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posted by DelenasDiary
Of all things that anger me most, this is most likely the main problem I have with the TVD fandom. I can see why people ship Stelena, though I don't agree and I can see why people hate Damon, though I could never do the same because I love him. But this...this right here I cannot take, and it almost worries me what people would think if this was the real world. I already know what I'd think. Never in my wildest dreams, in my nightmares, in my life will I ever understand how someone could think Katherine is better than Elena.

First off, I think Katherine plays a big part in the show, and if they had killed her off in Season 2 or 3, then it wouldn't be as exciting. Don't get me wrong, she is a good villain, but do I like her? No. Never have, never will.

People might think I'm nuts because it seems as though everyone loves Katherine and hates Elena, which to me is just sad. I could agree that Elena has not always been the most likeable and has been whiny at times, but to call her worse than Katherine is appalling.

Some people may say I'm heartless because I probably hate Katherine because she's selfish and it's because she lost her baby that she is that way. While I do feel bad for her losing her baby and coming home to see her parents dead, that doesn't justify her actions in the slightest. It COULD justify her actions, but based on what happened in the series, the fact that her baby was given away and that her parents died has nothing to do with why she is the way she is. She proved that... TWICE.

Why is Katherine the way she is exactly? She is just a bad person, plain and simple. I'm not heartless, so there is a part of me that feels bad for her in the sense of her parents and baby, but what she did after they were both mentioned proves that she could either be lying partially or that she is just selfish. I choose option B.

Since we're on that topic, let me say why her baby being given away and her parent's death is not why she is the way she is. In Season 5, Katherine's story was looked at again and showed her back in 1492, when her baby was taken from her. Flash-forward to the present and her daughter is introduced. For a mother who's baby was snatched away at birth, Katherine sure didn't seem to have an ounce of happiness that she was here, nor did she care about her. "I don't want to know you." Her words, not mine.

Whether she meant them or not doesn't matter, you do not say that to your child. Then when Nadia, her daughter, was bit by Tyler, she didn't bother going to Klaus for his blood to cure her because she would have outed herself. In short, she's the reason her daughter died, so she's lucky she cried over her. She could have saved her life, but as always it's all about Katherine and her life should be valued above everyone else's. So does that prove that she turned evil because her baby was given away based on her behavior towards her? Absolutely not.

As for her parents death, Klaus had killed them because she ran. Her parents dying was not her fault, but could that be a reason to turn someone so evil? Um, no. You can't let the things that happened in your past define you. Of course she's gonna miss her family. Witnessing someone you love's murder is the most scarring thing. It still doesn't give her the right to act like this. It has nothing to do with her baby or her parents, it's just who she is and who she'll always be.

Katherine gets applauded for surviving and it only makes me laugh and slow clap at the people that like her. When you're a survivor, you kill people to save yourself, and supposedly that deserves to be applauded? Shame on you. She has spent 500 years running away from Klaus instead of facing her problems head on, and because she didn't face her problems, her parents were killed. She decided her life meant more than anything and ran, manipulating and selling people out for 500 years and doing it with ZERO REMORSE. She never owns up to what she does wholeheartedly, she fabricates it by giving a stupid reason as to why she does bad things and it goes beyond her parents and baby.

She rubs in Elena's face that she doesn't turn it off, she deals with it. Again, does that deserve to be applauded? So she killed, lied, manipulated, and used people WITH humanity and deals with her actions because she doesn't give two craps that she did them?

On top of that, when running from Klaus, she took the easy way out and KILLED HERSELF. Does that prove she is a survivor and a badass? Um, no, it proves she is a pathetic coward. So scared of dying so she throws people in front of her, runs, and hides. She doesn't deserve an ounce of respect, though I can understand why Stefan was willing to forgive her. She was dying and he wanted to see the good in her, but there was none. If you want me to be honest, I think Stefan is a fucktard for sleeping with her. Saying that she's the kind of girl he would drink to because she manipulated to survive? I don't blame Damon for outing him. Sure, it wasn't his business, but something like that doesn't deserve to be swept under the rug. The best part is that Caroline conveniently forgot to tell Elena about it, but was so quick to tell Stefan about Damon sleeping with Elena. Not a surprise.

Damon does not deserve to be hated because of the way he treated Katherine. He doesn't owe her anything and he shouldn't feel like he needs to forgive her after what she did to him. Yes, it's better to forgive someone for their mistakes because hating someone is not worth it, but Katherine never proved to anyone that she was worth forgiving. She only did more bad things to benefit herself. She pit the brothers against eachother, manipulated them and turned them. Damon had spent 145 years missing her, only to find out she could care less and that it was always Stefan. That's got to hurt. Plus, she just simply ruined their lives. She tried to kill them and every other one of the TVD characters and for what?

It would be pretty hard to forgive someone that ruined you. Yes, she taught Damon how to love, but she also crushed him. She says that she always loved Stefan, yet she put his life in jeopardy numerous times. If it were me, I would try to see the good in her and forgive her, but I can still see where Damon is coming from. Should he have been more sympathetic because she was dying? Yes, but don't hate him for not being sympathetic. It doesn't matter any way because what happened later makes me glad that Damon never gave her the time of day. Katherine was never worth forgiving and showed no signs of redemption whatsoever. Why? Elena Gilbert had the nerve to forgive her on her death bed and feel bad for her saying that HER PAST IS WHAT MADE HER THIS WAY. What does Kat do? Possesses her body because she is a survivor and doesn't want to die. Katherine only cares about Katherine. I doubt she gives a flying fadoodle about Stefan and only is in love with the IDEA of being in love since she never got it right.

So is that enough to prove that her past has nothing to with how she is? Elena mentioned that that is why, but then Katherine just did ANOTHER damaging thing which leads me to believe she was lying so people can feel bad for her like people feel bad for Elena. Do you want to know why Katherine is the way she is? Jealousy of none other than Elena Gilbert. You can deny this all you want, but it is the truth. The prime example is 4x23, "I deserved it. I never had a graduation or prom or you know, a life, but you did! You have everything and it's not because you're a good little girl who deserves happiness, it's because you stole mine!"

Katherine calls her dull-as-dishwater yet she's jealous of her? Elena DOES have everything and Katherine HATES it. To say that Elena stole her happiness is jealousy at its core. Elena did nothing to deserve such hatred from Katherine. She did NOTHING wrong. Yet, Katherine bitches and complains about how whiny she is, has she looked in the mirror lately? She is complaining in every episode and has some petty jealousy because Elena actually has friends that she got on her own and didn't have to compel to like her and the Salvatore's reeling. Yes, Katherine, it IS because she is a good little girl who deserves happiness. You know why YOU don't have happiness? It's because YOU don't deserve it! Manipulating and using people to get what you want is not a way to receive happiness, it's only gonna come back to bite you in the end.

The last thing that needs to be said is this.

When Klaus needs Katherine for a sacrifice, she runs away and kills herself, then runs again for the next 500 years, not caring who gets hurt and losing her parents in the process.

When Klaus needs Elena for a sacrifice, she surrenders to him and willingly victimizes herself in order to keep the people she loves safe.

Now tell me, who is better?
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posted by loveDE45
First things first calm down, and don't hate me for just being honest with my opinion.

I'm sorry guys to break it to you p, but we are the fans service not SE, and here's why SE whether we like or not had a real reaplationship heavy on "real" but they did non the less this relationship went on for 3 YEARS, a relationship no matter how twisted, stuiped, cheesey, unrealistic it looked and felt like, is still was the main lasting "love" story (unlike caroline with Matt & Tyler or Jeremy with Anna p & Bonnie) their relationship stayed strong no matter how much we didn't want it to be.

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Maybe it was silly of me, but I expected a lot more from Stelena in Season 3. I thought their relationship would finally graduate from the syrupy sweet high school romance which lacked dimension into something much darker. I honestly thought that with Stefan's ripper storyline, we would really see Stelena develop and change. However, I was VERY disappointed with the results we got.
Even after the most testing time of their relationship, Stelena has barely evolved at all. They went through a brief dark spell, yes, which culminated in Stefan holding Elena and the ones she loved to ransom in his...
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