Damon & Bonnie The real depth of Damon & Bonnie's connection, in my opinion.

ApplePie88 posted on Feb 13, 2011 at 10:48PM
First off, let me just say that this is how I have always interpreted Damon/Bonnie's connection. I don't think that many Delena fans realize that when it comes to Damon, it has always been Bonnie from the very start. Many of the DE fans like to give credit to Elena for Damon's "spiritual journey", but I don't think they realize that it was Bonnie who is responsible for Damon changing. I say this not only because of the novels but I say this because of the short story written about Damon and Bonnie, After Hours. There is a reason why Bonnie happened to be the FIRST person whom Damon met when he first arrived in Fells Church. And not only that, the way that Damon and Bonnie met was both highly unusual and unexpected. Almost like it was destined, or it was fate. It was fate for them to meet at the appointed time. Because ever since the day that Damon Salvatore met Bonnie McCullough, something changed in Damon. This was his spiritual awakening. It didn't just come out of nowhere. What I am basically trying to say and I like to interpret things in a deep and analytical way, is that BONNIE IS/WAS DAMON'S SPIRITUAL AWAKENING. It started with Bonnie and it was always her from the very start. It was Bonnie who triggered Damon's journey onto redemption, in order for him to find his inner soul and learn about unconditional love, compassion and kindness. To put it simply, Bonnie is/was Damon's mirror. Basically, Bonnie was meant to meet Damon and be his mirror, reflecting who he is and what he needs to change. This is why Damon mentioned in the story that he felt strange, that the connection to Bonnie was unusual to him and unlike anything that he had ever felt before. Bonnie was basically Damon's mirror saying "Wake up, Damon! It is time to change and become enlightened. It is time to start your journey on the path to redemption." And also, Damon is Bonnie's mirror. He was destined to meet her and save her life, but not only that, he was meant to be her mirror and reflect to her who she is and what she needs to change as an individual and where she needs to evolve and spiritually grow. Damon was Bonnie's mirror saying, "Wake up, Bonnie! It's time for you to mature, evolve and learn about the essence of life." Because before meeting each other, Damon and Bonnie were basically two lost and confused souls, they had no idea who they were as individuals, THEY BOTH HAD NO IDENTITY. Damon didn't understand about feeling, about love, compassion, selflessness and giving to others and Bonnie wasn't mature mentally and emotionally; Damon and Bonnie BOTH needed a WAKE UP CALL and I believe that Damon and Bonnie were destined to meet each other (read After Hours) in that unexpected and fated way, to be each other's wake up call. After the two met, notice how these two characters evolved and started their spiritual journeys, only not as a couple or together but separately. While Bonnie was busy being fickle about boys and life in general, Damon was busy being overly obsessive, possessive and uncaring about others. Both Damon and Bonnie evolved and grew together at the same pace, with Damon learning about unconditional love and acceptance and Bonnie becoming more stable, confident and mature. So throughout the series, you are seeing these two separate characters evolving and growing at basically the same rate, learning and spiritually evolving along the way. And now, we have these two characters, finally realizing their feelings for each other, because both of them have spiritually evolved together except not as one but as two individuals. But it is my firm belief, that one day, these two individuals, Damon and Bonnie, will be ready to reunite completely and totally, and let go of any fears and worries, loving each other completely without any barriers and questions. Why do I say this? Because I believe that Damon and Bonnie are ONE. This is why I have always believed that Damon/Bonnie are Twin Flames. Why do you think that Damon/Bonnie met in such a way, such an unexpected and unusual way in After Hours? Do you really believe that L.J. Smith wrote that short story about Damon/Bonnie if it was a meeting that meant absolutely nothing important? Whereas I believe that Elena was responsible for helping Damon on his spiritual journey and his path onto redemption, I believe that Bonnie was Damon's awakening. There is a reason why L.J. Smith implemented such a meeting and such a strong, intense connection between Damon/Bonnie before the original The Vampire Diaries trilogy was even written. I am a deep, analytical reader and I tend to read between the lines and as a reader, a part of me can't help but feel that Damon/Bonnie were destined to meet at the appointed time, because it was in the stars. Damon/Bonnie were brought together for a reason, the same way that I say that Stefan/Elena were brought together for a reason. Bonnie isn't "a part" of Damon's growth, SHE IS DAMON'S GROWTH. And vice versa. The sooner Damon let's go of the one thing holding him back (Elena), the sooner he will realize that Bonnie is his true love. What it all sums up to is that DAMON & BONNIE HAVE LOVED EACH OTHER SINCE THE FIRST TIME THEY MET, SINCE THE FIRST TIME THEY SAW EACH OTHER AND LAID EYES ON ONE ANOTHER. However, neither of them were ready to realize or recognize this; such a connection, because both of them as separate individuals have not evolved spiritually, emotionally and mentally and both of them needed to go on their separate spiritual journeys; cleansing and cleaning out their souls in order for both of them recognize the unconditional love that they feel for each other. Also, why do you think that Damon keeps kissing Bonnie or kept kissing her throughout the entire series? Because it is said that a kiss is a way of recognizing one's true beloved or one true love. Normally, when two people who are soulmates/Twin Flames kiss, there is a feeling of "familiarity" that they have kissed during many lifetimes before. So basically, a kiss symbolizes familiarity when it comes to soulmates/Twin Flames. Also the face, voice and also the eyes have a sense of familiarity. This is probably why Bonnie constantly felt dizzy or like she was going to faint whenever she simply looked into Damon's eyes; Bonnie is recognizing Damon's soul. Or why Bonnie's heart tend to feel like it is going to jump out of her chest every time she hears Damon's voice or whenever she sees or envisions Damon's face in her mind. This is why Damon keeps kissing Bonnie and why their kisses seem to be so intense but at the same time, pure and sweet. Also, it should be noted that Bonnie's psychic powers/abilities evolved and became more intense after she met Damon, so much so that there were times when she had no control over her abilities because they were at times, too overwhelming and too overpowering. This goes to show that before she met Damon, her powers were not as strong, intense and dominant.

"Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one's breath." ―Eve Glicksman~

P.S.― Also, unlike the DE fanbase, I actually interpret things using logic.


P.P.P.S.― I also wish that Delena fans would realize that no matter what Elena feels for Damon and how much she may "love" him, it is ALWAYS going to be Stefan in the end and nothing or no one is ever going to change that. To me, Stefan Salvatore & Elena Gilbert are the TRUE and MAIN epic love story of The Vampire Diaries series (although Damon & Bonnie are "epic" as well). They (Stefan & Elena) are like Jace Wayland & Clary Fray, Dimitri Belikov & Rose Hathaway, Edward Cullen & Bella Swan; pairings of Eternal Soulmates/Starcross'd Lovers/Twin Souls/Twin Flames who are two halves of a whole. Nothing and NO ONE, will ever break their bond of eternity and eternal love. ♡ The truth is, the bond that Delena has will never be as deep and meaningful as the bond that both Stelena and Bamon share. Because whereas Delena is "selfish" love, Stelena and Bamon are "selfless" love and selfless love is EPIC. ♡

P.P.P.P.S―Also, it should be noted that in the short story about Damon and Bonnie, After Hours, there is a phrase used to describe DB's connection/bond. It is referred to as "The Last Reach Towards Light". That, to me, symbolizes something pretty deep, powerful and meaningful.
last edited on Feb 14, 2011 at 04:56AM

Damon & Bonnie 21 replies

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over a year ago Maximumridefan said…
Awww why doesn't this have comments? I love how passionate you are about both Bamon and Stelena. Funny, before this whole L.J firing thing I didn't even know about you.

Don't hide in the shadows anymore! Your posts are inspirational to both Bamon AND Stelena fans.
over a year ago SalvatoreBroFTW said…
One Word: Beautiful !!!!

i agree you should post your thoughts here ore often... i love how u think:P
over a year ago ForsakenMoon19 said…
BEAUTIFUL, PASSIONATE AND EPIC!!! Thank you for sharing these thoughts, I feel as if they were my own cause this is exactly how I felt when I read the books. Nothing can compare to the connection Bamon & Stelena have, NOTHING not even Delena can compare!! And you are sooooooo right, selfless love is EPIC!!!
over a year ago ducky8abug said…
Here's a round of applause! That was an outstanding persuasive argument.

over a year ago Lannieluv7 said…
That was so brilliant and on point!I agree with everything. I dont think it was accident that Bonnie was the very first person Damon met in Fells Church. It felt like there meeting was planned out and was FATE. Damon has helped Bonnie mature in so many ways. In the last book Midnight when Damon is dying and Elena says it looked like Bonnie grew up right in that moment. And when she and Damon were trying to help Stefan after Klaus attacked him and she saw the REAL him. She was so brave and strong in that moment.And i agree no matter what Damon and Elena feel for each other. She will always love Stefan. She will NEVER love Damon more. It will always be equal. And the difference between the Delena and Bamon quad thing is that Damon's love in UNSELFISH. I feel like if Elena said i want to be with Stefan he makes me happy, he would back away and let her be happy because he isnt selfish. Unlike Elena who is very selfish and like to go back and forth. I cant see her ever letting go of either one completely.
over a year ago AngelusB said…
Great article. I loved your insight onto their first meeting and their connection that follows after.

"Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one's breath." ―Eve Glicksman~

This quote is beautiful. It gives a person a lot to think about.
over a year ago silvina19 said…
big smile
I always love what you write!! You make me speechless… I really feel overwhelmed because is exactly how I feel but you are much better explaining than me, for sure!!!

Delena not only is a selfish relationship, Elena is always trying to change damon in a “better person” though she isn’t a saint (im just going to say that she isn’t my favorite character) and he wants her join him and be his “queen of darkness” but we all know that he is only trying to cobber how he really is to not be hurt again… in both books and show

I think that was you who something about this in a comment, and I also remember you said something about that in the other hand Stefan accept Elena completely whit all her faults and she too… like Bonnie accept Damon In this first meeting in After Hours without flinch when he tell and show her that he is a vampire… maybe she was naïve but now she knows him more and she LOVES him likewise but she tries to fight it because of queen Elena… and Damon, he always saves Bonnie of whatever she needs him the best example the bathtub, despite he was being possessed he breaks the spell -or whatever- to save her, and the others

im hope you understand what im saying because im not so sure if I explain myself clearly…

And is funny that … im almost sure that damon meet bonnie before elena in the show too because his deal with Emily…

Well sorry the rambling I needed it.. I need to share a little what is in my mind too... *blush*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AngelusB said…
And is funny that … im almost sure that damon meet bonnie before elena in the show too because his deal with Emily…

That would be the cherry on the cake, especially because his been protecting the Bennett family and whatnot.
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
deluv :

why you keep coming on our spot trying to sustain the DE cause?

You don't ship Bamon...we don't ship DE. We are not interested in pro-DE speeches. If we wanted that, we would come to your DE spot.

I don't get why you should come here just for the sake of saying that 'DE is better'. If you have nothing constructive to say on our ship, don't say anything.

I think DE is phase of Damon's process of getting over Katherine, but i'm not certainly interested to defend my shipping preferences to you.

I come here to discuss my ship with its fellow fans, not to add to useless shipping wars.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 1beaut said…
I agree with Antonella, ^^ I'm really getting tired of seeing you on our articles, just our site in all.At first I was cool because you seem pretty cool so I let it slide but now I don't get why you're here. If you shipped bamon then it would make a difference but I don't see your purpose here and I feel like you spend more time on our site than your own. When you say "Ok I'm done" I'm sure you'll be back tomorrow trying to defend your pairing to us, you don't need to. Just leave it alone and let us be. You have your opinion and we have our opinion.I don't come to your site to defend my pairing because it's useless and tiring. Just stay in bubble.
over a year ago Blairwaldorffan said…
Give us a freaking break,What?! I don't go in TVD show spot anymore because of annoying war but can't we discuss about our DB thing in our spot with our fellow DB fans also?I'm tired of shipper war.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago veronicaaa said…
that is very deep talent would be perfect if we need a representative of the strength I love your comments bamon
and agree to all
over a year ago ItalianAngel89 said…

@deluv: Just do us all and yourself a favor and stay in your Delena club and away from ours. Kay? K. Let it go.
over a year ago Blairwaldorffan said…
^@Deluv Thank you for Judging us right now and you tell us that you are not trying to start anything,Wow.. because of some DE fans I have stopped going in TVD show spot.I want some peace in this DB spot.Between we have heard this delusional and bitches, whores every other day in our spot by some DE fans, so give us a freaking break
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago skysamuelle said…
WOW- A poorly cojstructed attempt to a passive aggressive approach- you keep getting more mature, deluv.

For the record, other DE fand passed by with far less attitude and a genuine will to talk with us and managed just fine. Because they didn't just come here to 'correct ' our opinions.
over a year ago aceg said…
@deluv: I hope my reply will not offend you if it already does. Yet I failed to see the motivation of your speech, it make me question your presence. Pardon me for asking, are you a delegate of DE cult who was bent on the task of spread the amazingness of DE beyond your spot? Because your speech is always about the epicness of DE. I undersand you are a DE fan, but seriously why come here if you have nothing to say about Bamon.

At the end, I'd like to speak to you in diplomatic parlance: hope you enjoy your trip, Your Excellency.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago skysamuelle said…

over a year ago nasraDsalvatore said…
Wow ApplePie88! Amazing article and I agree with every sentence! All your recent articles have been awesome. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and don't stop! *hugs*

over a year ago nasraDsalvatore said…
About that DE fan, I read many of their comments and wondered since when the Bamon spot became a promotional field for Delena. Keep what you're sellin' in a deep-freezer hun cos nobody here appears interested to buy it. Harsh perhaps but I'm just sick of DE fans trying to populate and germinate everywhere! Just quit it and let people enjoy whatever they wanna enjoy instead of becoming missionaries hell-bent on converting!!! Argh!
over a year ago CrazedBamonFan said…
^^lmaaaaaao epic "populate and germinate" "missionaries hell-bent on converting" <333
over a year ago BeautifulLover said…
Ok, I agree with you in every word but is too soon. I mean, right now is only Elena but it´s inevitable because is fate, this time, is real fate!.
Bonnie will be Damon´s real love. Bamon fans have to deal with the other fans who have a limited brain because they are blind right now, but when it happens they will be like, while we like since the begining.