Castiel and Meg Club
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Cas was sitting at the kitchen table, staring ahead. He didn’t know what to do. A part of him wanted to stay. Daphne had saved his life. She’d taken care of him when anyone else would’ve just left him at that lake.
But another part, a bigger part, wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. It was safe to say that his lovely wife wasn’t so lovely at all.
So, why didn’t he just go? Because Zoey had been talking to him. She told him what really happened with Martin, their brother. How Daphne felt responsible for his death and how he, Cas, reminded her of him. Because Martin had...
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Cas kicked the door of their bedroom open. Daphne was sitting on top of Mitch.
“Daphne” Mitch said, looking at Cas.    
“Don’t worry” Daphne said with a heavy voice. “That’s my husband. He knows I have my needs. It’s not my fault he’s incompetent”
Mitch pushed her off of him and searched for his clothes. Cas turned around and ran downstairs.
“What are you doing?” Daphne asked grumpy. “Come back in bed”
“Are you completely out of your mind?” Mitch exclaimed.
“Oh, please, you knew I was married” Daphne said.
“That was really low” Mitch said. “Get dressed. I’m done here. You go find someone else to consider your needs”
“Come on, don’t be like that” Daphne said.
They heard an enormous crack and they jumped.
“What the hell was that?” Mitch asked.
Feeling uncomfortable and strange Cas decided to take a walk around the park. It was as if a hundred butterflies were fluttering in his belly.
“You don’t look so good, man”
Cas turned around and looked serious at Andy. “I don’t feel so good, either”
“You need to use the bathroom?” Andy asked slightly concerned.
“That won’t be necessary” Cas said. “I just have a bad feeling”
Andy nodded in understanding. This wasn’t the first wedding he attended. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for the bride or the groom to be nervous.
“Look, man, I’m sorry about last night” he said....
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*WHIC=What Happened in Colorado

One week later.

Cas, Daphne and Zoey were sitting in the kitchen having breakfast. Cas still hadn’t learn how to use a fork and a knife and so again he was eating with his fingers. Zoey sighed irritated and pulled Cas’ plate to her. She grabbed her own fork and knife and cut his egg into pieces. She then aggressively shoved his plate back.
“See how it’s done?” she asked disdainful. Cas looked down at his plate.
“Can’t you try and be nice?” Daphne said. Zoey looked at Daphne. “What? The guy’s a total idiot. It’s annoying”
Daphne rotated her...
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Dean walked inside a diner. He was hungry, so he’d have some hamburgers and a beer. He walked to a table and signaled at the waitress. She froze when she saw him, but walked to him anyway.
“What can I get you?” she asked, trying to keep a straight face.
Dean gave his order and she walked away again. She leaned towards her boss. “That’s Castiel Novak” she mumbled.
“I know” her boss commented softly and he took his phone. His eyes on Dean he dialed 911.
Ten minutes later the waitress brought Dean his meal.
“Thank you, sweetheart” Dean said flirty. “Why don’t you sit down?”...
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Meg entered the kitchen and saw how Mrs. Jones was bleeding over her entire body. Cas was holding her arms and stared at her.
“Cas?” Meg asked careful, breaking Cas’ concentration. He let go of Mrs. Jones and turned his head to Meg.
“Are you sure you want to be here, right now, Meg?” he asked a little annoyed. “It’s about to get messy”
“Are you kidding?” Meg scoffed. “I was a demon for centuries. I love messy”
Cas smiled an evil smile, one that Meg had never seen on his face before, and his eyes were cold as he looked back at Mrs. Jones.
“You know you’re going to die,...
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The door opened again and Sam and Claire walked in.
“Nice color” Sam mumbled, referring to Meg’s hair.
“Gee, thanks” Meg said monotone. She looked at Claire, who looked back provocative. With two Winchesters at her arm she felt a lot more confident. “When’s your dad coming?”
“Meg!” Dean reproached her. Meg pulled her shoulders. Dean conjured his phone and handed it to Claire. “You should call your mom, tell her you’re fine”
Claire dialed her home number. Her mother sounded very agitated when she answered the phone.
“Who is this?” she asked a little snappy as she...
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Meg opened the door of her room and saw Dean sitting where she had expected Claire to sit. “What are you doing here?” she asked, acting calm. “And where’s Claire?”
“Oh, she’s with Sam” Dean replied. “She’s fine, by the way, no thanks to you” He got up and walked to Meg. “Seriously, Meg, what were you thinking?”
“Hey, for the record, this was her idea” Meg defended herself. “She said I should tell her mother I’m keeping her hostage in exchange for Jimmy and I just figured it would be a lot more convincing if I’d do it for real”
Dean shook his head, furious....
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Anna opened the door of Cas’ room and let Meg in. She was wearing a hospital shirt and her eyes were red and swollen. Anna signed at Dean and he followed her outside.
“Has Meg told you about her condition?” she asked careful. Dean frowned and shook his head. “She was pregnant”
“Pregnant?” Dean repeated as if he’d never heard of the word.
“Was” Anna said. “She just had a miscarriage”
“Did I kill Cas’ unborn child?” Dean asked, shocked by the fact that Meg could get pregnant.
“Yeah, looks like it” Anna replied merciless. She gave Dean one last reproaching look,...
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“What was it?” Meg asked sharp, forcing Cas to look at her by grabbing his shoulders. “What did Heather give you? If it’s something dangerous…You know medicine can kill you, don’t you? If you take too much of it”
Cas freed himself and turned around. “Yes, I know that. I am not stupid” he snapped, while he rubbed his fingers. “I don’t know what Heather gave me. All I know is that the pain is gone and isn’t that exactly what we wanted?”
“Well, if you don’t know then I guess I’ll have to ask someone who does” Meg replied cold. She turned around and wanted to leave...
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Dean entered the café Cas had left an hour ago. Cas had called him by using speed dial, but then his phone dropped and all he could hear was a struggle and someone saying ‘I know you’
Dean had looked almost everywhere. He had been asking for him in eat café’s, restaurants, coffee shops, while he tried getting him on the phone.
He walked to the bar and tapped on it.
“Good evening, I’m looking for someone. A man, tall, dark hair, wears a trench coat” Dean described Cas.
The barkeeper, who knew who Dean was talking about, peeked at the three men who had returned. Then he turned back...
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Meg sat on her knees, outside the police station. With her right hand she held her stomach and with her left she tried to pull herself up on the wall. She closed her eyes and focused.
Meg opened her eyes and saw Sam walking in her direction. He helped her up, while Dean frowned.
“How did you get out?” he wanted to know.
Sam helped Meg to the couch, but she refused to lie down. She groaned from the pain.
“What is wrong with you?” Dean asked.
“Daphne attacked me” Meg said difficult. “My stomach hurts, my hands hurt”
“Cas’ ex attacked you, why?” Sam asked surprised.
“It’s not her fault” Meg said. “Zoey manipulated her. Where’s Cas?”
Sam looked at Dean, who scratched his head.
“Please, tell me you know where he is” Meg said weak.
“Get me out of here! Guard!” Meg yelled, though she knew it was no use. The only reason Anna and Balthazar had been able to chat with her without being disturbed, was because they were able to make humans unconscious. So they were all probably fast asleep.
“Stop yelling” Zoey hissed. She was carrying a big book, which Meg recognized as Daphne’s ‘The Lake’, a diary hidden behind fictional character names.
“What are you doing here?” Meg frowned. She didn’t want to have anything to do with the Allen sisters.
“Cas’ trial started an hour ago” Zoey started. “I have to prepare...
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Anna threw the phone at Meg. She caught it with one hand and examined it.
“I’m still not sure what you’re going to do with it, since Cas won’t be able to use a phone while he’s in prison” Anna said.
“You gave one to him, too, right?” Meg checked.
“Yes, and it only has your number and yours has only his number, so the two of you can start having phone sex with each other to pass the time” Anna said sarcastic.
“Or you can finally get me out of here, so I can go punch a little common sense into Castiel’s pretty face and then he’ll leave prison on his own” Meg suggested....
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Jo and Anna where walking at the mall. Jo needed some distraction and Anna needed companion. Jo walked into a clothing shop and dragged Anna inside. Her eyes fell on a long, purple dress and she walked towards it.
“You should try it on” Anna encouraged her. Jo took the dress and walked to the fitting rooms. “Thanks for taking me with you”
“You’re welcome” Jo said, when she came out of the room. “What do you think?”
“I like it, but it’s not really your color” Anna said honest. “Plus it’s two inches short”
Jo got back in the room and while she took off the dress and...
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Isabel opened hearing two where inspector Anderson was still sitting with Andy. She signed and Anderson walked towards. She mumbled something to him and she and Anderson looked at Andy. Andy took a deep breath. He had a bad feeling about this.
Anderson walked behind Andy and ordered him to stand up. He cuffed him. “Andy Baker, I arrest you for the murder on Shannen White”
“What? But I didn’t kill her! I’m innocent!” Andy shouted. Anderson motioned at the guard who walked to them. He took Andy’s arm with a firm grip and forced him out of the room. When they were on the hallway, Andy saw Zoey and Cas standing a few yards further.
“He’s the one! He killed her! He’s the one you’re looking for!” he yelled.
“Mr. Allen has an alibi” Isabel said.
“No! He’s lying! He lies about everything! Emmanuel is not even his real name!” Andy yelled, while the guard dragged him along.
Zoey rushed into the police station and headed to the head bureau, when the receptionist stopped her. “Miss, do you have an appointment? You can’t just walk in there”
“I need to speak with inspector Roberts. She took Emmanuel here for some questions” Zoey said breathing fast. “He didn’t do it. He didn’t kill Shannen”
“I’ll see if she’s available” the receptionist said. She pressed a button on the phone and a few seconds later she got Isabel on the phone. She explained what was going on. She hung up and looked at Zoey. “Inspector Roberts will be here in a minute”
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Zoey parked her car in front of Daphne’s house. She tapped the wheel, waiting for Cas and Daphne to get out as quick as possible, so she could drive away as soon as she was legally allowed to. Her nose really hurt and Daphne wouldn’t let Cas heal her.
“Before I get out, there’s something I need to say” Daphne started and Zoey had the feeling that whatever her sister was about to say it wasn’t an apology.
“I’m going to change the locks” Daphne said. “I know you still have a key of the house and I can’t have you sneaking in each time you feel like it”
Zoey shook her head...
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“Shh” Cas lay his finger on his lips. “I hear something”
“Emmanuel? I’m back! Where are you?” Daphne called from downstairs.
Cas looked concerned at Meg. “You have to go” he insisted. “But can you change first? I don’t think it’s wise to let Daphne know I gave you her dress”
“Yeah, alright” Meg agreed. She walked out of the bathroom and entered the bedroom. She took of the dress and put on her underwear when the door opened.
“Manny, it’s very impolite not to knock” she said teasing and she turned around.
Daphne was standing in the doorway, looking furious.
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“He’s a cop, Zoey!” Daphne exclaimed. “What else do you need?”
“I’m sorry, D, I wasn’t thinking” Zoey said.
Cas was sitting at the kitchen table watching Daphne and Zoey arguing.
“Perhaps it might be better if I would find another place to stay” he suggested. Zoey rotated her head to him.
“Finally something smart coming out of your mouth” she said. “You know what? Get up, I’ll drive you myself”
Cas stood up, but Daphne walked to him and pushed him on the chair again.
“You’re not going anywhere” she said sharp.
Zoey took a deep breath. “Maybe we should...
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