Castiel and Meg Club
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Jo and Anna where walking at the mall. Jo needed some distraction and Anna needed companion. Jo walked into a clothing shop and dragged Anna inside. Her eyes fell on a long, purple dress and she walked towards it.
“You should try it on” Anna encouraged her. Jo took the dress and walked to the fitting rooms. “Thanks for taking me with you”
“You’re welcome” Jo said, when she came out of the room. “What do you think?”
“I like it, but it’s not really your color” Anna said honest. “Plus it’s two inches short”
Jo got back in the room and while she took off the dress and put her clothes back on, she said: “Well, there not for me”
“Then who are they for?” Anna wondered.     
Jo walked out of the room. “It’s a present for Meg” She walked passed Anna, who’s mouth dropped open.
“What?” she said. She followed Jo. “Why? She killed you and your mother. Why would you do something nice for her? She doesn’t deserve that”
Jo paid the dress and walked outside. “I’m not doing this for her. I’m doing it for me” she said.
Anna lifted her hands. “Now, you’ve totally lost me”
Jo sighed. “If I can make Meg and Cas steady, then maybe Dean will pay more attention to me”
added by chameron4eva
Meg was pacing up and down the motel room. Both Sam and Dean had turned off their phones, so she had no idea if they had found Cas yet or not.
“Screw you, Dean” she growled and she walked to the door, forgetting it was locked. “Damn it!”
“I see you could use some help” Anna said from behind Meg. Meg turned around in fear. She never felt comfortable around angels, even now that she was a human. Anna quickly walked towards Meg. “I hope you’re trying to get out so you can go to Cas?” she said in an interrogating tone.
“You know where he is?” Meg asked agitated.
“You could...
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Evan waved with the DVD.
“This is where it’s all about. Without this DVD Mr. Castiel wouldn’t be sitting here and no one would make him take responsibility for his actions. Your honor, if you allow me I would like to show this DVD to you and the jury”
Daphne’s laptop was standing on a table.
“Objection!” Craig shouted for the second time. ‘Daphne Allen is a woman suffering from a mental illness. Inspector Roberts took advantage of Daphne’s ignorance and though she didn’t have a search warrant she still searched the house, which means the DVD doesn’t count”
The request to...
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Dean opened the door of the house, wondering if Jo was there, too, or if she had returned home.
“Sammy?” he called, assuming Cas would be asleep. He walked to the kitchen and saw Sam sitting with his head in his hands.
“What happened?” Dean asked sharp, already regretting the fact that he left.
“We asked Anna to read Cas, to see if he was being possessed” Sam started tired.
“We?” Dean asked, though he had an idea.
“Meg and I” Sam confirmed Dean’s suspicion. “She’s not here anymore” he added quick when he saw Dean’s face change. “He’s not being possessed. But...
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Crowley was training his new powers on some of his demons, while he thought of all the things he could do with it. The ironic thing was that Cas had given him his powers to save Dean, and the first thing Crowley wanted to do with his new abilities was drain the life out of that Winchester chucklehead.
But that wouldn’t be the most clever plan ever. The Winchesters would probably expect him to strike now. So, maybe, he should send someone else.
As if on cue, Kevin appeared and a malicious smile appeared on Crowley’s face.
“Kevin!” he exclaimed and Kevin turned to Crowley.
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Cas took Ellen’s arm and disappeared. He landed in the ICU, next to Jo’s bed.
“Warn me if someone’s coming. I don’t know how long this will take” Cas said dispassionately. Ellen nodded and walked to the door. She opened it and walked outside.
Cas sank down on the bed and lay his hands on both Jo’s temples. He closed his eyes and prayed for Jo to open her eyes.
And she did. At first everything was a blur. She reached out her hand and touched Cas’ face. “Dean?” she mumbled weak. When Cas’ face became clearer she withdrew her hand. “I’m sorry”
Cas didn’t reply, but...
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Sam was sitting at Dean’s death bed, when the door opened and Ellen walked in. Sam was lost in grief, so he didn’t hear her. It wasn’t until she lay her hand on his shoulder that he looked up.
“Ellen?” he said confused. He hadn’t thought about calling anyone, so why was she here? “Did Cas call you?” he asked, though he knew that couldn’t be the case.
“No” Ellen said numb. “I had to be here” Then, with a little more strength in her voice, she said: “That bitch shot my daughter”
“What?” Sam exclaimed while getting up. “Well, where is she? Is she going to be okay?”...
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Sam held the door of the hospital open, while Cas carried the unconscious Dean inside. Before they could call for help an emergency doctor rushed to them and called for a stretcher. A male nurse rode a stretcher to them and Cas lay Dean down on it. As the doctor drove to the emergency room, she asked what happened.
“He’s been shot” Cas quickly answered.
“What’s his blood type?” the doctor needed to know. Sam answered and the doctor drove the stretcher into the emergency room. “Sorry, you have to wait outside” she said as she closed the doors, leaving Sam and Cas outside.
Sam ran...
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Cas beached on the street, far away from Rufus’ cabin. He wasn’t sure how to feel. He was angry, because Dean wouldn’t listen to him. Dean always thought he knew everything better. He was disappointed, because Dean had no faith in him at all.
He was so up in thought that he didn’t hear his name. But maybe that was because she didn’t use his real name.
Someone grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around. He looked at the woman. She looked familiar.
“Didn’t you hear me?” the woman asked. Cas stared at her. “Don’t you recognize me? It’s me, Daphne, your wife?”
Cas widened his eyes as he remembered her.
“Daphne” he said breathless. “How did you find me? What are you doing here?”
“Well, I hired a detective, I needed to find you” Daphne said. She searched in her pockets and conjured a big brown envelope. “I need you to sign these”
“What is it?” Cas frowned.
“A petition for annulment” Daphne answered.
When Cas and Zoey finally came downstairs more guests had arrived. And among the guests there was a four year old girl. She had blonde, wavy hair, green eyes, chubby cheeks and thin lips. She ran towards Zoey and Zoey lifted her in her arms.
“There you are, Poppy” Zoey said.
“Mommy” the girl squeaked, squeezing her chubby arms tightly around Zoey’s neck, suffocating her.
“Is that Alexia?” Cas asked. Zoey nodded and put her daughter on her own feet. “Say hi to Emmanuel, sweetie”
Alexia reached out her hand and smiled. “Hello, Emmanuel”
Cas accepted the tiny hand and Alexia...
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Credit to: Snooglyshnork....supernatural. meg/castiel, lucifer/castiel. (and technically alastair/castiel, sam/castiel, uriel/castiel; anna/castiel, meg/dean, meg/sam.)
meg 2
meg 1
posted by chameron4eva
Abandon All Hope
Castiel: (to Meg) You seem pleased.
Meg: We’re gonna win. Can you feel it? You cloud-hopping pansies lost the whole damn universe. Lucifer’s gonna take over Heaven. We’re going to Heaven, Clarence!
Castiel: (smiles slightly) Strange. Because I heard a different theory from a demon named Crowley.
Meg: (her smile vanishes) You don’t know Crowley.
Castiel: He believes that Lucifer is just using demons to achieve an end. And that once he does... he’ll destroy you all.
Meg: You’re wrong! Lucifer is the father of our race. Our creator. Your God may be a deadbeat, but mine...
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added by chameron4eva
Meg took Cas’ scarred hands in hers and looked at them closely.
“Where did you leave the bandage?” she asked.
“Bathroom” Cas mumbled numb.
Meg let go of him and climbed off the bed. She left the room and headed to the bathroom. She opened the door and held her breath.
Cas pushed himself up and stumbled out of bed. He staggered to the window and opened it. He looked down and tried to figure out the best way to fall down. He had to be dead, not crippled.
Meg cleaned up the blood and collected the bandage, before she went back to Cas’ room. She opened the door and dropped the bandage....
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added by Alexi95
Source: zinzir
It was early morning. The sun was nowhere to be seen and it drizzled, so most people stayed inside if they didn’t really have to leave their house.
Jessica was one of the unlucky ones who had to face the bad weather. That what’s you get when you take a dog.
“You better make it quick” she told the golden retriever walking next to her. He pulled her forward and they walked behind the first corner they encountered, into an alley. The retriever did his thing and Jessica cleaned it up. She was lucky, there was a garbage container. Jessica wanted to walk out of the alley. She didn’t feel...
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added by Alexi95
Source: Joy-chan966
Dean was still in his room, like a moping teenager. Sam closed his laptop and came sitting next to Jo. Ellen was making lunch.
“It’s a long story” Sam said, before Jo had said anything.
“Well, then you shouldn’t bother telling me” Jo replied.
“It’s complicated” Sam said.
“I can handle complicated” Jo said. “What I can’t handle is being used without knowing why”
“A lot has happened, after you and Ellen died” Sam started. “We managed to stop the Apocalypse and Cas gained more power. He became the leader of the other angels and he was stuck in a civil war. Raphael...
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Cas was standing in front of the mirror, in the bathroom. He was shirtless and he held some kind of gun in his right hand. He put his arm behind his back and placed the gun against his shoulder blade. He shot and ink came out of the gun. He made some kind of mark and repeated the process over and over again until his back was covered with a repeat of the same tattoo.
He put his arm forward and placed the gun against his chest. He repeated the process and small streams of blood ran over his thorax.
When his chest was tattooed as well, he put on his shirt, not caring about the blood. So what...
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Cas walked out of the room, while the nurses tied Daphne onto the bed. He leaned against the wall and felt his heart beating in his chest.
“It’s my fault” he heard Zoey said. She was leaning against the opposite wall. “I told her you only stayed with her because you feel sorry for her. And now look what she’s done to herself. What kind of sister am I? I know she’s not well and yet I leave her alone?”
Cas walked towards and lay his hand on her arm. “It’s not your fault, Zoey. You did the best you could”
Zoey shook her head. “I can’t do this anymore. It’s too much”...
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