Charmed Club
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posted by Cerebrus1986
I was ten years old at the time and Azmodon the king of worms was torturing me for spilling a vial of a potion he had been working on, it was a pretty big explosion that caused many demons to be killed and destroyed half of his laboratory.
“How dare you touch my things, I have told you once and I have told you a thousand times, if you touch my things I will beat you. Now get out of my sight you worm.” Azmodon
“Yes, Sir” Boy (I was terrified at having made him angry but it seemed this time he was showing mercy, of that I was somewhat grateful, but at the same time I was highly suspicious.)
Over the course of a week I kept hearing him talk about some grand plan he wants to put into action and I kept thinking what a joke he was. No one has ever killed the charmed ones and no one ever will.
A day later he walked into my small den and un-cuffed me from the wall and spoke to me in a calm voice.
“I am releasing you; get out before I change my mind. You will find a stone arch down the hall. Touch it and you will be transported to the surface world. Do not ask me why, I have much to do and little time to get it done. NOW GO” Azmodon
Ever since then I have not looked back, I was walking the streets of San Francisco looking for a couple of bucks or just a small bite to eat. I got very lucky, a woman pushing a shopping cart found me huddled on a park bench and she took pity on me from the beginning. She showed me how to beg for money and she let me keep all of it, she taught me how to look and act pathetic which I found to be very helpful when a couple of local college kids saw me. They gave me 100 dollars and I remember being so happy that I ran back to the camp to tell her when I saw it. The camp was being attacked by demos and people were dying left and right. I saw her and she told me to run and do not look back but I did and that is when I saw a fireball hit her and she turned into a pile of dust before my eyes.
I remember crying like I never have before; I lost a good friend and my mentor. It was 2 weeks since that happened and I still had 80 dollars so I negotiated with a local innkeeper and he let me stay for a week even though it would hurt him a little but he only charged me 60 dollars which was really nice of him.
I was left with 20 dollars so I went down to a local pizza place and I bought a large pizza ad I went back to the hotel and the owner greeted me and offered me a six pack of soda since he was going to be switching to diet, me and him ate pizza and drank soda while he asked me about how I got so bad into my current situation and I had to lie to him of course but he believed me.
Late in the night at around 10:00 I decided to go on a walk through a local alley way and that is when I saw it. A demon that stood 6 feet tall and he was harassing a woman who was apparently a witch and was trying to vanquish him with no success.
Then I saw them, the charmed ones. The three of them looked so powerful and at the same time I was frightened by them.
“Step back now or we will vanquish you. I mean it, no funny games” Piper
“Do you think you can defeat me, a couple of puny witches? Ha ha ha don’t make me laugh.” Demon
In less than a few minutes they read some kind of a funny sounding rhyme and the demon burst into flames.
Just as they were about to orb away I accidently tripped on some boxes and they heard me
“What was that noise?” Paige
“I don’t know, Paige go check it out. Phoebe and I will check out the book of shadows to figure out what demon that was.” Piper
“Be careful Paige, it could be a trap?” Leo
“I am fine, just go on without me.” Paige
They orbed out and one of them started walking towards the sound I made with a bottle in her hand filled with a purple fluid.
“Hello. Is anyone there? This is not funny, come out now or you could get hurt.” Paige
I was about to leave when I slipped and hit my head on the sidewalk and I felt arms pick me up gently and when I opened my eyes I saw what I thought was an angel.
“Are… are you a… Angel?” Boy
“Lol, no I’m afraid you are still in the land of the living, but thanks for the compliment.” Paige
“My head hurts, what happened to me?” Boy
“You hit your head pretty good, here let me check it.” Paige
I could feel her move my hair around a little bit and then she paused and I was afraid because I still had scars from Azmodon flaying my scalp from spilling his potions.
“Who did this to you? Was it your parents?” Paige
I became terrified and tried to run
“It’s ok dude, no one is going to hurt you, you are safe with me I promise.” Paige
“Demon, there is a demon here.” Boy
Cole walks up behind Paige and says to her
“Who is he, and why is he injured.” Cole
“He hit his head while trying to climb the side of the building.” Paige
“Should you heal him, it looks serious.” Cole
“I was going to do that now.” Paige (She stretches her hand across my head and she tries to heal me, but I get scared and I feel power course thru me and I see Cole fly across the alley and as Paige runs to help him up I escape.)
I manage to get back to the hotel and she is unable to catch up.
“What the hell was, how did he do that? Could he be a witch?” Paige
“Unlikely, I could sense his power; it was much stronger than a witch’s power could ever be. But he doesn’t feel like a demon either. We should tell Leo about this.” Cole
“I agree, let’s get back to the house.” Paige
Paige orbs Cole back to the manor and the view shifts to the manor
“Paige you got back, did you ever find out what that noise was?” Piper
“Yes, it was a small boy. He looked terrified and he hit his head trying to climb up a building and Cole shimmered in which freaked him out and I think or we think he might have powers.” Paige
“He did something to me and I flew back almost 30 feet into a brick wall, I am lucky to be alive.” Cole
“And did you do anything to provoke him?” Phoebe
“No I swear it, I was just going to comfort him and he kept saying DEMON.” Cole
“Ok this is going to require a change of plans, we need to find out what his story is whether or not he is an innocent we need to protect or if he is some kind of a demon In disguise. Leo, can you go ask the elders about him while I look in the book.” Piper
“Sure thing honey, do you need anything from the store, I could stop there on my way back?” Leo
“Some bread and milk is all. But hurry up.” Piper
“Ok, I love you” Leo
“I love you to” Piper
They kiss briefly and he orbs out while piper and her sisters discuss the boy with Cole.
“Ok, so where did he run off to? I find it hard to believe he could go far, he looked badly malnourished. He also had scars on his scalp from what looked like an Athame. He might have been abused by his parents.” Paige
“Then we need to find him quickly, he could be dangerous in the frightened state he is in.” Phoebe
“Cole, do you need a cold pack for your head.” Piper
“No, I’m fine. I just want to help find him. I don’t blame him for doing what he did; he was obviously terrified of me. But does that mean he could sense my demonic nature or what.” Cole
“Its possible sweetie, but we need to find him before he does something he might regret.” Phoebe
Meanwhile back at the hotel I am opening my backpack and pulling out a small book, the one the demon found me with when I was born. It had funny gold seals on the outside and several times I thought about pawning it but I could never bring myself to do it.
I could never read anything inside it, it was in Latin. I know because I went to a library once and showed it to a librarian and she got all cross eyed and said she cannot read Latin.
I put it away and I lit a candle and I cracked open a bud light I swiped from college kids a few doors down. I didn’t really like the taste but I was doing it for my friends who died.
The view shifts back to the manor and Leo orbs in and has a worried look on his face.
“We got a very serious issue, and it is a time sensitive one.” Leo
“What is it? Is it about the boy?” Piper
“Yes, apparently he is the last of his kind and you guys have to protect him until he can receive his full powers.” Leo
“That’s it, Leo. Exactly what kind is he of?” Paige
“A Mage, Beings who command the forces of nature and can live for hundreds of years because of this connection and they are extremely powerful as children, when they become adults they are almost like gods.” Leo
“OK, that is almost too much to take in at one time.” Piper
“So that must be why he has the cuts all over him, Maybe a demon captured him and he found a way to escape.” Paige
“But, why is it you never mentioned mages to us until now?” Piper
“They are extinct Piper, or they should be. The world has not seen one for over 1000 years. So evil will do and use whatever it can to persuade him to turn.” Leo
“So we need to find him quickly, Phoebe go scry for his location while I prepare a knock out potion.” Piper
“I already know where he is at, the elders consider this to be a top priority and they gave me his location.” Leo
“Ok then I will go make a stun potion real quick then we can go.” Piper
Back at the hotel I am getting sleepy from the half beer I drank and I place it in the fridge and I tuck myself in and I leave the lights on but pull the covers over my head and I fall asleep
View shifts back to the attic and we see Piper holding the potion and all of the sisters and Cole orb in to the hotel lobby.
“I will ask the manager about a boy and see what I get.” Paige
“Excuse me, how may I help you? Are you interested in a room?” Manager
“No, Actually I am with the department of social services and I am here about a boy you seem to have given residence to. Is he still here by any chance?” Paige
“Yes, but he will probably freak out when you see him, I will just give you the key to his room so he doesn’t blame me. He is a good kid, extremely thoughtful. That’s why I am taking a killing just so he can have a place to crash. I was going to call you guys tomorrow so I am glad you arrived now. It is room 228 and up on the second floor. I want you to give this to him, I would rather he keep his money than I take it. Good Luck” Manager
“Thank you sir, you have been most helpful. And that is very sweet of you to give him his money back.” Paige
Paige and Phoebe walks up to room 228 while Piper and leo stand guard near the door. Cole waits in the car.
“Ok here is the plan, I open the door and try to keep him calm while you orb behind him and use the potion on him to stun him.” Phoebe
“Ok, but try not to screw it up. We cannot chase him all night.” Paige
Phoebe walks up to the door and puts the key card into the slot and it clicks unlocked and she gently and quietly opens the door.
She walks in and finds the room is spotless save for a few pop cans in the trash and a pizza box on the table with not a crumb left over. She walks over to the bed and notices I am fast asleep and then she notices the book on the table.
She opens it and she is dumbfounded as to what it says.
She walks over to me and gently shakes me awake and I stir and I pull the covers down slightly.
She shakes me again and I pull them off of me, I sit up with my eyes still closed and she giggles slightly and shakes me again.
“Wake up sleepy head, it’s time to get up.” Phoebe
“Are you an angel? Because you smell so pretty and your hair is so soft.” Boy
She giggles and says
“No, I am a friend of the woman you met in the alley.” Phoebe
“Why, why did you guys follow me? I just want to be left to myself. I didn’t do anything wrong, I swear it.” Boy
“I know you didn’t, but young boys don’t belong in a hotel eating pizza. They belong with a family that can take care of them and give them happiness.” Phoebe
“Your… your… name is Phoebe, Right?” Boy
“How did you know my name?” Phoebe
“I don’t know.” Boy
“You better get dressed, we got a warm meal for you and some clean clothes.” Phoebe
“That demons stench is all over you, I’m not going with you.” Boy
Phoebe looks at me with a surprised look and then speaks
“How can you smell him on me?” Phoebe
“I just can, now leave me be or I will defend myself.” Boy
“We are not here to hurt you; we want to help you out. Please come with me.” Phoebe
“NO!!!” Boy A violent gust of wind comes through the windows and knocks her off the bed and I stand up and grab my book and backpack ad just as I make it to the door a tall man and a short woman stand in front of it and they won’t budge.
“Let me go NOW!!!.” Boy
“Just try to relax; we are not going to let anyone hurt you. I promise.” Piper
“It’s ok, I know you’re scared. Just calm down and let us help you?” Leo
Just then I feel hands grab me from behind and that woman from the alley takes a bottle opens it and pours it down my throat and I feel myself pass out.
Time and space seem to float away as I slumber
I start to wake up slowly and I have no idea where I am at.
“I think he is waking up, Piper go get Leo.” Paige
I see the lady from the hotel walk up to me and place her hand on my head with a cold rag and I try to pull my face away but she grabs the back of my head and she smiles at me.
“It’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” Phoebe
“Then why did you guys drug me and bring me here. Just a social call?” Boy
“LOL, you do have a sense of humor. We brought you here because we think you might have magical powers.” Phoebe
“Then just take them and kill me, and quit with this routine already. I know why you are pretending to be them. So you can lull me into a false sense of security then steal my powers so I cannot fight back.” Boy
She looks sad from my comment
“I am not a demon, I’m a witch. I can cast spells and I have the power to levitate and see into the future. Do you know what powers you have?” Phoebe
“I don’t have any powers.” Boy
“Then where did the gust of wind come from?” Phoebe
“How should I know, Maybe it was something you did to trick me into feeling sorry for you or something.” Boy
“And why would I do that?” Phoebe
“I don’t know” Boy
Phoebe walks to Piper and Paige and just as she leaves I get the idea to run towards the door and just as I get there I hit some kind of a blue wall that disappears as soon as I quit touching it.
“Ouch, my head” Boy
“Do you really think we would leave you alone if we didn’t have a backup plan in place? We placed crystals all over to keep you from leaving until we help you get straightened out.” Cole
“Stay away, Phoebe help me. He’s going to kill me.” Boy
“No he’s not; he would never hurt you or anyone else. He is an angel. He won’t hurt you I promise.” Phoebe
“He has blood on his hands, and he keeps looking at me in a funny way.” Boy
“I don’t have blood on my hands, they are clean see.” Cole
“Cole would never hurt you, I promise you that. He is a good guy now.” Phoebe
I start to cry a little and I beg to them
“Please just let me go, I promise I won’t tell Azmodon or anyone else what I’ve seen.” Boy
“Who is Azmodon?” Paige
“The demon who found me as a baby, He let me go a month ago and I managed to get out into the streets where a nice lady let me stay in her tent and after a week or two she was killed along with all the other poor people and I have been out on the streets until I got to stay at a nice hotel.” Boy
Phoebe teared up and Paige was trying her best to hold it back and cole just sat there with no expression
“I drank a beer to honor her, she liked bud light. I found one near a bunch of college kids. I miss her so much.(At this point I am crying loudly and Phoebe holds me while Paige strokes my back and Piper walks in to figure out what happened.)” Boy
“Why is he crying, did you freak him out again cole.” Piper
“No I swear, he is probably upset because of his friends being killed by demons.” Cole
“What friends?” Piper
I manage to wipe away my tears and I speak
“She was a bum who lived in an old warehouse with a bunch of other bums and she gave me a place to stay and taught me how to beg for money and showed me stuff like how to sew together strips of fabric into clothes and stuff. I was running back home to show her a 100 dollars I was given by a college dorm and I saw them being mutilated by demons and she told me to run while a ball of fire hit her and she died.” Boy
“Her name was Margaret and she like bud light and camel cigarettes. I bought her some for her birthday with some change I managed to find and she was so happy. She was like a mom to me.” Boy
“It sounds like you love her very much; it was a very good thing of her to give her life to save you. She must have loved you to.” Piper
“And now she’s gone and I am so scared and I don’t know what to do.” Boy
“You poor, sweet boy. We are here to help you. Why don’t you go upstairs with phoebe and she can help you take a bath. It always relaxes me and you can even have bubbles in it.” Piper
“Ok, thank you very much. I am so sorry for attacking you. I didn’t know you were good. (I run up to cole and I hug him).” Boy
“It’s ok little guy, I am not mad at you. If anything I thought you got me pretty good, you should take a little pride in it.” Cole
“That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen, Cole you look like you are about to cry.” Paige
“I’m fine, I just got something in my eye is all.” Cole
I walk upstairs and Phoebe comes in with me and asks me how hot I want the water to be.
“I am not sure; my back hurts if it is too hot. I think warm would be fine.” Boy
“Ok, just let me add some soap to it… There all done now I will go out and let you get undressed and you just holler at me so I can help get your back clean.” Phoebe
“Ok, thank you for helping me.” Boy
“It’s no problem at all.” Phoebe
She walks out and closes the door and I kick my shoes off and get undressed and walk into the tub and I feel the searing white hot pain that follows. My flesh on my back exposed I wince in agony and the only thing to keep me from passing out is the memory of her sweet face and the nice things she said to me.
After a half an hour she opens it gently and asks me if I need help with my back. I don’t answer mainly from pain
“Do you need help with your back?” Phoebe
“…..” Boy
She walks in and crouches down next to the tub and she starts to wet a scratch pad and starts working over my neck which feels good but then she does it on my upper back.
“Ouch it hurts, please stop. PLEASE.” Boy
“I am sorry but I have to get this dirt off of you if you want to be clean.” Phoebe
The water behind me starts to turn pink and she notices
“Oh my god what is that?” Phoebe
She stops and picks me up gently and she screams at the sight of my disfigured back.
“I tried to, but you wouldn’t listen.” Boy
Leo runs up and Piper and Paige is behind him.
“What happened, WHO DID THAT TO HIM?” Paige
“I’m on it(He heals me and the skin stretches back in place and it no longer hurts .) There you go. I cannot heal him all the way.” Leo
“Why not?” Piper
“I don’t know, but he needs ointment on it or he will get an infection.” Leo
Phoebe apologizes to me and as she brushes her hand on a scar she gets a premonition.
(I bump into a table with a freshly made batch of Firepetal juice and it spills and Azmodon takes his infernal whip and hits me ten times)
Phoebe snaps out of it and she is crying hysterically and her back is bleeding badly and she has the same marks as I do
“Yes, but only because I was careless and ruined one of his potions.” Boy
After Leo heals her and she calms down a little She grabs me and tells me
“There is nothing that a sweet and innocent boy could ever do to deserve to be beaten with a whip like that. What he did was wrong and unspeakable. It was a cowardly and inhuman thing to do and I am so sorry that he did that to you.” Phoebe
(She hugged me hard and I was sobbing a little and Piper spoke)
“Maybe we should give him and phoebe a few minutes to calm down.” Piper
Leo, Piper and Paige walked out and Phoebe kept hugging me and I was trembling from the overload of emotions that I had no experience with.
I kissed her on the forehead and she looked confused.
“What was that for?” Phoebe
“I like you” Boy
“Lol, I can see we are going to need to talk with piper on that subject.” Phoebe
“What subject? I just said I like you is all. Besides, I don’t have a clue why you are so defensive about it all the sudden. All I did was kiss you on the forehead. It’s what Margaret did to calm me down, it made me feel happy.” Boy
She smiled at me and Kissed me back and I giggled a little
“I need to wash your back now, ok?” Phoebe
“Ok, be careful though.” Boy
“I promise.” Phoebe
She washes my back and I feel at peace, except when she touches an exposed muscle and it makes me twitch a little.
After I am done she walks out for a bit and comes back with some clothes and places them on the bed and tells me when I am ready I should get dressed for dinner.
I get out and carefully dry off and i notice there is no shirt.
I get dressed and walk down the hall and she catches me with a medical kit and has me go into her room.
“Phoebe, what’s wrong with him exactly. I heard he got beaten or something.” Cole
“It was Azmodon, he beat him like a rag doll over a spilled potion because he was trying to tidy up his den.” Phoebe
“That is awful, I hope it doesn’t hurt him too much.” Cole
“He bled in the tub, because I cleaned his back too hard and he wouldn’t explain it to me” Phoebe
“He was probably trying to act brave; He probably has a crush on you.” Cole
“I think he might, he kissed me in the tub. Told me he loved me and said his friend did that to him to calm him down. But he did not say it to my face so I think maybe he was embarrassed to admit it.” Phoebe
“Sounds like I have competition, I need to step up my game a bit then.” Cole
“Lol, just don’t mention it in front of him. I don’t want you embarrassing him any more than he has been.” Phoebe
“I promise” Cole
I walk in and Phoebe asks me to sit on the edge of the bed and she starts to rub some ointment on my back and it soothes the pain instantly, but it is really because she is doing it but I will not admit it to her.
“How does that feel, am I pressing too hard?” Phoebe
“No, it feels wonderful. Thank You.” Boy
“Ok I need to bandage you up now so just stand up and go to the side of the bed.” Phoebe
I do what she asked and I feel her hands pressing onto my back as she applies a bandage to me and I feel at peace
“There you go, all set. Here is a shirt I picked out for you. Piper made some Burgers and French fries and Paige wanted to have a quick chat with you.” Phoebe
“Thank you, (I hug her and she jumps a little and I gently kiss her on her cheek and she giggles slightly and I walk out and close her door).” Phoebe
“You see, I told you he likes you. Do I hear wedding bells?” Cole
“Cole, you are such a pervert, Lol. I will have to talk to Piper to get her opinion. He might just be acting affectionate. I read that when kids are taken out of a bad situation they tend to get very affectionate and in some cases attached to the person who did it. It is a normal defense to the pain he is going through.” Phoebe
I walk downstairs and Paige greets me at the end of the steps.
“Hey, tiger. Why don’t we have a quick chat? I wanted to ask you about your book.” Paige
“It’s not for sale.” Boy
“Lol, I don’t want to buy it silly, I was just curious if you have ever tried to read it?” Paige
“Once, I went to a library and asked a librarian. She told me she didn’t speak old Latin.” Boy
“So I guess you have had no luck reading it then?” Paige
“No, but I bet Phoebe could. She is super smart and pretty.” Boy
Paige cracks a smile and looks to Piper
“I am starving, could I get some food now, Please.” Boy
“Sure, Hey piper is that grub done yet.” Paige
“Yes, Tell Phoebe to come down and ask her if Cole is staying.” Piper
A few minutes later Paige walks down with Phoebe and she looks so gorgeous and so confident
We sit at the table and I am sitting next to Piper and Phoebe
“I made burgers and fries, I have pepsi and some root beer. Help yourself” Piper
“Thank you, I am starving.” Boy
“Hey Piper could I get a Pepsi please.(I run up to the fridge and Piper seems taken aback and I rush back and hand it to Phoebe with a smile and I say)” Phoebe
“Here you go, Enjoy” Boy
“Lol, What was that all about?” Piper
“Thank you so much, that was very sweet of you to do.” Phoebe
“Hey little man, could you get me a Pepsi?” Paige
“I guess.” Boy
“I could use a Pepsi myself, If you don’t mind” Leo
I run and grab them and give one to Leo and Paige and I sit down.
I eat the whole burger and I eat everything off of my plate and I get up and I offer to take Phoebe’s plate into the Kitchen and I wash them and I walk over to phoebe.
“Would you like to sit with me?” Boy
“Sure, why not? I just need to talk to Piper real quick then I will join you ok.” Phoebe
“Ok, don’t take too long. I am going to go look at my book.” Boy
She giggled and I helped her up which put a look of amusement on Leo and Piper as well as Paige
I go sit in the living room and she talks to Piper
“I have a big problem; I think he has a crush on me. In the tub he kissed me on the forehead and told me he liked me and when I was putting the ointment on he kissed me on the cheek and told me I was beautiful.” Phoebe
“Well, maybe he is just getting attached because you helped him.” Piper
“The thing with grabbing you a pop and almost tackling piper seemed a tad obsessive to me. And he almost complained about having to get me and leo a pop. But he got you one like it made him happy. Maybe he does have a crush on you; you should explain to him why it would never work out.” Paige
“I agree with Paige, but you need to do it easy and in a caring way. If his kissing you is bothering you then you shouldn’t have to put up with it.” Leo
“He is probably just expressing an emotion he doesn’t understand. He was with a demon his whole life. You should let this play out for awhile until we can figure out what is going on.” Piper
I was sitting there trying to figure out what my book said when Phoebe and her sisters plus Leo walked in and Phoebe sat beside me.
“Honey, could we talk to you for a minute Please?” Phoebe
“Yeah sure, anything.” Boy
“I need to ask you an important question, and I need you to be honest.” Phoebe
“Ok, I will try to answer.” Boy
“I won’t get mad or make fun of you nor will my sisters. I just need you to be honest with me; You don’t need to be embarrassed about it. Do you have a crush on me?” Phoebe
“What is a crush?” Boy
“Well, A crush involves admiring someone from a safe distance. You feel a hugely powerful emotion, stronger than anything you've felt before. You obsess over this person. You would die for them. You think about them constantly. You are thrilled when you are near them and miserable when you are away from them. You desperately want to tell the person how you feel - but are frightened of it at the same time.” Phoebe
“I am not sure, maybe you should go away tomorrow and we can see if I am miserable with you gone.” Boy
Piper and Leo let out a good belly laugh and Paige keeps herself from giggling
“Lol, Alright. But do you think about me constantly or would you die for me?” Phoebe
“I just met you, I wouldn’t need to die for you because I wouldn’t let you come to harm to begin with.” Boy
Now Piper and Leo are smiling and Paige has a tear down her cheek
“You are just too cute, how would you be able to protect me? What if I was half way across the world on a trip with cole, would you still be able to protect me?” Phoebe
“Yes, I love you. You remind me of the nice lady that would visit me in the underworld. She was a good Demon, she didn’t hurt any innocents or anything. She brought me bits of food and sang to me softly while stroking my head. But she had to quit because Azmodon would have flayed me and her Alive.” Boy
Leo and Piper had a tear down their faces and Paige was sobbing a little and Phoebe had a tear forming in her eye.
“She was like a mommy to you wasn’t she? Is that how you see me?” Phoebe
“Yes and I loved her very much but now I love you even more, I wouldn’t be sad if you went away for a short time because I know I can keep you safe.” Boy
Phoebe was tearing up at the words I gave to her.
“The old mommy taught me some magic, she told me it was something written in my book. I think she called it a spell. She said only I have the power to cast it and whoever I cast it on would be immortal for a short time. She said it will take a lot out of me to do it.” Boy
“Can I see this spell you are talking about?” Phoebe
“Of course, I want to show you my book.” Boy
“I would love to see it, is it ok if everyone looks at it?” Phoebe
“If you say it is alright then I don’t mind, just not cole. The book would try to hurt him if he touched it.” Boy
I walk over and pick the book out of my bag and a grab a piece of beef jerky and I sit back down next to phoebe and I open it up to the middle and I show her the spell.
“You place your hand here and i place mine their and it will keep you from harm. For awhile anyways,” Boy
“How long will it protect me?” Phoebe
“For a day, I think. I don’t know how to read it so I cannot cast it.” Boy
“It’s ok, you will learn some day.” Phoebe
“Do you have any other cool spells in there?” Piper
“I am not sure; I can’t read latin so I have not been able to figure it out. But I did cast a spell from here once. I conjured a blue rose.” Boy
“Could you conjure one for me?” Phoebe
“Of course I can, I just need a plain leaf and a twig.” Boy
Piper and Leo are amazed at all the images in my book and after a few moments Paige comes back with a leaf and a twig and hands them to Phoebe.
“Here you are, one leaf and one twig. Fresh from the backyard.” Paige
“Thank You.” Boy
“I need a piece of paper and a pen, let’s go to the table in the dining room.” Boy
So Piper gets me a piece of paper and a pen and we walk into the living room and I get to wrok drawing a perfect circle and I duplicate the spell seal exactly.
“So what is the circle you are drawing?” Piper
“A spell seal, it focuses the magic and amplifies it, it also allows me to transmute the twig and leaf into a rose. Watch” Boy
I place the twig and leaf on the circle and I clap my hands together and touch them to the circle and it glows bright blue.
“Oh my god, that looks dangerous. We better get back.” Phoebe
“it’s okay, it won’t hurt you. It’s just magic. WATCH!” Boy
The twig and leaf start to melt and change into a deep blue rose with a gorgeous green stem.
“Here you go Phoebe, a blue rose.” Boy
“This is so beautiful, thank you so much. What’s the matter you look tired?” Phoebe
“I am a little, I’ll be alright. I just need to rest for a minute.” Boy
“Does it always take energy from you to cast a spell?” Piper
“Just at night, when the sun is not out.” Boy
“That was a very cool trick but you should be careful, it took a lot out of you just to make a rose. But you did a very good job. I am proud of you.” Phoebe
“Yeah that definitely tops Prue’s summoning spell, Can you teach me how to do it?” Paige
“Sure, just do what I did. You will get it on the first try. I promise.” Boy
“Do you ever get tired during the day when you use magic?” Leo
“No just at night, I am not sure why.” Boy
“Are you tired for bed? I could tuck you in if you want?” Phoebe
“Please, can you read me a story?” Boy
“I would be happy to, how about Hansel and Gretel?” Phoebe
“Ok, let’s go” Boy    
Phoebe and I walk up the steps and once we are out of sight Piper hugs Leo and starts to cry.
“He is such a sweet boy; I need to talk to you guys about him. I was thinking of having him stay here permanently. I could talk to Darryl and explain the situation to him. He has been so sweet and caring since we got him here and I don’t think I could ever tear him away from Phoebe. It would be devastating to him and her. He also needs to be in an environment where his powers can be nurtured and no mortal could provide that. If we give him up to social services he may never have the freedom to develop his powers. Would you guys mind it at all if he stayed here with us?” Piper
“No sweetie, he is more than welcome. It would be kind of fun to have a little rug rat running around causing mischief. Plus when he gets older he will add to our powers threefold and we could be unstoppable.” Paige
“Paige, His powers are the least of my concern. But I agree with you. It would be fun to have some noise in the house Besides, I could look forward to teaching him about witchcraft and maybe he could teach us about Mage craft. What do you think Leo?” Piper
“I think it would be wonderful, I could teach him the history of Magic and about personal gain and maybe even about his people and what they were like.” Leo
“We should talk to Phoebe first but I am saying yes now, I hope she does.” Piper
A few minutes later Phoebe walks down the steps and she has a tear in her eye.
“What’s the matter Phoebs?” Paige
“He is just so sweet and caring and he thinks of me as his mommy. Do you guys know how many times I wish a child would call me that? Now I have one that loves me unconditionally and would probably die to keep me safe. That makes me so happy inside, to know he thinks of me so highly. I wish he could stay, I would be happy to be a part of his life.” Phoebe
“Actually Phoebe, I was just talking with Paige and Leo and that is what we are going to decide on. He doesn’t belong in the mortal world, and he loves you so much that I think the best course of action is to adopt him. Raise him as an adopted member of the family and the things he could teach us and the things we could teach him. Would make any amount of trouble and difficulty worth it. I care about him almost as you do Phoebe so I am saying the choice has to be yours.” Piper
“Then I say yes, yes. Without a doubt. We need to talk to Darryl to get it going but I want us to take him shopping tomorrow for some clothes.” Phoebe
“I agree, but try to keep him away from the toys. We want him to be a battle hardened mage not a wuss kid playing mighty morphin power rangers.” Paige
“Lol, Paige you got some growing to do that’s for sure.” Piper
“Lol” Leo
“What, whatever. I just want the best for him. I intend on teaching him all the finer points on magic. Like how to blow up demons and Maybe, Just maybe one day we can watch him kick the Sources ass and send him packing with a vengeance.” Paige
“Here here, let’s go to bed now though.” Piper
Just then orbs appear and an elder orbs in
“Hello, how are you all doing? I hope I am not disturbing you all.” Sandra
“No, what’s wrong this time.” Piper
“Nothing thankfully, but the three of you should know that tomorrow night he will receive his full powers. We have confirmed this through several sources; he will become a full mage by tomorrow night at Midnight. During a full moon, he must perform this ritual very carefully and he must do it alone. Or else he will become mortal.” Sandra
“Ok, kind of soon don’t you think, he barely has come to terms with his powers and now you want to add more to the mix?” Phoebe
“This is not our doing, we had no idea that a mage would be born into the world. His powers will be legendary, as will his deeds. The four of you will be his mentor, you must guide him and protect him from the influence of evil and once his power is fully awakened he will not be able to be changed to a side again. If he is good at the ritual he will be good his entire life. Here is the scroll with our blessing’s. Take care of him like he was your own, our future may depend on it someday.” Sandra
She orbed out and Phoebe looks at the scroll then at Piper
“Did she just make all of this much more difficult than it needed to be?” Phoebe
“Yes, but we will keep him good. He is already good as it is. Besides I can’t wait to wake him up tomorrow. Oh he is going to be so handsome when he grows up.” Paige
“Ok honey, I think I will wake him up. It would be better for me since he trusts me the most, I think if anyone else does it he will probably freak a little.” Phoebe
“Ok, but can I be there when he wakes up, I want to give him some demon vanquishing tips.” Paige
“I would like to be there so he knows I care for him too. And Leo since 3 votes against one you got to be there when we wake him up to tell him the good news.” Piper
“Then I will just change my vote and make it unanimous. Besides I think he will be more receptive of me once he has gotten a good night’s sleep.” Leo
“Ok, let’s go to bed before we stay up till midnight.” Piper
“Yeah, we could practice for a kid of our own.” Leo
“Or we could sleep and talk about it tomorrow night.” Piper
“Lol” Paige
“I am going to go to bed, Goodnight.” Phoebe
“Goodnight, I am tucking in too.” Paige
So the view shifts from night to day and I slowly stir in my bed and I hear the door opening.
Four people walk in and I can tell they are Piper, Phoebe, Leo, Paige
“Good morning, time to get up, Rise and shine!” Piper
I jump up and Paige giggles at my speediness
“I got some wonderful news honey, how would you like to stay here with us, forever?” Phoebe
“I would love that more than anything, besides I hate sleeping out in the rain and cold. It gets a bit too chilly for me.” Boy
“lol” Paige
“We want you to stay here with us, and I can teach you allot about magic and Leo can tell you about what a mage is and what they used to do. Also one day I promise you we are going to find a way to find Azmodon, whatever it takes. He will pay for the way he treated you, but right now there is someone downstairs who wants to meet you. She is called Sandra and she is an elder, she is very anxious to meet you.” Piper
I run to Phoebe and I hug her then I run to Paige and give her a hug as well, I Hug piper and Leo and run downstairs as happy as I can possibly be.
“Hello, this is quite an honor. My name is Sandra. I am an elder. How are you?” Sandra
“I am ok, I am uncertain about things but I am very happy here. How are you doing?” Boy
Sandra seems taken aback
“I am just fine, thank you for asking. Why don’t we sit down and talk?” Sandra
“Ok, Hey guys you can quit spying now.” Boy
Piper Leo Paige and phoebe walk from the top step and they sit down next to me and me and Sandra talk
“So, I am sure you have a ton of question and i will try to answer as many as I can.” Sandra
“What is it like to be an elder?” Boy
“Wow you pick some tough ones don’t you? Ok it’s about helping people and coordinating the efforts of good so we get the maximum benefits with minimal costs or consequences. It is very interesting; you can orb and go anywhere. You have a serious power boost. It can be fun at times.” Sandra
“That was a good question dude.” Paige
“What is my name?” Boy
Everyone fell silent except Sandra
“What would you like it to be? It can be anything you want” Sandra
“Phoebe, what would you like to call me?” Boy
“I want to call you whatever you want to be called, after all a name is permanent.” Phoebe
“Jacob, I want my name to be Jacob.” Jacob
“Are you sure, it will be yours forever. “ Sandra
“Yes, I want to be called Jacob.” Jacob
I sense something from Sandra.
“What are you not telling me?” Jacob
“Wow, you can read my mind. I thought you had not developed that power yet. You are a mage, and you are promised a great deal of power and in order to get it you must perform a ritual tonight at midnight under the full moon.” Sandra
“What kind of ritual?” Jacob
“A very special one, Phoebe could you please show him the scroll?” Sandra
Phoebe hands it to me and I open it up.
“I understand” Jacob
“HOW? I thought you could not read latin.” Piper
“I couldn’t last night, but now I can. It is very strange isn’t it?
A question stirs in my mind.
“What happened to my people, I mean the other mages in the world?” Jacob
“They were killed by a vicious demon, a demon they were tricked into summoning; one day soon you will have the power to destroy the demon. Until then you must help the sisters with their destiny. Then you will be able to fulfill yours.” Sandra
“Will Mommy ever have a child besides me?” Jacob
Phoebe tears up and puts her hand on my shoulder
“All I can say is, yes she will.” Sandra
“What is my destiny right now?” Jacob
“To help the sisters vanquish the Arch-Demons.” Sandra
“What is the source?” Jacob
“A very evil being who is the source of all unhappiness and has power over evil.” Sandra
“Will Cole ever become human?” Jacob
Phoebe squeezed my shoulder and I could hear her cry
“That I do not know for sure, but I can say it is possible.” Sandra
“It was nice meeting you, would you like a rose?” Jacob
Sandra smiled and nodded
Paige orbed me another leaf and twig and I drew the spell seal again and I performed the ritual turning the twig and leaf into a Red rose
“Here you go, it’s a gift. Have a safe journey.” Jacob
“Thank you, you are very sweet. Be safe” Sandra
She orbed out and Phoebe hugged me
“What is wrong mommy, did I make you cry?” Jacob
“No, you are just the most caring person I have ever met. Why were you thinking about cole?” Phoebe
“I know you love him, I can feel it. If there is a way to make him human I promise you I will do it myself, for you mommy.” Jacob
Phoebe cried on my shoulder and I started to tear up
“Don’t cry mommy, it’s a good thing.” Jacob
“It is a very good thing, I am so proud of you. Would you mind if Cole came down here now?” Phoebe
“No, not at all. He makes you happy so I am happy.” Jacob
“He is so sweet and such a handsome boy.” Piper
“Yes he is, a very sweet boy.” Paige
“He does have a big heart, hopefully it stays that way.” Leo
“Cole, you can come out now.” Phoebe
He shimmers in and I shiver a little bit until phoebe putts her hand on my shoulder and I calm down.
“Jacob has something to say to you, it is so sweet.” Phoebe
“Hey Jacob, listen no hard feeling about throwing me into a wall. I am fine, don’t worry about me.” Cole
“Soon you will be better than fine, I know a way to make you human.” Jacob
Cole is speechless and so is everyone else.
“What did you just say?” Cole
“I know a way to make you human; I looked it up in my book. It will take 7 days to make the potion but it will strip you of your demonic side and cleanse your karma. So you won’t feel guilty anymore.” Jacob
Cole started to cry and he hugged me
Everyone froze up but I hugged him back with a smile on my face.
“I promise you I will do it. I just need some rare ingredients only you can get safely.” Jacob
“Anything, just tell me what they are.” Cole
“Something called iron thistle and another plant called dragons blood plus a lock of Medusa hair. The hair can be found in china near a Buddhist temple. It is a plant of some kind. I am not sure. Let me go grab my book.” Jacob
I run to the living room and get my book and I sit down and flip through the pages until I find the potion recipe
“It is called the Turncoat Potion, A potion that turns a demon human and strips them of their powers and demonic nature’s. Also cleanses karma and it is permanent. No more powers for you.” Jacob
“Looks like I can teach you potion basics after all, it will be fun I promise.” Piper
“I will also need some quicksilver and a Harpies tongue. Some fennel and a plant called Pain Root.” Jacob
“I have never heard of it, are you sure that is what it says.” Leo
“Yes, I would not lie and I am not wrong.” Jacob
“Ok ok, chill Jacob we believe you. I can see he has my snappy side down well. Do I really sound like that.” Piper
“Yes you do piper.” Phoebe
“But we forgive you.” Paige
“I may know what he is talking about, the source keeps a strange plant near a cauldron that he says has roots that appear as if they are in pain, Maybe that’s what he is talking about.” Cole
“It has the power to kill and the power to restore life, depending on what it is mixed with.” Jacob
“So it can go two different ways, unless you get it exactly right to the recipe.” Cole
“yes” Jacob
“How do you know all of this, why are you so in tune with your destiny all of the sudden?” Paige
“All mages go through a period of absolute lack of clarity. On the day of their ascension they are gifted with the knowledge of their alignment. Since I am still good I now know a great deal of knowledge there is to know about Mage Craft. But once the ritual is complete I will be given all knowledge of Mage Craft in the universe. I will ascend to a higher plane of understanding. My magic will grow tenfold and I will be a full mage.” Jacob
“That is so cool, are you going to be like albert Einstein or what?” Paige
“I will have a uniform understanding of Mage Craft and I will be able to conjure creatures to fight my battles and to get information from. I will be able to live for a very long time, much longer than anyone else. I will have the powers that come with it. I will be able to cast master level spells and create magical items with spell seals.” Jacob
“Sounds like you are looking forward to all of this, just try to not get too caught up in magic. You should try to have a life separate from it. There are more rewards in life than just the results of a spell you cast.” Piper
“I think we should encourage him in his studies, Mage’s are very able potion makers. He could teach you a thing or two from that tome of his” Leo
“I think it’s awesome that he is going to have a ton of power, he can maybe one day show me a thing or two on vanquishing demons.” Paige
“Are you feeling alright sweetie? You have been so obsessed with teaching him the joys of maiming and killing demons, do you think that is healthy to teach a 10 year old boy?” Phoebe
“Maybe not, but I have to teach him something, I don’t know how to do anything else that he could put to some real use.” Paige
“She is just being nice, don’t pick on her mom.” Jacob
“Yeah don’t pick on me phoebe, or Ill sick Jacob on you.” Paige
“LOL” Piper
“LOL” Leo
“I want to do something for you guys, is that ok mommy?” Jacob
“Yes, as long as you don’t orb us into another dimension.” Phoebe
I flip thru my book quickly and I find a spell.
“Omnus trepra gebrine” Jacob
The table magically clears off and all kinds of breakfast food appears and everyone looks dumbfounded at my spell.
“Wow, Jacob you are starting off you role as a Mage quite nicely. Pass the bread Leo” Paige
“There are six kinds, which one do you want?” Leo
“Whole honey wheat” Paige
Leo hands her a slice and she is content
“This is crazy honey; you should have told us what you were going to do before doing it. How are we going to store all of this food?” Piper
“It will disappear in one hour; only the food you eat will remain. Besides you spend way too much time cooking and cleaning. Just enjoy yourself, don’t make me enchant you to.” Jacob
“LOL” Paige
“The scrambled eggs are perfect, so fluffy and tender. I also like the Belgium waffles with three different sauces. Nice touch!” Phoebe
“I love the bacon, it is so crispy. The juice is like it was just squeezed.” Leo
“I like it when people are happy, it doesn’t get any simpler than that.” Jacob
Phoebe gave me a gentle kiss and she hugged me.
I love you soo much, you are such a good boy.” Phoebe
“Get over here and eat cole, it’s getting cold.” Jacob
“Are you guys ok with that?” Cole
“Yes, before I turn you into a toad, LOL” Jacob
“Lol” Phoebe
We all enjoy the food for about 35 minutes and after we finish up I use some magic to clean the house and when piper comes back down from getting ready she is blown away by how clean it all looks.
“Honey, did you do all of this? I thought we agreed you wouldn’t use your powers too much?” Piper
“I just wanted you to be free from cleaning today; you use that as an excuse way too much.” Jacob
“We have told her that for months now, she won’t listen to reason.” Paige
“Yeah, so honey I was wondering If I could take a look at your back again, I need to see if it is healing properly.” Phoebe
“Ok, but it feels fine today, normally I would be in pain but today I am pain free. It is strange, No?” Jacob
Me and Phoebe walk upstairs and we go into the bathroom and she lifts up my shirt and looks at the bandage ad pulls it away.
“I don’t believe this, it’s impossible. It is completely Healed.” Phoebe
“We should celebrate, Pizza.” Jacob
“Maybe later, but I don’t believe it. Let’s go show my sisters.” Phoebe
We run downstairs and she shows piper and Leo and Paige and Cole.
“He is completely healed, how is that possible?” Phoebe
“Mage’s can heal themselves much more quickly because they have such an intense connection to nature. This grants them a fast healing time and their magic becomes more powerful with age.” Leo
“So when he hits the big triple digits he could become a god, theoretically” Paige
“Yes, which is why the elders sent us to him to make sure he stays good, if he were to turn evil it could undermine good forever.” Leo
“So I could become a god?” Jacob
“Not literally, but in a way you would be nearly immortal and have unlimited powers.” Leo
“My head hurts” Jacob
“Lol, It will take time before you understand things like Leo can.” Phoebe
“So what are we doing today, I was hoping to rent a movie I have wanted to see but because I lived on the streets I was unable to see it because i had no parent’s” Jacob
“What movie is it, we could rent a few tonight?” Piper
“Hellraiser 2, It is a scary movie filled with demons and a puzzle box that kills when opened.” Jacob
“Sounds terrifying, I’m in dude. I love a good horror flick where people are being dismembered and maimed.” Paige
“Where did you hear about that at? Doesn’t sound like a movie a ten year old should be seeing?” Piper
“What’s the big deal, I have seen people get blown up by demons and i am perfectly fine, besides he is going to be my Nephew and I am going to spoil him regardless. I say he can watch it.” Paige
“Fine but if he has nightmares you can deal with him screaming himself awake.” Phoebe
“Fine, I bet you he won’t have nightmares, because he is a big boy and a Mage.” Paige
“Don’t fight please, let’s just get along?” Jacob
“Oh, he is so cute. My little ambassador. We should get you a tuxedo. You would look so cute in it.” Phoebe
“When do I go to school?” Jacob
“Well we still have to talk to Darryl and then we have to enroll you but soon hopefully.” Piper
“Can you help me build something, Leo?” Jacob
“Sure, what were you wanting to build?” Leo
“A big table with no legs, three times my size and it has to be exact.” Jacob
“Why no legs? How will you sit at it?” Phoebe
“Oh mommy, you are so silly sometimes. It is not for sitting at, it is for ascending.” Jacob
“You mean for your ritual, to become a full mage?” Leo
“Yes, I need it to be precise and without flaws. I need lots of chalk too and some white robes. I will need to make a staff sometime today.” Jacob
“Easy little man, we will get you covered don’t worry. I for one am looking forward to the ascension ritual. It should provide me a valuable insight into Mage Craft.” Paige
“We could run by a landscaping store and pick up a young tree, which would make a good staff.” Piper
“No, that is murder. It must be made of ironwood.” Jacob
“Lol. You really are a friend of nature aren’t you?” Phoebe
“Well, I know a landscaping company that sells ironwood poles for a decent price, how long does it have to be exactly?” Piper
“About 4 feet tall, and if it has leaves on it then it would be better.” Jacob
“Ok, so can you show us this ritual? Show us how it works?” Phoebe
“Of Course, here (I flip open my book and I turn it to the first page and it is in Latin.)” Jacob
“It’s in latin sweetie.” Piper
I wave my hand over the page and it turns to English.
“That was unbelievable; you are getting good at this.” Piper
“I build the table and draw a hexagonal spell seal with an inverted hexagram and I stand in the middle with my robe and staff and I channel my energy through the seal and I am lifted into the air and a huge beam of white light will fill me with the knowledge and power. Then I ascend to a full mage.” Jacob
“You make it sound so cut and dry, how do you feel about it?” Piper
“It is what I want, more than anything in the world. I want to be able to protect my new family.” Jacob
Everyone tears up a little and Phoebe hugs me.
“I love you all so much and you have been kind to me, on the streets people would throw things at me and make fun of me. But here I feel safe and loved. I want to help you defeat the Source and I want to show all of you the things I have learned and the things I will learn soon.” Jacob
Everyone started to cry gently and I found myself in a great big bear hug.
“You are such a sweet, sweet boy. We love you too.” Piper
We all hug for a few moments and I wipe the tears from my eyes and I open my book to magical staff construction.
“I need to have this made exactly at 6:00 pm tonight, it is a mage’s staff and I need to summon the four elementals to imbue it with power. Water, Fire, Earth and wind. They will be difficult to find but I have a spell to summon each of them once I find their hiding place. They are known to trickery so I need to be careful.” Jacob
“What do they look like? They sound so cool.” Paige
“Here is a picture of them.” Jacob
I turn to the page on the back and it shows 4 elementals, one of them resembles a flame the size of a man and has a human head. One has the appearance of a whirlpool of water and has a female face in the center. One looks like a tornado and has a face in the center and the earth one looks like a humanoid made up of twigs and vines and mud.
“They look so cool, I will look forward to speaking with one. Maybe they have a cool power they are willing to teach me.” Paige
“No, they only speak to mage’s. Sorry.” Jacob
“Oh dangit, oh well. Would you be willing to ask them for me? I would repay you quite handsomely.” Paige
“They do not like greedy people bugging them with demands for power; they would destroy everyone upon hearing it. They are quick to temper unless they are released as soon as possible.” Jacob
“So I guess that means no, Right?” Paige
“I am sorry, I wish I could but it is not possible.”Jacob
“It’s ok little dude, it’s not your fault.” Paige
“Well you should probably get ready so we can go, ok?” Phoebe
“How? Change my clothes?” Jacob
“Yes and you should take a shower and be sure to brush your teeth.” Phoebe
“Ok, I love you.” Jacob
“I love you to sweetie, now hurry up and get ready.” Phoebe
I run up the steps and get ready while Phoebe talks to piper and Leo and Paige
“He is such a sweet boy; I am so lucky to be a mom to him. I don’t care if he isn’t mine. I love him just the same.” Phoebe
“I know, that is one of the most wonderful things about adoption. The rewards are endless and in your case they really are. Think of the magic he could show you and the powers he could help you get” Paige
“Last thing I heard you were an outlaw and you disobeyed your parent’s, which worries me somewhat.” Phoebe
“Lol” Piper
“Is that all you think about, getting new powers, Besides my SON is responsible enough not to give you any magic you are not ready for. He knows you are way too gun ho on magic.” Phoebe
“I am not gun ho on magic, I just want to get to know how powerful his people were and to do that I am hoping he will teach me a few spells I can put to some real good use.” Paige
“Well hopefully he will teach the three of you a few cool spells so demons will have a tougher time hunting us. I look forward to teaching him about Mage’s; there is a lot he needs to know so he won’t make their mistake.” Leo
“Which mistake would that be?” Piper
“Becoming power hungry and using demonic magic, it is a real threat to him at such a young age.” Leo
“I hear that, well I think I am going to go check up on him, he is just too cute and I can’t stand to be away from him. I kept checking up on him during the night. He is so cute when he sleeps.” Phoebe
“Phoebe, I think you are obsessing.” Paige
“No I’m not, he thinks of me as his mommy, which is just too cute and sweet.” Phoebe
“He is a sweetie, that’s for sure. Have you decided what you are going to do about Cole? Does he want to risk the potion Jacob told him about?” Piper
“He wants to start as soon as possible, as soon as Jacob finishes ascending to a full mage.” Phoebe
“It’s going to be so cool when he does the ritual. What kind of snacks should I make for us? It will be quite a show.” Piper
“I don’t think that is fair to him, he is not allowed to eat at all during the ritual or he will fail. We should support him by not stuffing our faces while he is ascending. It would be kind of rude.” Leo
“You are so right, we should support him by stuffing our faces at around six then we will be able to make it through.” Piper
“Lol, good idea.” Phoebe
I walk down in a pair of jeans and a tank top on with a pair of new sneakers.
“Oh, you look so cute. Come over here so I can see you.” Phoebe
I walk over to Phoebe and she spins me around and tells me it was a good choice and I pull out a pair of sunglasses and I put them on.
“Where did you get those from, you look like MacGyver. Lol” Phoebe
“I saw him on the television and I wanted to look like him so I conjured them. Do you like them Mommy?” Jacob
“I love them, you look so handsome and you are just going to make the ladies die.” Phoebe
“Dying is bad, don’t say that mommy.” Jacob
“Ok, I am sorry, can you forgive me?” Phoebe
“Ok, I forgive you but try to be more positive. If anything they are going to find me yummy.” Jacob
“Lol, where did you hear that word?” Phoebe
“From you.” Jacob
“Lol” Everyone
“Such a positive role model, I hope he doesn’t say anything like that at school. Can you imagine the horror of having to get a call because he said his teacher was yummy? That would be hilarious.” Paige
“It would be kind of funny; But Maybe we should teach him words he should never say, just so we can avoid things like that.” Piper
“No, I think we should just wait for awhile. There is no point I giving him a gun if he doesn’t know how to use it anyways.” Phoebe
“I agree, so Jacob are you ready to go out?” Piper
“Yes, let’s go.” Jacob
Me and Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo walk out to the car and we get in and drive to the police station
After 15 minutes we get there and Darryl is waiting outside smoking a cigarette.
“Hello Darryl, we need some help with something?” Piper
“Sure guys, just ask?” Darryl
“We need to go somewhere safe and talk, maybe out back behind Denny’s would be ok?” Piper
“Sure, just give me 5 minutes.” Darryl
We wait for a few minutes and I am leaning on a wall and I see him walking to us
“Hey guys, what’s up? Another demon you need covered up?” Darryl
“Not quite, we were sent by the elders to find this little boy because he is a Mage and he is the last of his kind. We want to adopt him and as a matter of fact we need to adopt him. He doesn’t belong in the mortal world and if social services find him he will never be able to fulfill his destiny. The truth is that he thinks of Phoebe as his mom and he would be devastated if he was pulled away from her. He was raised and tortured by a demon his whole life so he does not have parents. Can you help us?” Piper
“Boy you guys give me tough ones. I think I can help but it will be difficult. Have you tried using magic to accomplish it?” Darryl
“We can’t, it would be personal gain.” Piper
“We wouldn’t have bothered you with this if it wasn’t important. This could affect the whole world, not just us. “Phoebe
“Is it alright if I talk to him for a second?” Darryl
“Sure, just don’t make sudden movements. He freaks out easily.” Phoebe
Darryl walks up to me and kneels down
“Hey little guy, do you want to live with these people?” Darryl
“Yes, more than anything. They are my family, and they have been so caring and nice to me. Please let me stay with them.(I run up to him and I hug him and cry begging him to let me stay.)” Jacob
Darryl starts to cry a little and he talks to me gently
“I don’t have much of a say in the matter but I promise you I am going to do whatever it takes to let you stay with them.” Darryl
I walk off with Paige and he talk to Phoebe and Piper
“He is such a nice boy, god I wish I could just snap my fingers, I would make his wish come true. I’ll do it. I can pull a lot of my weight with the department of social services. As far as I know it is more than likely you guys should be able to adopt him.” Darryl
“Thank you Darryl, that’s all we ask.” Piper
“This is for you to give to Sheila” Jacob
He looks dumbfounded
“Who’s Sheila?” Darryl
“Your wife silly” Jacob
“Can he read minds or what?” Darryl
“Yes, kind of. Just take the blue rose and say thank you. He did go through a little trouble to make it.” Phoebe
“It’s a gift to say thank you. Mommy can we go now?” Jacob
“Yes just a second, go play with Paige for a second.” Phoebe
“Ok mommy” Jacob
“He is so sweet, I love him so much. I hope this works out.” Phoebe
“How did he make a blue rose? I have never seen one this color before.” Darryl
“It is a spell he used and we need to make him realize magic cannot be used out in public.” Piper
“It was sweet of him, I will be sure to give it to her. Thanks little man.” Darryl
“Ok, honey I want you to promise me that you won’t use magic out in the open anymore ok. I am not mad or anything it’s just that it could put mommy in danger and all of us in danger. Do you promise me?” Phoebe
“I am sorry, I promise.” Jacob
“Good, Thank you sweetheart.” Phoebe
“Can we please go now I gots stuff to get and not much time.” Jacob
“Hold your horses there, we are almost done.” Paige
“Ok, but I need to get started soon. And Leo don’t forget, I need your help.” Jacob
“I know Jacob, don’t worry it will happen, I promise.” Leo
We stand around a while longer while Darryl makes some calls and He tells Piper
“She told me they want to have a meeting at your house with 2 people from social services, they said if the meeting goes well they will sign the papers that will allow him to move in with you guys.” Darryl
“Thank you so much, I hate to ask you for stuff all the time. Thanks so much.” Piper
“It is no problem at all; he seems like a sweet kid. One quick question though, why is he so anxious to get going and what does he need to start?” Darryl
“Tonight at midnight he needs to perform a ritual to awaken his full power or else he will be made a mortal. He is excited by it and so are we as a matter of fact.” Phoebe
“Can I come and watch, consider it my payment?” Darryl
“As long as Jacob says it is ok, Hey honey can you quit bouncing around long enough so mommy can ask you a question?” Phoebe
“Yes, sorry mommy.” Jacob
“its ok sweetie, I’m not upset. Since Darryl helped us to allow you to stay with us would it be alright if he comes for the ritual?” Phoebe
“OK, but he needs to be quiet because the elementals don’t like mortals talking too much, it gets on their nerves.” Jacob
Darryl and Phoebe laugh gently and he says thanks buddy

“I look forward to it; it is at 12:00 right?” Darryl
“You should come at 11:30 so you won’t be late.” Jacob
“I will buddy, thank you so much for inviting me.” Darryl
“Well we gotta get going; he is starting to get a little hyper. He must have snuck some coffee from pipers stash.” Phoebe
“He better not have, little rug rat.” Piper
We get
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While Piper goes searching for her father, after hearing news that he's been seen in town, Prue is driven to learn the name of song whose melody is stuck in her head.
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