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-Peridot- Pic by: Mom
-Peridot- Pic by: Mom
For my father to be so up beat and "sunny", I'm not. I have many musical talents, yes, but I'm goth. I'm not the usual person you'd find among up beat brothers and sisters. They tried to break me of my gothic habbits, but it didn't work. They gave me the orange Camp Half Blood shirt and faded black jeans (Thank the gods), but even they agreed that it didn't work. It didn't go with my dark eyes and black hair. They just gave me a black CBH t-shirt. Want to know how I got to Camp Half Blood? Well, I came here on my thirteenth birthday.
"MOM!! Where are all my BLACK clothes!?" I yelled
"Its your birthday and the talent show today sweetie. Wear something nice, Peridot," she replied.
"Ugh fine," I said. We always have an annual talent show on my birthday. Its always in the wheat field next to the school because we dont have an auditoriam. I always do something instremental. This year I'm doing violin. I put on a dress. "Thank the gods it's a half day," I wispered. My mom came in with a Pop Tart with a candle in it. "Mom you keep forgeting that I'm a vegitatian. I don't like sweets or meat," I sighed, grabing an apple.
"Just blow out the candle to make a wish, sweetie," my mom replied. I blew out the candle. My wish is always the same. To win a place in the talent show.
I walked to school with my best friend. A girl named Annabeth Chase. She walked beside her boyfriend, Percy Jackson. "Whats with the fancy dress?" he asked.
"It's my birthday, and the talent show, at my school," I replied.
"Oh," he said.
"Happy Birthday, Peridot. That reminds me!" Annabeth said, pulling something out a gift. I opened it. It was a book. It was about a camp. There was a card. I read it. It was nice. I hugged her.
"Thanks, but what is the book for?" I asked.
"Today, things are going to change for you. You know your greek right?" Annabeth asked.
I pulled out my necklace, that had my nick name, Δωρεάν κορίτσι, free girl, in greek. "Obviously," I replied. Annabeth smiled.
My school is five miles from my house. I go to Cliff Hoole High. I walk there and back Monday-Friday. I go to school for a regular year, so 180 times five is 900. Now times that by two, for there and back, which equals 1800 miles. I walk 1800 miles a year, so I'm in pretty good shape. I'm usually expected at third period, which today is the Talent Show.
I got there and went to gym, which is were contestances meet. I took out my violin. I started playing it and everyone stared at me. I stopped. "Beethoven" I stated. They stared at me. I started playing again. I never ACTUALLY played. My arm was always under some spell that guided my hand. I never took lessons for any instrument I own. I guess I just came into this world with the lessons already indented into my brain. I tell people that and they don't believe me. The teacher came in.
"Ok kitties. The talent show has been posponed until tonight. BUT you will have the day off from home room to practice," the music teacher stated. There was a sudden burst of joy in the room. "But only to practice. If you don't you will be disquallified. Got it?" Asked the teacher. The whole room nodded. I started playing again to fill the scilence. I didn't pay attention to the violin, though I still played perfectly, I paid attention to a man staring at me. It made me uncomfortable. It's like he was looking into my soul, trying to get information that he needed to ruin me. But why? I don't know, and I don't want to find out, I thought to myself. I started playing again. Those words that Annabeth said about how my life was going to change also disturbed me. What did she mean? Why does she know? HOW does she know? Well, yeah, it's my thirteenth birthday, so what will happen? Will I turn hiddious? She did give me a book on a Camp. I didn't read the cover though. I grabed a book on violins and put the book into the violin book. I read the cover. Exploring Camp Half Blood, Camp for Demigods by Annabeth Chase. "Camp half Blood," I wispered to myself. I closed the book and put it in my bag. For the rest of that day, until the talent show, I practiced.
On my walk home, I caught up to Annabeth and Percy. "They posponed the Talent show until 7:00 PM tonight, if you wanna come," I looked at Percy. I rolled my eyes. "Well if you want to come Annabeth, I have a feeling your boy friend doesn't like the talent type." I added
"What! I love going to stuff like that!" Percy said. I laughed.
"Yea I'll come," Annabeth replied.
It wad 7:00 and my mom drove me there. I walked into the grain field. They had set up a stage and everything! They had lights thank the gods. I got behind the stage and started practing, sielently. My mom came around back and snapped a picture of me. I jumpped when I saw the flash. My mom snuck around in front of the stage again and sat in her chair. I was up next. I was half way into my song when THEY came. The furies.