Carlisle Cullen Club
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posted by katcullen
here it is! please comment with suggestions!

**Journal Entry**

Four months passed. I adjusted quickly to their way of life. They viewed themselves as higher beings, as did I. Humans were a food source and nothing more. I was taught to fight; I learned the histories of their battles. It didn’t take long for me to become Aro’s favourite little prodigy much to Jane’s displeasure. Perhaps it was my fierce loyalty, or my connection to the Cullens. Either way, he taught me his ways, oversaw my training and I was the first one to know of his plan. Dimitri was going to track the Cullens who had presumably relocated and I was going to take a solo trip to visit then. Eventually Aro wanted to tear apart the coven and take the gifted ones for his own, but for now I was to go and gather information. I would stay for a couple months, claiming that I had seen the error of my ways and wanted to spend some time with them again. I was to allow Alice her gift back, because Aro didn’t want her “getting too rusty”. The plan was perfect. The only drawback is that I have been living on animal blood for the past three months so my eyes would go golden. This would give the false pretense of my commitment and allow me to remain inconspicuous and controlled around humans, although the newborn temper still remained, but I was now able to focus on other priorities. It had only taken a short amount of time before I realized that I could access the gifts that I had taken, and this element to my gift made me even more so valuable to Aro.

** real time **
“I will be fine my master. You have no need to worry about me. I could fight half of their coven single handedly and the visions warn me of any danger.” I made no attempt to hide my self confidence. “Indeed you are right. Go now, serve us well. I shall reunite you with your Volturi ring when you return, but for now you must leave it. We will give them no reason to doubt your flawless lies.” I nodded and handed it over, before stepping into a dark tinted limo. I spent most of the trip to Chicago going over plans. Everything was set- I was registered to a high school that the Cullen kids attended, and I had a place rented if they did not allow me back into their home. A couple flights and a private limo ride later the driver finally spoke. “Here we are, miss.” His voice interrupted my thoughts. “Fabulous, thank you.” I said, my voice tinted with a slight Italian accent. I handed him a generous amount of cash and headed up the steps to the understated little bungalow that I was renting. I got myself settled and spent the evening unpacking and hunting, animals only much to my dismay.

I made sure to wait in my parked car for the Cullens to arrive. Giving them 10 minutes to get to class, I headed to a science lab with the element of surprise on my side. I had taken Edward’s gift last night so they would not suspect me until I was seated in the chair beside Alice in biology. Thoughts swirled around in my head. Geez, that got old pretty fast. I focused until I found the voice I was looking for. Alice was well wrapped up in her thoughts, so much so that I doubted she would hear my conversation with the teacher. The majority of the humans in the classroom stared at me as I strolled over to the empty seat beside Alice. “Miss me, mio caro amico (my dear friend)?” I kept a polite smile on my face in case anyone was watching. Alice’s head snapped up and she gaped at me. “What are you doing here!” She hissed at me. I laughed. “Careful now, wouldn’t want the teacher to think you’re harassing the new girl.” I smirked. Her eyes narrowed. “Besides, I came back to join you guys again. Got tired of working for Aro.” Now it was her turn to smirk. “I highly doubt that.” She said and turned her attention to the assigned work. “I wouldn’t write me off so quickly, not when I can return you your gift.” I whispered. She raised her hand, and the teacher came over. She prattled off some excuse for the both of us, and he let us leave class. The door clicked shut and she led out of the school, taking us to a concealed strip of forest. Only then did she throw me against the tree with a growl. “YOU?! You were the one who took my visions from me? And Edward’s gift too, I presume?” I hissed and shoved her off, pinning her to the ground. “Yes, although I do not appreciate you tossing me around like that. Aro would not be pleased if you so much as scratched his ladro di regali, stealer of gifts.” Her face went white as a sheet. I opened my mouth to say something when a set of hands pried me off of Alice. I let out a snarl and whipped around to see a very angry Jasper knock me several feet back. He towered over me before I could get back to my feet. Every instinct told me to fight back, but Aro specifically wanted me to join their family again, so I had to make them think they were the ones in control. Much to his surprise, I broke eye contact, stopped struggling against him and let my snarls quiet down, the universal sign of submission. “Uhh, sorry. Instinct reaction.” I muttered sheepishly. He leaned back slightly but made no move to get off of me and allow me to get up. He glanced at his lover who came to stand beside him. “What is she doing here?” He asked her. “I’ve come to ask if you will accept my request to join your family again. I have seen the error of my ways and I no longer wish to live like a monster.” I answered before Alice had the chance to. He glanced at me suspiciously. “Not much has changed about that temper of yours. Perhaps it’s one of the human qualities that you carried over into your vampire life. I will go alert the others. Take her deeper into the forest so we have no chance of being caught and wait for me there.” He spoke only to Alice now. She nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder as I got up. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Jasper headed off towards the school. Perfect, if I can get Alice on my side that will definitely help things. I thought to myself. These few minutes would have to be enough time. We walked in silence for a few minutes, before coming to a stop and sitting on the large trunk of a fallen tree. Now was my chance to do some serious ass kissing. I crossed my legs and dropped my head, letting my hair cloak my face. Just as I had been taught how to be lethal, I had also learned how to appear submissive and docile, making the opponent believe that they have the upper hand. “Alice, I’m so sorry. What I did to you and the pain it caused you was unfair and an extremely low blow. I am disgusted with myself for betraying my sister like that, to earn Aro’s approval. Do you think you’ll be able to forgive me?” My confident tone was traded for a snaky, morose voice. I obviously did something right because I heard her shift over and she brushed my hair back so she could meet my eyes. “Just don’t ever pull something like that again, ok?” I nodded and threw my arms around her. She hugged me back. A small part of me felt awful about this. Here Alice was, forgiving me and hugging me and I’m supposed to betray her, and all of them again. Someone cleared their throat. We both looked up startled, and leaned away from each other. Edward, Bella, Emmett and Jasper were all looking at me with varying looks of wariness to downright distrust. “I’m assuming Jasper already filled you in?” I asked. He nodded. “Good. Well then, I think I’m going to head to the house and wait for Carlisle, I’ve had enough of this human charade.” I waved my hand in the vague direction of the school. “You’re gonna need an address.” Bella reminded me. I stopped in my tracks. “Oh, come on. Give me a little credit. You think I’d come back without doing my homework first? I know perfectly well where the house is. It’s quite a nice area might I add. Quiet, secluded. Perfect for a house of vampires.”

It only took half an hour to get to their place. Carlisle’s car was already in the driveway. I checked my watch. 10:30am. He must have worked night shift. I parked my car in the grassy clearing and was at the door in the next second. Carlisle opened the door as I went to knock. His expression was a mask of undisguised shock. “Callie? What are you doing here?” My chest twinged as I heard the voice of my lover, the one who I had left for blood and power, and would ultimately betray again for the same reasons. “I’ve come back for you. All of you. The Volturi isn’t the life I want anymore. If you will accept my apology, I would like to live with you again.” A range of emotions crossed Carlisle’s face, before settling into shock. Neither of us spoke for a few minutes. Finally, very quietly, he started to speak. “Yes. You may join us again Callie. However, there are several rules and things you must know. The first being that us, as a couple, cannot happen.” “What? Why not! You know I didn’t leave because of you, I left for blood and power.” He nodded. “That I know already. I am in love with someone else now Callie.” I snarled. “Just like that, you got over me? Boy, she must be something spectacular if you would change another human for yourself.” He was silent. I gasped. “SHES HUMAN! YOU FORGOT WHAT WE HAD AND STARED SEEING A HUMAN?!” I was beyond furious, but I didn’t harm him. Aro wanted them all alive and trusting in me. “No, you left me. Remember that Callie. You were the one who walked away from this relationship. I have nothing to apologize for. Keep your voice down as well please, Jenn is upstairs.” I narrowed my eyes. “Whatever, we’ll finish this later.” I said as I heard the Cullen clan pull into the driveway. Heading back out to my car, I grabbed my bags and lugged them in. “Pick a room on the third floor.” Carlisle motioned to the stairs. I swept past him and headed to find somewhere to set my stuff up. I found a suitable bedroom quickly. Large and bright, it had two glass walls that opened up to the calm eden of the forest. Already furnished, unpacking took me less than two minutes. I could hear the gang downstairs talking about me. Good, no one was paying attention to me. Moving without a sound, I crept up to the room where Carlisle’s human was. She had her headphones on, so presumably she hadn’t heard the fighting. I tapped her lightly on the shoulder. She jumped and spun around in her chair. She looked to be in her mid twenties. Red hair framed her pale face, and two curious green eyes stared at me. I cut her off as she started to open her mouth to speak. “Listen to me you little bloodwhore. Carlisle is mine, you’d better fucking get that through your head. If I catch you so much as looking at him I swear to god you won’t live to see the next day-“ I was cut off as Jasper, Emmett and Edward burst into the room, grabbing me and dragging me out. I growled and thrashed around. “Callie. Callie! That’s enough. Go take a walk.” Jasper’s tone wasn’t one to argue with. I shrugged them off and stormed out of the house, quickly making my way out of their hearing range. Once I was well into the woods, I pulled out my phone and dialed the Volturi’s main number. “Hello?” The annoyingly perky voice of the human secretary greeted me. “Put Aro on. Now.” I snapped. The line went quiet. “Hello, my dear one!” Aro’s voice filled the line. “Have you got good news for your master?” I rolled my eyes at the term in which he referred to himself. “Indeed. I have gotten back in with the Cullens. Carlisle has befriended a human toy, a replacement for me. Are you sure I can’t kill just one?” I whined. He chuckled. “You little bloodthirsty monster. But no, remain in the good graces of the Cullens. Let them think that they are taming you out of your newborn ways or whatever they would like to think. Don’t give them reason to be suspicious. Use Maya’s gift of blocking Alice’s visions of you to keep our cover from being blown and be careful of your thoughts around the mind reader. Lie low for just a few months while I plan my attack against the Cullens. Can you do that?” He asked. “Yes Aro.” Was all I said. “Marvelous. As long as I don’t hear from you I will assume that all is well. Goodbye for now.” He hung up. I sighed loudly and cleared my call history. I had a bit of a dilemma- I was beyond thirsty, and hunting humans wasn’t considered to be laying low, but I did NOT want to eat an animal. Yuck. I took my frustration out on the nearest tree. By the time I was done, campers were going to have some great firewood just chilling in the woods. I ran back to the house with a plan already together. I would have human blood today. I slipped into the house, hopefully unnoticed. All I had to do was get to Carlisle’s medical office and I could have at all of the donor blood bags I could finish by the time they caught me. Alice appeared beside me. “Not a chance.” She warned me as she tugged me along past the office door and up to the third floor where her hangout room was. I sighed loudly. “I’m thirstyyyyyyy.” I complained. She raised an eyebrow and met me square on in my pitch black eyes. “So I see. But being a Cullen means committing yourself to animal blood. If you won’t try, you can’t stay. This you already know.” She reminded me. “But I’m so fucking thirsty and those deer are nasty and if I don’t do something about the burn in my throat there’s no telling what might happen next. As much as she disgusts me, I would even drain the bloodwhore if given the chance.” Alice rolled her eyes. “Go hunt, no one wants to be around a thirsty miserable newborn.” She pointed to the door. I growled loudly and threw her against the wall. “I am not a newborn, and I think you would be wise to make note of it. I spent months training with the Volturi, it would be best if you remembered that I can very easily kill you.” I hissed. She ducked out of my grasp and then pinned me against the wall. You are still very much a newborn. It is evident in your behavior, how you lost your temper so easily. Now, before you try something that you really regret, go hunt a bear and try to come back with a decent head on your shoulders. I know you are so much more than an irrational monster, you just have to work for it.” She let me go.
added by sasie_katje88
added by october_song
Source: Fanpop
added by amy_oth
added by necuratul
added by pellegrino_girl
Source: pellegrino_girl
Renemsee's POV.

9 months had passed and I was a mother to a baby girl named Gillian.
Gillian was a beautiful girl. She had black hair with ringlets,her skin was pale and her lips were bright pink.
Her eyes were sky blue.
By the time she was two weeks old she could speak and walk.
She had the same gift as me and my mom.She had a awful lot of skill and was used to using her powers.
Carlisle looked at Gillian like she was a god on earth.He treasured when he got to feed her or hold her.
Gillian was like a diamond to me and Carlisle.
A few months later Gillian learned she would have a sibling.
I was expecting another child.
added by ginny3001
Source: zeisha
posted by xxdeamonxx6
I think Dr.Cullen, made the right and wrong choice by creating his family of vampires, here are some examples of what I mean, you may decide for yourself.

First, Dr Cullen made the right choice by saving all those children and Esme, it was very kind and genorous to do this. Also, it was doing the whole "vampie world" a great deed by creating more "vegitarian" vampires to rebel against the trackers. Another reason why it was right to change the Cullens into the vampires they are today, is that they are all trying to keep the world under control. In other words, Dr.Cullen is a doctor of course,...
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added by Cittycat19
added by sasie_katje88
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Video based off a Twilight fanfic.
the cullens
peter facinelli
edward and bella
bella and carlisle
added by Irja
posted by katcullen
My alarm clock buzzed waaay to early for my liking. Reluctantly, I got out of bed. My mom was already gone, as per usual. I hurried to get ready and drove slightly over the speed limit in efforts to get to school on time. I squeaked into English class just before the bell rang. Choosing a seat near the window, I sat down and got my binder out, waiting for the teacher to come. A chair beside me slid out from under the desk and I looked up to see Alice setting her stuff down. I smiled and went back to my book. Mr. Manuel strolled into class a few minutes late. He assigned a large project, to...
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added by ESME_LIBRA17
added by Andressa_Weld
added by pellegrino_girl
Source: pellegrino_girl
added by milkie
posted by MrsCCullen
In a busy city much like any other, there lived two Teenagers who were the closest of friends. One was a female with lush thick brunette hair and moon like brown eyes, the other a male golden blonde hair and liquid almost topaz like hazel eyes. The male’s name was Carlisle Cullen and the female name was Emma Wiliams, I should know because that girl is I. This is the story of how we dearly cared for and loved the other inside as teenagers, but did not admit these feelings until we were much older after half a decade of separation. Our tale begins the day we were reunited through an...
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