Castiel and Meg Club
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“I’m going to pack our bags” Sam decided. “We’ve stayed in this town for far too long”
“I can call mom and ask her if you can crash at her place for a few days” Jo offered.
Sam nodded in agreement, then he looked at Dean. “I know you want to stay here, to be close to Cas, but I think it’s better if we go somewhere where we won’t be reminded of all this”
Dean shrugged and stood. He walked to the door and headed to his car. He opened the door and got in at the driver’s seat.
“Mom says it’s okay” Jo said soft after hanging up. “She’ll be happy to see you boys again” She packed Dean’s bag and handed it to Sam. “Tell mom I’m not coming home yet”
“Why not?” Sam wondered.
“I’d like to stay here, to take care of Meg” Jo explained careful.
“Meg can take care of herself” Dean snapped from in the doorway. “Are you ready yet? If we have to leave, I’d rather leave now”
Sam carried the bags outside and in the trunk. He stepped in the car at the driver’s seat and put the key in the ignition. He pushed the accelerator pedal and drove away, praying they’d never have to return.
Zoey knocked the door of the motel room. She had seen Dean leave a minute ago. He probably went to the blonde girl she just shot.
“Cas? Can you open the door?” she asked sweet.
Cas rotated his head and looked at the door.
“Please, Cas? I just want to talk” Zoey said slow.
Cas looked at the bed next to him, but Meg had fallen asleep. Lucky her, Cas thought.
“Cas, I have Dean and I have a gun. Open the door now”
Cas’ eyes widened in fear and he slowly came out of bed.
“I’m…I’m coming” he stammered. “Don’t kill him” He held his stomach, his injuries were still not completely...
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“Tell me you love me” Zoey said furious.
“I could never love you. You manipulating, lying, evil slut” Cas said bitter.
“Do you want me to pull out some more organs?” Zoey threatened.
Cas’ eyes bulged and he heavily shook his head.
“No, please, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again” he begged with tears in his eyes.
Zoey didn’t listen and forced her arm inside Cas for the third time.
“Stop doing that! It really hurts!” Cas now cried. “I’m sorry that I don’t love you”
Zoey’s hand searched its way up, causing Cas to throw up some more blood.
“I think that’s your heart”...
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How are you feeling?” Sam asked.
Meg was lying on the couch and with her eyes closed she answered: “As if someone stabbed me in my stomach and my hands”
“You want a painkiller or something?” Sam asked. This was weird. Last time he had spoken to Meg he had forbidden her to ever see Cas again. Now he believed he should’ve thought twice about that.
“I don’t think that’ll help” Meg said. “We need to find that Zoey bitch and chop her head off”
“What makes you think Zoey’s behind all this?” Sam asked.
“I read Daphne’s diary” Meg said soft. “Most of it is Daphne’s...
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Cas’ eyes flashed open and his chest went up and down. He was tied onto a chair and he felt a sharp pain in both his hands. He looked down at his shirt, which was soaked in blood. He moved his arms and the pain in his hands became worse. He looked over his shoulder and saw how an angel sword pinched his hands together. He heard footsteps and tried to free himself.
“You’re awake” Zoey said breathless. She was carrying a plate with food. “Good”
“You killed all those people” Cas said trembling. “Why?”
Zoey sighed. “Do we have to talk about that?” She lifted the plate. “Look,...
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The next morning.
Cas was sitting in the court room. The judge had sat down and ordered everyone to follow his example.
“The defendant may stand up”
Craig poked Cas to let him know he had to stand up.
“Castiel, you’ve been accused of pedophilia of the four year old Alexia Moore” the judge said.
“I didn’t do it” Cas said desperate. He searched the room to find Sam and Dean. They were in the back. Jo wasn’t there. Cas didn’t blame her. They didn’t know each other that well.
“There’s enough damning material to believe the opposite” Daphne’s attorney said.
That comment caused mixed reactions. On one side there were those people who believed Cas was guilty as charged and who wanted him convicted. On the other side there were those who thought he was innocent and they were not pleased with the words of the attorney.
“Silence” the judge said and he knocked with his hammer.
“Your honor, if you allow me, I’d like to summon my first witness”
Cas examined the rectangle he had found on the floor of his cell. There had been a note on it. ‘A present from Meg. Use it when you need me’
A strange warmth filled Cas’ heart as he read the note over and over again as if it were a love letter. Somewhere behind all that tough acting Meg cared for him. He knew that now and when he got out he would find her and convince her to give him another chance. He wouldn’t be so needy anymore, he wouldn’t…chase her like a lost puppy.
“I’m starting to think someone wrote a novel on that small piece of paper” a British voice said.
Cas looked...
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It was night and visiting hours were long over, but that didn’t stop Dean from checking on his best friend.
Cas was sitting on the cold floor, his head buried in his knees, trying to make himself as small as possible.
Dean, always armed with a lighter, made some light, because it was pitchdark.
“Hello, in there” he said a little nervous.
“Go away” Cas said hoarse.
“Sure, I’ll wait for you outside” Dean said confident.
“Then you can wait for a very long time” Cas said. “Because I’m not coming”
“Why not?” Dean asked a bit frustrated. “This isn’t about Meg, is it?”...
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“I’m sorry” the doctor. “There’s nothing we can do for him”
“But…you haven’t even tried” Zoey said trembling. “You can’t just leave without trying. You’re a doctor for God’s sake! Help him!”
She attacked the doctor and he let her slap him. The nurse came forward and pulled Zoey away.
“The pathologist will be here in a minute” the doctor said. “I’m really sorry”
The medical staff packed up their things and left. A few minutes later, Zoey hadn’t moved an inch, a few man in white costumes came in her room. Apparently the man next door, who had a key of the...
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Meg looked up. Cas was standing outside her cell.
“Dean and Sam want me to come with them” he said.
“Then what are you doing here?” Meg asked sober.
“I don’t want to go with them, if it means leaving you here” Cas said. He looked at the bars and teleported himself into the cell. Meg stood up and walked backwards until her back hit the wall. “What are you doing, Castiel?” she asked when Cas came closer.
“I love you” he said with a heavy voice. Meg felt his warm breath on her neck, right before he kissed her there.
“Cas, don’t” Meg said, but Cas didn’t...
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Dean was outside, leaning against the cabin, when Jo came standing next to him.
“You look happy” she said sarcastic.
“It sounds weird, but right now I wish Dick Roman was still alive” Dean said. “I have too much time to think”
“You want me to call mom? I think she knows a few ways to fix that” Jo commented.
“Where is she?” Dean asked.
“To the city, doing groceries” Jo answered. She looked up. “Did you hear from Cas? I mean, that’s why you’re so neurotic, right?”
Dean shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it. He’s had his chance, he blew it. I’m done with him”
“Have you tried talking to him?” Jo asked.
Dean leaned forward and kissed her. “No talking about Cas” he said.
“Okay” Jo agreed. She threw her arms around Dean’s neck and kissed him back. Dean lifted her in his arms and carried her inside the cabin.
The demon jumped up and floated in front of Meg.
“Missed me, pumpkin?” he smirked. He noticed Meg’s clothes were restored and her cuts where healed. “We should do something about that”
He ripped her shirt open and Cas looked aside, something that didn’t go unnoticed. “I think you’ve got yourself a spy, Meg”
“Leave her alone” Cas said sharp.
“Okay, because you ask so nicely” the demon said sarcastic.
“She’s suffered enough. Take me now” Cas insisted.
Another smirk appeared on the demon’s face and he averted his head to Cas. “Angel’s being a little impatient,...
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The next morning.
Cas came downstairs and saw Daphne was very occupied. The smell of coffee penetrated his nose and there was something baking in the oven.
“Oh, you’re awake” Daphne noted. She walked to him and guided him to the table. “Now, you sit down here,” She pushed him down on a chair and poured him a cup of coffee. “and enjoy your coffee. Breakfast will be ready in a minute”
“Why are you doing all of this?” Cas wondered.
Daphne opened the oven and took out the baking sheet. There were chocolate croissants on it. She put a couple on a plate and brought them to Cas. “Be...
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Zoey got in her car and drove away. She was going to check all places Daphne went. While she drove she dialed a number.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Gerard asked when he picked up.
“Nothing, eh, I’m just calling to say I’ll be home late” Zoey said.
“It’s 10:30 pm. How late is late?” Gerard asked grumpy.
Zoey sighed. “Look, something happened. Daphne escaped. She’s now wandering around somewhere. I need to find her before she hurts herself” she explained.
“Well, at least you’ll be free of her then” Gerard said annoyed.
“Gerard!” Zoey snapped shocked.
“What?” he snapped...
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“Zoey asked me to keep an eye on Alexia, while she visited Daphne in the hospital. Shannen, her babysit, said she would come later and then I could go to the hospital too. When Shannen arrived here it was raining and she was soaked. She asked me if she could take a shower first and I let her. Twenty minutes later she came downstairs in the kitchen and her leg was bleeding. I healed her and she wanted to give me some money, but I refused. Then she kissed me and tried to seduce me” Cas said.
Isabel’s colleague was writing everything down.
“And did she succeed?” Isabel asked with raised...
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Cas woke up at ten. He came out of bed listless and opened the curtains. It was cloudy and rainy. The weather matched his mood.
He walked downstairs to the fridge and took out some eggs. He had seen Daphne bake eggs and it didn’t seem all that difficult. He put the pan on the cooker and turned it on. But instead of waiting the pan was hot he opened the eggs and threw them in the pan right away.
He pricked in the still fluid egg which appeared to take longer to coagulate. He decided to make some coffee, while he waited.
Just pour some of that brown stuff in that thing, how hard can it be?,...
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“Dude, stop staring like that” Andy said. “I’m going to start to believe Linc was right about you” Cas frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Never mind” Andy said.
“I didn’t know you were Shannen’s boyfriend” Cas said.
“Does that matter?” Andy asked.
“Andy’s the reason I got to babysit Alex” Shannen explained. “He introduced me to Zoey”
“Oh, I get it” Cas said. He looked at the clock. “I should go to the hospital. Zoey will begin to wonder where I am”
“Yeah, go ahead” Shannen said. “And tell Zoey not to worry about Lex. We can stay the night here,...
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Cas forced Shannen against the wall and kissed her hard on the lips, while Shannen unbuttoned his shirt. Cas put his left hand behind Shannen’s neck while his other hand slipped underneath her dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra. He lay his hand on her breast and massaged her nipple.
Shannen slipped her right hand in his pants and started jerking him off again. Cas removed his hands and removed Shannen’s clothes and took off his shirt. He lifted Shannen off the ground and she threw her legs around his waist. He walked her to the bed and lay her down.
“I think I need something” Cas said....
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A nurse was helping Daphne with her lunch when Zoey came in the room. The nurse looked up.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” Zoey said apologizing.
“No, it’s okay” the nurse said. “Maybe, if you want, you can take over”
“Yeah, sure” Zoey said and she walked to the bed. The nurse got up and offered Zoey his chair.
“Enjoy your meal, Daphne” the nurse said. “When you need something, just push the button. I’m staying close”
He walked to the door and left.
Zoey sat down on the chair and looked at Daphne’s plate. “Oooh, chicken, yummy”
Daphne shrugged. “You can...
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An hour later.
Cas was back home, washing Daphne’s bloody sheets in the sink when the door opened and Zoey and Alexia came in.
“The hospital called” Zoey said, before Cas could greet her.
“Is there something wrong with Daphne?” Cas asked concerned.
“No, they said she calmed down a little” Zoey reassured Cas. She paused for a minute. “I want to try and talk some sense into Daphne. She has to realize she needs help and that we can’t give it to her. The only problem is that I need someone to watch Alex while I’m there. Gerard’s gone working, but I called Shannen and she said...
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Daphne was lying on the bed, Mitch on top of her, when they heard the door open. Daphne pushed Mitch off of her. “Quick, get under the bed”
Mitch reluctantly shoved underneath the bed while Daphne put on her clothes. She walked downstairs where Cas was waiting in the hallway.
“What were you doing?” he informed.
“Not that it’s any of your business,” Daphne started with raised eyebrows. “but I was sleeping. I was tired”
Cas nodded in understanding.
“What’s that?” Daphne asked, with a nod at the vase.
“Oh” Cas said. “Macky gave this to me as a token of his gratitude”...
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