Death Eaters Things they'd never say game

Bellatrix_bb posted on May 15, 2011 at 11:32PM
I think every one knows the rules but for thoughs who don't here's how we play
Someone gives a name and the next person comes up with a quote that character would never say.

Here's an example:

EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW! why would I ever take orders from a loser like Tom Riddle?

then after your rediculus quote you leave another name

Death Eaters 8 replies

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over a year ago PiperLunaPotter said…
big smile
I'm off to shampoo my hair :)

Greyback :DD
over a year ago nany5755 said…
yummy yummy tasty kids:)

barty crouch jr
over a year ago Bellatrix_bb said…
I love you daddy!!

over a year ago ScarlettSeverus said…
Harry! M'boy! I'm sorry for killing your parents! They were wonderful people and you are too! (Don't ask me where that came from)

over a year ago Face_of_Music said…
OMG! Harry! I love you!

over a year ago Bellatrix_bb said…
(I don't know which one but no Malfoy would ever say this)
OMFG!!!! I LOVE the order of the phoenix how could I ever support any family member who didn't?

over a year ago ciulia96 said…
Bellatrix,I am so happy to hear that you are in love with Voldemort!

Narcissa Malfoy
over a year ago Bellatrix_bb said…
oh dear god why the hell did I marry this moron? Oh wait wasn't i supposed to feed something? Oh yeah that's right i have a son. Hope he didn't get lost in this hudge ass house.

Wormtail(Aka: peter petigrew