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All I Need =) I absolutely adore this song and I’ve seen the Delena dance scene a thousand of times...
All I Need =) I absolutely adore this song and I’ve seen the Delena dance scene a thousand of times...
Hi people we're finally here, I want to apologize for the late post, I had been really busy and I'm sorry for that, it won't happen again =D!

So, it's my turn to interview this amazing shipper and friend, give it up for link =D!

Bold are the questions and italics
are my comments, anything else are her answers.

Hello C first of all congratulations on winning FOTM, well deserved!!
Let’s begin!!

1.- How about telling us a little bit about yourself in order to get to know you?

Hey guys! First of all I want to thank all of you who voted me! It’s an honour! Well some of you know me but for the others who have no idea who I am, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Chrysovalando but my friends call me Chryso because it’s too long. I’m from Cyprus – a small island near Greece- and I’m 17 [and a half] years old. This is my last year at school and after that I want to study microbiology in UK. My favourite TV shows are: TVD [#1], Legend of the Seeker, 90210, Friday Night Lights and True Blood. In my free time I love going out with my friends, reading, drawing, listening to music and watching thriller / horror movies.

I LOVE horror movies!

2.- One of the most important questions around here, when did you start shipping these two?

I started shipping these two in the TV show, when I first saw them together Nian’s chemistry is undeniable. But I first shipped them together while reading the books. They are just so HOT together *-*. I love them both in the show and in the books but I think I prefer the show a little more.

3.- How do you like season 2 so far, Delena-wise? Good or bad?

I love season 2. It’s full of action and so interesting! But I want more Delena scenes =) I’m satisfied so far but in the last episodes we have few Delena scenes and that’s really sad =(

I feel your pain, less and less scenes by episode...

4.- Favorite Delena moment until now?
When Damon saved Elena
When Damon saved Elena

So H-A-R-D to choose only one so I’ll tell you my 3 favourite scenes.

When Damon saved Elena
The dance scene
The hug

5.- Most heartbreaking but significant scene from season 2?

Definitely from the first episode of season 2. When Damon kissed Elena and he told her that there was something going on between the two of them. And then Elena tried to stop the kiss and she pissed me of when she told him that even though she cares about him she’ll always love that idiot.

6.- Season 1 or season 2? Why?

I love both seasons – season 1 ‘cause of the Delena scenes and season 2 because it’s just awesome.

7.- How do you think Elena will forgive Damon? When?

She will definitely forgive him I don’t know I hope as soon as possible. We’ve already seen that Elena still cares about him when she said to Damon, that, that was the Damon who was her friend. Maybe Damon will do something really good and prove Elena that he’s still good. And she’ll forgive him because she cares about him and because she doesn’t hate him. You don’t try to save the one who tried to kill your brother and you hate him.


8.- Do you think Delena has a chance of a real kiss this season?

I hope so. I’d love to see the REAL KISS in the final episode of this season. We waited for this for so long and I’m sure that if Damon and Elena share a kiss together is gonna be the Hottest kiss EVER for me. We deserve that kiss. All of us. =)

I know!! We so need it, our screen will explode of hotness

9.- When that happens who will make the first move?

Please God I want Elena to make the first move! But I don’t think so. She thinks that she’s in love with Stefan and I don’t believe that she wants to hurt him. Even though if I’d love that xD So Damon? Who knows …but when this happens it’ll be unforgettable.

I want her to make the first move too, let's keep our fingers crossed...

10.- How does it feel to have the biggest fan-base?

It’s really awesome because Damon and Elena are not the main “couple” in the show. It’s Stelena. And we have more fans than them so far. About 1000 fans and more. I love that because they are amazing together and they deserve more and more fans.

11.- Biggest disappointment in their relationship so far in your opinion?

I was very satisfied with season 1, I love it. But I don’t know, this season we don’t have many Delena scenes. I wanted more scenes with the two of them but the writers decided to make Damon really evil again by hurting Elena’s brother. They are apart, they don’t have that connection they used to have in the previous season and Elena doesn’t trust him any more like the way she did in the past… I hope for more Delena scenes and I want to see again the eye-sex, their friendship and the trust between them.

And we will =)!

12.- Founder's Day VS The Return. Explain:

I love both episodes because they were amazing and very shocking! Founder’s Day was just WOW! Full of action, with very good scenes. Now about The Return. I loved it! Katherine was back, what else can I say? And don’t forget about Ian and Nina’s HOT kiss… Sorry Selene I can’t choose. Two amazing episodes =)

That's ok C, I understand xD!

13.- Bloodstream VS All I Need. Explain:

All I Need =) I loved Within Temptation before I started watching the show. I absolutely adore this song and I’ve seen the Delena dance scene a thousand of times xD I listen to it all the time but of course Bloodstream is amazing too =)

14.- Damon VS Elena. Explain:

Sorry Elena but definitely Damon!!!! I love Elena even though I prefer Caroline this season, but Damon will always be my favourite. He’s funny, hot, amazing and bad ass, someone that everyone would love =)

Ok where were we? xD! Great adjectives!

15.- Which other couple do you ship? Why?

I love Catt =) I totally ship them together but I have to admit that I’d like Caroline with Tyler too xD I also like Katherine with Stefan. I think it’s the only person I ship with him xD and it’s funny how Elena and Stefan have no chemistry and Katherine and Stefan have xD

16.- Your top 5 couples (in order):

In order:
1) Damon & Elena (OTP)
2) Richard & Kahlan (Legend Of The Seeker)
3) Eric & Sookie (True Blood)
4) Liam & Annie (90210)
5) Tim & Lyla (Friday night Lights)

17.- Favorite Delena quote?

Just one?? O.o

Damon: “Doesn’t what we’ve been doing here mean something? You’re the liar Elena! There is something going on between the two of us and you know it. And you’re lying to me, and you’re lying to Stefan and most of all you are lying to yourself.”

Elena: “You and I... we have something… An understanding and I know that my betrayal hurt you…”

18.- Does the bedroom kiss qualifies as their first kiss to you? Why?

Hmmm… It was a kiss… but I don’t know. I want their first kiss to be EPIC and unforgettable and I’d prefer Elena to make the first move… So according to me that wasn’t their first REAL kiss =)

I agree with you again, how surprising LOL

19.- Does it bother you that the cutest scenes between Damon and Elena are never real? Why?

I never think about that to be honest xD But yeah! The kiss scene was so cute and they were so adorable together… Kevin and Julie make me love them more and more every day! But we will definitely have more cute scenes between them in the near future =)

20.- Is Damon right? Is Elena lying to herself?

DEFINITELY!!! Why can’t she just accept the fact that there’s something going on between the instead of tearing his heart into pieces?? The pain was in his eyes.. aww poor Damon =( When Elena said “I care about you, listen to me” he smiled just a little but it disappeared when she said “but…” =( Everyone can see their chemistry and I cannot understand why she’s still lying to herself. Maybe because she doesn’t want to hurt Stefan and she doesn’t let herself to fall in love with Damon even though she wants him =)

21.- We all know you love Damon and Elena but do you like any other character on the show? Who?

Caroline!!!! =) She’s so amazing this season and she’s my favourite female character ^^ She’s stronger and more beautiful than before and I love her as a vampire …

Guess what? Mine too haha great minds think alike

22.- Do you think Delena has any chance to be endgame? Why?

Well I was 80 % sure that they would be endgame in the books =) lol xD I thought while reading the books that L.J.Smith was team DELENA but now she announced that she is going to write another trilogy named “Stefan’s Diary” :S so I don’t know, I think that the books are going to be all about Stefan and Elena because of the title… Now about the show I think there are chances =) we have to be positive. We have more fans and our couple is the best no matter what =) I hope they will be endgame =)

Finally I want to thank again everyone who voted me and I want to apologise to Selene and you guys for my late answers. We were to busy… =/ Awns, I love this spot so much and you guys are awesome! Love you all =) xoxo DELENA FTW!!!! <3

We love you too C!!!

This was all for this month girls, I really hope you liked the questions/answers above, thanks Laura for helping me get this done xoxo girl! and stay tune for next FOTM interview, it might be YOU ;)
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