Damon & Bonnie What are your reasons against Delena?

bubbles1290 posted on Mar 16, 2011 at 07:45PM
I know what mine are, and I could go on and on with them that would make this forum an article, but I want to know other people's opinion. What makes you think Delena wouldn't work together? Or if your a multishipper, why do you think they would work? I'm curious what people other than friends have to say.

Damon & Bonnie 14 replies

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over a year ago katesbon said…
for one elena bring out the worest in him,he can't be who he is and she loves stefan and well damon love's the chace not the actual relation i think and when they happen its gonna be a disaster!!
over a year ago aceg said…
First, Damon love his Stefan no matter how hard he's trying to hide behind his sarcasm. Therefore He would never deliberately make a move on the women his brother are in love with because deep down he knows the brotherly bond shared with Stefan is more important than Elena. (i.g. ep Rose, ep Mystical Falls ). Second, the so-called "love" Damon feel for Elena doesn't make sense to me.
over a year ago ApplePie88 said…
I have a whole list of never ending reasons why I am so totally against Delena and trust me, they go beyond Damon & Elena and their relationship. But primarily, THEY JUST DON'T MAKE SENSE. Their "love" to me comes off more as an unhealthy lustful, ego-based obsession more then anything.
over a year ago Brylannie said…
She's not good for him as anything more than a friend. His alleged love for her has done nothing but drive him nuts & into doing terrible things. She's TOO easy on him & that's not good for a man like Damon. Elena has forgiven him time in & time out for stuff like being eveil, attacking Bonnie & trying to kill Jeremy, but has it changed him any? No! And if he was really in love with Elena, he would'nt have been all over Katherine when Katherine returned. The what did he do when he got rejected by the woman he really loved... Run straight to her look alike, which again drove him to crazy behavior as to attempting to kill her brother out of hurt from rejection.
He needs a woman like Bonnie he makes him work for his respect. Team Bamon!
over a year ago nasraDsalvatore said…
The list is too long and the Bamonistas above have mentioned some but well the biggest reason I can't stand DE is this formula:

Lil bro & I slept with her anscestor + Lil bro slept with her + I slept with her biological mum + I wanna sleep with her now = Nasra Pukes!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aceg said…
@nasraDsalvatore: lol I like your sense of humor!!!
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…
Well, there are many reasons. Delena is just a DISASTAH!!

-K/S/D all over again. Brothers falling for the SAME girl bullshit TWICE now. Yawn. Boring.
-Girl cheating on bf with his BROTHER is just... wrong.
-That relationship, IMO, is nothing but love, lust, and obsession. It is/would be SO unhealthy on so many levels
-Elena wants Damon to change and be a 'better man' and I hate this so much. UGH Why?!? She is ruining him, she brings out the worst in him. He cries and acts like a lovesick puppy when it comes to her.
-Damon abused and slept with the best friend, almost killed the brother, and not to mention slept with her BIRTH MOTHER FFS. And now sleep with the DAUGHTER too?? Blech disgusting.

I think if Katherine hadnt rejected him in The Return, he would have been like Elena who? But the fact that she did, what did he do? He ran to the next best twin thing who also rejected and he lost his shit.

What's funny is that this is all really like some Jerry Springer shit if you think about it. LOL. It really is.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silvina19 said…
word girls!!! you said it!! they BOTH had been with their respective relatives and no others than his brother (elena) and her biological mother (damon)!!! is so disgusting!!
*he kills her brother. because if jeremy is alive is due the ring
*and trurned her mother in vampire too (i forgot to say that above)
*he raped and fed from her best friend AND tried to kill bonnie (elenas bbf too)... but this concern bonnie too so i dont know how she (bon) should have to deal with it...
*etc etc ...
over a year ago HaloSupporter said…
I start disliking them when they start getting rushed in episode 1x11.... I didn't have a problem with them in the episodes before that.
over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
its simple: he does wrong..she forgives him easily. how does someone become a "better person" if you keep forgiving them for every wrong thing that they do.

and all of the other stuff people said above!
over a year ago ayananecohe said…
When I watch Delena scenes I don't see "passion", "love", or "lust". I see a scared young girl trying to talk down a deranged, obsessive stalker. Even when she tries to assert herself, she looks scared. She is his prey, and he is an "emotional vampire" who is draining her. Elena is scared like a hostage. Damon is Stefan's Demon, now he is Elena's Demon, and I feel so bad for her. I still believe she has low self-esteem. Episode 3 was a big problem for me. He tried to violate her body by trying to kiss her against her will. And then creeping into her room and touching her while she was sleeping? Some people saw "gentleness" "a romantic gesture" or thought "awww he wasn't going to hurt her". NO. That was twisted, perverted, molestation. And her reaction after he tried to kiss her? Appalling.He disrespected her. I think he said he was getting therapy, and then he told her about Katherine and she says, "I'm sorry." She never set up boundaries with the guy,instead she made herself open and convenient to him by listening to his excuses. No wonder he's clueless and thinks she wants it. She's feeding him by leading him on. She should have cut him off in the beginning--before she knew he was a murderous vampire who would grieve the ex her told her about, and then become obsessed with her instead.

And then showed up in her room, unannounced, sloppy and drunk, projecting his feeling on to her after his ex, who he was just kissing, and willing to run off into the sunset with rejected him. Elena is a convenient substitute. That's degrading. And disgusting. She's like some kind of whore of a resource he taps whenever he feels he needs something. That "something" is not "love". He want's her body. Something physical. It's awful what he's doing. She was confused, and when she was talking he didn't give a damn, wouldn't listen, put his paws on her and forced a kiss on her. She was scared, he didn't care and has no respect for her. He wants what he wants, and only cares about his feelings. Apparently to some she "secretly loves him" and "wants it." That's how rapist think. *And NO, Damon is NOT a rapist... of Elena.*

And when he killed Jeremy? And in front of her? That was so fucked up. It would've been less cruel if he straight up punched the girl in the eye. He's heartbroken because of Katherine, and then Elena rejected him, so he breaks her heart, by breaking her brother's neck and killing him while she watches? That is psychological/emotional abuse. That's worse than physical abuse. Her low self-esteem and fear have allowed her to give her mind over to him. There is a pimp/whore dynamic between them. And on both sides because Damon has low self-esteem and is desperate for love--just like with Katherine. At least Damon is trying to move on, but she's crawling back saying they're "friends". How the hell are you going to be friends with someone you know has romantic feelings for you? If she were a real friend she tell him he doesn't need the love and approval of a woman to people happy, or even encourage him to date--and not like what he is doing to Andie. But most importantly she should have called him out and told him the truth. It's fine to "understand" Damon is hurt, but she needed to say,"You hurt my friends." "You hurt my family." "You hurt me." But you know what? She never even said, "You disrespected me." I just see this, "I'm so disappointed" look. It's all about making her happy. Selfish. They both are.

Elena is playing with fire. She doesn't know who, or what she is dealing with. And she probably is afraid of getting killed/almost killed like her friends and family. You saw how easily she was ready to lay down and die without a fight or struggle?

And then, the girl already has a boyfriend. His name is Stefan. She must like the guy if she choose him, even when they broke up she still didn't want Damon, she choose Stefan. If she wanted to be with Damon she would be with Damon. And that "Oh, she's just trying to do the right thing", or "She loves him, she just hasn't realized her feelings". That's bullshit. Actions speak louder than words. Elena is off on romantic weekends, and making love to Stefan because she is soooo unhappy. *sarcasm* Damon is killing/trying to kill and being mean Elena, and her friends/family because he is sooooo "passionate" and "loves" her sooooo much. "Oh, he's hurt, he's hurt." Fuck that. Elena is an enabler. Men can have feelings and be sensitive, but this guy? Damon needs to pull his head out of his ass and stop playing the victim and saying, "Poor me." OTHER PEOPLE are hurting. OTHER PEOPLE have problems. She needs to cut him off and stop being his wet nurse. And yes, I heard it would be "mean" to cut him off, but if she isn't going to be honest and only coddles him, she has to cut him off. Some people you can't be nice too. Yes, there's good there, but his actions?

And Stefan is not perfect or "Saint Stefan". And yes, Stefan is a killer too. The difference between him and Damon are how they react to situations/people, and the choices they make and choices have consequences.

I could probably say more, but I'm stopping. Mainly I'm against them because sick comments I read on youtube.

Elena needs Damon like she needs a hole in the head, and vice versa.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago beepo123 said…
@ayananecohe WOW. Your post is awesome :)

I hate how she never holds anything against him. He killed her brother in front of her to purposely hurt her, KILLED him, and she spends the next episode sulking around with some upset princess attitude as if he just broke her favorite toy.

Bonnie would have fried his ass. Oh... wait a minute... she DID XD
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
I think this DE relationship is largely ego-based:

Damon's 'love' of Elena is motivated by the fact she makes him to feel better about himself, offering forgiveness and comfort even when he deserves those the least, and also by the fact she looks like Katherine while being very different from her double.

In a way, Elena is for Damon the safe outlet he needs to project those feelings of longing for his humanity, regret, shame, need for contact he suppressed in order to become the perfect vampire.

He loves Elena so he can leave Katherine behind.


His love for her is selfish, even if he fights to preserve her life - this is proved by the fact Damon does not place Elena's emotional well-being above his, and he does so repeteadly, by plotting her biological father's death, almost killing Caroline until Elena interved directly, compelling her to forget his love confession because it was all about unburdening himself and not about her.

Damon's action repeteadly show he sees Elena more like a prize, an ideal image of courtly love, than an equal, a peer.

In turn, Elena's care for him , is mostly motivated by the fact he favors her and places this load of responsability on her shoulders. She feels responsible for him because he seems to need her so much. She feels for his pain and develops a wish to save him from himself.

It's not remotely comparable to anything deserving the definition of 'epic' to me.

Their bickering also manages to most often turn Damon in a selfpitying mess and Elena in a bratty princess.
It's not the kind of bickering I enjoy watchig on tv.

So while I can enjoy a few of their scenes, and I approve of them as friends... I don't ship them and i will never do.
over a year ago hinata26 said…
I don't see anything wrong about your post don't get me wrong but today there was a lot of drama because of non Bamon subject. To keep the peace in the spot could you plz re-post it in Bamon rant or why damon and bonnie.