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Is it ever okay for parents to hit thier children??? As long as it dosent go to far??whats the line between disipline and child abuse??

i know tis has been asked bored.i was raised in a family that hit thier kids, and now my borther raises us cuz my parents are dead and he uses physical abuse to keep em and my brother in line if needed, but not my sister. i guess sometimes hes gone to far cuz i have a black eye now , so is that wrong??\\

is slapping a child across teh face okay?? or spaking them>???? and where is the line between disiplin and child abuse
 outsidersfan_14 posted over a year ago
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Debate Answers

Monrose said:
Physical contact in any negative way is abuse, and it is illegal in Norway (which compared to most contries in the world is very civilized). It is NEVER ok to hit a child. Believe me, I've worked at an after school, and I wanted to torture some kids there, but I realized that I wasn't mad at the children, but at their parents. They have failed. Childrens behaviour is a result of their parents'.
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posted over a year ago 
i guess your right , but bri-marie has a point
outsidersfan_14 posted over a year ago
Children's behavior is not solely a result of their parents' behavior.
harold posted over a year ago
Of COURSE I don't understand what the hell you are babling about! You are physically HURTING a child! Doesn't that seem somehow wrong to you at all?? @Harold: When the children are 0-6 years, they are, basically, raised by their parents.
Monrose posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
I think it all depends on the situation. For some children, this is the only way they learn. For others (like myself) being hit/spanked was never necessary. For my sister, being spanked was the only way she learned. My parents could explain why what she had done was wrong, give her time outs, ground her, take things away and it, honestly didn't matter. It never phased her and 99.9% of the time, she'd keep doing whatever bad thing she was doing to begin with.

For me, abuse on a child is when the parental figure hits/spanks their children when it isn't necessary as a disciplinary measure (like when a two year old says a bad word). Full out beating your child, leaving marks and using objects is never, ever okay no matter the situation.
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posted over a year ago 
tiagih posted over a year ago
No it does NOT "depend on the situation"! You don't hit kids for poweer OR for discipline! You don't hit kids at all! That's child abuse! You better not have kids!
Thunder808 posted over a year ago
harold said:
Yes, it is rarely OK for parents to hit their children. Specifically, it is OK for a parent to hit his/her child in the following three situations:

1) The child is attacking the parent and the parent must defend him/herself from serious injury.

2) The child is attacking someone else, and the parent must get the child to stop before the other person is seriously injured.

3) The child is in a situation of immediate physical peril where, if not stopped, he or she will come to grievous harm.

Coincidentally, these are also the same three situations where it is OK to hit any other person. In other words, there is nothing special about the parent-child relationship that enables more hitting than any other human interaction, and these situations do not vary with the age of the child.
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posted over a year ago 
kiraragirl200 said:
I personally don't believe spanking a child for certain reasons is abuse. I think the best way to discipline a child is disciplining the way they best respond to, whether it's spanking, grounding, time outs, a long lecture, a shouting at, extra chores, taking away privileges, or a balance of different forms. There is no 1 perfect form of discipline, every child is different. But if the spanking is to the point to where the child is being beaten, it leaves bruises, done for little to no reason, that's where I would call it abuse. That's my honest opinion on the subject.
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posted over a year ago 
i think your right
outsidersfan_14 posted over a year ago
You're wronger than ever
eofkxojd posted over a year ago
alismouha said:
It is ok if t it's for the right reasons,the child did something very bad,and he already knew it was bad,Spank him so that he doesn't do it again,if he does it again,spank him harder,but it is abuse if it's gone too far,for any reason,hitting children is supposed to be meant for teaching them what's right,not punishing them,punishment is meaningless,and it doesn't do anyone any good.
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posted over a year ago 
But you should be able to teach them without violence.
ggurl2397 posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
My opinion on spanking is this;

I am not for physical punishment whatsoever. I am 100% against beatings or use of objects when disciplining children. I am also not for slapping children in the face or for spanking either. Of course, if a parent choose slapping and spanking as their parenting technique, it would be his or her choice and there's not much I can do about that. But I won't agree with it.

I don't see spanking and slapping as being abusive unless taken to the extremities;
1) Leaving a mark
2) The child is deeply emotionally hurt and/or scarred
3) It is often used as an unnecessary response (A three-year-old little boy spilling his milk and receiving a slap in the face as a response from his mother).

But like I said before, I'm still not for it.

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posted over a year ago 
LoopyLuna96 said:
I don't think spanking is right, or any hard hit. But what my parents did is a light slap on my hand and say 'no', a bit like you do with cats.

But I think your brother giving you a black eye means it's going too far.
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posted over a year ago 
LOL like a spray bottle
ggurl2397 posted over a year ago
ggurl2397 said:
If it leaves a mark then its wrong if its soft and doesnt leave a mark its okay but u have a black eye?
Thats not fucking okay u need to go to the police or find a new place for you and your siblings (not including him) a new place to live.
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posted over a year ago 
Now I'm confused. You said in your answer "if its soft and doesnt leave a mark its okay" but then implied on Monrose answer that spanking is not okay at all. Which one do you believe?
bri-marie posted over a year ago
I think u could find a different way but its okay if you dont leave a mark
ggurl2397 posted over a year ago
samuraibond005 said:
i think it depends on the intention. if they do it to punish you than that's one thing. if they do it to gain more power in the family that is one thing. if they do it because they are angry that is one thing. if they do it for the sake of doing it that is one thing. this subject is a lot more complicated than a lot of people say it is
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posted over a year ago 
emisa123 said:
I' really not sure. My father has spanked all of us sisters once when we really messed up, but I don't think it was abuse at all.

I think if you hit your child to the point where they are in serious pain, or if you hit them over something really stupid or constantly, then it's abuse. But I don't think there is anything wrong with a little slap on the wrist or a soft spank in the bum if they do something really bad.
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posted over a year ago 
Lawli-gagger said:
Either way to me is wrong.
My mother used to hit me and you know what?
I hate her.
Hitting the child doesn't teach them wrong or right. It teaches them that if they do something the parent doesn't approve of (no matter if its wrong or right) they will get a spanking.

I feel that if a parent has a better relationship with the child then the child is more likely to listen to and heed what they are saying.
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posted over a year ago 
Renarimae said:
I believe spanking is okay if a child disobeys and/or defies their parents, since I was raised in a family where if me or my brother disobeyed, did something bad, or if we ever downright defied our parents, we'd be spanked. But not slapping, hitting, or extreme negative physical contact.
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posted over a year ago 
Kassaremidylynn said:
A small slap on the butt or a light crack on the head is okay. Some kids need that to get it unfortunately. But I hate when they hit them hard. My grandmother is all for hitting and I always have to leave the room. I think she hits too hard and I know my mother agrees.
Anything other than that is not okay.

Like, when I acted like a brat, my mom would put her arm around me and pinch me and tell me that if I didn't stop, she'd really hit me. The pinching hurt just enough and the threat scared the sh*t out of me, so I stopped. Looking back, I know she wouldn't have hit me - she pinched me because she knew it was just enough. Anymore was not neccessary and maybe a little cruel.
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posted over a year ago 
housefrk said:
I don't think spanking is abuse. I was spanked, and my mom and I still have a great relationship. My parents are very loving, and I know they would never actually hit me. I was an easy kid, so I didn't have to be spanked often, but it didn't impact me in any negative way.

This could just be a coincidence, but out of all my friends, the two of us that were spanked are definitely the best behaved, and it's not because we're afraid of being punished (we're in college, so it's probable that our parents would never find out if we acted out). It's because we have strong morals and know how to set boundaries, likely because of good parenting.

Anyway, that's been my experience.
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posted over a year ago 
katlyn8696 said:
spanking a child is okay but excessive abuse is not so dont abuse a poor child.
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posted over a year ago 
Holyshitwtf said:
It's alright that's how my sisters learned my mom always hit them with the belt because they behave bad and now
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posted over a year ago 
blackpanther666 said:
Like with what Monrose was saying, New Zealand also has hitting children marked as illegal... We have an anti-smacking law. I don't think it is right to smack your children, unless you absolutely have to. As a parent, you should be able to discipline your child, while maintaining a great relationship with them.
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posted over a year ago 
monkeyrockla said:
No, I dont support hitting children for discipline, it gives a negative affect on childhood
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
I don't think it's okay. Hitting or spanking a kid does not help with discipline, all it does is instill fear it doesn't teach a lesson. The kid will listen only to the parent because he or she is afraid of being hit but continue to act out in school or in front of others.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, that's a good point. It's simply better if the parent can discipline the child, while doing it in a manner where a lesson shall be taught and the child will still respect the parent.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
Usually the best way to do that is to actually talk it over (without yelling at first) odds are the kid doesn't even know what he/she did wrong or why it was wrong.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
^ Yeah, pretty much.
blackpanther666 posted over a year ago
Tinekraut said:
Too much have been explained. Here's a figure:

Me and my other bro with the slight beating --> acts more formal and more disciplined.

My bro without the beating --> acts boorish and has no discipline in the things he do.

My professor with too much beating --> upright attitude and very precise and meticulous in the things he do since he was a child.

My professor's child w/o the beating --> poor work ethics.
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posted over a year ago 
I guess it all varies from person to person; as a kid I was never beaten and I am always five minutes early to work and I wouldn't even think of acting out. But lay a hand on me and I will slap back and act out more. My sister was never beaten and she has been at the top of her classes and won't act out much. When she gets hit she usually just cries. My point is spankings and what not don't necessarily effect work ethnics and such.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
* × Yup, that's it. In some instances it's okay, provided it doesn't go way overboard. And it also depends on some circumstances, like the natural disposition of the child ('cause as you said, some kids don't need to get beaten to listen.)....
Tinekraut posted over a year ago
I get what you're saying.
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
kittykats5567 said:
no it is never right my father used to hit me or a some call it spank me but i never thought it was right i used to say it was a form of corporal punishment but i am not actually sure it is it is wrong and i don't believe personally it was right i used to cry most days because it made me so upset i used to think that my own father did not love me because he used to hit me so hard he looked to frightening when he did it i used to talk to child line it took of the stress of having a parent who hit me whenever he thought right! x
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posted over a year ago 
jesi1996 said:
First check your spelling and second no it is not OK only on the bottom turn him in to the police
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posted over a year ago 
Vandorain said:
U guys are so fucked up and deserve to burn in hell child abuse is never ok in that case all go slap my wife for not cleaning the house

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posted over a year ago 
Blahhhhhhvlah said:
No. I was hit as a child for reasons that don't matter like when my dadad asked me what do u wanna eat and u said sumn we didn't have he'd swear and even make contact. Now I have no life and I'm afraid of the real world. So dont hit your children
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posted over a year ago 
Abusedreader22 said:
It is wrong.I'm going through the same thing with my mum.only one swat in the bum is ok but using a switch or belt is never ok.

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posted over a year ago 
eofkxojd said:
I think that it is never ok. I am not saying this just because my parents hit me. They beat the crap out of me and it is just not right. If I was a parent, I would just take a deep breath and count to 10 but never hit my children. That is just unkind and wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
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