Damian McGinty Damian's Tweets

trudamsel posted on Oct 10, 2009 at 06:14PM
"Nearly sorted with a computer...ill get there eventually!!...first two shows were amazing! Bought a guitar yesterday...time to learn it now!"

Damian McGinty 28 replies

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over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Sunny New Hamphire hotel room seems a good place to be right now after a LATE night!!!"
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"And i am now connected to the outside world once again, weehayy!!!! But i have woke up today, and have got a serious flu....ohh dear God!!" October 14th
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Was slightly worried about tonight because im really not feeling well at the minute....but it went great..really enjoyed it!! GOLF tomorrow!" October 14th
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Just woke and we are still travelling....weird! Havnt got out of my bunk yet but i think its rainin....golf could be cancelled."

21 hours ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Went to the mall today and got new converse...but these 1s are different...sorta boots-ish hah!! Still really sick...early night long mornin"

10 hours ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Thats the plan anyway!"

10 hours ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Feel alot better today. Still lashing in Phillie though!! Should be another good show tonight."

1 hour ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Great show tonight....fantastic audience!! Footy in the mornin...bring it on!!"

8:08 Pm Oct 16th
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Great day in the football for Mc Ginty, Utd won and Liverpool and Chelsea lost!!! Perfect!! Up all mornin watchn the footy!! Itsa hard life!"

13 hours ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Bedtime....and i am going nowhere tomorrow mornin!!!"

35 minutes ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Watching X factor online here, John and Edward from Ireland....just check them out on youtube....ill say nomore!!!"

7 hours ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"I am loving this tour!!! This time i have zero ties.....therefore i can enjoy myself!!! And i am having a ball...cant beat it. Pittsburgh!!"

9 hours ago
over a year ago Ryanne81 said…
Damian_Thunder Played guitar for a longggg time today.....swappin some chords quickly now....but it doesnt sound good lol!!! ahh ive got time!!! about 1 hour ago

aww our cute little Damian is learning to play the gutiar!! I know Keith said he'd teach him if he behaves hisself, so maybe Damian is being a good boy ;-)
over a year ago trudamsel said…
"Early morning tele....back to sleep for a while!!!!"

10 hours ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…

1 hour ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
Great show. Feels like we didnt earn aour day off tomorrow even though its like the 4th day off in the last month...lol! my fingers are sore

8 hours ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
Went golfin today in sunny south carolina...the driving range! Tomorrow morning we are hitting the 18 hole in florida...what a hard life!!!

7 min ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
The golf course was amazn.....me, deco, neil and ryan!! Neil us quite the tiger woods! Me? lets just say i should have brought my swim gear!

28 min ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
Show over....next stop is......i have no idea!! Sitting watching saw 2, getting prepared to go and see the new one!

10 hours ago
over a year ago trudamsel said…
1 more down...great one it was!!!! Looking forward to opening one eye tomorrow and watching the footy!!!Love saturdays, sundays the big one!

9 min ago
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
Damian Mc Ginty: Dear Lord.....i am excited about the show in Nashville, and the days in Orlando....but i want to go home now. 4 hours ago

aww, little boo is homesick! i would be, too if i was away for so long
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
What is life all about? 14 hours ago

aww, what does that mean?
over a year ago CelticDevilgrl said…
"Had a great day!! although i was FORCED to go and see twilight tonight..what are girls like?? hah!!! It wasn as bad as i though it would be."
hmmm....he saw New Moon and actually kinda liked it...can he get any hotter, lol. wonder what he means when he said "what are girls like??"?
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
wow, i didn't think that that topic would come up here, but VAMPIRES DON'T FREAKING SPARKLE!!! go ahead damo, say u hated it! ... i'm gonna get murdered by a twilight fan someday
over a year ago CelticDevilgrl said…
hahahahahaaa, i have to agree with you there QV73. i hate the storyline of the whole series and how obviously made up the vampire folklore is....the author knows NOTHING about vampires! but i have to admit...the movies are well made.hahahaa i sincerely hope damian dislikes it. *hides from Twilight fangirls*
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
Somebody has got themselves a date tomorrow....lol!!

...................................... W H A T..............................?!!!!!
over a year ago QueenVictoria73 said…
Going to see Alvin and the chipmunks 2 on wednesday......ahhhhh!!!!!!....loved the first one.....i can be a big baby...i know!!
33 minutes ago from web

ur my big baby!
over a year ago Ryanne81 said…

Girls!!...what are they not like?? lol, i was made to walk home from the cinema..an hour and a half walk in -3 degrees..my hands are froze!
about 1 hour ago from web


Alvin wasnt the best guys....not as good as no.1, still good but not a huge storyline to it, disappointed!!..my hands are still cold!!!
about 1 hour ago from web


BUT.....overall it was a fantastic night!!!
about 1 hour ago from web

Poor Damian, gotta say tho, his date must of been a bi@tch!