Chuck & Serena Club
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posted by clm-anomaly
Congrats E!
Congrats E!
Congratulations on being our 5th Cherry FOTM! You’re very deserving, if I do say so myself. How does it feel?
First of all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I don't feel like I'm deserving it AT ALL, but anyway, it feels awesome! plus, this is my first FOTM, and so this is pretty AH-MAZING and special.

1. Firstly, why don’t you tell us something about yourself?
Uhmm, okay. for those who don't already know, I'm Elisa and I live in rome. that's pretty much all, like for real.

2. When did you become a Gossip Girl fan?
Well, I started liking the show from the very first episode, but probaly I became a fan in 1x06.

3. When would you say your love for Cherry started? Was there a certain scene or episode when you fell for them?
Actually, I don't know. I mean, I always thought they would have been super hot together, but then I came here and I realized how awesome they truly are. It grew from here.

4. Cherry as siblings, friends, or lovers?
ALL! No, I would be super cool them as lovers, but I really LOVE their Bro/Sis relationship.

5. What’s your favorite thing about Chuck and Serena as individual characters?
They are both my very favourite characters on the show, so here I could write pages.
Well, Chuck is a total badass. Sometimes he acts like a jerk, but underneath he hides probably the biggest heart. Plus, he's hot.
Of S, instead, I love the thing that she's, independently and constantly HER. She doesn't let the UES affect the way she treats people, and that's probably the reason I heart the girl so much.

6. What’s your favorite thing about Chuck and Serena together?
To be honest, I don't know. I just love them together, no matter what.

7. What does Cherry have, that other couples lack?
The wildness, definitely.

8. Favorite Cherry!
Underrated Moment:
'I like the way you think, ma'am.'
Sexy Moment: Probably all their partd in 1x01. Weird much?
Sweet Moment: 'Because I was actually concerned for you.'
Funny Moment: 'Sometimes I envy you. The way you just...Ewww, what am I saying you're disgusting!'
Emotional Moment: All the Cherryiness in 4x02.
Episode: I can't choose! The Blair Bitch Project, maybe, but I'm not sure.
Quote: 'If you're talking about the dress, I say HIGHER.'
Song: 'Animals', by Neon Trees.

9. If Cherry were a couple, what do you think their plans for Valentine’s Day would have been?
'How about turning that one piece, in a no piece.' CHUCK GOT THAT RIGHT.

10. Would you give up CERTAIN SereNate endgame for legit Cherry screentime?
Probably not, but I'd deffo give up NS screentime (and then have them as endgame) for a legit Cherry hookup.

11. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve heard a Cherry hater say?
'THEY R RELATED!!!!!!11!!!!!!111!!!'

12. You get put in the place of GG writer, and you get to write one Cherry scene. How would it play out?
A flash-back in which we see a wild and super hot Cherry hook-up, because we all know they have a past.

13. It’s revealed that Cherry hooked-up pre-pilot and have a sex tape! Reaction?
14. You can steal a scene from each of these couples and give it to Cherry. Which do you choose?
Nate and Serena:
3X14 sex. Hehe.
Chuck and Vanessa: I'm not a fan of them, but anyway, I would hate stealing from that. And honestly, I don't know.
Dan and Serena: FIIIIIIRST KISS. I hate them, but GOTTA SAY THAT WAS CUTE.
Nate and Vanessa: His declaration after the Snowflake Ball.
Chuck and Jenny: Him rescuing her from Damien in 3x10.
Jenny and Nate: The kiss at the fashion show.
Nate and Blair: Nothing, seriously. I love them as friends but they have zero chemestry as lovers.
Chuck and Blair: The scene at the train station in 4x02.

14. Is there anything that could make you stop loving Cherry?

We are now at the end of your interview! Any parting words?
THANK YOU AND THANK YOU AND THANK YOU AGAIN. A lot of kisses also to C, who made me the interview. YOU ARE ALL LOOOOVELY.