certain rules to obey. They flunk! The first eleven chapters of Genesis mostly record one failure after another. God punishes Adam and Eve, destroys the world with a massive flood, and smashes a misguided rebellion at the tower of Babel.
God reaches down and selects a man named Abraham, to whom He gives some extraordinary promises. He promises that Abraham's descendants will some day become as numerous as sand on a beach, and that they will grow to become a mighty nation with their own land....
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posted by MajorDork74
You do not have to read too far into the Bible to see it is unlike any other book out there. It is not a tightly-woven story like a novel, or a systematic list like a textbook. It includes a diverse batch of styles: poetry, history, sermons, dramatic stories, and letters.
Some people dip right into specific books like Leviticus or 1 Chronicles and soon give up in confusion. They do not understand why such material is important to them. To appreciate what God is saying to us, it's important to know the whole sweep of the Bible.
In the 1st place, the Bible is not one book -- it's an entire library,...
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added by ThePrincesTale
added by ThePrincesTale
added by ThePrincesTale