Critical Analysis of Twilight Club
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I'm not really sure if this is a good place to post this article. However, it is the though-provoking spot that has to do with twilight, and by looking at the title, you can tell this is for sure not a good article to put on the Twilight Spot.
Unless I want to get attacked of course.
A few months ago, a very famous horror writer, Stephen King, criticized Stephanie Meyer and the Twilight Saga. If you don't know Stephen King, he is a very known and famous horror writer. Some of his popular books are Carrie, The Shining, It, the Dark Tower Series, and plenty of more. Stephen King had said about people comparing Stephanie Meyer to J.K. Rowling:
"The diffrence is that J.K Rowling is an terrific writer, and Stephanie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good."
As much as twi-hards will hate this, I agree with Stephen compltely.

However, what bothers me isn't that the twilight fans don't agree with him. But it's how some of them are handling it.
Completley immature.

This comment by Stephen drove twilight fans all over the population crazy. Many twilight fans have said horrible things about Stephen, stuff that makes me want to laugh and cry.

1. They say that his books are stupid, twisted, and scary

First of all, what do you expect? He is a adult horror writer. You may not be into the things like that, but gurantee, its adult horror. Now, a girl on you tube said this, so I'm not going to take credit, but I do compltely agree with her.
What I like about Stephen King is that his novels arent like "Bloody stupid new hollywood scary" like most movies these days. There cool, creative, and some are realistic. They scare you because they can actually happen.
For example, Carrie White, the classic story of a girl who gets bullied, tormented, and abused by her classmates and mother, and one day at prom snaps. That could happen. Minus telekeinieses thing, but a person who gets picked on and abused could snap.
And again, another novel, Cujo, is scary because the idea of a rabis(is that how you spell it?) dog going out of control could happen. Maybe not with friendly dogs, but with dogs like pipo's who can be very vicious. That makes it scary.
So once again, he is a adult writer. What do you expect?

2. He's jealous of Stephanies Sucess
I am sorry...
But are you freaking serious?
He is a legend. He is huge. Bigger than Stephanie Meyer. Maybe not at the moment, but still.
To say this, is complteley immature and ridiculous.

Basically, if you dis-agree with him, thats fine. But if you are going to act immature about it like this, than please don't ever bother giving an arguement, because with these excuses, people will not take you seriously.

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